So if you were called to do a romance lovecraftian anime/manga, how would you do it?
Do you think song of saya would be a cool CoC campaign?
So if you were called to do a romance lovecraftian anime/manga, how would you do it?
Do you think song of saya would be a cool CoC campaign?
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Think about it.
Dudes been acting strange, find out about his shoogoth waifu.
Are you a bad enough dude to separate a crazy dude from his shoogoth waifu?
*like this
Shadow over Innsmouth: The Romantic Comedy
>Hey Jimmy, noticed something strange lately?
>Yeah Bill, something isnt right in Innsmouth
>What makes you think that?
>I cant place my finger on in, but its something fishy
Why did I laugh at this?
The entire point of Eldritch abominations is that they're higher beings of unfathomable makeup anathema to the limitations of human biological capacity to process. The color Magenta is not even a fucking color, it's the goddamned error "Texture missing" color our brain shows us when something is missing.
Next to this, we have the kind of shit that makes you queezy, like the like of people watching youtube videos with parasites, symbiotes, and deep sea horror crap from fucking large depth trenches.
To top this off, there's the non-euclidean geometry where Everything is dynamic, and an admixture of patterns, and movement and shape that never shows any sign of static form because it's two busy spending time in multiple dimensions of visible space that destroy all ability to understand perspective and positioning, it's an optical illusory nightmare. Next to this, these are all things that trick the brain, set it to overdrive, causing nausea, headaches and worse, as it affects you hard.
We'd have to obviously state the horror in question is spawned offspring of Shub-niggurath AKA the fission-whore of Extra-dimesional THICCNESS that not even the great Aku could fathom to articulate through the inferior construct of audible sound produced by vocal chords that is basically the smoke monster from LOST but with tentacles and flesh opposed to smoke as when it forms, it looks like a constantly moving caterpillar fleshstrain that is wailing a sound that sounds like a whale having an explosive birth and orgasm at the same time that doesn't ever fucking stop as the smell and various gasses and cosmic explusions threaten to kill you from the protonic spacial matter, radiation and microscopic oganism brought with it brithed at the the fission next to entire trillions of foreign ecosystems you just exposed yourself to in the process of being near this cosmic definition of the non-descript inferiority of women, because this thing is a massive in-joke.
Moving on from that, being literally spawned from the flesh-train of THICCNESS so good it blasts sanity and everyone has fucked it, (A close comparison would be, imagine the THOTest of THOTs as the ultimate roastie "outie" that is just one long preggo worm) Then we have Shubby described. It's going to have a multitude of shit left to nature's ammoral uncaring devices, as only the best get to survive in space, which is why the batshit druids like to summon her so much because the reproduction per divisble (Nigga you wish you knew but you don't cuz u can't) number survives then fucks up a forest harder than when smoky moan about a forest fire.
So yeah, now you got this thing that's living in the woods, spawned from mother fucking nature spaceworm roastie that makes up a chunk of what we know to be "Skinwalker stories." So some unwitting beta male finds it, fucks it, and takes it home, being the beta he is he does his where you from routine and works in polishing her like a diamond like all betas who see women as projects, then he just rolls with reality breaking down all around him as this woman who he been fascinated with since he met her is doing some fuck-ass "Too Autistic to be anything but Alien and hellish but 99% worse" but he being willfuly ignorant of it because he take anything the universe can give even if it's a fucking skinwalker, and he okay wid dat.
Cut to a few yeats later, and his kids have a bit of the "Whatley kids Syndrome" They all coming out odd and his GF/Wife's er-condition or biological purpose on a grand cosmic scale is becoming apparent, causing all sorts of plot shit to go down because of the variety of nuts this nigga busting into his second-hand cosmic THOT.
But this nigga stuck his dick in literal crazy, and now he reap the harvest because this time he didn't just stick it in crazy like all the ded homies before him he stuck his dick in crazy locked out of reality crazy. He fucked something born from the stars themselves, and now it shinin.
To make a point, Gather ever conceivable fluctuation of disorienting space and shove it into a vajayjay, give it naivety, innocence and humanzied values and you've got yourself some kind of baby-making urban legend machine/mythological figure due to primitive misinterpretation.
Think of a campaign where PC's are basically dealing with people who call up Cosmic Horrors to fuck and not giving a rats as about the autismal concentrated autism of detail that are the consequences of doing such, the kind of reckless shit on par with using pages of the Necromonicon to smoke a fat blunt grown on a Dark Young's back.
>Margery, i dunno if I can do this
>why Bill why?
>because of the gills
>canned laughs
Nice, but I prefer when my Eldritch Abominations are cute girls that do what they do because they're simply obeying the mindless spasms of Azathoth. Their actions might be human, but their reasons, desires and "goals" beyond our ken.
