So how do your parents feel about your love of tabletop?
They think it's dumb nerd bullshit? They don't care? They actively try to participate in it?
So how do your parents feel about your love of tabletop?
They think it's dumb nerd bullshit? They don't care? They actively try to participate in it?
Let me go grab my Ouija board. That counts as tabletop, right?
My mom tried to play once. She gave up halfway through character creation.
Dad doesn't care, but appreciates that it's a social thing too.
They don't care. In general.
I make double what they made together. They don't give a shit what I do, they're just happy I'm doing well.
My father does model railroading so he actually kind of got me interested in the painting and modelling aspect of things. He doesn't get wargaming though, he just makes nice dioramas and stuff.
My mom's fine with it, my dad thinks it's Evil Satanic Voodoo.
Boy, that escalated quickly.
My dad's neutral about it, but my mom's fascinated by my warhammer minis. She used a couple of them I left behind to decorate the Nativity figurines scene for Christmas.
>ywn have Wolf Guard Olaf and his wolves, Sergeant Michael and Nob Legchompa watching over baby Jesus.
That's hilarious.
I tell my dad I'm sleeping around and I tell my mom I play penny poker. My dad thinks I'm not a faggot and my mom thinks I'm a normal guy.
I get the scowl of shame if I talk about anything Veeky Forums related around them.
My dads a huge nerd and loves hearing my tabletop stories.
I run campaigns for them and my siblings. Dad's the best roleplayer I could ask for and Mom's a powergamer. It's a nice balance.
that's awesome
Similar to video games in that they barely know how it works or how to tell one from another. As another user said though, it's at least a social activity so they don't mind.
I'm 38, have my own wife, kids, house etc. don't think they care though my Mom did say "you're still painting army men?" when I said I was going to GenCon last month.
Life is to short to not do what you love. No one actually cares what you do for a hobby it's mostly in-out group social posturing.
My love of fantasy roleplaying and my fundamentalist parents' inability to accept it was the straw that broke the back of a physically and verbally abusive relationship. We haven't spoken in a long time, they are old, and I don't think it will be repaired in their lifetime. It hurts a lot, but giving up everything I love hurt more. If I don't follow my dreams then I'm just living someone else's life, and I already wasted too many years doing that.
My dad used to ask me things like
>well who wins?..
>so you try to kill the players?
>so it's like lord of the Rings?
>why couldn't you just play baseball or something?
Fuck fundies. They just turn off their kids to religion, which can definitely be a positive force in kids' lives. Your digits related.
Grew up in a super religious household, started experimenting with D&D, became addicted to Shadowrun in the early '90s.
Mom never liked it, until the day she died she condemned it in every way she could. She always said "There are studies that prove it's evil!" I always said "Show me one from a credible source, and I will throw the books away myself.
I still have all the books, incidentally.
My dad is a banker- when he asked to read an RPG book so he could see what was in it, I gave him Corporate Shadowfiles. When Mom would get on one if her tirades, he would say "There's nothing in those books that I didn't have to study for my MBA, dear."
i can see it now: "here we have the three wise men meeting the newborn Jesus while a pair of ultramarines provide overwatch."
Do you have any pictures of your dads dioramas?
They think it's fine, they're honestly more judgemental about my love life
They're happy with it. As far as they're concerned, I do something I love, and that it happens to be cheap, social, legal, non-addictive, and unlikely to get me into trouble.
Mom doesn't care.
Dad played AD&D in the military and is glad it got me to socialize some.
>here we have the three wise men meeting the newborn Jesus while a pair of ultramarines provide overwatch
>tfw this could actually be a thing on a feral world
My dad actually got me this D&D starter box with a watered down set of rules when I was young. I had just watched that really bad D&D movie with him and I thought it was amazing (I was like 9 or 10 I think.).
I poorly ran the first two scenarios in it (it's just a bunch of dungeon delves) with him and a friend of his. They were bored as fuck but they humored me cause I was excited. They both died from drinking poison soup.
It went into the closet and didn't get touched till high school, and then only briefly. I mostly just listened to podcasts and wished I could find a group to play. Eventually got one together in college which is really the only time my parents noticed and I tried to explain.
My dad is pretty whatever about it. He have up on getting me into generic father-son interests years ago and there are a few places our interests overlap.
My mom was mostly just happy I was socializing with people in person even though she doesn't really get it.
All my groups are online now so it hasn't really come up in conversation since then.
My parents are fine with it. They probably like me doing something that has me socializing with other people more than just sitting at home playing video games.
My grandparents are more openly happy about it and often ask about what's going on in my campaigns. That was especially surprising because they are southern Baptists that remember the 80's panic.
