Pathfinder General /pfg/
What game was the most disappointing bamboozle for you? Maybe the game picked players and you got in but it was a bamboozle anyway?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What game was the most disappointing bamboozle for you? Maybe the game picked players and you got in but it was a bamboozle anyway?
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To those what were wondering,
is voice and text, not just voice only. I saw some people asking about it in the last thread.
All the games I liked were real, and I got into all of them to boot.
There just isn't a voice and text option.
Feel free to apply anyway and I'll put it to a majority vote on if we go text or voice.
Ensoulment, where I got bamboozled and my character is being used as an NPC.
>voice and text
Like, IC in text while ooc is in voice?
The worst bamboozle was realizing the game wasn't a bamboozle, and I was actually picked.
Name the character
You won't
None because I don't associate with /pfg/ outside of /pfg/
Unless you explicitly asked, your character isn't an NPC.
>I don't associate with /pfg/ outside of /pfg/
Truly this is the one true path
>associating with /pfg/ at all
We've fallen off the true path long ago.
I want Florence Nightingale to give me disciplinary action!
Can a life oracle choose to take inflict spells as their freebies and still take channel positive energy?
I see little reason to keep the cure spells around since I'm also taking Pei zin which has free lay on hands.
No. You either channel evil and use inflict or channel positive and use cures.
get in line bro
Pretty sure you're allowed to use either or, period.
Wait, does that mean the Ancap Man is an NPC right now?
So I want to ask anyone from intrigue game. Is DHB as over optimized as people say he normally is? Is it disruptive? How is playing with him?
Literally who fucking cares?
Reminder that living world heresy needs to be burnt at the stake.
Or we could all just app with some meme shit.
>"I am going to do thing [descriptive text of user describing his actions]"
>"Ok roll X"
>For no reason other than seeing the prompt, DHB also rolls X, scoring better than you possibly ever could, even with a nat 20
>This happens for the rest of the campaign, leaving you sitting in the corner hoping to be *allowed* to do anything.
>"lmao whats wrong? I'm helping the party!"
Nice false flag faggot, everyone here knows better to pass that shit anything more than a passing glance.
So, if you put Baba Yaga in an Antimagic Field, can you permanently kill her, since her immortality is Su and not Ex?
It would be extremely painful
Ess you.
No. She's too plot magic laden and her entire being is about the universe bending over and letting the Old Crone use her besom to fuck it in return for being higher CR than most of every other creature that can claim to be on the cusp of divinity.
Shit this seriously happens? What a piece of shit.
She's a big girl.
Maybe don't try and specialize in the same thing as DHB?
Isn't Baba Yaga literally so powerful that she has the option of becoming a God at any time but chooses not to because it would be too much of a hassle?
Yeap. Gods have rules and when somebody doesn't play by the rules you get trapped in a planet. Cr30 Humanoid (human) can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they don't provoke divine intervention.
>The guy who specializes in pretty much every thing that matters
No prob user, I'm sure the rest of the party would be perfectly happy to specialize in swimming and basket weaving.
You think people would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
He literally better at every skill, defense, and offense than the rest of the party even on a nat 20 He has no weak points. He's the best at literally everything.
How's the roleplay, though?
What about no weak points do you not understand?
DHB is the Kars of roleplaying.
If it try really really hard, could I be like DHB when I grow up?
It's pretty shit, desu.
Mostly nonexistent.
Yes, little larva! You can! You can! Just remember to eat your greens and drink your milk.
I'm hearing all this talk of mechanics, but that's not telling me about the roleplay, user. I'm asking how the roleplay is.
Capable of silliness, almost always dead serious. Even when it's to the detriment of flow.
What game are you in with him?
Not at all, this is some user theorizing what it's like to play with DHB
The reality is that he does his job well and is the most liked character and interesting character in the game so far.
He's a lot better in Legacy. In that game, he's only number 2 at literally everything.
Wrong. DHB wouldn't try and defend himself, he'd ask what he could do better.
Or apologize/be self deprecating.
