What do you think of this dude's Running The Game videos?
Good resource? Disagree with any of his points?
What do you think of this dude's Running The Game videos?
Good resource? Disagree with any of his points?
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He sometimes injects his left-wing politics into his videos, and that's a major turn off. Once I saw that happen three times I said fuck him and stopped watching his shit. I came for RPG videos, not political opinions about trannies and gays.
Matt Colville is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs.
he has pretty gonzo tastes in adventures though
This is the guy who seriously complains not enough RPG settings have interracial breeding programs. Just look at that smug cunt face.
Only just found gim due to an earlier thread. Slog and losing were nice enough i had to share them with one of my players who also dms.
Ill have to watch more to get a true grasp but so far it's pretty good.
I tried watching him once and I got some politics shit instead of something fun. Never tried again, fuck him.
Oh for fuck's sake. Is this the new "tax policy" bullshit?
Doesn't seem to have played at tables that don't perfectly align with his opinions, If I tried pulling half the shit his players put up I'd have a empty table in a couple of sessions.
leftie scum
The lefties have told us that everything's political. Strange how they change their minds when we take it to heart.
Colvile receives a lot of shit which he deserves but for the wrong reasons, he's fairly good at keeping his politics out of his videos even if it does occasionally happen, he's not a great GM though and he only runs DnD so some of his stuff isn't universal applicable even when he's right
He's alright
this is traditoinal games
idgaf what side you're on if you're literally too autistic to switch off and just talk about Veeky Forums relevant shit then
He's alright. I don't always agree with him, but I like how bootyblasted he gets peeps like When you irritate /pol/acks to the point where they start outright lying about what you've said, you know you're doing an okay job at at least one thing.
He helped me alot when I was new to DMing in 2016 and he offers good advice most of the time
>he only runs DnD so some of his stuff isn't universal applicable
True, but it's a really small portion of all the stuff he says. Heck, even the "using 4e's combat to make 5e more interesting" video had some good stuff a GM could take to other games.
Which ones were these? I think I've watched ~40% of them and I only recall the rape in games reee and the lecture on multiculturalism.
>interracial breeding programs
This an actual thing or you just shitposting?
Details? I got like halfway through the first campaign diary, but I've been curious how all his stuff actually plays out in a game.
>This an actual thing or you just shitposting?
He just recommends having a 'center of the world' type city where you can have people from all over the world, elves and dwarves and whatever else you got, all turning up in one place.
I mean, I am over-exaggerating how much I don't like him but at least for me there isn't enough good and applicable advice that I find his videos worth watching
>This an actual thing or you just shitposting?
Suck my ass you stupid fags.
Doesn't encourage interracial breeding programs you dumbass. Just suggests that if you want to explain how there are different ethnicites dispersed a certain way, an older empire moving everyone around and rehousing children to instill loyalty is one.
This is something that has happened in real life by the way. Assyria, China, Rome, the Ottomans, and Babylon have all done this.
So yeah, you a liar.
it's more that he seems convinced that adding racial tensions and multicultural mixing in your setting is the best way to create drama and to make your games "meaningful" and "philosophical"
Except he never says this. You're just extrapolating this from the few times he's touched on race, because you're desperate for an enemy to fight.
I don't understand why should you allow snowflake ethnicities. I'd never play a white or a black dude in an Asian setting.
Well maybe if he didn't express those precise opinions whenever he touches on race, I wouldn't feel inclined to point out that he seems to hold these opinions.
But honestly what pisses me off more about him is that he tries to make his channel "family friendly" by never swearing, along with his stupid cutesy speech mannerisms. Gives off the "wacky dad" vibe and it's super creepy
To be fair, he's stupid and hypersensitive rather than intentionally trying to be deceitful.
it's not a problem if your adventure takes place in a multi-ethnic area.
The question is: what makes him think that a multi-ethnic adventuring party is always more interesting to play as, and that confronting characters to racists will always result in an interesting narrative? Does he encourage the same type of race-based game mechanics and politics as Varg?
>Well maybe if he didn't express those precise opinions
Except he doesn't. He doesn't say racial tensions are the best way of creating drama or making your games meaningful. That opinion is not there.
