With school starting, my usual is meeting less frequently now. Would people see me joining a second group as bad form?
Would it be considered bad etiquette to join multiple roleplaying groups?
Its only a problem when you ditch one game for another.
It entirely depends on your schedule and theirs. For a while I had one group meeting on Friday nights and another all day Sunday.
Theoretically you could get into trouble if they're neets and you're employed, and they want to change session times to a weekday. That however, is on them and not you.
TTRPGs are not a secret club unless you're dealing with prudes or playing WoD with closed-minded folk.
anyone who would be offended/consider it bad form is probably someone/s you don't want to play with in the first place
>Would people see me joining a second group as bad form?
Nope. Gaming groups aren't girlfriends; as long as you can actually attend all the sessions in all groups without dragging anything down or playing havoc with others' schedules, you can join as many groups as you like.
Bad form would be skipping the first group's sessions for the second one, especially if you weren't completely transparent about why. Also bad form would be making one group bend over backwards to reschedule everything just so you can do both.
Basically, as long as you're not inconveniencing other people for selfish reasons you're probably okay.
During university I was often in several different games at once both as part of the TTG society and outside it. There's nothing inherently shitty about being in more than one game, as long as you make sure the games don't conflict. If your current group are your friends outside the game though, some people do get shitty about their friends making new friends and potentially spending less time with them.
I actually know a bunch of poly gamers who would argue that games are totally like girl/boyfriends, have as many as you like as long as you can keep up with all of them
>I actually know a bunch of poly gamers who would argue that games are totally like girl/boyfriends, have as many as you like as long as you can keep up with all of them
>calling a network of friends with benefits "girl/boyfriends"
This is why people think you're retarded. Words already exist for what you're talking about, yet you insist on corrupting existing terms.
Would you say you're more insecure or jealous?
friends w/ benefits implies just sex, leave out the feelings - meanwhile poly people at least purport to have romantic connections with multiple people. it's a totally different situation, which requires a different term.
>I can fuck as many fat girls as I want!
It's like being a huge slut
>friends don't have an emotional connection
i would just advise you to not constantly talk about one group when attending the other.
also, don't blatantly declare one group superior when attending the other.
you'd think that goes without saying, but that has happened to me. so fucking rude, it's not even funny.
they don't if you have autism, as that person clearly does
seconding What you mean is that there's a line between "friends" and "spouses" and one stops being the other if you're starting a family.
Beyond that, what's the difference between a close friend and a spouse?
colloquially, people frequently say "my FWB caught feelings :(" to mean their fuckbuddy wanted something more than just the sex. i think i pretty clearly meant romantic feelings as opposed to platonic ones.
but anyway, as i said poly people believe you can have a romantic relationship with multiple people. look it up if you want, some have a "primary emotional partner" but some don't. there are decade-long relationships between people who live in "triads" or "polycubes".
maybe you disapprove, idk, but it's very different to relieving stress with your college study buddy or something. it's helpful to have a different word for being a romantic slut, even if it buttflusters people who enjoy deliberately misunderstanding.
So, insecure. Got it, fatty.
Swing and a miss.
My mother is a "poly" person
They don't love or have romantic relationships with anyone. They just use people for what they want. "Friends with benefits" is not the right term for what "polyamorous" people do, because that implies that the people they are fucking are their friends, and not just someone for them to use and discard
Shouldn't. Look at playing in a different group as exploring how other gamers play. My main group are mostly old farts like myself, each with decades of RPGs and running games. The other 'regular' game is primarily at a friend's apt and full of odd balls and 'interesting' types (1/2 are gay/lez/bi) and is far more unhinged. The third is even more irregular and is almost solid wargamers. I bring some of the other two to each and they seem to appreciate it.
Not at all.
That being said, my group meets once a week, and I don't think I'd even want to dedicate a whole extra night to a totally different group. I think you'll have a better experience focusing one group instead of splitting your attention and getting burned out.
I'm in 4 groups between 5 games. I find it valuable to have an outside perspective on games they're not a part of, and recently dropped out of a previous game since they helped me see I really wasn't enjoying it as much as I feel I should have. Nobody gets jealous since I generally play with mature adults that understand I have a life outside of them.
