XLN Spoilers

Black is Back



>Art by Tetsuya Nomura

Are you ready for T3 Chandra, Torch of Defiance?

Shouldn't the flavor text say the reward is worth it though? Pretty much everything can kill it, you're paying two mana to give 2 extra mana to your opponent

>this t2 into t3 eternal ammit

I think the idea of the flavor text is that most other pirates would be dying in the process of actually fighting them.

Obviously though, the reward is very much worth it to a player, especially if you have a kill spell or another creature that could somehow easily be a 3/3 for the same cost hint hint And then of course for your reward you're going to be able play a 4/5 drop pretty easily, especially since treasure mana fixes for you. I can't really see many situations where this would be helpful to actually run since it's so easy and rewarding to deal with. Maybe if Red or Blue pirates have some creatures that can steal treasure from opponents? That sounds it'd be a janky combo though.

I think it might be a fun card in EDH though, since it would allow you to play some politics. That's not enough to save it though.

>Maybe if Red or Blue pirates have some creatures that can steal treasure from opponents?
That would at best just force your opponent to activate their treasures in response and play whatever they wanted to play right then and there rather than wait.

Yeah, the timing of it wouldn't really work out unless they worded it in a very detailed way, and even then it would probably just end up feeling bad. Maybe some sort of Red creature that gets counters whenever an opponent's artifact is put into the graveyard? Who knows.

All I'm saying that unless there's some way to benefit from giving your opponent treasure, then it really isn't going to play out well most of the time.

No it's not.

It's a 1/1 for 2.

Either you play it for ramp, which means you use it to drop a dino on turn 3, which means you're not attacking. Which defeats the purpose of a 3/3 for 2.

And then they'll just target the dinosaur for removal, and now you're back to a 1/1 for 2.

It's not good.

Worst case scenario, it's a mana dork that's going to pump out any color you need for your dinos. Ideally, it'll also be more resistant to removal thanks to the three toughness, and if you draw it later in the game where you don't need the ramp as much, it's a 3/3 for 2.

Or have you not seen the mana dorks in standard lately?

You're a fucking idiot

alternatively, you haven't been playing standard and you're trying to compare this to birds of paradise

2 mana is the standard now for a dork that makes mana of any color. This one has a pretty solid extra value in a dinosaur deck. Sure if you tap it to play a dinosaur it can't attack that turn. But it's still a 3/3 that no longer dies to magma spray or shock. And then later it can swing as a 3/3, fairly strong. If there is any decent deck with dinosaurs this standard this card is 100% in that deck

>which means you use it to drop a dino on turn 3

I mean I guess I could play Ripjaw Raptor but I'd rather drop Chandra down on T3. If I'm lucky I can use her 2 free red mana to lightning strike an opponents creature.

He may be a 2 cmc dork but those have seen standard play before. This one taps for any color you need and can help push damage through in the late game. He's solid.

So, what's the chance of this set being Innistrad 2.0 with the tribal themes and everything? What made Innistrad so amazing that isn't in modern day sets?

I agree with you, but we are back to lightning strike the dork is getting toasted regardless.

I can picture it now.

>Naya dino's is a deck
>In the mirror match
>opponent on the play. He's got the T2 dork.
>I play my own T2 dork immediately after.
>he ramps into Chandra and murders my guy.
>this one turn puts me behind enough that the game is essentially over.

I'm getting modern flashbacks of T1 Deathrite, T2 Lily veil, just thinking about it.

>Maybe if Red or Blue pirates have some creatures that can steal treasure from opponents?
>Whenever an opponent would gain 1 or more treasure tokens, they enter play under your control instead

are you actually being afraid of a turn 2 dork?

limited house

Nah. Just lamenting that that is a game I'll inevitably experience when playing dino's. We've all lost games where we would have won if we were on the play instead of the draw. Just part of life.

It has been a long ass time since suicide black was a legitimate strategy. This isn't going to change that, but black based aggressive decks seem well positioned, especially early in the format before the answers are properly found.

well this card most certainly won't be my replacement for ob nixilis

Fifty bucks says that uppermost belt was added to the chick in postproduction to cover her scandalous breasts. It doesn't look at all like it belongs there.

Cool card. Shame it's in such a shitty set.

>What made Innistrad so amazing that isn't in modern day sets?

Fantastic flavor? Good, strong cards? An actual hot chick or two?

I made a new top tier standard deck. You are welcome.