Delta Green ladies and gents
What is the best mythos creature for cute?
I think a nerdy shy mi-go sounds cute.
women may as well be eldrich abominations to most fa/tg/uys - nothing changes
Lizardfolk can disguise themselves as humans and don't instantly destroy your sanity like most other mythos creatures, but theyre a bit overdone
Can Atlach Nacha and the spiderlings adopt a human form?
Imagine a shy Yith that constantly jumps into different bodies throughout one guys entire timeline but can never work up the nerve to talk to him.
That's actually pretty adorable
This song is pretty relevant to this thread.
Is that a band that actually gets it?
Didn't think there was any.
Lemon Demon has done a wide gamut of things over the years. He's probably best known for Potter Puppet Pals, or The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, but his latest album (Spirit Phone, which that song is from) is notably much higher quality.
>if you were called to do a romance lovecraftian anime/manga, how would you do it?
Once upon a time there was a webcomic called Riven Sol. Sadly, it's deader-than-dead now and as an unfinished creation with less than stellar art I wouldn't bother hunting through the internet archive for it, if you don't like it the effort will only make that more frustrating and if you do then its deadness will have a similar effect.
What it was was a scifi/intrigue/romance story with lovecraftian elements. Specifically, the female lead (And some other characters) was actually a Shoggoth, and used that race's natural shapeshifting prowess to pass as human.
While that's not something Shoggoths can canonically do in Lovecraft's works, it does seem within the realm of possibility given their nature as sapient beings possessed of a talent for shaping their form into whatever organ is necessary for the task at hand. Should a shoggoth have similar mass to a human and WANT to hide it's not inconceivable that its intellect could protrude arms and legs, layer flesh after a familiar fashion, evolve eyes, apply skin, and so forth until it has at least the outward appearance of a person.
And as for the intellect? Well, if you're going this route you assume in a very blanket sense that the narrator of At the Mountains Of Madness was wrong about a few things. The Shoggoths there are painted as degenerate copycats, meaninglessly copying what the Elder Things (among the most sympathetic of Lovecraft's 'monsters', at least to the narrator of AtMoM) once did with purpose.
But they were smart enough to rebel, and capable enough to win. Given millions more years of evolution as protean beings one might think that even if the very shoggoths that overthrew the Elder Things were barbarians and savages, at least some lines extant today would be more refined and civilized.
But, while that's the closest thing I've actually seen, I don't think that's the answer to the prompt. I think the real answer to the prompt, how to create a story in anime or manga that overlaps the genre of romance with Lovecraft's cosmic horror, would be to KEEP THE ROMANCE BETWEEN HUMANS. And I believe you could really milk the feels there. The great horror, to Lovecraft's mind, is that human life, even the whole of humanity, is utterly meaningless against the backdrop of a vast and uncaring cosmos. You could get some very powerful scenes out of characters who are forced to face their place in the cosmos. What does your affection for the person standing next to you matter when Great Cthulhu is rising? When the Mi-Go buzz beneath the gibbous moon and receive the benediction of alien gods vaster and more terrible than your brain can actually comprehend? Why should you and your partner not just stop caring when faced with the library of the Great Race of Yith and its chronicle of the ultimate extinction of mankind and the Yith's future migration into the Coleopterous Race that would follow? Can you hold onto your feelings when you KNOW they don't matter, when this pale blue ball hanging in the void is devastatingly and crushingly not alone, when your old beliefs are revealed as comforting illusions and the veil is pulled back to show that god is a blind idiot who created the universe by chance and, unaware of it, will some day obliterate it in similarly heedless fashion?
To take an uplifting turn, maybe the romance, as hard fought and frought with peril and sorrow as it's been, is the only thing that matters in the end. If there's no greater meaning in the cosmos, no way to reach too far above your station, you can still make a meaning to yourself. What does he/she matter? Partner matters to MC, and that can give MC the strength to face the Mythos with head held high. It no longer matters what the universe thinks.
Option 3 would be to just loosely adapt "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath" but instead of a marvelous sunset city, the Gods and/or Nyarlathotep have absconded with Main Character's literal dream girl (who may or may not be another dreamer who MC can meet in the waking world in one last stinger scene after the main story is done)
Junji Ito's Uzumaki.
Hopes he keeps making stuff ultimate battle was pretty jamming, and I pulled up the album and it's pretty good.
View Monster is another good album, albeit not as good as Spirit Phone. But The Machine is an absolutely beautiful song.
Well there are at least 2 races that are semi-nice to humans(the mi-go and yithians)
You can't use Cthulhu but some of the lesser races could work.
mi-go are fleshcrafters who apparently have fleshpuppets, so I guess you could have your cake an eat it too[\spoiler]
It already exists.
Just to emphasize, here's a panel from the ending of it. Spoilers are obviously there.
