How does Veeky Forums feel about The Adventure Zone? Shit is hilarious

How does Veeky Forums feel about The Adventure Zone? Shit is hilarious

Fuck off shill.

Whenever I talk to new players about what got them into the hobby it feels like it's almost always either this podcast or Critical Role, so I should check it out one of these days.

>no roasties
Interest piqued

Entertaining nearly every step of the way, but I felt the climax was a series of copouts (but the post-climax 'where are they now' bits were top fucking notch).

Next campaign will be Clint running them through a Fate superheroes game, which I feel will be really interesting.

I like it. Well put together, nice story. Felt they stumbled at the end, but not too bad and the overall experience was still very fun.

Funny enough, I think it suffered from the same problem most people's first long-term D&D campaigns suffer from where it started out as really loose, wacky hijinks where everyone is mostly just goofing around and having a good time wrapping their head around the rules, learning how to play their characters, and making jokes at the expense of fantasy cliches, and then tried to get bigger in its scope and take on a more serious structure later on while keeping those characters from the "goofy jokes" part of the game.

It's kind of hard to take the attempts at pathos for characters with names like "Barry Bluejeans" too seriously, which made a lot of the later half was trying to do fall a bit short to me.

I listened to the final episode at work. I cried the for like the last 45 minutes and had to explain to my boss what was going on when he pulled me into his office. its a great fucking podcast, top notch.

>Whenever I talk to new players about what got them into the hobby it feels like it's almost always either this podcast or Critical Role, so I should check it out one of these days.
Fuck. I know this feeling.

Our college club just had its club fair and at least a third of our freshman sign ups directly mentioned Critical Role. People who I've know for years online and never expressed interest in roleplaying games have gotten in touch with me and asked if I was interested in running something for them because they listened to the Mcelroys run D&D on the Adventure Zone. I have zero interest in listening to e-celebs play D&D but I'm begrudgingly realizing that these guys are the source of so much of the new influx of interest in my hobby, and I feel like I'm obliged to check them out at some point just so I can have a fucking clue what these new people are expecting out of their game.

>It's kind of hard to take the attempts at pathos for characters with names like "Barry Bluejeans" too seriously
you take that the fuck back. The fact they made us care about a dude named "bluejeans" is amazing in and of itself.

to be quite frank I actually didnt give a fuck about barry bluejeans. The fact that he was forced back into the plot because people thought his name was a funny joke just stuck out way too much to me. He was fine but not someone I would be torn up over.

Shit is awful and stupid and they laugh too fucking loudly.

Best tabletop podcast in my opinion. It doesn't take itself too seriously, good pacing, and since it's a podcast the emphasis is on the narrative.

point taken, there's defiantly characters i cared about more, but I was still rooting for Barry and Lup, like, the whole time. Best undead couple ever. That whole entire "best day ever" thing with Taco and Lup almost broke me.

All these flavors user. You had all of these flavors.

haha just turn it down bud

I love the McElroys but I couldn't go past the fifth or so arc in this. Griffin's flaws as a GM became too glaring, and the attempts at a serious story greatly detracted from the enjoyability of the podcast. I liked it the most when they were just fucking around, which is why I listen to MBMBAM since that's nothing but.

>Liking Taako
>Liking Lup

You are wrong.

Consider ending your life, or barring that secluding yourself somewhere and never interacting with another living thing again.

your one of those heretics who likes Garfield the deals warlock arnt you?

Well if they like critcal role, they like voice acting and college tier improv comedy, so enjoy your hell.

damn son, are you and ? Becasue if so you need to lighten up, get out of the house and enjoy a little bit more of life.

Can't get past the first few mins of the first episode. I'm too sensitive to cringe. I barely got into Critical Role, if it weren't for the world building in Welcome To Kraghammer the cringe would've been too much, but thankfully the acting didn't seem out of place for the most part

Maybe four people don't like that podcast, I know that's shocking to an aspiring GrogxVax slashfic writer like you.

Ha! jokes on you! I had to google who those people were to get the reference! Now that Ive glanced into the special hell you live in I pity you more then anything baby.

The second arc is one of the best most real tabletop stories told, shit was amazing.

I still listen because the stupid show has followed my personal arc with tabletop to a T - start enjoying D&D, have an amazing experience at one point, start to dislike the problems in the system, play a lot of other systems to find a perfect one, and then wind up liking gaming in general after an unsufferable high-brow phase.

The series ended. I don't know if it's possible to shill it when there's no new stuff coming out.

I mean I guess someone could relisten to the old episodes, get the contact info from the "please support our show" and throw money at them as thanks.

This podcast got my partner to actually run a fucking game of D&D finally.

I'll always have a soft spot for it because it stopped me from being forevergm

>The series ended

No, their D&D game ended, they're just moving on to something different.

Around the time the Wacky Racers arc ended, Griffin started overdoing it with the effects and editing

I've been working through it the past couple of weeks and I'm kind of surprised how much I'm enjoying it, even though it sounds like a goddamn awful game of D&D.

Glad to hear they're moving to Fate, that sounds way more fitting for the style of game these guys tend towards.

