Replace the Tyranids with the BETA. Is 40K humanity more screwed? Less? About the same?
Replace the Tyranids with the BETA. Is 40K humanity more screwed? Less? About the same?
Less, even.
Less. The imperium is not afraid to destroy whole worlds if need be and would have problem exterminatus a planet if the BETA become entrenched with their hives.
I mean, I'd consider destroying the planet a loss.
Dude just let it go. 40k fans will never admit that there's a larger threat than what's presented in the 40k universe. We had an entire thread about this a few days ago that went nowhere for this exact reason.
I mean yeah, able to shoot 100km with complete accuracy? This seems pretty poorly written.
What kind of Japanese bullshit am I looking at.
Space Ants
The BETA are basically mining equipment crossed with Von Neumann machines. They have next to zero ability to fight beyond the surface of whatever planet they're harvesting.
Also, the same hard-wiring that prevents them from seeing carbon-based life as truly alive, would probably impair them in fights against the Necrons
Beings of ExtraTerrestrial origin who are Adversary to the human race... ya know BETA cuz that's how acronyms work
>Hardness = Toughness
You can crush a diamond (10 Mohs) with a hammer.
Yes, if they planet isn't immediately exterminatused and the BETA are allowed to grow, they'll eventually evolve forms that are actually meant to fight. And they're incredibly effective at adapting to enemy technology and tactics.
They might even develop something to intercept cyclonic torpedos once they get their hands on the brain of some military higher up
>A beta species
Truly a dangerous foe...
Warhammer may be notorious for bad writing but I can assure you Muv-Luv takes the cake. Got into cause someone told me the premise. Dropped it when I realize the show revolved around plot-Armor and other bullshit. I would much rather stick with 40k then rewatch this stupid show.
>40k fans will never admit that there's a larger threat than what's presented in the 40k universe
40k fan (specifically Ork player) here.
There are definitely factions that can pose a threat to the 40k universe.
Even disregarding the 'we can break galaxies in half!' OP factions like the Culture and the Xeelee
The first ones that come to mind for me are the Forerunner and the Flood from the Halo series. As a disclaimer, I became a Halo fan roughly 2-3 years before I got into 40k (although my interest in the Haloverse as risen and fallen over the years), so my take might be slightly biased.
The modern Flood are a major threat to 40k humanity because, to quote Rtas 'Vadum in Halo 3: "One single Flood spore can destroy an entire species." Their ability to completely infect an entire world's biomass at a such a rapid pace is what makes them so damn dangerous, especially if there's a Flood outbreak on one of the Imperium's Hive Worlds. All it'd take for a world to be doomed would be the Flood infecting enough Underhive/Lower hive residents to make a Gravemind in one Hive City and they'd have infected the entire planet by the end of the week. That puts them on at least the same level as the Tyranids in terms of how much of a threat they would be to 40k humanity.
And that's just the modern Flood. The ancient Flood... well let's just says that the Imperium would be a LOT smaller (even post-Dark Imperium) than it is now.
As for the Forerunner... yeah, if they decided to go all out in a war against 40k humanity, the Imperium's done, and they probably have to break out the Halos.
Here's a look at the size of some of their ships for perspective.
>Sojourner-class dreadnoughts: 9.43 km long
>Fortress-class vessels (carriers/battleships): 100 km long
>Planet-breaker-class (see: Didact's ship aka Mantle's Approach): 142.7 km long, 138.6 km wide, 371.4 km tall. Pic related
Forerunners are OP as fuck.
There are settings higher on the scale than 40k, but Muv-Luv is not one of them.
the imperium doesn't
Fuck man, it's a setting with giant fighty robots and giant laser monsters and for some reason i can't bring myself to like it. It's like your dream girl with a dick or without, it's Veeky Forums after all
>40k fan (specifically Ork player) here.
Also the minority of players who are aware that the setting is completely balls to the walls and was build upon a saltmine.
Nice. Only 10^37 Exterminatus to go.
I feel like this number was pulled out of the author's ass when he wrote that.
They made a show? It's no wonder the writing is shite, because it was originally a dating sim.
The Necrons would probably Gauss-Flay the everliving shit out of something as gross as these things. That or they'd press the "cleanse surface" button on their tomb world control panel and the planet's crust would be atomized and fly off into space.
I mean, if there's one thing they hate it's something whose only purpose is increasing the percentage of biomass in the universe.
Im fucking tired of threads like these...
What part of 'OVER THE TOP' in w40k you don't understand? Nothing can beat Tyranids, and thats that. They are over overkill now and thats just scouting tendrils. Listen im not shilling for 40k by any stretch mind you and i don't even like 'nids that much but its just obvious to me and it always was that warhammer was made to be ridiculously over the top for sake of being over the top. That is its thing. No amout of Star Trek, mecha, Star Wars vs 40k threads will change that. That is at least my retarded opinion.
