Why is the jjba ttrpg so good?
Why is the jjba ttrpg so good?
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No idea, let's find out.
There's a what?
The Jojos rpg
Can't link it because of dirty phone posting.
Super Stand Sunday thread?
Super Stand Sunday thread
A stand that can change the temperature of objects, takes the form of a molten man with ice clothing.
How are the rules on Stando's?
I want to quote some 80's song title while standing stylish already!
How does it balance the wide variety of Standos that exist?
You outsmart them.
Post Stands dewds.
「My Sharona」
Destructive Power: D
Speed: C
Endurance/Staying: D
Range: A
Precision: A
Developmental Potential: C
Upon touch「My Sharona」can alter the 'time' of a person, taking and giving it. The target's time happens as it would normally, so were the target to be hit by a car the next day a single touch would be enough to kill them via cracking ribs. However, damage sustained from given or taken time heals as it would/has; were it to bring the target to when they had a broken arm but then go a week or so further back the arm would be undamaged as it has yet to be broken. Any time taken is stored and can be used to give it to another target.
Once out of contact with 「My Sharona」the targets timeline is permanently altered, allowing new events to happen. If set to that week before the broken arm the targets arm would not break a week later without 「My Sharona」being involved.
Power C 6
Speed C 6
Range B 10
Durability C 6
Precision C 6
Learning B 10
Change in temperature: stand ability 15
1 free rank 1
DeltaT is a faceless molten man who wears a ice lab coat.
The Stand of the main villain in my game. Unrevealed to them yet, so input would be nice.
Power- A
Punch Ghost Type
Ability- Can create a Supertask on a specific event, a loop that doubles in speed each time it repeats. For example, say a pot falls over a ledge, and it takes 4 seconds before it hits the ground. If targeted to become a supertask, it'll happen again (reseting the pot), only taking 2 seconds this time, and etc. Only one supertask can be created at a time, and it can be ended at will.
really would appreciate a link to this game
Suitably bullshit and metaphysical
come up with one or two ways to totally exploit it and you've got an arc villian's Stand
Do the pot shards stay after the loop?
What happens if the villain gets a gatling gun and makes one second of revolutions a "loop"? There exist miniguns which can output upwards of 6k rounds per minute apparently, making that 100 rounds per second. Next loop you get 200. Then 400. Then 800. Then 1600. Then 3200. Then 6400. Within 7 seconds you'd have fired more than 11k rounds.
Gimme a sec here
How is it mechanically?
Does it have solid mechanics or is it just "Say what you want to do and the DM makes you roll a die and arbitrarily decides if shit succeeds or fails".
I hate these "Guided improv" systems that have no crunch to them.
「TNT」 is a stand that will initially start off as a small ball, similar to that of a sun themed marble, and can't move. However, it can grow rapidly in the sunlight until it is the same size as it's user. This stand can't move on it's own but can be carried and rolled around. A maximum of up to three of these marbles can be around at once. While in the sunlight it will store energy and slowly start to glow as it charges, it can also charge itself by absorbing hamon based attacks. This will not increase the stands stats in anyway but instead give the stand the ability to detonate itself in a explosion of stand fire. The more energy it absorbs the larger the explosion, with a maximum radius similar to that of a bundle of 20 TNT sticks. The resulting explosion will be a mysterious mixture of stand fire and hamon. If one of these marbles exit the range of the stand master they will fade away into nothingness and the stand master will find a default "marble" in his pocket.
However this stand is limited by it's user, because he is a vampire and thus needs to put himself in danger in order to get it's full effect while being near useless in the night.
It says that the pot resets so I'd assume the bullets disappear. In your example I'd say it's a moot point since the holes they make would stay.
Even if you assumed that only half the bullets travel far enough to be useful (which is seriously lowballing it), that'd still just require one more revolution to achieve a given firing speed.
