Do you think he ruined fantasy?
Do you think he ruined fantasy?
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I think every fantasy author you like ruined fantasy.
Not really. He'll just be forgotten when the TV show ends.
You need to be 18 to post on this board. ASOIAF was popular well before the show was made, and will be popular long after the fat man dies.
the only reason he's still relevant is the TV show and his really slow release schedule, if he'd done all the books within a couple of years they'd be forgotten entirely by now
It'll never reach the same heights, tho.
It wasn't. Not in the mainstream, anyway.
user is right. When the show ends it will quickly fall back into obscurity. I doubt the average person even cares about the books anymore now that the TV series has gone its own way.
His works wont have big impact in the long run.
He ruined television. Robert Jordan ruined fantasy before George even got a chance.
He changed the fantasy market from
>LOTR ripoffs
>ASOIAF ripoffs
and I much prefer the latter. So no, st least in my opinion.
>made LOTR ripoffs seem original again
Good enough for me
>It'll never reach the same heights, tho.
I sure fucking hope it won't. Normies ruin everything, the series included.
Newfags don't remember holy wars between ASOIAF fans and Elric fans on Veeky Forums.
Fucking this. At least the legions of shitty, lazy, uninspired copycat fantasy authors have a new formula to shamelessly rip off for the next 70+ years that isn't ELVES IN THE FUCKING FORESTS, DRUNKEN DWARVES IN THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS and ORCS JUST FUCKING ABOUT!
Overrated, he only got so far because of shock value, nothing else in his books is original or new, his prose isn't anything special either.
i have nightmares of normies suddenly realizing dune is the grandaddy of geo political fantasy lit and taking it mainstream
Fantasy was already ruined by Gygax and Tolkien, so I don't mind.
Jesus Christ, that's legit horrifying.
Why do people claim he ruined fantasy? I don't get it.
Sleep well, user. Sleep well.
Because Game of Thrones is popular, and Veeky Forums is full of contrarians. You should have realized it already from daily DnD-bashing threads.
As if it wasn't already a cesspit of rancid shit with a sprinkling of mediocrity.
D/D ruined it, GoT started ok but the more it went the shittier it become and normies loved it even more
>Newfags don't remember holy wars between ASOIAF fans and Elric fans on Veeky Forums.
Elaborate. Speaking as a Moorcockfag i don't see why i should be mad considering that GRRM and Michael are good friends.
Ruined? Nope.
Still he didn't do anything good for it.
There's always a reason to be mad, user.
>MY favourite books is better
>No, MY favourite book is better
His last couple books, especially Dance with Dragons, is in dire need of an editor.
I like the plot well enough, but the prose has gotten awful.
He's certainly ruining this board
Fair nuff.
Stormbringer is still the greatest fantasy novel ever written. There are plenty others that approach it though.Those that doubt me, suck cock by choice.
It will recover
He's just some fat dork who writes mediocre books
GRRM banned quests?
I think I'm getting sick of people trying to turn every fucking game into Game of Thrones
No but I'm getting sick of the twice-daily GRRM threads.
A good thread died so we could have this shit instead.
Joke's on them, Brian and Kevin already ruined everything
Good threads don't end up on page 10 unless they've hit bump limit.
Yea now we have "fat people fantasy" where everything is miserable, the woman are conniving whores, food and shitting is a focus. Extreme weather patterns across samey biomes. Everything is grey or morally ambiguous because muh fantasy realism. Cringe tier pseudo-political tomfoolery.
Generic imagery because lazy: dragons, zombies, giants.
Knights who say fuck and vagina monologues. Not to mention bootstrapping languages and changing "I" to "E" and being praised as a genius for it.
Not to mention an obtuse ignorance towards fantasy as a whole to the point where tax policy autism manifests itself and makes GRRM literally retarded.
no, but you're definitely ruining this board
>Brian's quest for more money
And you weren't sick of every game being Lord of the rings? Or that special mix of Tolkien and DnD? It's been a handful of decades by now so it must've all gotten stale in the meanwhile?
no. he's trying to save it.
JK Rowling ruined it.
At least lotr games aren't just shitty people being shitty for reasons.
