/aosg/ Age of Sigmar General

Monsters Edition


General's Handbook 2017 (pdf)


Core rules

Army and Skirmish warband Builder

Previously on /aosg/:

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/ikhfaa8xixgu2z7/The Savage Age of Sigmar - Core Rulebook - Version 1.4.pdf?dl=0

>Every day, we’ll be providing you with some awesome new free content to make the most use of your monsters; essentially, we’re giving you an entire supplement at no cost! You’ll be free to use these rules in any games you like – just agree with your opponent beforehand about the Time of War rules (and maybe check they have a monster of their own!).
>We’re kicking the week off with Time of War rules for the Beast Wars, allowing you to nominate one monster in your army as a Beast of Legend; you can combine these with the rules for the Realm of Ghur we revealed in our General’s Handbook 2017 preview.


>mfw it is 2017and people still play death unironically

Pretty neat.

Remember guys
>Hide samecast shitposters
>Report stormcuck shitposting
>Ignore SCE false flagging
He is also trying to bait the death players now so remember - no (you)s for shitposters

Interesting, though i guess not many people will use these in matched play.

Though most important of all and this might be just me and my obsession with throgg (still annoyed they got rid of chaos monster armies...) This might be a small hint to Throgg making a comas he is basically was the king of monsters with a monster horde.

>Beast Wars

Symbolizes the game pretty well, tbqh.

There are a lot of salty people yelling about random turns this morning.

But there is no one yelling about no more bretonian cav units coming out this year.

Right, gonna ask the same thing from last general:

I have just moved to a new place and have set myself up in a temporary place. Unfortunatly i had to leave all my aos stuff behind (i had a choice of either a) one army or b) lots of collector models from another game which shall not be named here)

Which means that I am now in need of a new army to work on in the coming months/years.

I have mostly been a chaos/destruction player that loves to get stuck in with melee and specialist units so id like to veer off from that and do an more tactically interesting army.

I am contemplating waiting a couple of months/half a year to see what new factions come out for aos before I make a decision.

What is the general's thoughts on the matter. Shall i wait and save up for what might be an interesting army coming in the coming year or start planning an army with what is currently available?
And to answer Actually have a small force of stormcast that i might pickup when i return home for holidays and i might buildup on them. However i feel like a new army to signify a new start.

At the moment I am leaning towards the waiting approach. From the sounds of it next year we might have a couple of new factions including a new death faction or two.

Deathcucks will learn once their alliance will be removed that investing in the army was a mistake

I just found out that you can take these in AoS.


Why would anyone EVER pick these big retards instead of the small retards?

Why do you think Death will be removed?

I mean, do you expect Nagash, all the mortarchs, and the rest of the models to just disappear as the Tomb Kings did?

Yes, 'just'. Sure.

Because he's baiting hard, you moron.

Well yesterday. Saw a guy painting up a Nurgle Soul Grinder and some Skaven and asked him if he likes AoS or 40k more, he said he only plays AoS and it was for AoS.

Had a real wut moment.

It's just the "samecast" spammer diversifying his portfolio. Stop replying.

I just wanted to see if he had anything behind his sign of "the end is near" or was just babbling

I guess is just the second, yeah

These guys are right, user.
Shitposting with fake news - even more pathetic than stormkike shitposting

I will repost :
>Malign Portents. Big event in which Destruction, Order and Chaos storm the realm of Death to fight for influence. Ultimately Nagash is killed here by Tzeentch or Stormcasts, leading to all undead armies to slowly die without their master, proceeded by General Handbook 2018 where death will be no more

See this - He is just shitposting, so don't waste your time on replying to him

Would a Scourge Privateers army be viable on its own at 1k?

Also, curiously, "proceeded by" isn't English. The verb "proceed" doesn't have a passive form.
The correct word is "followed".


The Soulgrinder was also availiable in WHFB since, I think, roughly mid-2013, so this is hardly news.

assuming you're just very new, the Soulgrinder has been available for Warhammer Fantasy since it was first released.

