ITT post your favourite mtg cards that are silly and/or break the norm.
Fun MTG card thread
I wonder if I should've put tits in the OP pic or something
Anyone even lurking?
Some of these old cards border on un-format levels of odd
Aight, seems like i've been posting to myself this whole time. I thought it was /v/ that was supposed to hate fun.
bumping fun thread
nonono. I came a bit late maybe, but keep posting. This is great
really fun EDH card imo
Basically anything that gets people to mix decks and think is OK in my book
The best is when you have the conspiracy "draft matters" cards in play and do that.
And at one point, it read 'At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, that player concedes the match' on modo!
post the one that teaches you basic hygiene and how to act appropriately in a public setting... cause it's the one that you Mtg fags need the most
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