>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What's the best death an adventurer can hope to achieve?
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
>/5eg/ Alternate Trove:
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What's the best death an adventurer can hope to achieve?
Depends on the adventurer.
>remembered as a matyr, self secrifice
>die with honour, in a duel
>die swiftly
>die peacefully, after retirement in their own home at night
>What's the best death an adventurer can hope to achieve?
Any adventurer that plans to die is an adventurer I'd rather not adventure with!
All my character's achieve immortality at some point, so I couldn't tell you.
>What's the best death an adventurer can hope to achieve?
>player making a new character because his previous got zip zap zoomed by a Beholder
>level 7
>Tunnel Fighting fighting style
>Champion archetype
>Polearm Master feat
>Sentinel feat
it is time
>actually being allowed to use Tunnel Fighting
Is your DM diagnosed yet?
he lets UA until he sees it being stupid firsthand
for example, Lore Wizard and Mystic are both off the table rn for different reasons
I have an idea for a short plot I want to pass by you guys: an 'infant' god whose domain is effectively rangers/hunting. He's been hunting down Evil people in secret, causing them to vanish without a trace (because he takes the form of an enormous owl and whisks them away before draining their life force as his own sustenance).
The hook is that a community has people vanishing irregularly at night but they don't know why and it scares the shit out of them. Any possible encounter ideas would be helpful.
>At night, the group sets bait in the form of a convicted death sentence criminal and sees the monster for themselves
>Tracking the beast to its home and overcoming the various obstacles he places in their way
>Finding the area where he buries the withered remains of his prey- perhaps they come to life and fight the party
>When they get to his nest, they're the ones in trouble once night falls
How are they gonna know it only goes after evil people?
>players got bamboozled by some fallen angels of Tyr and Sune
>they think they're on a holy crusade for good
>the angels essentially sent them to destroy a barrier blocking travel from the Supreme Throne to everything else and to recover the Cyrinnishad from its burial
>they are completely oblivious
Kill Em All 1385
I am mad man
410,757,864,530 DEAD MYSTRAS
They don't. I only mention that particular aspect because the god would use it as partial justification for his abhorrent method of eating. He's not planned to be Good, either, I was thinking he would be closer to Lawful Neutral.
Best death is usually a silly situation, because no one gets mad after it and everyone knows you died because you were stupid.
> 2017
> still banning Mystic
you know, you made me think of something
how would you even go about roleplaying a now-mortal deity, like say Cyric?
would their personality just evoke their portfolio heavily?
mystic is terribly fucking designed and balanced and unless your DM is willing to basically do the 5e designers job for them they should ban the class
I am banning it because
1. It is significantly better than most other classes, especially because it is ridiculously frontloaded, and has versatility no other class can match
2. The faggots that want to play it are insufferable cunts, who I cant trust to play it properly.
I have literally not met a single player who didn't fuck it up. Either they constantly whine when they aren't the centre of attention, start PvPing if someone outshines them too much, and constantly tries to bend the rules, and will complain for up to an hour because of a retarded ruling (I SHOULD BE ABLE TO MELT THE MINDS OF EVERYONE NEAR ME WITHOUT THEM KNOWING I DID IT LELELELELELEL)
I would rather play with a group full of "Chaotic Neutral" murder sociopaths, than play with mystic fags. They attract the worst sort of players in existence.
> Mystic
> Overpower
Thanks for showing to us that you have 0 system mastery.
Mystic is easier to balance around than a freaking vanilla Wizard
Seriously, it's like you guy never actually play in a game (or at least a meaningful campaign) and only complaining on the internet forum.
>Ranger (Revised)
>Advantage on Initiative Rolls
>Bard x2
>Half proficiency bonus on Initiative
>Alert Feat
>20 Dex
>+11 - +13 on Initiative with Advantage
A-am I OP yet guys?
>le wizard is broken meme
sure, its a strong class bud, but they aren't 3.pf gods
It's only better than martial. Proficiency in every skill seem nice, but /5eg/ is the one that been preaching "proficiency doesn't matter in 5e" and in reality it doesn't match the power of bard + enhance ability.
For second points, that is your own fault for allowing pvp in 5e. The system isn't build for it and you should have laid the "no pvp rule" since session 0. And the same player could achieve the same result with subtle spell sorcerer anyway.
God damn, I just hit level 4, and Arcane Trickster is probably the most fun I have ever had playing 5e.