Never. Now buy some stormcasts

after the next big Clan Moulder release

He is a slavfag

Doesn't matter, you will all see that I am right next year

There's time to wait for something new since you're getting settled anyway, find the German gaming stores near you and hang out there, get to know the community, etc., but not to hold your breath for the Goblin Sky-pirates, i feel they may be a bit of a dreamer

Enjoying Moulder atm and I'd put money on Death-rattle being the next major release, or that's my hope. - Regarding advice since it's a fresh start you should look into a faction with a variety of allies to make use of them since it's fun. Dispossessed got a lot of buffs and has a pretty wide allies matrix, ironweld and fyreslayers for support.

I don't see why it wouldn't fit in Matched Play.

I want to start a small army (something like 2x start collecting + one bigger hero/extra unit) just for fun. Dubs decide what I pick

Ironjawz or Pestilens

Anything but not death

Deathrattle led by Arkhan

Stop giving this poor guy shit army that will be removed

Darkling Covens or Nighthaunt

>Nagash literally getting a campaign where he's after Nurgles balls

Oh am Lauffin.

What? When did they announce campaign like this?

>He's not been paying attention

The Blight War isn't just Stormcast vs Nurgle.

I wasn't, I am new death player and I didn't follow blightwar, is it in the OP or anything?

We have a winner.

Green Skinz or Green Robes, the choice is yours.

How do we fix Summoning?

In Path to Glory you can summon units out of thin air, without having to set aside the points value for them. This is pretty unbalanced, since summoning super powerful units is about as difficult as summoning a unit of 10 zombies.

Why not leave summoning units around, but only for battleline units? Or if you do want to still have the ability to summon a Greater Demon or its equivalent, make it extremely difficult to cast?

Realm of Shadow and or Light reveal when?

Will wait a lil bit before i join the community as i dont know enough German yet, however it is my main goal to after 3-6 months go a couple of times and let my presence be known.

Also i will admit i have my eye on a fun kharadron overlords army themed on pic related but i will wait just incase GW releases an army that catches my eye (also the fact that i am currently saving up for shadowspire and necromunda plus another game which shall not be named here)

Thanks for the advice though.

Fug, that was quick as lightning. Gonna go with orruks I think

>This is pretty unbalanced, since summoning super powerful units is about as difficult as summoning a unit of 10 zombies.
durr i dont know how dice rolling works

Shadow spire for sure, personally not into Necromundia. Next week is Death guard and expect the month to be taken up with them

I'd just remove it desu, especially from Path to glory, it's kind of a shit mechanic and too much imbalance

There's no good way to fix it due to the core mechanics and how they designed summoning. If, say, wizards had levels again, you could give a fixed 'summoning currency' based on wizard level or something.


It's the fluff book from the box set.

>GW could give 2 of the 8 realms some actual information.
>They rehash the fucking Nurgle vs Stormcast plot again.

But abit more info? Is that book anywhere? I want to read that bit related to Nagash

Buy the set.

SO just to be sure, if I have a Slaanesh lord from the hosts of slaanesh list and a unit of chaos knights marked slaanesh can I target the knights with the lords fight twice command?

I think the answer to this is similar to the warpstone sparks.
You have 1 warpstone spark to use each herophase, it is equal to 60 reinforcement points. When summoning you can expend any number of warpstones you have for discount to the summoned unit equal to the total. You can gain additional sparks by killing an enemy unit within range of your general, capping points etc, the Idea is that acheiving win conditions gains you a spark. And maybe just for death, you can sacrifice a unit for a spark.

I am not interested in buying the set just for one lore book


Watch from 16:20


People like death.
Its just stormcast that are for the gaymosexuals.

Mah nigga.
Vince > Doom > Tom > Moarhammer > everyone else.

I'm into lesbian porn - Am I gay enough to play SCE?

Yes yes buy the box for one page of one book.
Good goy.

>tfw genuinely like Stormcast.
>look forward to playing as them when the RPG is released (using placeholders for now)
>Really like their lore.
>GW are pushing them to death.

