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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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just how racist have you become jumpers?
fuck vampires!
So Jumpers...
Do you have any pets?
hello! this is the first draft of the Dog Days jump. obviously still a WIP, with the items and drawbacks needing some more work.
Any constructive feedback is appreciated.
I consider anything that it isn't a Jumper or a companion to be inherently inferior and not worthy of any rights or respect.
hard to be racist when you are/have been/can be most races and species.
does the giant pig from from seven deadly sins count?
>hard to be racist when you are/have been/can be most races and species.
that's beastboys excuse for his veganism as well. But even if i can transform into a demon or something i still think most demons should be terminated
A bunch of them. They're friendly, loving, and just brighten up the house. Everyone should have a couple of pets
A Night Fury because they are really fucking cute.
but these kind of traits will also vary from universe to universe. hard to hate all demons when i know several universes filled with awesome ones
I've been thinking about doing a pacifist chain. Anyone know any good jumps for that?
It's a Jumper's right to be a racist and wage war against anything that they dislike.
CIV. Ghandi is a part of the CIV games, so you'll do fine.
Are you OK with slavery, /jc/?
Commandment of Love from Seven Deadly Sins
Kamui from Naruto or another good intangibility perk/power
Emotion manipulating perks/powers
That... person. Eugh.
>demons are responsible for the most soul torture and are overrepresented in posession statistics throughout the omniverse
>b..but there's also good demons. Some of my best friends are demons
Wait, isn't Gandhi's "thing" that he's really xenophobic and completely unhesitant to use nuclear weapons on anybody?
Literally Nanoha, Madoka, Undertale and most friendship SoL jumps.
I think either Superman: TAS or Young Justice had perks to turn all your abilities into non-lethal.
What's your point
He was a prick in real life as well. So it's consistent.
infinite multiverse. for every bad demon, there are an infinite number of good ones, and vica versa. same can be said for any race
generic magical girl
sailor moon
that one perk from ranma 1/2 that ceases all fighting around you
once upon a time
Don't be preposterous, user: people shouldn't own people. Elves just aren't people.
That reduction makes every action meaningless.
Good thing he was assassinated before he could make more trouble. Pity it wasn't sooner.
Seems legit to me.
I don't think Jumper has the capacity for it anymore. In fact, at this point in the current chain he's actively making entirely new races and trying to make a nice city for them because he thinks it's fun.
How do I survive Avada Kedavra?
>Deus Ex Human Revolution (Silver Tongue and Sneaking Mission),
>Trigun (Technical Pacifism),
>Naruto (Therapy No Jutsu and Talk No Jutsu),
>Highschool of the Dead (Brains! - convert your enemies instead of killing them),
>Mass Effect (Tongue of a Shepard and Exemplar - though keep it for a bit later when you have more options as the setting itself is very violence-oriented).
are you owlman?
when your jumper has the ability to navigate the infinite multiverse, they gain a different perspective on life.
A fellow man of refined taste and culture, I see.
Don't get hit by a slow attack that is easily telegraphed and avoided?
Get a World Item from Overlord, there solved.
Let me be absolutely clear. When I say "pacifist run", I mean actual pacifism. That means no violence, no threats, no bullshit "well, it's TECHNICALLY non-violent" excuses.
dog talisman from jackie chan
death note has a perk for that
super mario has some item for that
amulet of samarkand from bartimäus absorbs magic
general immunity to magic is recommended anyway
Either embrace being a hermit or avoid any and all IPs with big violent plots
that's hard. Not even jumps like spongebob have zero violence...
Take healing, warding, durability, and charisma perks. Also, pick up mobility perks so you can move yourself and others as needed.
Immunity perk from Death Note. Though any wizard worth its salt should use indirect damage spells in combat.
Reminder that Rowling said spells are shot at the speed of light, but that wizards can still dodge them. Because fuck consistency.
Pick up all the charisma perks? We must also have ways of incapacitating and restraining your enemies, but at the top of my head I can't think of such perks.
I'm not. I have no real reason to be.
>at this point in the current chain he's actively making entirely new races
are they suprerior to most other races you've met or did you create them flawed on purpose, so they may entertain you? Are you a generous god?
He can just act like a conscientious objector in war with respect to violence. He won't fight but he'll heal, help, and the like. It's totally doable.
There is an item in bartimaeus that stops all magic from hurting you.
oh! you meant in the chain....
the jainism perk line from Crusader kings. its under paradox folder.
Just pick up any of the top shelf anti-magic perks. That'll allow you to wave your dick, figurative or actual, and laugh in an outrageous accent at most of the threats in HP.