Me and him never really saw eye-to-eye but as I grew up we came to at least respect one another (I respected him for doing good and honest work to put food on the table and a roof over our heads, he respected me for being the "smart" child and not getting on the bad side of the law and actually going to college). He doesn't understand my love for tabletop games but I don't readily understand his love for the sports teams he roots for.
Is a fucking saint. That said, she too doesn't really understand but she does has trouble connecting with me and my brothers (she's extremely introverted and needs to be convinced 9/10 to do stuff outside the house if it does not involve gardening) though if there is one person my entire family (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, you name it) would always, 100% unequivocally back under any circumstance it is her (which has happened on more that one occasion).
Honestly the only people in my immediate family who have a problem with my gaming habits are my brothers but they are dicks who are one strike away each from going to prison so fuck them.
I inherited my Death Korps from my dad so I like to think they approve.
My dad introduced me to tabletop
My mom is the more supportive one between her and my dad, but considering she's a WASB along with my dad, there's probably some doublethink going on.
My dad was initially against me doing anything related to D&D because of some anecdotal news evidence about some guy killing himself over their character dying in a campaign. It's stupid, but that was the actual reasoning he gave me.
My mother thinks its stupid and a waste of money. My father when he was alive played MtG and YGO with me regularly, we occasionally played Risk, and when he was younger he regularly played D&D and WoD. His wife sold off almost all of his stuff almost immediately after he died. All I have of his is his dice bag and Malkavian shirt.
That bitch!
Dad was in to D&D so...he's cool with it. We run in different circles since he plays 4E/5E and I prefer World of Darkness/Shadowrun.
My parents never got MtG, but figured it was just a phase. They have no idea I still buy cards for fun every once in a while.
My parents like to pretend they're huge supergeeks, but the second anything tabletop related comes up, their eyes just glaze over.
My dad used to play, my mom doesn't get it. But she's never understood any of my hobbies, really.
My mom thought I was going to become a satanist and start killing people due some weird propaganda in the 80s. This was back in 2013.
>they're honestly more judgemental about my love life
and why?
Probably dating a minority or something.
Or he's one of these newfangled "homos" that are so popular nowadays
>trailer park girl older than me
>slutty latina
>a cutter
>indian medschool girl
>a highschool girl
I don't have the best track record when it comes to dating
My dad was the one who initially got me into chess, and we played our first mtg game together. In terms of D&D, he used to play it when he was young, and I actually had him in one of my games for a few sessions.
Yeah, my mom would give me shit for dating poor and dark-skinned women too.
Personally, I just stopped telling my family about my romantic life. No reason to mention it if I'm just going to get a disapproving "you could do better" out of them.
>Inherited Kriegers
Your father is a good man who i hope lives many more years to come.
You get a fist bump from me, if that counts for anything.
>Probably dating a minority or something.
That's a legitimate reason to be mad at him, though.
Only two of those are bad, what the hell?
Sir I think it's past that point
My dad is a bigger nerd than I am
I got into tabletop after moving out, haven't spoken to my family in years. When I left my younger sister was getting into cosplaying and was interested in tabletop though.
My mother played D&D in high school but once she got married to some fundamentalist christian british fuckwad she started to pretend that she didn't exist until she was 30. She doesn't associate with any of her old friends, engage in any of her hobbies, practice our original religion, speak our native language or exert any personality last I checked. Wouldn't want to upset her dear husband or his batshit insane family. They tried to trick me into a baptism after they caught me reading the Wheel of Time.
Christianity, not even once.
>Wheel of Time
Surprising they didn't recognize basic christian story telling
Shit's about as deep as the lion the witch and the wardrobe
I still loved and read the entire series though
Parents are catholic
They alternate between severe SON I AM DISAPPOINT and acting like I am at risk of becoming a heroin addict.
Odd considering how my dad got arrested multiple times before he was twenty and my mom is an alcoholic.
I love them but goddamn they need to take care of wooden stake in their eye before acting like I have a splinter in mine
How so? You said you inherited them.
My dad played D&D in college, so he thinks it's great.
It actually wound up being funny because his girlfriend was raised super religious, and I told her I was going to my friend's to play Dungeons and Dragons. She was like "oh... okay..."
Then she called my dad to let him know I was engaged in devil worship.
She's a bit more open minded now.
my dad has always switched between being an absolute asshat about any "nerdy" hobby I did and being fascinated by it.
It become more of the latter after I started doing sports in high school and going after girls, though he'd still get pissy about "wasting my time with childish shit".
Which I could understand if he hadn't been growing weed behind their house for as long as I can remember.
