So, successor chapters of space wolves are now a thing?

So, successor chapters of space wolves are now a thing?

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picture for ants

Also, yes, since they've taken Primarines it's doable.

Which means we can finally make space vikings that aren't fur faggots





urther clouding the minds of the Chapter is that although the Space Wolves have allowed Primaris Space Marines into their ranks, it is not known if they will accept the Wolfspear as true Sons of Russ.[1]

Actually, this is a good thread to ask this:
How would a Wolf Lord and a Great Company fall to chaos?

Carrying around a relic of Khorne maybe, like some kind of cursed runic ax-- oh



Will make a thread for making a Space Wolves successor chapter THAT ISN'T RELATED TO WOLVES AT ALL when I get into work

Children of Huginn?

Pls link when you do. Id love to lurk.

Sons of Muninn

>sustained not on mere fenrisian ale, but the first alcoholic protein drink: FIGHT MILK

Doge instead of wolf

A chapter called the Cobalt Fangs or something, they travel into lost territory and help reclaim worlds for the Imperium while also working with Rogue Traders to explore and conquer the stars beyond.

They are totally not based around exploring, trading, and Harald Bluetooth.

Space Wolves like to drink strong alcoholic beverages. Wolf Lord Aquavit liked it a bit too much, and fell to Slaanesh.

Space Wolves revel in battle. Wolf Lord Garm Fisttaker really got into dismembering hands off his enemies until Khorne spoke to him and he realized skulls were a much better trophy.

Space Wolves are of Fenris, a harsh, punishing world. Wolf Lord Gotterdam, upon seeing the half forgotten village of his birth fatally scourged by ice pox to the last child, realized the futility of life and submitted to Nurgle to preserve that last child, who is now his sorcerous familiar.

For Tzeentch... uh.. fuck it. Rune Priests are already sneaky ass wizards who were trying to loophole their way into being the only Space Marine psykers, and they broke the Thousand Sons to confirm their power play. The entire Space Wolves legion was Tzeentch's from the start- Wolfen are just consistent mutations of Tzeentch.

>Wolfen made by Tzeentch.
Isn't that a thing now though? I mean, after reading the two Warzone Fenris books (I wanna say they were called Curse of the Wolfen and Legacy of Russ?) it was essentially implied that the new wulfen they're finding aren't like normal ones. I.E, they were bigger, stronger, but still actually intelligent and capable of communication, which isn't how literally every other wulfen made during the recruiting process worked. On top of that, the Tzeentchian daemons they fought were all like 'those creatures aren't your buddies, that was totally our idea'.
At least thats how I interpreted it. Obviously, since the Grey Knights covered and vouched for them everyones mostly cool with it now, but still.

Only Primaris Chapters, although I suppose there's no reason why they couldn't just miss out the extra implants on new recruits, but then they'd have to find a source of marinelette power armour and weapons

This sounds great.
I really want a new batch of heretic Astartes, with the whole Primaris thing the Primaris themselves could fall, some of them or some standard Marines could go traitor as a response to the Primaris or something.

I really like the idea of traitor versions of loyalist chapters.
After that, given the low Astartes numbers they could use the gene-seed of the pre-heresy traitor legions and bring back loyalist versions of the old traitor legions.
Make it a free-for-all.

dailey remenber about space wolves in the red corsairs, ranks.

>alpha legion replaces fight milk cryo-stores with gross formula fight milk

There are already loyal versions of traitor legions. Some of which have been confirmed as such and others where it is speculative, but pretty fucking obvious.

Hold up.
Wolfs got primaris marines?

Allegedly! ALLEGEDLY!


Wulfen were always intelligent and capable of small amounts of communication(not speaking but gesturing).
In the last Ragnar book there's a Wolf Guard in Logan's company that turn into a Wulfen and retains his consciousness(albeit is overcome with rage to the point that he is only pseudo-aware), but he still responds to Grimnar.
You're thinking about the ones who fail the transformation after drinking from the Cup of Wulfen, yes? I don't think they are necessarily Wulfen, just some massively mutated manbeast.