What's dhb?
I mean what's wrong with that?
He's not that bad in Legacy. He doesn't have a lot of the skills that are being called for and has just had some rotten luck. I'd say he's mildly optimized in that.
How is his roleplay in legacy?
>He doesn't have a lot of the skills that are being called for
What do you mean?
It's getting better. He was wooden at first, but now his character is loosening up and having a personality besides getting shit done.
You should inspect his character sheet and bring it up with the GM. There is a consistent tendency with that individual's characters that I've noticed, dating all the way back to the RotJR character that started it all, and that is to take highly situational bonuses from miscellaneous class features and report them as static, "always on" bonuses.
Alright /pfg/ Its ime to take a step back and look at yourself. Take a long, hard look at yourself and what you do as a player.
Now, after some introspection tell me, what's that one reoccuring theme or gimmick that you've only just now realized that you keep doing with all of your characters and builds?
Me, personally, I keep making Wis based builds all the time, even when I don't intend to.
>what's that one reoccuring theme or gimmick that you've only just now realized that you keep doing with all of your characters and builds?
I tend to make older white male characters that endure some sort of tragedy or hardship in their backstory, though mechanically they always tend to be martials with a heavy focus on Wisdom.
All my characters meet 2/3 of these:
Minimum of 14 Int, decent Cha, low Wis. Usually characters who are a good deal more clever than they appear.
Always some sort of hardship or isolating incident in their backstory, but it's self-inflicted; brought on by the character's choices, rather than fate or luck.
Always good and/or lawful.
'Hilariously Tragic' backstories, sexually charged characters, and a tendency to quirk eyebrows and roll shoulders.
Hi Slow!
Any fun games on the horizon?
I didn't reach out at all after picks were made, but one of the players PMed me to let me know that Protag said my character was slotted to make an appearance without my knowledge.
Since most of my gaming experience outside of pathfinder consists of Call of Cthulhu and Warhammer 40k roleplay, I'll be the first to admit that my range is a little narrow.
While I try my best when it comes to writing up my PF characters, I invariably fall back on my tried and tested character archetypes of unscrupulous spook, angry cop, religious fanatic, unhelpful bureaucrat, mad scientist, amoral spellcaster and the occasional frightened imbecile.
I mean, I'm trying my best to break out of my comfort zone and try to come up with something a little more "anime" for your games but I guess old habits just die hard.
Younger men, usually with Charisma as their main mental stat, almost always martials, either Lawful, Good, or both.
Somehow they always end up being adopted, from a broken home, or otherwise having serious issues with their family that are a major part of what defines them.
Any other challengers?
*Sleep, not Slow. Fuck your four word Sl names.
>s l e e p
>four word
Sounds like you need some sleep yourself
Cute Girls who just want to be heroes but can't be one because of a plot aspect
>Me, personally, I keep making Wis based builds all the time, even when I don't intend to.
I have the opposite problem: I keep wanting to put together a Wis character and they end up turning into Int based builds.
Sappy. Come on, guys you need to make it a little harder for us to guess.
Cute as always
What's with all the DHB bullying? Most of the time the worst I hear about him is 'he's kinda stiff until he gets comfortable with the group'. It seems like people are hardcore bullying now.
No, actually.
Somehow, via spells, class abilities, fey pacts, artifacts or what have you my characters always end up with the ability to just check out of reality.
Some way to say 'nope' and fuck off to a private demiplane or other type of solitude location that can't be gotten to where they can stay indefinitely with no trouble, usually while immortal and having a way to scry on the outside world. Invariably, they'll never end up using them.
It must be a slow day, for DHB's creepy stalker to come out of hiding.
They're all reflections of my irl depression and never any fancy races
Or false flagging for sympathy points and attention.
Would DHB false flag?
Of course, all celebs do.
No, he doesn't do that. He's tone-deaf at times, but that feeds into him being very straightforward.
I tend to make grapplers even when they aren't necessary.
