Got a chapter?
is it missing any details?
lets work together!
post the colour scheme and we can work together to do some naming!
Chapter Blessings
I will start.
I need name ideas and chapter logos for my 90s marines. here is the alt scheme. they are ultima founding, and will be mainly primaris. I thought that their air of trying to be cool fit with the decade.
what the fuck is this garish late 2000s sparkledog tektonik raver slut color scheme supposed to have to do with the nineties?
seriously explain yourself
I need a name
I'm now between Void Knights, Scarlet Suns or Repudiators.
Give me more names. Bonus points for hateful / very imperial names
this pattern.
Void hunters
Violet Vindicatiors
Knights of Night
Night Kings
I also need to decide if they are very religious and crazy or very reasonable.
Basically if they prefer Sisters of Battle or Rogue Traders
They are purple, so the regal and jugdy nature of Rouge traders fits them better.
is just a pattern that's supposed to be placed on a white background
there's almost no white on this marine, that pattern is not here and the pink is way too bright
And the last thing I need help with is how to paint these guys.
They are a handful of marines from all across the chapter that have commited shameful deeds and are paying for them in the company of shame or something like that. Its a small unofficial company of varying strength commanded by the chaplains and they live on cages inside the reclusiam.
They erase all armor details and paint until they pay for their sins in battle, and they only have the chapter logo.
The question is, how to paint them.
I thought bare ceramite ( dull white / light grey ) or silver or even bluish grey, with a black helmet to denote shame.
I use these guys for when I want to play as Blood Angels or Black Templars, they become the Death Company or the Sword Brethren
I am using that pattern as a basis for the main scheme, and along all casings of weapons. any names?
Brothers or Rad
paint them silver, with a thined layer of guiliman blue on the body, and 3 layers of nuln on the head, followed with stormhost in the lenses of the helmet.
sounds like a start.
Bodacious brothers?
any ideas for heraldry? I am stumped for a single image that sums up both the edgyness and goofyness of the media from the decade.
Look into 90s G-Shocks for inspiration
thank you, mein brother.
what about the Sons of SLAM
>he doesn't cga
millennial detected
I finally went for Farsiders
Oh dude I saw this post on FJ.
You posted this on Funnyjunk, right? I saw the post on the 40K channel.
Some user must have done it. Well at least my chapter is spreading like AIDS through the net which is alright with me
Chapter name is The Emperors Fangs.
They're fucked up yet loyal abberant descendants of girlyman. Missing three zygotes and have possibly have chimaeric geneseed due to an eldar raid on their main geneseed vault where they fucked up a lot of the chapters shit.
I need a dark yet cool color scheme Veeky Forums. Maybe a little like the blackshields of the horus heresy. Please help me Veeky Forums you're my only hope.
Dark like what.
Black is dogshit to paint and dark colors need highlights
Like this.
But what is the theme and how do they look and what is their story and organization etc..
as I said for the dishonoured user, do leadbelcher and 3 layers of nuln.
any more ideas. I think the AOL logo may work, but it needs something else.
also post names.
Went for this for the Penitent Death Company proxy
I will add battle damage but I dont know how much really.
I decided to paint the aquila black to bring shame on them but they get to keep the chapter badge for identification and so they uphold their honor wearing the badge
Ok story is simple.
>The Fangs get made to guard the eastern fringes from possible Portents of outer galactic threats coming from there and are formed in the 37th millenium as a fleet based chapter.
>As the descendants of Roboute they we're codex compliant to a T initially only deviating in recent times.
>What instead ends up happening is action after action against the eldar be they corsairs or craft world eldar not against any outer galactic threat.
>The chapter is whittled down time after time in constant attacks against the haughty xenos foe.
>The chapter knows not of the eldar prophecy sayng the fangs will be the death knell of a large number of exodites worlds in the east and craft world Yn'rath
>Some corsair along with dark eldar mercenaries assault the chapters fleet and end up aboard the battle barge "Voids Wrath" and make it the geneseed vaults
>They proceed to quite literally fuck up the geneseed and inject random shit into the chapters code
>Fighting back the invaders from the vault and checking the geneseed the chapter notices massive fuckery in the code
>The chapter master fearing the inquisition and the extermination and rebirth of the chapter orders the apothecarion to fix the flaws the best they can anyway necessary
>What results is altered chimaeric stock and the loss of three zygotes in the process
>The chapter now stands as the beaten guardians of the east still harried and beaten but stubborn
>They also now stand long past due in tithe of geneseed now as the indomnitus crusade wages and stands accused of being renegades
>A new chapter master takes the battered fleet and chapter to roboutes location. Shamed by his predecessors and hoping the lord of ultramar will help him save his chapter.