If fantasy can be considered ruined at all, it would be because of a feedback loop between risk averse, unoriginal creators and the watered down tastes of the bulk of consumers.
Nonsense, everyone knows that threads you don't like automatically knock good threads off the board.
This was an actual argument used by people who didn't like quests. Seriously.
No Tolkein ruined fantasy with his Marty Stu characters like Aragorn and Gandalf.
Why not go back to your stale Japanese JRPGs where its 95% power of the fellowship and everybody is happy while we enjoy our fatman fantasy
He said he was ruining the board not improving it. The exile of quests has vastly improved Veeky Forums. The only ones who think otherwise are attention starved questfags.
He certainly didn't help, bu that doesn't look like Tolkien, so no, the responsibility for ruining fantasy doesn't lie on his shoulders.
All he did was add raunchyness and grittiness to Tolkien's tradition of boring walls of plot-unnecessary overdescriptive text that the author just assumes the reader will suffer through because they have nothing better to do.
I gave up on both authors at largely the same points: put down Felowship during an unnessecary wall of text about how wholesom it was that a bunch of little peple were throwing a fireworks party, and I put down Game of Thrones during an unnecessary wall of text about how un-wholsome it was that a midget was fucking hookers.
Also, both authors created extremely boring and hyper-detailed instruction manuals on how to make the vastly superior screen versions of their worlds.
GRRM is just following in the tradition and example set by JRRT... just with more tits and sometimes he tricks you into thinking someone other than John snow is the plot-shielded protagonist to prepare for a shock-value kill. These are quirky ornamentation to the JRRT formula, not genuine innovation.
Look, there's two flavors of shit lazy fantasy 'authors' can try to peddle from now on. That's better than it's been in fucking decades so you won't hear any complaints from me.
He speaks truth!
>Knights who say fuck and vagina monologues.
To be fair this is not original, and has been basically happening since Shakespeare wrote the character Fallstaff.
>t. fat neckbeard
Just because you play with retards who never read books doesn't mean everyone else does.
Is it an idiot's guide if it's guaranteed to work every time?
D&D ruined fantasy. There are very fewLOTR knock-offs, but Forgotten Realms clones are in the hundreds if not thousands. Most of the shit tropes we see in fantasy came from Forgotten Realms.
Is this the dark age of comics for fantasy?
Tell me about Strombringer user.
You had one job, nigger. Five of them, not three.
Prior to show, it was about on-par with the Wheel of Time - they were the two most notable 'doorstop series' of fantasy books. However, that regard was fading fast because people were beginning to suspect he'd never get it done. He and HBO were great partners, in that respect - both are basically fading to irrelevancy without each other.
And no, he didn't ruin fantasy. Almost nobody doing fantasy is ripping him off; they're ripping off guys like Joe Abercrombie, because before the show, they were much more relevant as 'muh mature fantasy' guys. All that GoT has done is maybe fuck with the way we do historical dramas, but that's about it.
World of Warcraft kicked fantasy in the balls. It did nothing but make abunch of stereotypes of MMORPG players that's only story at the time was a teenage lich king boy vs a demon assasin elf.
>GRRM features a undead king guy
>also a "demon" assassin yas queen slay little girl
So you're saying GRRM ripped off warcraft. Metzen really was a genius all along.
No, I was actually speaking off topic.
GRRM grew up in the age of dark fantasy(conan) books. In this god damn age of Politcal correct bullshitness, GRRM's work has been a breath of relief.
Blizzard took heavy influences of D&D and Warhammer and happy mealed it to the masses for World of Warcraft.
>GRRM grew up in the age of dark fantasy(conan) books. In this god damn age of Politcal correct bullshitness, GRRM's work has been a breath of relief.
Lmao you're so autistic you need your fantasy to protect your fee-fees from evil sjws.
My fucking sides.
I think you're a shitposter.
Sorry, what else are we talking about now?
Dorne is bullshit and I hate that it exists as a relevant part of the setting.
This is the objective truth.
No you fucking retard, it's praise that it took some old fatass like GRRM to not give a shit about the shift that fantasy was taking and bringing it back to when it was hugely popular in the 70s.