The copy isn't cast dumbass.

This whole set feels like hot trash to me, two tribes that dont even exist and a bunch of off colour merfolk which might be interesting if I was running CoCo mer. Drafting appears to be this sets entire focus.

probably got 5-10 really OP cards, so that you are forced to buy some boxes.

>>You may cast a card revealed this way

From my perspective zero, but then Innist-rad had a bunch of dank zombies which I could use for my legacy, commander and modern decks, gave all the colours some cool toolbox cards and was still fun to draft. They had to bite the bullet here and introduce some new tribes, but until theres anything outside of standard and with Unstable coming out which I want to draft, its a complete pass for me.

sure its just a deck that runs 4 6 drops and 4 7 drops.

I'm sure nothing could go wrong.

Two tribes at once was a bad idea in my opinion it should have been split, pirates now and dinosaurs in the sister release..if at all. Merfolk was a good choice with pirates but vampires seemed like a weird and repetitive choice and another tribe should have benefited.

Treefolk needs some new toys, I want them to be good. Also, Ooze is super underappreciated and I want to see Nightmares and Horrors back.

This might be the set that makes me quit Magic again. They had such great potential to bring fun back in Magic and they're using none of it. If they fuck up this premise this hard, what hope do they have in the future?

>censoring breasts again

Who the fuck is the art director for Ixalan? Seriously. I want to attach my hate to a name.

Does someone have the Spoiler bingo?

Sunbird's invocation in Tron___.

It's trash for me but thats because I dont really find Pirates, Dinosaurs, Vampires or Merfolk that interesting, additionally I only care about Modern, and Goblins and Treefolk for my EDH decks. So its not for me, releases are designed for different purposes, this is definitely more for standard and drafting, and I get that new tribes have to start somewhere, they'll probably release a few decent modern considerations in this set and build on the tribes with the sister set.


They're already good mate you just need to play them in EDH (although I got absolutely rocked by a modern Treefolk tribal recently, Im considering making one.)

it is spicy, but is it better than playing Karn on turn 3.

No but I don't care, I like jank

>I dont really find Pirates, Dinosaurs, Vampires or Merfolk that interesting

I like three out of four of those and holy shit am I not getting what I wanted. At all. This is just a shitshow.

The reward is not worth it FOR YOU to play it.

The vampires barely exist so far so maybe they'll be good later, the pirates ive glanced over but they are either jank city or generating clues..i mean uh treasures, gotta say absolutely bum out of luck with them, worse than ninjas unless someones spotted some spice I havent noticed. Dinosaurs have some cool stuff but it's still worse than dragon tribal which isnt great and there's just not enough good stuff to make a deck out of either. Merfolk is off colour which is nice I like a reason to splash green with CoCo but nothing particularly amazing, except maybe for sideboard with the creature protection.

This dinosaur shit makes no sense tho, It needed to be pirates and merfolk, would have been sweet if all the cards were themed either way, we get a new tribe that comes out established and the themed cards could be a mix of tribal support and generally good cards that could compliment the current meta. Maybe some giant squids and a something in the ice card that isnt so juicy it gets banned.

It isn't cast from your hand, though.

Cynthia Sheppard according to MTGWiki

Previously she was famous for reading Rubinia Soulsinger's name wrong and drawing a pic of her offering you a document to sign.

It is. The second one resolves first, and the first one resolves from your hands

I'm not saying its a good combo. But the other is cast.

Does approach check on cast or resolution? The official ruling seems to side with resolution.

>>As your second Approach of the Second Sun resolves, it checks only whether the first one was cast, not whether the first one resolved. If your first Approach of the Second Sun was countered, you’ll still win the game as your second one resolves.

I am functionally illiterate. Sorry for that.

Shit happens, man.

Wouldn't you be able to do the same trick with the charm that transforms into a land that copies spells?
Cast, using the land, copy second sun, copy resolves first, then the cast from hand one resolves?

Thats nice Im going to brew it

you don't cast the copy. it just instantly appears on the stack.

Oh yes, theres the difference between copy and cast copy isnt there.

>the set is marketed as "Dinosaurs vs Pirates"
>dinosaurs and pirates are the largest tribes
>everybody is all "what the fuck are the vampires doing here"
>the set was originally envisioned as vampire conquistadors vs natives and the dinosaurs and pirates were only added later on

I like the set so far, but I don't get why they didn't make the pirates Rogues and the dinos Beasts, or maybe Lizards.