I feel like nu-Wars is getting into the same power level now though. A superweapon that can blow up an entire system at once? A spaceship 60km wide (6x the size of the biggest Imperial ship)? We're on the crazy train and it's Mickey Mouse at the helm.
There are only an estimated 10^23 stars in the universe, so yeah.
Although I vaguely remember Muv-Luv having something about alternate timelines and time travel, so maybe the BETA are spread across multiple universes.
ride never ends user, ride never ends
The main timeline is their original school-life dating sim. Muv-Luv the mecha universe is an alternate timeline with more or less the same characters.
The BETA are the primary antagonists of the Muv-Luv series of visual novels, manga, and anime. Muv-Luv is odd in that it originated as a slice of life eroge. You know, just this guy going around romancing girls and fucking them in various routes. Then halfway through the second game in the series, the writers got bored and went "okay, fuck it, he gets swallowed by a wormhole and winds up in a parallel dimension where space monsters are killing everyone". And from then on the series became a mecha franchise, robots fighting aliens. It's weird. Kind of cool, but also kind of stupid. I like the monster and mecha designs, though.
It's actually dumber than you think. The Mohs scale is an ordinal scale, the numbers are ranks, not units of measurement. Mohs 10 is the highest it goes, because that's just the number for the hardest material. If you find something harder than Mohs 10, diamond, it's not Mohs 11. It just takes diamond's place at Mohs 10.
Well, if you assume that every star system has 10^15 BETA inhabiting it, it's not too crazy. I could believe a self-replicating mining drone could expand to that many units in a single system. Takeru assumes that the BETA Superior is referring to 10^37 other Superiors when it says that, but the dialogue is ambiguous.
Given that nothing on that page can attack a bomber flying at 11km, humanity is 100% fine.
In various space operas there are super AI's/civilizations that can sequestre entire planets and stuff. That would be a big threat. Or a grey goo situation. In fact a single GSV from the Culture could eventually wipe out the imperium
The BETA just don't have the infiltration or ability to regenerate fleets from splinter fleets that make the Tyranids a real threat.
The lowest-tier setting that I think could beat 40k is Eclipse Phase, and it's for precisely the reason you mentioned. AIs and grey goo are phenomenally dangerous. Even in 40k canon the Humans at the peak of their power were fractured into myriad techno-barbarians as a result of a war with nanomachine-commanding AIs. If the Men of Iron came back not even the Tyranids could stop them.
>a single GSV from the Culture could eventually wipe out the imperium
Depends exactly what's up with machine spirits.
Machine Spirits are basically low-grade AI that the Machine Cult pretends don't violate the prohibition on Abominable Intelligences. The Arks Mechanicus actually have real, functional combat AI on them (as well as a host of horrifying DAoT weapons) according to the Cawl book.
is the operative word.
i don't entirely agree
I mean the whole thing is supposed to be a dune thing post butlerian and i figured machine spirits was just a way of making the
- machine does x which is abnormal or shouldn't happen, the design/maintenance wasn't the problem it's GHOSTS.
i mean even lazguns and bolters are said to have machine spirits.
the actual power of the machine shit is likely wiring a bunch of lobotomizing human brains to control your machines.
Same characters sans one.
Eclipse Phase is only low tier if you're a human. The ETI are probably closer to Necrons.
Well that depends on what they are. For all we know the ETI could be dead and all that's left of them are their hideous anti-computer superweapons.
The doctrine is that all technological items have spirits, but in terms of what Tech Priests actually do to service vehicles and items, they use a neural interface to "talk" to vehicles and spaceships to get them to perform better.
"Lubricate your gun often" translates well to an indoctrinated populace when it's posed as "apply sacred unguents," but when a Tech-Priest connects his brain to a Land Raider to make it cooperate with the drivers, when Imperial Titans are known to have "strong-willed machine spirits" that assail the senses of their operators, and when the Cult of Mars fields genuine autonomous robots alongside full cyborgs in their armies, you have to wonder how much they really care about the prohibition and how much is just a farce to please the general population.
I've always suspected that a lot of high ranking techpriests secretly are men of iron.
Yeah that's my headcanon too. One thing I really want to do is play one in a 40k RPG game.
Alright, so the BETA don't have what it takes. But what about this fucker? How would 0k deal with him?
I think its more than that. Machine spirits and even realtively simple pieces of equipment are capable of being corrupted by chaos for one, and two, the Imperium, similar to Orks, have a belief in the machine spirit. True Orks have a latent group psyker thing but everything else sentients believe in becomes real in the warp.
A GSV in theory could turn most of a planets mass into other GSV's. Assuming it doesnt get fucked over in the warp or moved to inaction by its own superior machine morals the Imperium would never have seen anything like it. And it can attack while moving ftl
What is it?