Have magic resistances? Be an undead or supernatural creature and thus lack the conventional sense of death?
No clue if it's just my computer or something, but there are several different fonts and text formatting clashing together even at the first page. You gotta fix that, as it looks pretty ugly.
Otherwise, I don't really have to time for an in-depth analysis, but it looks pretty good so far.
Yeah, plus you can restrain, depower, deceive, convince, wear down, outlast or just flee your enemies with the appropriate build. Though the nastiest, most powerful ones will become a problem.
Be a dungeon core, all those people who get killed are commiting suicide on your traps, thats on them not uou.
It's entirely possible that I genocide all the murlocs and their kin during the WoW jump. I hate them more than I can describe.
Are you Lovecraft?
i'm seeing what your seeing aswell, but its not like that in the actual document... not sure why that's happened then...
>Though the nastiest, most powerful ones will become a problem.
That's the biggest flaw of pacifists and conscientious objectors. It's not that they're cowards, plenty of evidence of their bravery, but there are some problems you can idealism away and in those instances conscientious objectors and pacifists have to rely on the hard work and sacrifice of others.
That stinks of bullshit justification to me.
all obligate anthropophagous species gotta get , wiped out,same for Paperclip AI,Also picture related!
No, but if visiting there first will help me cleans Azeroth of murloc filth I may have to make that happen.
oy vey jumper
>thats on them not uou
if you set traps for the enemy and he dies, than it's your doing
undertail and exalted for social charms
Not like you are chasing them down, put up a sign at the entrance. People coming in are literally attempting to die if you do that.
Beware traps ahead, leave me alone, those who pass this point are suicidal, no treasure here.
This is the big conflict underlying my Jumper's chain. IRL, there's no such thing as pure evil, so there's no reason to use violence. But in fiction, there are plenty of reasons to use violence, because evil does exist, it's practically everywhere, and it's about to rape your sister if you don't stuff a shotgun down its gullet.
>Cure for leftism
Hypothetically... what would people like to see in a Disney Hercules jump, besides burning hair?
Herculus strength and becoming a titan, because iirc they looked pretty cool.
Nobody made them enter the dungeon. Its stationary and usually clearly marked.
>I don't like fascism because they are evil
>But I also dislike X, Y, Z... Who also should wiped out because I don't like them
Literally worse than Hitler.
But the "they're always be people more powerful" is the same problem even if you're willing to kill. It's a question of powerlevels, not methods. You just have to keep the most dangerous settings for later and focus on getting strong enough that by the time you confront them, they don't represent a threat anymore.
Though I'll freely admit it makes the Chain significantly more difficult.
>IRL, there's no such thing as pure evil
maybe not directly as a tangible thing, but man there are monsters out there that dwarf most evil in fiction.
Gods' immortality and colorful skins.
Do you blame the bridge if someone jumps off it?
people singing my praises in a cool gospel style
That potion that made Hercules mortal
>pro genocide
>anti fascism
well, yeah...it works theoretically, but..
bancho, you're just weird
teaching perks inspired by that one satyr
>IRL, there's no such thing as pure evil,
Hillary and her cult of moloch worshippers are pretty close.
Is your fridge running?
You know, you got me there. They are kinda super beings each in their own way since I don't really half-ass my creations. They do have their number of flaws though, since I think flaws have a variety of uses both creative and mechanical. In this instance, I pseudo-specialized the races (not to the point of moronic dependence on others for even the simplest things, I just made them really good at certain things instead of all the things) to breed a sense of community between them. I am the most generous god that I can manage.
A goatbro of our own. also seconding >55220897.
>Flonyard Magic
Might wanna carify what we rely on Post-Jump or do you mean that it becomes free.
>Colourful Biology
Anime Biology is neat.
>Puff Goes The Clothes
Might wanna add the caveate that it only breaks clothes if you could hurt the person under them or something.
>Soft Physics
Ah neat.
>Right Place, Right Time
Nice nice.
>Tail? What Tail?
A solid low key perception filter.
>I Command You To Stand!
The ability to uplift virtually anything as long as it has sapience is pretty neat. If you wanna balance it with the other 400's I'd suggest just dropping the sapience requirement, but then you might have folks uplifiting swords and stuff.
>That Still Only Counts As One!
This actually is hellishly badass.
>Voice Of An Angel
This is good.
>Magic Tech wizard
Can we do it in the opposite direction though? Replicate magic with technology but it's fucking advanced?
>Defense Construction
A tech tree and a building booster! Yum!