Agreed, pirate rogues soft boots the pirate tribe and makes it relevant to play.

The alt timeline with dinosaurs being a thing is kinda weird and feels stupid when everything is still the same in regards to humans. I would have gone with something less parallel to real life

>but I don't get why they didn't make the dinos Beasts, or maybe Lizards.
They're doing it the other way around apparently
They're going to errata some older Beasts and Lizards into Dinosaurs

am i the only one who is excited for the concept of pirates dinosaurs and white vampire?

fuck green merforlks they are just elf cosplayers

>Hurr durr there aren't enough memes in this set so it's trash
Kill yourself

>So, what's the chance of this set being Innistrad 2.0

More likely, this will be Shadows over Innistrad 2.0. The same people who worked on that set are working on this set.

>implying that lightning strike is a upgrade to any decks in standard that would not already have been running incendiary flow

This card will replace channeler initiate in any deck that might play a 3 mana Dino on turn 3 (pic related) but also wants to potentially ramp to a 4 drop.

Channeler initiate will probably be the go to for anything else, with the exception of energy decks which have their own mana dork.

I'm here too
I want to join the StillHavingFunWithMTG squad

So much for no more functional errata.

Actually a Suicide Black build by Suga Hayato, using Death's Shadow, just popped up in Legacy last week.

It's not really a functional errata though, only a type change
It probably won't change any ruletexts

So I can still hope for this guy being made retroactively legendary?

>So I can still hope for this guy being made retroactively legendary?

>meant to be forgotten gods of the ancient world
>not legendary
>implying you'll want and can keep 2 of them on the field.

Isn't this worse than mirrorwing or zaada?

Far better because you get more targets. As a general he's pretty damn busted with land animation.

No. Nephilim suck, just like 4c decks did. Stop trying to make the meme happen.

"Wild Growth Elemental"
Creature - Elemental
Whenever a creature you control explores, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature and gain 3 life.

slow in a good way, but he won't see much play

The stats aren't awful and the gain 3 life lets you turtle it even harder than a Vinelasher Kudzu.
We'll have to see all the available explore cards before making a final judgement.



When I first saw this I was expecting the phrase "Use this mana only to cast creature spells." in there but I was happily surprised it wasn't.

A dork with zero downsides and possible mid/late game usability? Gimme a playset.

Jesus christ

What kind of deck would want to play vehicle on turn 4, have 4 power on the field on turn 5, all to have a land that can draw for 4 mana afterwards

Probably won't make a big splash but could be fun in a jank Explore deck.

Just look at it as a utility land, not a means to win the game.

Just give us trading post back, I want my goat tokens

Yeah but a utility land has the upside of at least giving you 1 colorless mana even if you can't use the utility. You can't just throw this into a deck, it would be shit in like 80%+ of decks at least

If the transform was an optional trigger I'd slap this shit in an assault formation deck easy.

>pay 4 mana
>wait a turn
>tap 4 power
>deal most likely 0 damage
>get a turn 5 ramp
>can spend a buttload of mana to draw a card

meh. that's a lot of stuff you gotta do for drawing 2 cards/turn.

2/10, would not play

Underrated post

But that's exactly what this utility land does, give you a colorless mana if you can't use the utilities.

More like underrated Trading post amirite?

That's a really cool card, even if weak and all. Damn.

ofc you don't play this in UW aooriach or some such. I assume you play it in something that can easily have a 4 power creature or easily crew vehicles. If you don't have a lot of card draw, and easily end up in top deck mode, this either eats a removal or let's you draw/loot/revive stuff. I could see it as a 1 off

Wild Growth Walker????() - 1G

creature - elemental() 1/3

text: "whenever your creature explore put +1/+1 counter on this creature and gain 3 life. "

>play a vehicle on turn 4, have 4 power on the field on turn 5 (and use it to attack with 2 power instead) so you can have an extra land on turn 6





into 2

Could be good for ramp, there's usually not much to do on turn 2

>tribal hellrider with no haste

It's shit

Why are the Ixalan vampires so based? Seriously, Wizards is trying so hard to make them evil (and they definitely are) but they accidentally gave them the best aesthetic and appearance. I can't hate them.

So does this remove defenders? Can you get blocked, and remove the blocker from combat, and have your creature deal dmg to the opponent? Or is your creature still blocked? Also this could stop UR control from winning lol. Just unattack all their gearhulks.