I seem incapable of creating characters that, even with their varied backstories and personalities, aren't emotionally driven nerds at heart. The only one that comes to mind that has broken that mold has been my latest Starfinder character, and that's because I went in the complete opposite direction and made him a literal stony faced Gargoyle who doesn't say much but when he does it's important to listen.
>First session - Coastline and farm random encounter tables
>Second session - not!Spartan deserters + Ankheg
>Third session - Orc initiators
What would be a good transition to Sahuagin? My players are coming up on the Twelfth Seros War (AD&D conversion). The sea devils will have maneuvers, and maybe psionics. The PCs own property in a major port city since they don't want to farm. One of them will be involved in Velsharoon's apotheosis.
The PCs just made level four.
Okay, so I'm trying to basically make a super Saiyan.
>Monk of the Four Winds archetype
>Takes Aspect of Ki-Rin at lvl 17
>Human race bonus
>Vow of Chains
>Vow of Poverty
>Hadouken feat
>Point blank shot feat
>Precise shot feat
>Focused strike feat
>Deadly Aim
Aspect of Ki-rin turns him gold and silver with long hair so that's a plus for super Saiyan aesthetics, but is this a viable build to blast people with Kamehame-hadoukens?
The only thing I can say ALL of my characters have had is 10+ int. That's strictly mechanical, though. Varied backstories, genders, heights, weights, races, psychological profiles, etc. There are trends, like I prefer martials over casters, but I can't honestly say I have them share some aspect or trait. Maybe I'm being too literal when thinking of "all" my characters. I suppose only 3 had children, and none of them had living spouses. That's more to justify running off to do stupid dangerous shit in caves than as an overarching theme. None of them were bald?
What the fuck is a decent 3rd level sorcerer spell for dungeon building/crowd control? All I've got is 5 uses of Explosive Runes and I feel like I might need something else some day.
Conjuration - Ash Storm, Sleet Storm, and Spiked Pit, if your DM allows it.
What is your bloodline?
Aqueous Orb, Hydraulic Torrent/Waves of Blood, Spiked Pit, stinking cloud, Chain of Perdition, Wall of Nausea, and Slow are good.
Final Sacrifice is situational, but still good for dealing with summoned monsters
I like to play outlaws and criminals, usually tragic characters who, had they the opportunity of a normal life, could've turned out differently. I am also generally a sucker for stories about redemption and forgiveness so, whether they're able to rediscover their self-determination and find some sort of modicum of redemption or it all tragically falls apart with them ultimately failing to restore their self-respect/honor/whatever. Its all fun.
I do also enjoy playing characters who aren't mentally tough as a rock, who're dealing with both the insecurities and stress caused by their profession(Usually a freelancer/adventurer) and their personal issues which the lifestyle has brought to the surface.
Reminds me of the guy in my old group who played Good characters to prove how hypocritical people with moral codes were.
Infernal Tiefling Sorcerer, I thought it was a good idea at the time but I've been feat starved to hell and back because of it.
Thanks for the help, though despite all the recommendations I've decided to go with Marionette Possession due to having a surplus of willing individuals.
I had a GM like that.
It made playing a literal angel all the sweeter.
>ALWAYS have 12+ Int bare minimum, if they're not Int-based to begin with, with maybe one exception
>ALWAYS have 14 Con, with barely any exceptions
>at least one living family member to cheer them on, even if they never actually show up and/or are never relevant
>they tend to be fucked in the head one way or another, but it's hard to really do anything with it since adventurers by nature are fucked in the head
>always have some vice and/or motivator that keeps them going even if it's bad for them
>family isn't around for one reason or another
Cursed with horrible luck.
It's not so much a writing quirk as much as fate had forced it upon me, I once made a character with the express goal to kill the first character I ever played in under the pretense that "they were the ones where the curse originated from"
I still want to play that character, but every game I try to play them in dies within the first few sessions.
The fact that "horrible luck" and "fantastic luck" aren't things you can base a character around in Pathfinder is one of the great letdowns I have with the system.
"Fantastic Luck" is literally what the Archeologist archetype represents.