>Guided Research
Cuts down on time to research things by being 'guided' by plot. Nice.
>Seasoned Fighter
Might wanna trade out with the 200 option.
>Weapon Proficiency
Might want this to be the 100 option.
>Crest Specialist
Nice. Also grants an Idea of what Crests can do. Is this near the max?
>Summon Champion
Is the Champion better than you or something? The lack of details for what the Champion is makes this one too mysterious to really understand.
A 'Peak Human' perk. Nice.
>Fast Learner
Learning based Perk in relation to work you're doing? That's awesomely neat.
>Not-Very-Fatal Death
Okay this is outright too powerful as is. It's infinite 1-Ups with the caveat that it only applies to you but holy shit no.
>Badass Introduction
>That’s Pretty Cool
Looking Cool Perception Filter
>Friend To All
Smooth operator .jpeg
... Can I just fuse all of my alt-forms ascetics together with this?
[Continued on next Post]
He is an antifa protestor with god powers.
>A decent super strength perk, Jumpchain is lacking in them.
>A deal-making perk.
>A non-Companion background chorus thing.
>Something about prophecies and life force.
>A training perk. Either as the trainer or the trainee.
>A seduction perk.
>Being able to talk like a used car salesman and still be trusted.
cool pets like pegasus, cerberus
a supply of lightning bolts from Haepheistus
ability to form contracts with gods or mortals
a half god option which let's you chose one pantheon parent and have a blessing from them like in percy jackson
that stuff he drank at the beginning that made him mostly mortal
dude the other two are worse if not equally as bad, paperclip AI ends with the entire universe converted into whatever the AI is intent on maximizing,if you " tolerate" obligate anthropophagous species that Winds up with entire sapient races as cattle.
you have to genocide some folks if it's going to save lots and lots of more folks, picture related. Paperclip AI are an existential threat and should be treated as such, and Being a farm animal isn't much better.
OK, let me rephrase that. IRL, there's very few situations where violence will actually make things better, because violence usually begets violence. In fiction, though, sometimes violence is the only option.
do you blame the bear trap if someone steps into it?
They were trespassing in the user's dungeon; no one with brains expects that to be a safe little excursion. Also, doesn't he have the right to defend his property?
>paradox of tolerance
I hate that fucking paradox because it is used against "muh far right" but use it against Muslim extremist and you get lambasted.
Wierd, do they give anything like a good reason for why it shouldn't apply equally?
>doesn't he have the right to defend his property?
sure he does. I'm just saying that even if it's their fault for trespassing i still believe they died through your action and theirs. You're not completely innocent (and that's fine; fuck those guys)
Know that I wouldn't do that that way and am entirely with you on that!
Not sure how becoming a titan could work, maybe an undiscounted perk?
They're pretty shiny, yeah.
Mhm, the Muses seem like a given.
Could be useful, yeah. Seems a good item for a Hades-based background.
How about a background based on him?
Could throw a satyr in as a companion.
Your own merchandise, Herc's merchandise, or both?
>Something about prophecies and life force.
Based on the Fates, hm... Could work, maybe for Drop-In.
>a half god option
Hm, not sure how to implement that...
>paradox of tolerance
Easily fixed. Be tolerant of everyone except for the intolerant.
The ability to become a hero when you were a zero.
A good singing voice.
Trainer of Heroes.
Meaning of True Hero perk, (something like you can take pleasure from heroics by itself and don't need the cheers of the crowd or fame.) Maybe also have a if you sacrifice yourself for someone you can come back in a (temporary) godly form.
Beauty perk because why not.
Maybe a seduction or a You attract powerful people of you preferred gender who would want to protect you perk similar to Meg.
200Cp drawback where your forced to work for Hades, as his choir boy/girl. You have to organize the minions, the dead, and sometimes he even sends you to kill Hercules.
Maybe an OC companion based of Hercules or something. Or just a Hercules companion option.
That's not at all inaccurate
>Animal Ability
Nice, might wanna note that it scales up to human at the least tho.
>Peaceful Resolution
Nice so this is a social fu Perk and not a Fiat backed stop war Perk right?
>Just Some Low Level Fodder
So this makes foes stronger than you ignore you?
>That’s My Body!
Sounds great for parties.
>I Curse You
A fairly specific form of Anti-Magic but if it's fiat going to work then sure this is awesome.
>The rest
Looks like we've gotten to the stuff that isn't detailed enough to review. I'm hopeing you keep this up. This has tons of potential.
"You are just a racist who can't accept other cultures" but I am A FUCKING LEGAL INMIGRANT, then I'm blocked.