However, I have a question: I started with 18 Dex, 15 Int. I dont really have any spells that care about INT right now, but:
Should I cap my Dex now, go for some INT, or should I maybe grab myself Ritual Caster?
GM banned MCing for this game (he wants to teach a lesson to two of the players in the group) so cannot MC wizard. That's a problem, because the only other caster than me, is a Sorcerer. We have no ritual casters right now.
I kinda want to grab it, and get some use out of the many spell books we find. Is it a bad idea? Is there enough good wizard ritual spells to make it worth the feat?
I kinda want it as soon as possible, if at all.
>t. Mystic player
Nah man, Wizards are super well balanced, and so easy to work around. They are actually fairly weak!
>t. Wizard player
Has anyone had any experience with the epic boons in the DMG?
>plays scout rogue
ok then do it and post it somewhere, thanks, too lazy to do it myself. much easier to ban it
You are retarded if you think their versatility is not incredibly good.
For the second point, I didn't allow it, but he tried to, and spend a solid 2 hours before someone else left. He stayed until we forcibly made him fuck off.
Ans the PvP was 1 guy out of 12. The others were just as bad.
You faggots are the most insufferable assholes alive, and you will not back down from an argument about the strengths of your pet class, so I am not even going to bother continuing this thread derailment you are probably hoping for.
im sorry, i may be having a brain fart, but what?
Multi classing.
Someone went with some really stupid builds, and the GM did not appreciate it, suffice to say.
there's some annoying shit too, like how the Avatar archetype has a feature that requires that you take an Immortal discipline to get any use out of it. or how every Mystic is going to take that feature because it has Free Revivify + Healing + Restoration. or yeah, how Nomadic Mind has the borderline useless 2psi discipline since refocusing is free
i really like Mystic, it's just so clunky that i'd want to wait to see what they do to make it less clunky before i fuck around with it
Reminder that the real power of Mystic is as support.
Take a look at the Green Dragon lair actions. Obviously, your lair might be different, but I'd say that it's warranted that the Green Dragon uses similar stuff for traps. Fog, vines, brushes, roots.
Green dragons are schemers and plan ahead. Therefore, your dragon already has traps installed and maybe only needs to arm those if at all.
My suggestion is to think of something that would be inconvenient to his enemies and perhaps his minions, but not to the dragon itself. Like a maze floor obscured by dense, impenetrable fog. The dragon simply flies to the other side. Everyone else has to walk the maze and either from roots that weren't there a second ago, simply step into emptiness, slip from irregularly narrow sections that have smoothed edges or be grabbed by sentient vines from below.
Or a steep tunnel that needs to be ascended or descended by climbing vines that are latched to the ceiling since the floor is nothing but razor sharp rocks. Only some of those vines are poisonous, thorny or even sentient and man-eating. Party members could lose grip or simply grab a bad vine and fall into the rocks. These could either be deadly or damaging and the others need to rescue them from their predicament.
To get revenge on the druid, have a hostage. Make it a super cute dryad or something. Have her being bound by a dormant geas and trapped in a cage covered in runes. Opening the cage without disarming the magical trap activates the geas and compels the dryad to destroy her own tree, which is put into the same room for convenience (make it obvious that the tree got teleported to its current location). To increase the insult, think of bits of information about the druid the dragon could have gathered before. Make the dryad deliver a message. For nightmare mode, make it so that the magic trap on the cage is the device that keep the geas at bay. So there's no way to free her without cursing her.
Wizard ritual spells are good (some game-breakingly so), I'd go for it. With 18 DEX you are already on curve for that.
So I take it there is no UA this week?
Mystic is completely broken meme. Only has access to the equiv of level 5 spells, only attack, burns through psi points quickly.
I play a Awakened mystic with some nomad disciplines for option filler and he isn't OP.
Hey, at least it's not that homebrew psychic class that literally healed better than the cleric and did more damage than the sorcerer with all the versatility of a wizard.
>only one attack
Average of like 325 damage assuming all hit and zero crits. And you can disarm or knock them down with six of the attacks.
Playing first is awesome, but you spent ASI and three levels to get where you are. I don't think that is OP.
Why did your DM ban Lore Wizard?
I agree that the archetype is a bit too strong for current game balance, but if a player is willing to work with the DM on balancing the class as they go along, I think I'd work out fine.
Hell, I'm playing a Half-Elf Lore Wizard right now after being stuck as forever DM for the past 8 years and the only change we've made so far is that the save throw changing option is once per long rest versus once per short or long rest.