>But honestly what pisses me off more about him is that he tries to make his channel "family friendly"
Please ID yourself on this image.
>what makes him think that a multi-ethnic adventuring party is always more interesting to play as
Nothing, because he doesn't say this.
>and that confronting characters to racists will always result in an interesting narrative?
Again, nothing, because he doesn't say this.
He explicitly said that he avoids swearing in case children are watching.
It's ridiculous.
You might wanna re-watch his vids, denial-kun
You do know you basically have to do that anyway now if you want to monetize videos on YouTube, right?
So? Maybe they are.
Literally has no impact on the quality of his videos. Being a huge edgelord, you may not understand this, but most widely dispersed media generally avoids swearing. You don't need to swear to be mature.
The closest he ever gets to saying either of those things is that there's no reason why you can't have any kind of person in D&D. Which is right.
Shit, man, I don't even agree with a lot of his points, but this is the most disingenuous criticism I can think of.
He talks like a fa and his shits all retarded
Third thread in three days about this dude. Stop. Posting.
He's pretty great though.
So far there was 1, that's right, ONE video of him that I feel like he blurted out some SJW bullshit, which is the "sociology" video that has been linked here already.
All the other stuff is pretty awesome and I like it a lot. He gave me pretty good advice and resources considering I'm a new GM.
>But honestly what pisses me off more about him is that he tries to make his channel "family friendly" by never swearing, along with his stupid cutesy speech mannerisms. Gives off the "wacky dad" vibe and it's super creepy
>It's ridiculous.
I literally don't understand your problem. Would the videos be better if he used "useless goatraping shithead" instead of "jerkwad" or whatever it is he uses? Or "bitchcunt's tits" instead of "dooblydoo?" "Those dickless lying shitskin cumdumpsters" instead of "your players?"
I've never gotten an ultranice can't-say-that vibe from him, he just happens to not swear. Which, for most of his subject matter, seems like it'd be expected.
He makes a big deal about not monetizing his videos, so that's an unlikely motivation/excuse.
He also had a rant about players/GMs raping the female player's character, wherein he got very angry, expressed deep conviction that none of his viewers needed to be told this, and then went ahead and said "NO!" anyway. So... he admits this isn't useful information, he has nothing to contribute and no interest in backing up his opinion with anything concrete, and he knows he's getting salty over it, but he still cannot stop himself from shitposting in his own video at a nebulous group of hypothetical people.
Same video, but two fuckups.
He needs to pull Matt Mercer's cock out of his mouth.
The only reason Veeky Forums hates Matt Mercer is because he is
>still a nerd
>great DM who writes good storylines and doesn't focus on autistic worldbuilding
His books are a decent read, drinking, profanity, nudity, violence, politics, intrigue, mystery, I'm looking forward to the next one.
As for his videos, they provide some good insight and examples to think about. Not game changing, but some good ideas. I like his examinations of the game over his personal game coverage, game stories are always boring.
Did you watch the entire video?
Obvious bait
I was fine until the last line, world-building, when functional can take an ok game to great
He seems to run into a lot of problems using D&D.
He describes problems (and possible solutions) that are symptomatic of D&D and its players. Why does he do this?
I kind of hated his video on initiative. Other than that, he's alright in general. I'd reccomend him to newer players over the few other DND youtubers out there simply because in general he's more presentable, has a clearer voice (most of the time) and doesn't have that many hang ups that other DMs seem to have when warning away from certain player habits or tropes.
I don't think he injects his political biases in as much as his critics say he does, but he does have some left leaning signs such as telling viewers to never use the term "Heroine". It's not much, but it's pretty obvious where he lies on the left-right scale. As someone who couldn't be fucked to care about either side, it doesn't bother me.
I personally love Matt Mercer, but I'm not a huge fan of Critical Role. I admire him mostly for his voice acting work, especially in Fate/Zero.
He seems like an alright guy, and his videos focused on teaching DND are alright too. I don't get the hate much.
I must be superficial as fuck, because I can't get past that nose of his.