I feel like as soon as they announced they wanted to switch systems, gaming companies should have been reaching out to them. Like them or hate them, they drew a lot of new people to DnD, and I'm sure they'll do the same for fate

I cried like a bitch when the dogs were running out to Magnus on the lawn

Me too, user. Me too.

these threads pop up quite a bit, why do they keep shilling their own garbage?
I couldn't stand 2 minutes of the podcast and each time I've tried to watch one of their youtube vids I have the same exact problem
I am amazed at how successful they've been for what seems to be such subpar content. I'd love a recommendation on a good entry point for anything good of theirs

Nobody is "shilling" anything here. The McElroys are very, very much not the kind of people to be posting around Veeky Forums.

Have you considered the possibility that people on Veeky Forums are just interested in expressing one of the most popular Veeky Forums related podcasts? People enjoying things aren't always stealth marketers, idiot.

cool story bro, wanna address the rest of the post?

That your opinion differs from some other random persons'? What's to address?

Finally picked it back up and making my way through to the end. Biggest laugh so far was at the end of Petals to the Metal, when they're unmasking and Taako shouts, "And I'm a real Mongoose! Meeeoooow!"

Whenever you disagree with someone on the internet you have to try to refute their claims. It's the entire foundation of our culture. If you don't argue the whole tower of cards will collapse

Not him, but what's the point? We're not gonna change each other's minds through these posts. At best, we'll understand why we think the way we do, but most of the time, arguing on the internet just leads to opinions getting more ingrained than they were before.

I liked it up till The Stolen Century or whatever that arc was called. It just sapped all momentum, all motivation to keep listening; and I had been listening pretty regularly until then. It just felt like a pretty poor time to do a whole flashback arc.

I don't like tabletop podcasts in general, but I like this one just 'cause the McElroy boys are great

The Magic Brian battle in part 1 is hands down the funniest bit on the show.

I'm on episode 5 and it's alright so far. I know at some point things are supposed to take off, but right now it's just standard newbie D&D shenanigans.

You'll have a good taste of its potential by the conclusion of the first part.

>Like adventure zone
> Fucking HATE superheroes
Goddamnit I'm gonna not like the next arc aren't i

Yeah that's going to suck and it will be a few YEARS before it's over. Time to find a new podcast.

>it will be a few YEARS before it's over.

Probably not?
They're going to be doing a rotation of much shorter games for the time being.

>Time to find a new podcast.
Have you tried Nerd Poker?

Eh, they could have picked a better genre but at least it will help people branch out away from D&D.

haven't listened to too many episodes yet, but the ones I have listened to are great

Was honestly hoping for Shadowrun, although given how hard it was for the them to get the dnd rules 100% down I shouldn't be surprised
Griffin seemed like he liked apocalypse world, shoulda tried the sprawl, maybe.

Superheroes =/= American Big Two superhero comics

I mean, I know, I read hellblazer if that counts for anything. But Constantine isn't what you make in a superhero campaign, my man.

Hard agree.

It's definitely not a D&D podcast, but it's good. It just uses D&D mechanics as a loose foundation, but it's mostly just improv comedy and Griffin's storytelling.

It's funny except for the parts where it tries too hard to be emotional. The couple times characters are individually pulled aside to try and establish some kind of sad backstories falls totally flat and is lame as hell. I had to stop in the lead in to what I guess was the climax and big twist about all the characters actually being all interconnected and shit but they just forgot about it; It was all the sappy aforementioned shit turned up to 11 and was too much wince-worthy shit and not enough comedy

If its adventure zone its alright but critical role is a minor red flag if they expect to be playing like its crit role.

It's funny, and also a good example of how not to run a campaign. Quirky side characters, linear grand plot that happens without players' input, monologuing NPCs, all that shit. I'm sure by the end of the third session a lot of us would complain about the railroading DM and a group full of those guys.

However, most importantly, the players are still having fun.

Also, that's where I stole the idea to allow my players to rename NPCs if they don't like their names from.

There's literally nothing to refute or argue, though. At most we could describe why we like and dislike it, but that doesn't make subjective stuff stop being subjective.

I'm excited now that they're moving on to a new system. I wish it was Mutants and Masterminds instead of FATE

Now that me and some friends are starting up our own RPG podcast I kinda love and hate them.
Love because that's what convinced my friends to start an RPG podcast with me.
Hate because I'm afraid they set up unrealistic expectations for me and my group. I even restarted three episodes in with a new system and story because I was noticed that I was trying too hard to start some big overarching plot, and that's just not my style as a GM.

There a level to which a game recorded for public consumption as a product warrants a higher level of railroading than a standard game would allow, IMO.

Because they aren't just doing it to entertain themselves, but also a listening audience, giving them a bit of directional focus counters the player's natural instinct to sidetrack.

I'm not sure about railroading, but then again, I never did an RPG podcast, so what do I know.

Definitely agree that this is an entertainment show first, D&D campaign second. So it really doesn't matter whether or not the campaign, the DMing and so forth are good, so long as it is entertaining. At least until it becomes someone's introduction to RPGs and shapes their expectations.

>literally OP: hey guys what do you think of this thing?
>literally me: i think it is a bit shit, anyone have a good primer on where to begin or where you feel it really comes into its own so maybe i can give it a second chance?
kek, okey dokey. plenty of other boards here where you can see a bunch of faggots with cocks stuffed in their mouths. usually expect better from Veeky Forums

I liked taz, and I thought critical role was meh at best, are there any other dnd podcasts I could look at?

I definitely think the crystal kingdom arc was the best one storytelling wise.

Stopped after the first episode. Just a bunch of newbies asking questions and making jokes. Come on guys, get to the adventure already! Fuck!