Everything resets, including the pot shards. However, with a gatling gun, theoretically the bullets could be counted as independent from the loop, if it's just the revolution of the gun. Kinda like GER, except it can't just keep something from not happening by reseting it to zero. It's still going to happen through fate, just faster.
It'd be hard to supertask a punch, since a person gets knocked back after one, and the arm would still be punching in the same location. But if someone where pinned against a wall, oh baby
Reminder that it needs to have a limit.
Even the world lasted 9 seconds at best
It does have a limit, only one can be created at a time.
Bites The Dust didn't have a time limit, it just made it so that Kosaku!Kira couldn't use Killer Queen to defend himself without recalling BTD back to him.
>implying The World is even remotely the most powerful or noteworthy Stand
Why I said one event at a time. Maybe implementing a "cool down" period between loops would work well, as it could take a lot out of the user.
It's pretty fun actually. Rolls are based around stand stats, with better stats having you roll multiple die and taking the best result, while weaker stats have you take the lowest. There are dedicated mechanics for combat, including a way to represent that thing where stands punch each other really fast.
If you want more detail than that, there's a link in , go look at it your own damn self.
I think it's still the most powerful villain stand, but the protagonists get stands that are triple the strength.
Star Platinum basically just became The World +1
Crazy Diamond didn't get any better
Gold Experience became one of, if not THE most powerful stands in the series.
Stone Free didn't really grow at all
Tusk also became one of the most powerful stands in the series.
Now we wait to see if Soft and Wet gets any better.
Okay so rounds per second fired as a function of time is simply RPS (t) = 100·2^{t-1}
To find the amount of bullets fired within a time interval we simply integrate the function wrt. t. Let's give it 15 seconds; a reasonable time frame I'd say.
Within that time frame you'd shoot 2.363.639 bullets.
Each additional second doubles the total amount of bullets shot. Since the loop seems to include the possibility of trajectories what with the pot example, it stands to reason that around second 30, if you targeted a house, every bullet hit that house, and you've thus put 77.454.100.161 bullets, or about 774.541 TONS of bullets into that poor fucking crater of a domicile within half a minute of fire.
If the bullets disappear, you're still gonna get some serious fucking heating up of the environment and probably some kind of localized whirlwind
Could you also throw something, then loop it in the air to speed it up to ridiculous speed, then stop the loop to fling it out?
Sounds like a lot, but I think it'll work out, or at least feel like a terrific endgame battle. One of my players has a stand that affects the momentum of an object, so I'm curious to see how it'll work out. Plus, with the characterization of my villain, I doubt I'll end up including any guns for him. A real Social Darwinist type, who believes in the power of humanity. Likely won't be using too many tools just out of Hubris, so there's a reasonable enough Nerf
Something to that effect could be a thing. The only effect from the loop that has lasting consequence is the last one.
Do note that the function is more or less the same for any event, apart from the 100. Exponential growth ain't nothing to fuck with.
The most important part is stopping him before he gets going. Any event repeated for a long enough period of time will go faster than light, and it won't take very long.
What's the strongest stand you have ever seen in your game?
>I stole the ability to be harmed from myself lol
Isn't the most powerful stand the world over heaven?
Just to clarify does the strength of the impact of the supertask increases with the speed? or is it a fixed impact at a faster speed?
Alright so real talk, lets say that you had a pillarmanor pillarlady because that may or may not be what I'm working on that was absolutely scarred shitless, of Josepth Joestar. Up to the point where it has adapted the "secret family technique" and prefers to run as fast as possible rather than actually fighting. How do you counter it?
What if, now hear me out, it took control of a company Shadowrun style so it can pull some strings and sue anyone who tries to take her out by keeping the disguise as a human to the public.
Does only the uv radiation kill them?
What if you used a radiation higher powered than uv?
Are your dudes Hamon or Standos?
A gamma ray or X-ray emitter could be pretty strong.
Just focus on pure hamon. The nazis used UV rays.
Just wear a fucking mask and then kill her.
Of use a really strong stand
「Shady Shit On Shoestring Budgets」