Well someone has too if you want the fluff.

In the process of building a pure Chaos Knight Cavalry army.
Is the Ruinbringer Warband worth the 180 pts? The effect looks strong but also seems kinda overpriced imho. Could get 5 more Knights or 2 more Chariots for the price.

This is what I got so far. If I had 20 more pts I'd probably add 2x3 Varanguard but if I'm just going to play 1500 I'll just add another Chariot.

1 Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (140)

10 Chaos Knights (320)
10 Chaos Knights (320)
5 Chaos Knights (320)
5 Chaos Knights (320)

1 Chaos Chariot (80)
1 Chaos Chariot (80)
1 Chaos Chariot (80)
1 Chaos Chariot (80)

= 1420/2000 pts

The warp has been dumping 40K detritus on Warhammer world since forever. Chaos Warriors used to be able to have bolters.

It is annoying. I love slow, tanky armies, and they fit great, but the fact that any weakness they have GW insists on plugging with new chambers is annoying, and the fact that they're in every story doesn't help.

Happened to me with Space Marines in 40k
And even maybe a bit with Stormcast too

But as you said, GW is like that kid who won't stfu about how awesome is some shit that you could even like too, if it weren't because all his rumbling is actually impeling you to like it

Quite ironic

The 5 Chaos Knights obv cost (160) ignore the c&p error.

I love the idea, but wouldn't some mounted marauders be also good as meatbags?

And also a little bit of shooting

Can I use Mannfred rules while actually not using Mannfred figure/Seeing his fucking name? I hate the figure and the character but he have cool rules...

I don't really like the old Marauder Horseman models desu. I got 5 old metal ones and they look kinda derpy. Trying to go for an evil avalance of steel kinda look. Shooting is something I'm still considering, too bad the Hellcannon seems hard to get and is resin/metal.

Sure you can proxy him with whatever fits the size etc but I'm not sure about the name. I think you have to calm your autism about this sadly

Thank you user, please make more

If you use something of similar/equal size that looks the part, only spergs would have a problem with it.

>This pic was deleted by mods
>But stormkike shitposting and spam is okay

Good goy




>>look forward to playing as them when the RPG is released
Me too. A Stormcast RPG could be hella fun.

I am just scared that if I will use Arkhan with Manfred rules, they will penalize/not let me play on tournament

There is an AoS RPG announced for 2018

Depends - people at LGSs shouldn't be salty about this. But GW store stuff on the other hand...


dropbox.com/s/ikhfaa8xixgu2z7/The Savage Age of Sigmar - Core Rulebook - Version 1.4.pdf?dl=0

Usually when something I like starts being overused and hated, I swell with contrarian pride.

I don't have any gamesworkshop stores nearby me sadly, do they treat this thing differently?

Don't use Arkhan! Use some other vampire!

Afaik GW stores stuff might be salty about proxing models or using non-gw models at all. LGSs stuff is not giving a fuck as long as other players are okay with your models

I hate vampire figures overall, they are ugly and uninteresting...

I'm a 40kvplayer and I've been interested in AoS, particularly ogre kingdoms. I love the fantasy ogre models and the new beastclaw raiders stuff but I know beastclaws have a stigma.

Is running a traditional ogre army with 1 or 2 if the stonehorns acceptable, or will that piss folks off?

Meta has changed and is more horde-friendly now, so Beastclaws are no longer OP. Feel free to use them

Soulblight player here. 14 models in the line. 11 of them are shitcast.

And the only reason they have 14 models is because 5 of them are Squatted Characters.

Remind me, why didn't they just Squat the whole line?

Is there any way to make greenskinz playable on their own or with gitmob units support, with no savage orruks or ironjawz units?

With the new allies system, you could maybe get some Centigors to use as cheap chaff units, and get some cool variation in the army


Honestly, you'll probably want to stay with mostly one kind, since both get very neat allegiance bonuses.
Beastclaw Raiders are no longer Imperial Knight-tier due to a shifted meta and Gutbuster recently got a few very nice boosts.