Yeah, the level 14 ability is probably busted OP too, but that is also fixed by confining it to any/all Wizard, Sorcerer, and Warlock spell lists.
In my experience nerfing a class to let a player play it just leads to them making snarky comments all the time.
"Uhh, if I still had x then I could do it"
I don't usually say this, but that's grounds for getting kicked.
Now-mortal deity? Wat.
A friend is playing that class as well, what makes it so fun?
>God damn, I just hit level 4, and Arcane Trickster is probably the most fun I have ever had playing 5e.
What the hell had you been playing before?
I played one until 7, and was bored to hell.
A god who's been stripped of his godly powers, I'm guessing.
Hey dudes. Want to play a warlock, and know dick-all about deities to make a deal with. General pointers on doing a lock?
Uhh... What? What kinds of players do you have in your group? A good DM (and a good player) work together to make the game function smoothly and fit within the balance of the game.
Sure, people may want to be katana wielding super edgy kitsune waifu assholes who do the whole *teleports behind you* shit, but if they are a GOOD player they tone that down by a few (hundred) degrees and turn then into something like a Tiefling Rogue Assassin or Warlock Hexblade GOO patron. Still edgy and can still teleport around with a cool sword, but functions within the rules of the game.
Though if someone was being a count about not being able to play as their kitsune waifu edgelord assassin, then I'd tell them to not join this game I'm running and go look for another group.
First off, 'locks don't make deals with deities.
You make deals with just about anything else strong enough, though.
Depends on the deity honestly. Some would be super prideful and take constant servings of humble pie as they're introduced to the harsh reality of the world, some would be more humble from the getgo and marvel at all the new experiences they have now like hunger and fatigue, others would tread a middleground and find everything really fucking confusing and just struggle to understand how everything works and where they fit into stuff now.
Could honestly be a really fucking good character if done well
What do you want the Warlock to do? Be a blaster mage? Some sort of sword and sorcery fellow? Maybe a person with a familiar that acts as a scout?
There's lots of options for making one and a patron to call yours.
>some game-breakingly so
Wizard here, which ones are we talking about here?
Pretty much I've played just a shitload of "good" characters. Paladins, warriors and all that. Character wise, I think it'd be cool to write a character that seems very good to people, but is master of some sort of cult behind closed doors. That hiding in plain sight stuff.
Tiny hut is the one I always promise my DM to not abuse.
Cool, I'll do that then. My stats should not suffer too much with the additional ASI anyway, and we barely ever stop a campaign pre-18.
I also liked the prospect of getting higher level spells, even if only as rituals. And my GM has on more than 1 occasion allowed certain spells to be cast as a Ritual, despite not having the tag (Shatter being the most important one to date.), so it would be a good supplement to the magic utility he has.
How do you handle retired PC's in your games?
Are they still active in the world / Can they still level up over time, perform feats of intrigue, study their profession, make money, etc.
I currently have two of my players soft-retiring their PC's. They are moving them back home to the groups HUB (Tresender Mansion from LmoP). They are both level 7.
These players are rolling new PC's to join the current party. In short, the players took over the Red Brands, turned them into a Mercenary group that protects the village instead of bullying it. This is the way in for their Alts.
However, the players still want to be somewhat active with their Retired-PC's. The Wizard wants to focus on Alchemy and Spells, also permanency spells for the Mansion. The Fighter/Artificer Multi-class wants to focus on his blacksmithing and tinkering.
These players want to provide support for their "Faction" while the main adventuring group proceed to travel.
How would you personally handle this? Have you had Players control "NPC's" in the past? NPC's or retired-PC's that indirectly worked for their new groups? Opinions?
I'm currently 50/50, I like the idea and the initiative. I'm willing to allow them to expand their faction on the down-low and to provide support, but I'm also somewhat cautious with the multi-tasking and it affecting the directive of the other players.
As a note, the other players are currently supporting the idea, they see it as a bonus since they also reap the awards of having two spellcasters sitting idle at home playing politics and expanding.
Arcane Tricksters have by for the most options for solving any given issue.
I have played a wizard, and it always boiled down to what I had on my spell list. That's... great in its own way, but gets rather stale and predictable.
>I am faced with a problem, better throw magic at it!
Fighter was fun because of the many combat manoeuvres, but quickly became a program
>If X, use A
>Else, if Y, Use B
>Else use C
It had tools for most situations, but it was always the same tool, if that makes sense.
