So mcafee once again

so mcafee once again...
XVG instant lost 100 sats worth

wat do? will i keep going downwards?


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What do? Make your own decisions pal. Be a man. Not a soyboy.

I suggest you read a bit before buying and conclude that Verge doesn't have a working product while others do.

Buy burst

Your family will thank you

end ur life soyboy

anyone who makes trade decisions based on his tweets is retarded.

already have BURST, but i think verge boi betrayed us =(

no 26/27th hype or pump... good white paper but price wise meeeeeh

Basic math skills needed, then you would realize $15 XVG means a $215bil market cap, BTC $265bil. In other words, just leave, go to reddit or something.
You can profit off the hype, in and out.
Verge good white paper? It's just a bunch of hype and buzz built around buzzwords like wraith, stealth, tor and anonymity. You betrayed yourself with your own stupidity.

i meant BURST, not Verge ;)
i know that Verge is a rebranded Dogecoin Dark aka Dogecoin with semi optimal Tor features :D

Don’t worry about verge boi

We got real players coming.. you can trust me.

He absolutely said fifteen DOLLARS. Everyone called him out and said Verge would need Bitcoin's market cap to hit that. I knew the Vergen boys were gutter trash, but holy fuck.

Welcome to pump and dumps. You got dumped on.

the fake mcafee twitter is himself. devious bastard

i hope so, i am willing to go nearly all in on verge bois group stuff... but i dont know...

yeah i know, the gets called out but...BUT... that fake profil tho :D hahaha

I can confirm, I do recall him saying Verge could go to $15, I fucked laughed so hard. Enjoy your pyramid scheme and getting dumped on by the whale wallets.

That was the fake mcafee...


I enjoy you faggots taking all of McAfee's dumps.
Usually he's the one enjoying getting dumped on

now xvg is dumping

stinky mcfee

It's hilarious how McAfee is trying to save face, yet everything he's saying is outright wrong.

In this post he said that the Instragam in question is his official one:

In his YouTube account, that Instagram is also linked to it:

And what is more hilarious, is that he's denying that proof and saying everything is edited, yet it's all in oficial sources, check this one out and have a laugh:

I really hope the McAfee meme dies with this trainwreck of missinfo, holy shit, I'm literally dying over here, this is hilarious!

Dont take financial advice from a pothead.

Just when it started to recover he goes ahead and fucking kills it. Great job, fucker.

Also this just means Mcafe wants to buy back in. Probably knows wraith is about to come out.