Make them all beakies for starters, you ass ramming faggot.
How do they follow the codex, where do they indicate company etc...
Also what color do you want them to be
I actually have something of the reverse. I scribbled together some notes for a chapter I created and forged an identity with with that old Chapter Master game, and I don't really have a "look" for them, or even a firm name.
>Placeholder name is "Stone Fish", but that can change.
>Unknown chapter "parentage".
>Relatively new chapter, first active in 735 M.41, although founded a bit earlier than that and just assembling equipment.
>More or less Codex-Compliant. View that it is more a show to keep peace with the rest of the Imperium, but not the best setup for the marine chapter.
>Have a low opinion of almost all Imperial institutions, including other Astartes chapters. Think most are too hidebound and concerned with their own interests rather than the welfare of the Imperium as an institution. Of course, think the Imperium in general is too stupid to survive on its own, and need dedicated servants (such as themselves) to keep going.
>Because of this, often prioritize the wellbeing of the Chapter over that of things like individual worlds. After all, if they get wiped out, who will be left to protect the IoM?
>Not very well liked by the Inquisition as a result of the above, but have not been declared outright heretical as of yet.
>Tend to keep the fleet together, and employ overwhelming force against any and all opposition they encounter. They don't like glorious last stands or close battles, they prefer overwhelming, easy victories, and pacifying one region before moving on.
this is the first time I have been dubbed a fag. thank you user.
>"Reserve" companies are often fielded in battle, but often on relatively lighter duties.
>On the ground, do not use much in the way of vehicles. Rely mostly on infantry.
>Prefer striking from ambush whenever and wherever possible. They don't like to fight hand to hand, but they often practice at it because they do look to engage with ranged weapons at short to point blank range, and from there it's not too far to hand to hand.
>Like to field fortify. They don't make impregnable defenses, but mostly a series of hastily constructed redoubts to channel enemy assaults. This is to enable ambushes and strikes at the rear of formations then turning to attack these defenses.
>Construction of such is not handled by the Astartes themselves, that's what Chapter serfs are for.
>Because these serfs are on the battlefield, even in a support role, they are often armed and given a small degree of military training. Fight more like the Guard than anything else though.
>Because of the aforementioned political interaction with the rest of the Imperium, the chapter likes to be as self-sufficient as possible, traveling with a great fleet that trades (and occasionally requisitions or just flat out steals) resources as they go. The most senior chapter serf, the "Storemaster" handles this fleet commerce arm, and is hugely respected and influential.
That's the very broad strokes. I have some more material on the internal workings of the chapter organization if anyone's interested, but I was mostly looking for a color scheme
i think a more gaurd name may fit. they seem like the kind of chapter that wouldn't care for showiness. maybe the ultramar 1602nd?
Will try user, but i would need to buy beakie helms, as they are U L T I M A founding.
fuck you user.
grey/sky Wardens
steel guard
knights of iron
Kings of the sky
aether knights
steel talons
thats all I got.
>making your own self insert chapter
yes. because I cannot just make those armies how I want. they have background. they could die. I just want my dudes.
I'd love to, user, but it's the colour scheme I'm busy fretting over to a ridiculous extent. 500 colour theory articles lie strewn in my wake, spent in fruitless endeavour while I debate eye and spot colours for the infiniteenth time.
it is meant to have that effect. 90s brah.
What? I'm taking about my guys, not the OP's.
the Day Walkers
the op and that pic are the same chapter, just alt colours. because it was a goofy decade, and an edgy one.
Don't have anything yet, but I'm planning on an Ultima Founding Imperial Fists successor using an incubi darkness/kabalite green/sybarite green.
Need a name for them but it's a start.
>When Duke Nukem was new
Are Space Marines the only faction with a template like this?
Void Vultures.
Blood Angels successor
Barbarian cannibals who eat their (squad's) own dead after a battle in order to retain the memories of squadmates long lost. In this way, the battle brothers are never forgotten, and continue fighting alongside their replacement brothers.
And also a bigger feast upon the enemy dead.
Recently redeemed themselves from renegade status after fighting alongside the Indomitus Crusade for one hundred years and finally getting their homeworld back.
what is missing?
no. look on bolter and chainsword
>Nothing for any of the armies I play
Oh well, it was worth a look.
what armies?
Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequin Eldar, and Ynnari.
I've actually got an opposite problem. I want to make a Primaris Space Marine Chapter with the name Cosmic Fists.
Any ideas for color scheme?
I've got a really rough idea of the chapters background but I really can't think of a good color scheme.
The Marines Aesthetic
Sons of Vapor
1990's Sons
The Millennial Marines
I actually like the Knights of the Edge or The Vapor Warriors.
The Knights of the Edge have to be marines malevolent tier douche bags
Void Fists
>Vaporwave marines
The EccoMarines
The Memetic Marines
Timeless Marines
>Edgy marines
Fist of Punishment
Emperor's Heel
Blackest Knights
OK, if they're the same chapter, what if they're two distinct wings of the same chapter
The Vaporious Wave are a very mellow, distinct chapter that specializes in stealth tactics and pyschological warfare - they even blast music and strobe lights to confuse and distract their enemies. They practice a form of zen meditation that leaves them calm and focused in any situation. Their name is derived from the way they fight, often washing over their enemy using smoke to conceal their approach
The Edge Lords are the elite black ops team within the chapter, made up of those Marines who cannot fully control their righteous HATRED and embrace the Vaporious Way. Instead they learn to take their anger and hate and focus it to an EDGE so that they're ALWAYS angry and moody, ready to mete out justice on the enemies of the imperium
When you guys are painting your colors into the army template, what program are you using?
Am I supposed to just drop the template into Gimp or something or did I miss some directions?
regal purple with white stars dotted all around the armour. glaze over the stars in various colours to make it look amazing.
thank you brother.
dubya dubya dubya DOT bolterandchainsword DOT com SLASH smpbeta DOT php
Thank you so much
>The Vaporious wave takes to the field playing lo-fi and flashing strobe lights through the smoke machines on their rhinos
>The Edge Lords blast carpenter brut and strike hard and fast like hammy try hard Night Lords
Bonus if they're made from Night Lord gene-seed, hence why 1/3rd their number fall to the Edge Thirst and need to be put into Edge Companes
Any suggestions to polish up this color scheme for my Sept?
Marble Wax for those classical era busts
Orange for the gun
what the fuck
That's a good idea. Thanks!
Bloody Cawl. playing pranks again.
here is a better Idea for the bolters!
NES Zapper/10
Exactly. That helps with the 80's/90's vibe.
>Test to see if gene seed quirks are nurture or nature
Pick one
the Hammers of
That's my problem. It feels like it's fully fleshed out. But I feel something may be missing.
Might go and make a map of their homeworld on inkarnate lol
sounds fun user. post it when you finish.
The region surrounding the Void Vulture’s Fortress Monastery, The Spire, is a desolate wasteland full of the debris left over from the first conflict with the Orks in the sector of Ochim. The entire wasteland itself is a scar upon the feudal world of Callisto. The Spire itself, a vast black castle of skyscraping towers covered in the bones of battle-brothers long dead can be seen from miles all around. There is also an Inquisition headquarters located within its highest towers.
To the north of the Spire is Sanguigarde, one of the first human settlements when the natives first met the Red Wings chapter of Space Marines who had come to liberate them, before becoming the Vermilion Wings chapter (and later Void Vultures). The city is built within an immense tower, half as tall as the Spire and is ruled by barbaric nobles. This is the most civilized city in the region.
Vorna is made up of techno-savages and are one of the main villages that the Void Vultures recruit from, usually becoming techmarines. They make their living trading scrap salvaged from the desert with the various other tribes and tend to use a lot of salvaged Ork and Imperial vehicles to get around in.
Darkblade is a violent tribe of brutes. Not only do these beasts among men usually become prime recruitment material for the Astartes due to their skill at arms, but they are also abducted in border skirmishes by the men of Sanguigarde to fight in their arenas, a popular sport upon Callisto.
Gimheim is a group of fishermen. They are a colony, settled by the Vrokheimers from across the sea. Vast palisades keep out the warring tribes. The Gimheimers make use of archaic weaponry, such as crossbows, longswords and pikes, but are most famous across their kingdom for their use of blackpowder weaponry. Only the nobility are allowed to carry Holy boltguns. (More on the Vrokheimers and other feudal warring tribes later, if allowed)
Get the fuck off my site faggot.
that is AWESOME!
Everytime I see a picture like that I cry because I will never play a stable build of Chapter Master every again.