An Arcane Trickster has a million options.
>infiltrate this manor
>I can either:
>Sneak in the mundane way
>Go invisible and walk past them
>Convince the guards I am allowed inside
>Become a guard to get inside
>Befriend the (evil) owner to get inside
>Pickpocket a key to get inside
>Mage hand shenanigans to open windows that should have been locked
I am not sure if the class just inspires me a lot more than the others, but I just always see a wealth of options as this class, which I never did as the other two.
Basically what said. Instead of having Cyric in time out for 1000 years, I had the backstory as Tyr, Sune, and Lathander kill Cyric for murdering Mystra then banish his essence to the Supreme Throne with Ao's permission so he may not reform and continue causing problems. Afterwards they put a ward on the domain so he could not escape.
Through convoluted means, the only way Cyric could escape was to essentially force himself into a mortal vessel. Through this vessel he plans to achieve divine power again by gaining worship on his own and not through Ao's choosing.
This requires the players to destroy that ward so his mortal vessel can leave. Through manipulation, the players have caused his "rebirth" and are on the path to freeing him as well.
Midnight is in a similar state. After her murder, many of the deities pleaded with Ao for her rebirth. Instead, he compromised by reviving her as a mortal stripped of the divine and chose a new Mystra.
>game breaking
>Tiny hut
...is there some shenanigans here I am not aware of?
It's a very quick to deploy fortress that's impregnable by anyone without dispel. Especially with 5e's movement rules, you can just walk out, make an attack/cast a spell (possibly using the bubble itself as cover), walk back in.
That only works if the GM doesn't 'ready' attacks.
>Quick to deploy
It has a 1 minute casting time.
Also, the caster can't leave the bubble once it gets made, otherwise it goes away. Also, no spells can be cast through the bubble from either side, so the caster is basically stuck in there twiddling his thumbs and maybe providing support via buff spells. Finally, the bubble can't move, so the PCs are stuck rotating in/around that bubble for the next 8 hours or so.
But if your DM lets you cast that spell for an in-combat scenario, you probably need a new DM or need every little advantage you're gonna get to survive that encounter.
Anyone know if there are resources for roll 20 for out of the abyss? They have nothing to for purchase and I cant seem to find anything good online. My group wanted to run this but we might just settle for tales from the yawning portal if we can't find anything.
The idea is to deply it before combat. It's intended for resting 8 hours, but it's better used as a ridiculously cheap siege.
Cast touch spells through the familiar. Resummon it while inside if needed. Works extra well at low levels with a chain pact warlock.
Use summoned creatures. Possibly use Animated Objects, but take care not to have more than 9 creatures inside.
And, as you've said, buff stuff. If shit takes that long, you can just resummon the dome too, rest up and regain your spells.
There's a lot the wizard can do from inside, and his allies aren't limited in similar ways. And there's basically nothing your opponents can do against it, aside from hoping you run out of pearls or getting a wizard of their own who can dispel (who is now at a huge disadvantage because he just dispel'd from a 3rd level slot, wasting it on a no-slot ritual and more importantly, his action, just so he can engage et all).
Ready needs a trigger. Even if entirely surrounded "if somebody comes out of the dome, I attack" will only trigger about half the guys there, on account of the other half not being able to see you because the dome block line of sight and effect. There's ways to play around in it, too, like putting invis on whoever goes out. Plus they can't ready spells at you, or they are lost if you just stay put.
How do we fix the Champion ? I was thinking of making his 3rd level crit 18-20 and giving him one of the Weapon Mastery feats for free.
>Champion needs fixing
>18-20 crit that early
Is this bait?
My DM is thinking about nerfing repelling blast so that it only affects certain sizes of creatures. When I think about it for a while like say you have a tarrasque or something, it seems pretty weird that a cantrip can move it 10 ft with each beam with no saving throws or anything.
Can you guys justify why it shouldn't be nerfed? It seems odd that they wouldn't specify in the PHB certain size limits if it wasn't their intention for the blast to push any creature...
Champion's problem is he could use some interesting mechanic to use in battle, not his power.
>Can you guys justify why it shouldn't be nerfed
No, I nerf it. Certain large creatures only move half the distance, certain are immune.
Ahh tiny hut.
My GM had a bunch of savages try a capture of my Bard, but I erected a dome before they caught up to me.