For anyone reading this thread any wondering why people think the anons here are satanic cultists, is because of some allegations about a pre-school in the 80s practicing satanic rituals and during the 80s religious groups accused D&D of being satanic and the veneration of demons. Bunch of dumb shit if you ask me.
t. a Christian
Tell them that. Those people were so intense and invasive about everything, they scared the shit out of me.
I thought it was just fantasy books and such they were insane about, but I noticed my mother's bookshelves and music collections gradually getting emptier and emptier as she got lured in. This all happened over the course of my time in high school. I got spooked by all the weird brainwashing and left not long after.
I'm sure there are nice Christians out there but if so I haven't met any. They've always been either aggressive or severely creepy toward me.
My dad bought me my first rulebook and ran the first game I was ever in. Him, my brother and me still play when we get together.
My mom's psychic military friend once told her never to let me play because it would only amplify the aura of dread the apparently surrounded me as a child.
She still let me play, I think because it made me happy and social and I was a pretty miserable kid. I think she still worries a bit but that's just her thing.
The orthodox are... odd. In any religion
go hang out with some Episcopalians
Well, my Dad got me into tabletop. Growing up, he read me The Chronicles of Narnia, but after that, whenever he wanted to tell me a bedtime story or we were just talking casually, he'd tell me about his time playing D&D as a kid and during his time in the military. Whether it was his time playing a swordsman who killed gang leaders as personal mission and was recognized as a prince by his people because "there's no way a woman can use a sword like that", or the Pech that wielded gauntlets made of a metal that hated life, I loved all his stuff growing up.
He was my first DM when one of his coworkers' kids asked him to run a game of 3.5 D&D and I got to go along, playing a Ranger for my first character, and he's consistently my go-to source of advice when I need help with my writing or DMing. He doesn't play anymore, but its thanks to him I got exposed to the hobby in the first place, and introduced me to things like Champions, Shadowrun, Traveler, D&D (He still has all of his old D&D books, including the AD&D Deities and Demigods that caused all kinds of lawsuits because it has Elric and Cthulhu in it, as well as the reprint they did that excluded them, as well as the original three pamphlets), and others.
I'm the Perma-DM now of my group, and my ultimate goal is to make sure my players have as much fun as my Dad did in the games he played in his youth. Whether is in Starfinder, 5e, or my upcoming Symbaroum campaign, I strive to make good games because I love seeing a happy, satisfied player.
I'm 24 now, and its been 14 years since my first game of D&D. But thanks to my Dad, tabletop is just a part of my life now. He's older now, so he can't play as much, but I'm hoping that when I have kids, I can share my love of this stuff with them. And I honestly hope they fall in love with it as much as I have. And its silly, but I'm hoping one day I can run a game or two with my kid and my old man.
My mom thinks its neat. My dad thinks my two MtG books will get me money in the future. They probably will.
You see, I might have tried to do that if I hadn't been regularly harassed outside the protestant church in our neighborhood. I'd usually get yelled and or have trash thrown at me if there were people outside. There was also a small mosque maybe two blocks away and they never pulled that shit. I've only ever had this problem with christians.
I pretty openly practice Indigenous religion on my own, and it bothers me to see so many christians when I go to the reservation. I really don't know how it happened, either. The whole thing just unsettles me, and makes me feel really sorry for my poor mother. I just couldn't do much about it as a teenager.
My grandfather started me on learning about the old ways, but he sometimes relapses back to his weird catholic upbringing out of guilt, and it's the saddest fucking thing to me. I'd rather hear him ramble about the Manitous and Wendigos and tell cool old stories than hear him rattle off his biblical apocalypse predictions.
I know I shouldn't be hateful toward the christians, but it's hard when I've lost my family to them. It's like they broke them.
You usually don't inherit something until the person who bequeathed it unto you dies.
oh you live on one of the reserves?
Christianity done fucked up there. When you wipe out an entire races culture, most of their population, and take all their land and then try and fill the void with a strange religion, can you blame them for taking it too far? In poverty, religion is all a lot of people feel like they have left to hold on to, and it makes them do weird things
t. I live in the state where the trail of tears starts
I see the same with Southern Baptists, sometimes, especially in my own family.
t. black Southerner
I don't live on the res now, but I did when I was very young and still know some people there. I still go there on occasion to try and learn to speak Ojibwe from one of the elders I have a good relationship with. As it is now I'm kind of half-immersed in the culture, practicing the religion only once in a while. Most of my family left the res and gave it up completely years ago, and I don't really talk to them anymore.
My grandfather used to join me but he's on a weird bible interpretation kick right now and denies his background if you ask him. I've played campaigns based on the old stories he used to tell, too. It's fucking sad.