>Dont play cod Jane
>Dont you mean "coy"?
>I know what I said
>Canned Laughs
4 deep one girls scheme to get their friend together with one of the surface dwellers
1 moody writer is there to sweep her off her feet.
>coming this fall, the romance over innsmouth.
>By H.P LOVEcraft
You guys know how good of a career he could have had if he had been a romance writer.
Who's not going to buy a romance book from a dude called love craft?
>Do you think song of saya would be a cool CoC campaign?
Which CoC?
>The entire point of Eldritch abominations is that they're higher beings of unfathomable makeup anathema
So, just like girls
>higher beings
Yeah, maybe if you have an extra chromosome.
damm I always thought the color from outer space was hot magenta, brings the creeps
I have found that a lot of female behavior appears incomprehensible because of a typically male prejudice: men all assume, without any evidence supporting it, that women love them in the same way they love women. They are constantly confronted with behavior that contradicts this prejudice, but their belief in this social dogma is often so strong that they dismiss all evidence to the contrary as merely part of woman's "incomprehensible nature".
When you instead assume that women effectively see men as tools to be used, manipulated and discared when they outlive their usefulness, everything begins to make sense. Everything from "headaches" to why women constantly talk smack when a prettier girl enters the room.
From far left to center left
Cthuga, Hastur, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep
Are hastur and Cthulhu sisters?
The one with a notepad is a member of the Great Race, incidentally.
That implies they're both girls
>implying this particular hastur is not a girl
Yep, OP needs to be made aware of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.
Is it good?
I saw the first few episodes and it seemed kind of generic
I liked it enough to watch all of the anime. Fun seeing how they parody the various Lovecraftian bits.
>you will never be the subject of lust of some otherwordly eldritch being
feels bad man
Romance, in its own way, can rise from the same feelings that fuel Supernatural Horror. Both deal with emotions hidden deep withing the human Psyche, both can invoke feelings that are almost indescribable, and both can prompt humans to take irrational or unbidden actions.
Indeed, both romance and horror play off of existential questions that plague human nature.
Gothic horror, from which Lovecraft's Supernatural horror takes some inspiration, does deal with this interplay between romance and fear. Often the antagonist of the Gothic novel holds a strange attraction over the heroine, think Dracula with his mesmerizing eyes, or the romantic mystique of the Count of Monte Cristo. That attraction is always tempered with fear, creating a feeling of both infatuation and revulsion.
Lovecraft took the revulsion and made it the core focus of his work, but as a GM, maybe you can reintroduce the infatuation of CoC's gothic roots. You don't have to make it melodramatic either. It could well be a one-sided romance.
How do you know that you're not? Perhaps the only thing keeping you and your elder voyeur apart are mystical and unknowable veils, or unfathomable distances.
>It's another "love is a supernatural force" episode
It's barely more complex than lust, mate. There's a reason why the Greeks considered Eros the lowest form of love.
Perhaps you already are. It just doesn't have the way to manifest such affection corporeally in the way you would be able to perceive.
It's always there, beyond the stars and beyond your own mind, observing you, admiring you, craving you... but your shell sets boundary it cannot cross, not until you let go. But it doesn't mind, it is patient. It has all the time there is in the void.
Greeks were pederasts and hebephiles, that's hardly the sort of people that should tutor about love.
>somewhere in a place very dark, horrific and eldritch thinks im hot and loves me
Welp I guess all is not so bad
>Stay hydrated
Gets me every time
Is there nothing more terrifying than man losing use of his higher intellect and giving into bestial desires not just by some chance but because of a defect built right into the human condition.
With lust, you could argue that your very body is betraying you- with you being the rational, thinking part of your psyche.
Think of the duality of the Id-Superego. Ramp that up ten-fold or more, emphasize the dehumanizing effects of lust, and bingo, you have something relatable to supernatural horror.
I wanna read a story about that
Writefag get on this
According to Atlach=Nacha, yes.
He isn't.
Which is interesting since he's crushing on the MC anyways.
Cthuga wants Nyarlahotep's alien babies.
Sorry, Veeky Forums kicked out any writer who could possibly do that well (or willingly).
>So if you were called to do a romance lovecraftian anime/manga, how would you do it?
Dependes on how much I can bend canon to suit needs of the story and what kind of story I want to do.
You can have nice slice of life love story with Shoggoth summoned by novice sorceror from chinese cartoon board, typical harem with self-insert MC or go full Demonbane action.
Either way if story does not address many possible reference to original works or refuses to show some sinister undertones to whole cosmic existence it selling it self short of its strong points.
>Do you think song of saya would be a cool CoC campaign?
Lots of potential.