GM reminded me of the duration, and I reminded him of my 4 slots. As it was falling off, I recast it. I created goodberries to keep me fed forever, and the GM couldn't do anything to stop me.
I still lost the character. To this day, 40 years later, the character is sitting in his dome, eating berries, watching the primitive savages build a mudhut village around the hut, and laughing at them every time something falls apart and someone gets hurt. He is a high elf, so he very much enjoys watching them spend so much time on a petty issue they likely forgot about a long time ago. He probably could escape, even with the 3 guards always keeping watch, but he enjoys watching the petty vengeance of lesser species.
>Even if entirely surrounded "if somebody comes out of the dome, I attack" will only trigger about half the guys there, on account of the other half not being able to see you because the dome block line of sight and effect.
Yeah, but that's much better than "walk out, hit, walk back in".
>Plus they can't ready spells at you, or they are lost if you just stay put.
The DM doesn't have to tell you what actions the creatures ready.
>And there's basically nothing your opponents can do against it
The opponents can walk out of sight. The opponents can call for reinforcements. The opponents can piss on the hemisphere's surface. The opponents can coat it with other, nastier stuff either to inflict damage on leaving people or simply obscure vision. The opponents can insult the players and deal emotional damage. The opponents can siege and (literally) wall in the players over time.
We fix champion by playing battlemaster.
Champion isn't weak, it is just boring.
Honestly, champion should be removed from the game. 19-20 crit should be for all fighters at level 17. Extra martial archetype should be for all fighters at level 13.
PHB fighter classes should be Knight, Battlemaster, and EK.
This brings the power level of fighters up while getting rid of the shitty champion fighter.
Nah, sometimes you just want to hit things and not think about much. This is why we still need the champion, it's still a good class.
>19-20 crit should be for all fighters at level 17
>This brings the power level of fighters up
Barely. Hardly anybody plays at that tier.
>The DM doesn't have to tell you what actions the creatures ready.
As a GM, I feel like I have to chime in here, and say you are a fucking scumbag and a dirt tier GM not worth playing with, if you abuse the rules like this.
And what's the fucking problem here? It is a safe zone, nothing else. In no situation is this a problem. If you give them a minute to make the dome, you can:
1. Leave them alone. It is the explicit purpose of the spell
2. Let them have the advantage they got by using it intelligently against a certain type of enemy.
Otherwise dont let them make the dome in the first place.
Wanting to nerf its one and only purpose, would be like giving all enemies access to the shield spell, just to fuck over the evocation wizard who likes focusing on magic missile. You are being a cunt and a terrible GM.
The only time it is worth doing this kind of bullshit, is when you actively want the players to leave and/or hate you.
Extra martial archetype at level 13 is still there. Also, fighters especially fall off late game.
I would also thing that maybe fighters would benefit from 19-20 crit at level 9 replacing indomitable, then upgrading to 18-20 at lvl 13 then 17-20 at 17. Either way would be nice
>Yeah, but that's much better than "walk out, hit, walk back in".
Sure, and needs the dome to be surrounded. You could even position the dome so that's impossible, or at least highly improbable.
Hell, now that I think about it, your characetrs could even just tunnel out, if it's on soft ground.
>The DM doesn't have to tell you what actions the creatures ready.
Considering you literally cast the spell already and now are just holding onto it, yes he damn well has to tell me "you see the caster mumble and wave his hands around" (unless it casts without those I guess, which is sort of a "fuck you") which, at the very least, should be enough for an arcana check to see that he's casting (also, unless you have enough casters to surround the dome, again, you can just walk out the other way so he can't cast at you).
>The opponents can walk out of sight.
So we can take potshots while they walk away and they leave us to our devices, awesome.
>The opponents can call for reinforcements.
And we can leave before they arrive and redeploy somewhere else.
> The opponents can piss on the hemisphere's surface.
... okay? The players can push their shit out I guess, in response.
>The opponents can coat it with other, nastier stuff either to inflict damage on leaving people or simply obscure vision.
Take a stick and scrape it off from the inside as they apply it. Feel free to laugh at their efforts while doing so.
>The opponents can insult the players and deal emotional damage.
I guess if sound travels, the players can insult back. That's actually a way to deal damage from inside the sphere, neat!
> The opponents can siege and (literally) wall in the players over time.
While being harassed by them? We re talking about a party with a 5th level wizard in it. They can harass them to death before it gets built.