My dad sees no value in my miniatures. But at the same time he thinks a hobby should turn a profit so what does he know
My dad is not interested and would just get awkward when I would mention it, my mom humors me and has always treated it as a safe social hobby. I'm pretty normal otherwise so they don't mock me over it, my dad would probably give me major shit if I wasn't
my dad was my first DM
Everyone in my nuclear family has their hobby and nobody else touches it. Mom loves horses and Dad and I just let her have her time with them. Dad is a big painter and motorcyclist, and Mom and I just give him his space to ride and paint. I do tabletop and they just leave me too it. Dad only ever shows interest when I'm painting my minis, so we bond over it. Mom likes fantasy books so when I go off explaining a point of lore she can get into it. Pretty healthy all things considered.
>mom would give me shit for dating poor women
Rich people are truly alien to me
Sounds pretty comfy
My dad introduced me to it, and my mom used to play.
Holy shit that was subtle.
yeah the trailerpark and the cutter because those types tend to be fat
Golddiggers are a real danger, user
They don't understand it at all. It's always
'[Pause] games'.
E.g. "Are you meeting your friends for your"
my dad is part of the reason I even play DnD.
Used to play with him in a couple games too.
Holy shit, he never played a bard but he ALWAYS produced the best one-liners and comebacks in any campaign.
>"Past you or over you, you're not keeping us from our comrade"
I know those feels redman.... We got the smallpox treatment and the "everything about you is evil". Always gets me a bit.
t. Hawaiian
My dad doesn't care but likes that I socialize through it and make creative shit.
My mom absolutely loves it and wishes she could give it a try if she was less busy, but otherwise she really likes the amount of creativity and effort I place in worldbuilding and session planning. She and my family are baptist but I've never had a problem akin to the stereotypes.
My dad used to play DnD and started Warhammer with the Adeptus Titanicus box so hes pretty cool with it.
My mom is okay with it, i practiced DMing with 1 on 1 sessions with her and she seemed to like it i suppose. She'd play MTG with me but she cant speak a word of english to save her life so thats out.
My dad...i dont know, really. he's just way too old-fashioned to really care understand or like it i think. atleast he thinks my warhammer models look pretty cool.
As I moved out after high school, it's not their business.
Truly patrician taste
Reminds me a little of this.
Stay mad injun bitchboy, next time don't lose a race war
Tell the nogs they're next then we'll finish the job with you
They don't give much of a fuck, after all Idon't live with them anymore, I moved out 10 years ago.
Dude, you're so obviously /pol/ you're either a falseflagger or a utter retard. Maybe both.
>trailer park girl older than me
Probably has some sweet gats to take to the range
>slutty latina
Probably THICC af, ass was probably out of control
>a cutter
Probably owns a useful knife collection
>indian medschool girl
Might be a LBFM, will probably earn good money and her parents will have amusing accents
>a highschool girl
Grass on the field
These all sound fine 2bh lad
God, the way I imagine that conversation is absolutely insufferable
>Hey Mom, this is X, my girlfriend
>Mom pretends to be nice to her
>She leaves
>So, user, what do her parents do?
>Don't tell me you picked another.... POOR girl?
My dad thinks it would be a good thing if I got into it, as a social activity. My mom doesn't give a rat's ass about me or what I do, hates my guts either way.
Haha kek dude, very based ! Praise KEK!
My mother thinks miniature wargaming is cool and encouraged me to improve my painting.
My mom likes DnD, she oftens takes my monster manual to read about all the creatures.
Parents have no idea what goes on, they're just happy I leave the house.
My dad takes the "are ya winnin son?" approach to it and my mum thinks it's pretty cool.
>father always supported my attraction to models and even tried to bring me into tabletop wargaming, but after seeing the prices he decided it was better to let me grow up and decide later for that (warhammer and some roman tabletop battle game)
>mother is cool with it, actually likes the way i paint stuff
also on the matter of love interests, you faggots dont even come near me, my mother gives me shit every time i get with a girl from a different city because of medieval wars.
>you are dating a girl from Florence? why would you try and get along with a guelph? they besieged us numerous times
Man, that sucks. It all sucks. As a white guy, what can I say except you're welcome?
I used to paint Warhammer with my dad when I was little, around eight or so. Neither of us played the game or anything, we just liked painting the miniatures. When I got back into Warhammer years later, he was very supportive and was interested in seeing what I had painted. I also ran a solo D&D campaing with him once.
My mom, on the other hand, doesn't really understand my hobbies. I've tried to explain roleplaying games for her, but I don't think she gets them. She does compliment me on my miniatures, though.
Dad asks me "did you win" whenever im done with a game. I thought it was just a meme but he keeps doing it
>my mother gives me shit every time i get with a girl from a different city because of medieval wars.
"Heh, don't bring us home a girl from Sezze, mi raccomando!" [worried laughter]