>genuine autonomous robots
there is a reason why they are in cybernetica, because as far as i can see there really isn't a lot keeping them from being a jury rigged brain like the thallax. just in a collective i mean if i can find my HH book I'll crack and get it straight from the source later but there is some indication they aren't quite AI
ithink they did say
the enemy in gradius
What's the strongest being in 40k can Killy kill?
Bacterion. The God of Evil in the Gradius universe, and the one who seeks to subsume the entire cosmos.
>"I was born... Out of the greediness of mankind. While men exist, so will I!!!"
Damnit, the first two episodes of MuvLuv Alternative: Total Eclipse were so dope. 90% of the earth's population dead, Asia, Africa, and Mainland Europe consumed. The world is so gutted that they're conscripted school girls to pilot because most of the men were long ago wiped out.... Then when they get in battle and the eight minute life expectancy seems too optimistic. Everything's overrun, command has lost all control, and every battle line has been smashed. There's nowhere coherent or logical left to retreat, and every human in the city is about to become chow.
And then it deteriorated into tits and ass, with a side helping of rom com, and "You must embrace your Japaneseness, because only a weeaboo can be the best pilot ever."
>obvious to me and it always was that warhammer was made to be ridiculously over the top for sake of being over the top. That is its thing.
Yeah, 40k's shtick is turning the dial up to 13 and then taking the knob off (and some factions like Orks, Necrons and Chaos will figure out a way to crank that dial up even higher), but to say 40k can't be defeated no matter what because they're over the top by design is pretty silly to me.
>In various space operas there are super AI's/civilizations that can sequester entire planets and stuff
As another user pointed out earlier in the thread, one of the only popular sci-fi settings with a faction that can trash the Imperium (and probably a bunch of other factions in 40k) at the moment would be the Forerunner, not just because of the size and power their ships (pic related), but because they made extensive use of AIs (ancillas in Forerunner speak) with the more sophisticated ones managing entire flotillas of naval vessels (if not more) all at once.
The fact the Forerunner military could make the most Exterminatus-happy Inquisitor seem conservative by comparison when they decide to start destroying planets just makes things worse for 40k humanity in an Imperium vs. Forerunner match-up.
Less. The Admech will take over their machine spirits and turn them against the other races of the galaxy.
I don't get the crazy for exterminatus? To call for an exterminatus is to accept that the emperor failed to protect.
Not to mention a lot of them render the world uninhabitable
All muv luv is is Japanese wankery. Look at the games where the major history change is Japan never lost ww2.
as far as i see most things they produce are jap fap material.
it's weird
It does but the fact that its always an option and just about nearly every world says something about the Imperium.
All the times I've seen an Exterminatus used, it was
a.) a world irretrievably contaminated by Chaos, and thus lost anyway
b.) a Necron tombworld, and therefore virtually immune to anything less
c.) part of a scorched-earth campaign against the Tyranids (the Kryptmann line), and incredibly controversial in-universe
d.) largely unnecessary, because grim darkness of the far future.
So at least 50% of the time nothing less would have worked.
Cloaking system on something that huge. Cloaking. On a ship 371.4 kilometers long. Cloaking. Wh' Halo, what the fuck.
The surface area to volume ratio on something that size is extremely small.
Fuck, no matter what you put on the outside of something that large it's basically negligible.
And then it gets run over by an Eldar craftworld....
The BETA are weak shit even by nip hive-mind standards. The Vajra, Festum and ELS shit all over them.
The only good thing about BETA are Laser-classes but they need a hive to spawn and are only good because "never misses" hax
christ... sounds as bad as Code Geass.
Britannia is evil. We poor Nippon dindu nuffin *bayonets another baby in Peking*
They're also useless against anything at even moderate altitude, given the contents of OP's pic.
Send one guy in a single ship to kill him. It happens on the regs. Also, the Emperor knew the Konami code.
This is a ship from a race that routinely uses "hard light" as a walking surface.
That built a number of facilities to annihilate life in the universe, as a last resort in a losing war.
The main advantage of the 40k universe is that the warp is flat out magic. It has rules, and it is basically filled with infinite demons, but it is full on magic none the less.
The space monsters from Gunbuster are pretty scary too
The STMC would definitely be a problem in 40K, it took blowing up the galactic core to stop them.
>Replace the Tyranids with the BETA. Is 40K humanity more screwed? Less? About the same?
I find this shit boring because realistically you're just replacing one "organic hive mind army" for ANOTHER "organic hive mind army" and ultimately it'd just create the same situation only with a different coat of paint.
I'm a WAY bigger fan of "Zerg vs Tyranid" or "BETA vs Tyranid", I don't feel as though enough people pit Hive Minds Swarms vs other Hive Mind Swarms.
Despite the setting, Geass actually portrays the Japanese as needing a Brit to lead them and it's definitely less blindly pro-Nippon than a lot of what comes out of that country. They even had some evil Japanese and some good Britannians.