Nah, though I wish he'd kept with the original tone and left the stories grounded in politics and scheming, and the 'game of thrones' instead of going full Forgotten Realmstard and crammed a ton of magic and other high-fantasy bullshit into the story. He lost my interest by doing that, because now his books are just Tolkein with rape in them.
You definitely have autism if you think GRRM changed fantasy because he wrote about tits.
Read a book you dumb fuck.
Also sperging out doesn't make your argument look good.
>sometimes he tricks you into thinking someone other than John snow is the plot-shielded protagonist to prepare for a shock-value kill
I find it interesting that people say this considering Jon gets killed in the last book.
Why do you have a problem with !NotArabicAndalusia! ?
Like, I have numerous problems with the man's writing style that I've ranted about in this thread, but the inclusion of a !Not[historical empire]! that's actually underused not one of them.
And then resurrected... you know... like a protagonist with plot-shield.
>>GRRM features a undead king guy
>>also a "demon" assassin yas queen slay little girl
Neither of those things are in the books.
How do you know. He hasn't finished them yet.
Fucking king neckbeard poster
>Do you think he ruined fantasy?
How the literal fuck do you "ruin" fantasy ?
Last time i checked science fiction was still doing well.
so where more exotic kinds of porn
Also kids are still playing pretend to be whatever the fuck they want.
And by the fact that automation keeps advancing we, as a race, have more and more time to spend on the fine arts and work on our own ideas and visions.
Fantasy did literally never more well than today and will be only be beaten by tomorrow.
and despite all of this OP still tires to fill the empty void that is his live by shitposting and begging for (you) on an anonym message board, instead of trying to take up responsibilities and contribute to society.
Also reminder, the sage function exsits and this shit should be saged to hell.
>literally the last chapter in adwd ends with jon getting stabbed
>they're ripping off guys like Joe Abercrombie
Who was ripping off Martin.
When he comes back in the next book you should kill yourself.
>Smoke comming out of his stab wounds
Yeah, he's so ded
Aww boo hoo, the LMAoooing dumbass who diagnosis autism in ever comment somehow fantasied I wrote about GRRM changing the genre.
The "sperg" out was calling out your austism/LMAO shitposting you dumbfuck. You dense mf'er
>jon must be the plot armoured protagonist because [things I speculate will happen]
You may have mental problems.
Seek help.
I couldn't give a fuck. If the tosser can't be bothered to finish his works because he's too busy running his fingers down his stretch marks and fat rolls to find missing cheetos for lunch, it's his business.
If someone can ruin fantasy for someone else, it is (you)
Because Dorne survived the Targ conquest through pure plot armour. A medieval nation can't endure 3 years of having every major population center being razed by dragons. In fact, it not only survived but somehow forced notorious nutjob Aegon into a peace treaty, all without its vassals jumping ship to the Targs.
Also, how the fuck would Dorne get away with murdering a king during a sacred truce? In all seriousness, they get away with bullshit that no other kingdom would for no adequately explained reason.
>I never read the books
>Do you think he ruined fantasy?
It's been in a more or less shit position for decades so I fucking doubt it. It's hard to really make common fantasy any worse than it already is, and all he did was give more up and coming authors one more guy to rip off of besides Tolkien. That being said ASOIAF isn't bad in and of itself, and if you wanna blame anyone for ruining fantasy you should blame whatever talentless fucks end up ripping off Martin, the way you should be doing for the ones who rip off Tolkien.
Also, stop posting this shit.
I don't read trash.
Clive Barker did it all first, and much better with Imajica.
Since Dorne joined Aegon instead of Daenerys, I can assure you that their luck is about to run out.
You don't insert Cassandra-like figure, if everything she says doesn't come true. Ellaris is the only sane woman in the kingdom.
Do you have autism or something? jw
So you parrot the memes and shitpost.
Except that all happened, otherwise you wouldn't have said it didn't happen in the books.
You didn't even realize how stupid saying that was.
>things I speculate will happen
Major plot-points happening the same in the series and the books is not "speculation." In the show he isn't resurrected to go do nothing, he goes on to participate meaningfully in many major plot-significant events.
He is, without a doubt, going to be immediately resurrected in the book just like how he was in the series. If you think otherwise, you are kidding yourself.
Isn't the price for resurrection losing one's memories and personalities bit by bit?