Everyday, she yearned for him. Ever since she saw him, she had been curious. He was so different - so far away from what she knew, yet so interesting, so cute. So she watched him. From across the stars, she watched him. That's all she could do - for now. The time wasn't right. But sometimes, she would try to reach out to him anyways. Sometimes he'd hear her voice as a distant noise when nobody was around. Sometimes he'd feel her breath as a sharp breeze that was distinctly out of season. Sometimes when he touched himself, a momentary glimpse of her form - at least the surface that he would be able to see - would flash through his mind. She hoped those would stick, that he'd think of her more. She looked at the females of his world - watching what he liked to shape a proper form for him. Day after day she spun skin and wove flesh to create a vessel that he'd appreciate. Holding a shard of her consciousness in it, she mirrored his behavior in her distant astral home, pantomiming walking and sitting and laying over the great, lonely void. When he touched himself, she would mirror the actions of the girls he watched on his flickering screens. It felt good when she did that - it made her feel connected to him.
She longed for the time she could actually be with him. She wondered if he'd accept her - if, knowing that the body she made for him was just a shell, a puppet, if he'd want her, want to be with her and to be hers. She put that thought to the side though, cropping up frequently though it may. He still had years and years and years to live his life, and though the time of mortal flesh is but a blink in the eye to one such as her, she slowed her gaze to keep pace with the one who enamored her. Their time would come, and long after Earth is dead and barren, they will be the Adam and Eve of a new world, reborn from her love, to oversee their children as parents and gods. But in the present, all she can do is watch, and wait, and call faintly to his mind.
Yithian gf is pretty much female Dr Who gf tho
Except they only have 1 life
And possess things
And died out to giant flying polyps
And are actually aliens, instead of a two hearted human.
Actually there's a lot of differences, really the only similarity is the time bullcrap
Wonder if hastur remembers old man Henderson, considering he was in the eighties and the show looks like its set in the 2000's
How many humans do you know with two hearts?
This sounds like a really interesting way to play a warlock with a star/great old one pact
The warlock did nothing of note, their patron simply fell in love with them from afar and acts to protect them from harm
>. Ramp that up ten-fold or more, emphasize the dehumanizing effects of lust, and bingo, you have something relatable to supernatural horror
Am working on a mi-go story
Be patient, don't let thread die. Will post soon.
even reading this hurts my head.
I want to subscribe to your newsletter
Of course he doesn't remember, Henderson fucked Hastur so hard he got amnesia and became homosexual. Hence why he's a young boy in the show.
Don't you dare compare the Great Race of Yith by comparing them to the inbred british peasant-fucking cabbage-eating anglophile lolsorandum police telly-box tea-sipping wacky timey wimey timelords. One actually accomplishes shit besides picking up some street whore in London every other week and being an intergalactic RV tourist.
Delta green must be freaked out though
"Why are hastur Cthulhu chuga, and nyalatholotep attending high school?"
"Frankly sir, I have no clue"
Having one life is kind of meaningless when your conciousness can leave your body at will any time you want, allowing you to cheat death indefinitely (even when the Flying Polyps rose to destroy the cities they had build in the Carboniferous period, they just swapped their minds into the future and left some poor suckers to die in their place; the destruction of their stuff was at most a slight inconvinience as they can just travel back to the point in time when it wasn't destroyed any time they want to take a look at it).
>tfw no Yith GF who indulges your body-swapping kink
If you think about it though the elder things are the mythos race the most like humans?
Do you think a loyal shoggoth would view humans as equal to the elder things?
Cause it seemed like the shoggoth in the mountains of madness are the resistance.
Not in form, but in essence. So that brings to mind, what does a Shoggoth truly care about? How does a Shoggoth perceive the world?
>I got a great story out of my shitpost
Thank you write fag now I can become a wizard without remorse
Imagine being a dude who unearths a shoggoth who just starts doing things for you. It'd be wierd.
>The shoggoth in the story was just chasing the two researchers because it wanted them to tell it to do something
> Tekeli'li just means "Orders?"
>sex with Yog-Sothoth means sex with all of reality, Past, Present, and Future, all at once
That's kinda hot.
I can't be mad at the elder thing trying to fit in.
I mean it's a bad group to fit in with but his honesty and passion is adorible.
"Penguins get out of the way! There's people in here that can give me orders!"
>so many posts
>not one mention of cthulhutech
Setting and system get a bad rep due to one minor thing from an expansion book, but the main focus of the war is lovecraft neon genesis Evangelion. It's really damn good.
A shame the rules are like pulling teeth out through your closed cheeks.
Wouldn't it be possible to be moved over to adeva?
>neon genesis Evangelion
well, that's one of the reasons why it's shit
I'd suggest Remnants, honestly. But I suppose AdEva works.
The best system to run this in is CoC right?
Are their any systems better at CoC than CoC?