If it interferes with the other one, probably.
But unless you've made blood oath with the group, I guess they wouldn't mind.
You sound bitter as fuck,making huge generalizations about people you don't even fucking know. I'm sure this is bait, but maybe you should stop thinking your mommy is a controlling force in your life.
I can't even find one roleplaying group. Where are you at where you can actually find multiple?
Truth dubs.
Had a player once suddenly out of nowhere start showing up late and leaving early. Announces after the third time that from now on he'll only be able to make every second session because he's joined a Pathfinder Society group that meets on our regular game day at our regular time. When he tried to imply that we shouldn't continue our regular game because he wouldn't be there next week, I politely told him that we'd be going ahead without him and that he needn't bother coming by anymore.
Couple of weeks later he reached out to us by group email and "subtly" suggested that he was now available again (subtext: his PFS group fell apart). He emailed each of us individually. Nobody responded.
usually large cities, but they are probably including online games. Playing in miltople games is usually an exercise in time management amd far more feasible when you do not have multiple demands on your time, i.e. multiple jobs, a family that requires support, romantoc relatipnships or children.
Running multiple games per week is an an achievement. Playing less so.
I've definitely had some extremely minor friction over this before, since at one point I was in 3 groups where everyone from each group viciously hated everyone else in the other groups I was in, but apart from politely ignoring the suggestions that I just stop associating with X and Y it really wasn't a major issue when I had the time free.
I had a player who did that in order to study monsters and meta-game hard in other campaigns. He was a newbie in any case and was one of those players who was very passive and couldn't roleplay for the life of him. He eventually got ticked off for something I did that he didn't listen to so I guess he's back in his first campaign group.
There's not really a problem in gaming in two groups, but there is a chance that you might favor one group over the other or get less invested in both games.
One of the things to keep in mind is that gaming culture breeds gaming culture.
For every person who plays in a game, there's like a 10% chance one of those people gets inspired or thirsty for something not being offered goes on to run another game, possibly with some of the same people possibly all with different people. Maybe they found some subhumans at the LGS, maybe work friends, high school friends, who knows.
There's now a fresh group of people with a decent chance of spawning yet another spin off game that will bring in more people.
Some cities, TTRPGs are just fucking dead, but there's a few places, where I live included, where it clearly hit critical mass and fucking exploded, everyone and their dog is in a campaign. As long as you know people who might plausibly ever, in any world, have been interested in TTRPGs (Thus ruling out the most obnoxious Stacies, and very little else), you have a line in on a group you could play with.
Anyway I guess the point is you have to be the change you want to see in the world. Most people on Veeky Forums will tell you you get far and away better results getting your friends into TTRPGs than looking at LGS' which are basically the permanent homes of discarded dregs who would not ever be specifically invited to a game.
Like sure, newbies make fuck ups, and one of the people you invite will probably be "that guy", a discovery you can't make until it happens, but the 3/5 decent players you're likely to get is way better than your odds for any kind of IRL game finder.
I suppose lots of people do online games as well but I've only ever been in one or two, again, with people I already knew for unrelated reasons. Timezones and commitment are fuckin' hard with those though.
It's a matter of having connections to the world of roleplaying, basically.
When you get into one group, people in there likely have ties to other gamers, or know which forums are good, or are in a facebook group, or know a good comic shop, and so on.
..Aaaand now captcha thinks that violins and acoustic guitars are cellos. Just fucking kill me right now.
As long as you don't blow one off for another, can keep your character straight, and don't say "Well in my other group, we...", then I wouldn't say so.
I live in a college town, and I can't find anybody with an open group.
Most people where I live wouldn't be okay with someone just randomly joining our group mid-campaign. Gotta wait for one to be starting up, or some specific narrative point people are looking for a new player.
I should add that a part of this is being generally well liked and known by people who might be coming up to such a point. Noone should be taking pity on you, they have to be sold on the idea that they will literally be having a better time once you join the game.
Alternatively, applies once again.
I don't even know people who would be willing to let me try in a new session.