>the way to fix Champion is to make it a mandatory pick for literally every single Paladin and most other classes
Champion is pretty alright, balance-wise. The issue is that it's mind-numbingly boring. The way to improve it is to make it more mechanically interesting, which kind of goes against the idea of Champion.
>GM urges us to not play VHuman or he will make sure it comes with in-game penalties
>Makes a half elf because eh.
>Rest of the party makes Vhumans
>Everything regarding combat and important places is in the dark, either because of damp caverns where light sources are difficult to keep active, or because light will instantly aggro a large horde of monsters who hates light. >Alternatively because the enemies always tried to put out our light sources first.
>I am the only one who isnt auffering from permanent disadvantage.
Oh boy that SS Fighter sure is looking effective right now! xd
I think min/maxing is some kind of mental disease. You can even be told you are going to face severe penalties and disadvantages because of the choice, but they do it anyway. It is amazing to watch these kinds of people just fail so spectacularly at common sense.
I would not be surprised if these people got the Darwin award at some point in their life.
Do all Goliaths just not have hair?
What if I just like humans but think default human is boring as fuck?
>implying half-elf isn't also incredibly strong
Your DM sounds like weak willed faggot. Ban them or roll with it, but being passive aggressive cunt is shitty.
I especially hate how he punishes them for not having darkvision - reason why i would never play human or dragonborn is exactly this, even if i'd strongly prefer playing human story-wise.
Or how about just leave it to those who just want to pick the class up to hit things?
Question about UA revised path of the ancestral guardian barb:
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level,
spectral warriors appear when you enter your
rage. These warriors distract a foe you strike and
hinder its attempts to harm your companions.
While you’re raging, the first creature you hit
with an attack on your turn becomes the target
of the warriors. Until the start of your next turn
or until your rage ends, that target has
disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn’t
target you, and creatures other than you have
resistance to the damage of the target’s attacks.
Do I lose the resistance from rage against the creature i attack, or is it just saying that my resistance isn't applied twice?
My experience so far with my fresh off the boat DM and party:
>My DM is starting to dislike Variant Human because of me
>Starts giving our party shit because we keep using spare the dying
>Next game "nerfs" spare the dying to require 100 gold
>Teach party how to use medicine skill check
> DM is angry at how "easy" it is to pick people up
>Gets mad at me because I always position to flank for advantage
Great times, also monks are fun. Can Monks move in between flurry of blow hits?
Why is your DM such a little bitch.
Damn straight monks are fun.
>Can Monks move in between flurry of blow hits?
Yes. You need to flurry of blows your DM in the face.
> DM is angry at how "easy" it is to pick people up
He's entirely correct to do so, it's way too hard to keep players down without killing them outright. He sounds like he's being a cunt about it though.
>Gets mad at me because I always position to flank for advantage
He either shouldn't have used that optional rule, or should have turned on the more strict movements from previous editions.
This guy is right, there needs to be a class that retards can play
>t. autistic retard who doesn't like it when people have fun.
Rage gives you resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage.
This feature gives your allies resistance to all damage from the creature but you retain just your regular B,P,S resistance.
You plebian, check this out.
Our party has casters whom can cast healing word, now healing word is a weak spell and becomes shit after secound level if you use it to regain HP and stay alive after something scores a hit. But, if you use it to stabilise someone it becomes very powerful.
You see any amount of healing gets you up from death saves and back to action. The amount of health you have does not matter, regardless of spell you spend to heal the target it will get one-shooted, you can't heal enough HP if the encounter is scaled normal to high for your level, so 1 HP or 25 makes no fucking difference.
Now since you have 1-4 HP you are back in the fight and have an aproximated 2 rounds to live, and that is enough for the fight to end. Because as a group we used this a lot we together with the DM house ruled that every time we stabilise by healing the charachter healed gets one level of exaustion.
It allmost happened one dude died from exaustion,it is funny how only way to remove it is strong magic or long rests. We never used that part of the system before, and now from time to time the DM adds it to some monster or potion/spell/item.
Maybe you would find finger painting more fun than D&D. Peekaboo maybe?
It's your DM's fault for not continuing to try to drop the downed PC, you fucker.
Don't shit on other people's fun just because you're a no-friend, no-fun allowed severe autist.
Parties that rely on this tend to end up being massive damage gibbed by high damage monsters.
It is okay, I will bring some bubble wrap for you to play with while you wait for the grown ups to finish their turns.
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