Wait what why is heroin sexist now?
yes, his videos would be better if he didn't censor himself
>expected not to swear
he isn't a politician
oh wait
Since when has it been expected that politicians don't swear? They haven't been upstanding models of humanity in centuries, if that.
>He also had a rant about players/GMs raping the female player's character
Technically, he had a rant about the abundance of player stories where rape gets involved.
It wasn't more specific than that. All he said here was that this wasn't, as far as he knew, the norm in D&D and you're being a huge douche if you fixate your game on it or try to bring it in if nobody else is into that shit. There's a venue for rape fantasies and it's not saturday night D&D with the average player. I can agree with that.
he's ok, but his political rants are a major turn off and eventually i stopped watching him because of that.
it'd be much better if he avoided all of them.
>Dont rape girl characters
>Left wing politics
I really like his commitment to understand the reasons and thought patterns behind a game mechanic or story element.
This of course does not mean I actually agree with him all the time, but at least he comes to a decision or conclusion by dissecting a problem, not just following something that is written in a book.
Matt's pretty great but Hankerin Ferinale is top tier. By far my favorite DM/GM to listen to
Hankerin is a big ol' badass, love the guy.
>Whatching dubs
What a faggot
Genuinely curious about this also
The other day in his sub a butthurt American kid went on a tirade how using "autistic" is offensive because he has autism and how Matt should think of what he is going to say to not offend people.
Lol, Americans are such massively thinned skin people. It is disgusting that I have to share the Internet with them.
His running the game videos are a great resource for a budding gm, he covers a wide variety of topics and even if there's the occasional political stance you may not enjoy you'll get a lot out of his videos if you can ignore it.
Personally, some of my favorite videos of his have to be Sandboxing video, Politics 101, and the video he did on the West Marches.
His Politics 101 videos helped me out a lot because he goes into how he makes a politically tense environment and that's something that I've struggled with myself.
>It is disgusting that I have to share the Internet with them.
Try sharing a country with these fuckwads
That's a really cringey idea that presupposes your worldbuilding is innately gamist.
Make a world where there's realistic movement of cultures along trade routes, that gives the sense that different nations have interacted throughout history, rather than have a hub city.
If Veeky Forums taught me anything it's that most people that use "autistic" as an insult are pretty autistic themselves.
>Mention a left wing opinion=leftie shill
>Constantly spout reactionary alt right opinions=edgy revolutionary truth speaker
But hub cities do occur
Constantinople, New York, Babylon. The points where trade routes intersect tends to result in hubs
I am a /pol/ faggot, in all honesty I am. He might or may not be a leftist, you can not tell. What you can tell is that he is a nice guy. When he talks about inclusion he does so in a manner that he does not want to insult someone or make them feel unwellcome. He says, dont make an arabian in a nord party no matter Fatima is let by her parents to go out and play D&D. Players should be the same and no one should feel unwellcome, why invite them in the first time then.
He likes to throw in some gonzo elements, but that is just his taste. Also he himself states his videos might not be true for everyone. So please, stop finding lefties because you want and go find some real fuckers to beat down.
Natsoc /pol/tard
I think the majority of his videos and points are actually helpful. He is probally not someone for expirienced dm's but for new ones or semi new ones (like me) his videos really help. But since his videos are all about teaching new dm's
that's to be expected. And as a bonus he seems like a nice guy unlike other creators (dawnforgedcast) in this genre of videos
>nearly ubiquitous
>doesn't happen because mentioning a right wing opinion is professional suicide
LOL, what and autist :^)
Captcha: ntr chamber
>telling viewers to never use the term "Heroine"
How about "Hero with tits, vagina, and -4 to Strength"?
>There's a venue for rape fantasies and it's not Saturday night D&D with the average player.
Motherfucker that's the best place for it!
What does it say if people are trying to make him into the next two minutes hate?
Welcome to the new right.
Nobody gives a shit about your wannabe-writer never going to be published poor attempts to make a realistic complicated world(I say poor because see ), they want to have a fun game where a bunch of humans, elves, dwarves, half-orcs, and every other standard race congregate and go on an adventure.