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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What's the best way to defeat the Plain?
>5th edition cliffnotes

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Fuck off you gay ass namefag booty bandit

My favorite mage kill in demon was when I told this Obreimos master not to look up. Being the obsessive fuckers mages are he could not help but look up which promptly turned him into a pillar of salt. The absolute madman

For people that have played mixed games, how do you keep each splat relevant.

>What's the best way to defeat the Plain?
A speeding truck.

>Bloodlines even states that the seven thing is a lie

Yeah, but the other healers are still among the rarest bloodlines left in the world, due to how selective the Salubri are in choosing childer, the Tremere's hunts for them, and the fact that so few of them were left over from the purges.

Plus, the Watchers are, by default, not interested in Western Kindred politics, to the point where they foresaw the Healers and Warriors going near-extinct in the Dark Ages and they decided to keep focusing their efforts on curtailing the Kuei-Jin in the east.

>They truly missed agreat opportunity here, instead of embracing they should have figured out how to make gargoyles the old fashioned way to increase dwindling numbers.

You mean the Gargoyles themselves figuring out the ritual, yeah? Because IIRC, there was mention of a few Tremere (Camarilla and antitribu alike) who still create Gargoyles in secret using the ritual...

But if the Gargoyles were to only be capable of embracing through the ritual, they'd have to be much more limited in number, and probably not Camarilla.

See, it'd take much thaumaturgical skill and know-how to create new gargoyles (it's a 5-point ritual after all), and the creation of a gargoyle via a ritual requires two vampires to be tortured both physically, spiritually and mentally whilst being starved. The ritual is even described as being so dark and repugnant that the creation of a Gargoyle imposes an automatic decrease in a character's path, REGARDLESS of what path they follow. It's utterly abhorrent and alien even to the most alien and monstrous of vampiric moralities.

Since the Camarilla decided to pursue the path of humanity above all others (to better blend in), I imagine the Gargoyles would end up as a Sabbat or Independent bloodline, living in large groups for safety and hunting vampires of the Nosferatu, Gangrel or Tzimisce clans in the wild, keeping them staked until the rituals could begin.

>For people that have played mixed games, how do you keep each splat relevant.

I don't, really. Mixed games aren't really made to work, so you'd have to take shortcuts and start homebrewing a lot of stuff to keep it even and "balanced" for gaming purposes, which'll just piss people off (or just confuse them) in the long run, since you had to modify so many rules, even if you excluded mages (which any sane person would do in a crossover-game).

Has anyone run a game using innocence? Any stories about it? It seems like one of the stranger books.

Don't allow mages, give more starting XP to the weaker splats.

What is the order of spats that would need help, and how much help would they need?