What does Veeky Forums think of Wakfu?
What does Veeky Forums think of Wakfu?
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Well I saw a tentacle hentai of that dark skinned leaf wearing bitch once.
So it isn't particularly high in my estimation.
Could be worse.
Few too many furries
I want to fuck that pirate
Eniripsa is the best deity
>not Iop the god of punching things REALLY hard
That I should have paid attention in french class so I didn't have the subs subtract from my attention while watching.
Also, would play in.
10/10 fapbait
We used to have treads when the show first got translated but they got moved off board.
Krosmasters is cool though.
Dem ears.
Slutty T H I C C ears
One of the best things to ever come out of my fellow frogs minds
well i popped a small one are you fucking happy?
>This was the text that went with those pics last time
Imagine some stranger walking up to you and out of the blue they start aggressively teasing your erogenous zones. You protest at first, but they continue in earnest, until your knees are buckling and you can't even see straight. Once they've reduced you to a panting mess, they flee, leaving you confused but relieved.
The incidents continue. Initially it was the same person, but since he's started doing it in more public places, others have grown more bold and decide to play with your sensitive elf ears whenever they get the chance. You still protest, although you don't resist as much physically since it never seems to do any good.
You don't seem to be building a tolerance to this stimulation. In fact, it almost seems to be getting worse; your whole body throbs as you remember how it felt to have those hands caressing you. The worst thing about it is the humans indifference to the molestation plaguing you during your outings. They seem to take some sort of amusement out of watching your eyes roll back into your head as you stutter some sort of plea, devolving into speaking Elvish at the height of your pleasure.
Their religions/races are really interesting. Something I might steal one day if I make a high-magic fantasy setting
>every notable foe and side character in the series in one picture
>except Nox
>because he alone among them is actually dead
Damn, man.
How would you stat the duck?
Plenty of traditional games in the franchise.
No Qilby or Armand either.
I find it absolutely hilarious that even Amalia's gay bodyguards made it in but not that fucking idiot.
Great villain
Some pretty good stuff. Dofus, too.
Out of curiosity are these cut-scenes or are there more media in addition to the game?
Those are from movies, OVAs, and TV series. in fact that poster from the thread is the main cast of the TV series
trash, much like any videogame
Majin Frieza is fucking hilarious and honestly a shit ton more interesting than the little turd he used to be even if he had the right of it.
Go away, Tot. Not everyone shares your Iop fetish.
there's even a random boufbowl cheerleader.
Is Krosmaster of any variety any good?
It's from the french animated series, which I'd recommend watching. It kind of seems like a kiddie show on the surface (vibrant colors, most conflicts don't end with anyone seriously hurt), but it can get DARK at times.
>How would you stat the duck
Plastic Wall of Frustration, Level 36.
I like the art style at least, reminds me a lot of some things I used to be into when I was younger. I'll have to give it a watch.
>20 Minutes
>liking Iops
Guess you never played the game.
I don't like how french sounds, but I also don't like dubs so I can't watch it.
I like it a lot, very original setting and classes.
Too bad the cartoon is full of fillers and focuses on the Iop-Cra couple at everything else's expense.
Fun fact, the author of that manga is a fan of wakfu.
All they managed to do was to ruin my favourite shota duo in recent animation.
I'm very cross about it.
That really hits home.
I like it.
>ctrl-f hips
>no results
You disgust me. All of you.
Also three guys and a panda.jpg
What panda, user? Nothing here except some humans.
Hipa: The Animated Series
Good God the hips these bitches have.
Sad panda, user. Very wakfu-related.
Nox did nothing wrong.
Fuck that shit, that whelp was always annoying as hell.
>If it works I did nothing wrong, if it doesn't I don't want to live anyway
At that exact moment, he became my favorite villain.
He made a wrong calculation and millions paid for it.
We liked it enough that the word "Wakfu" was a auto-ban word for a long while on Veeky Forums
Though i blame the NaziMod and the NoFunAllowed Janitor for that one
Tragic to the point it's almost hilarious.
Damnit Joris get in the picture!
Dem Buns!
It's wak.
massively overrated but not terrible
>Don't like how french sounds
How? Its a pretty smooth language. I'm even Canadian, so I hear the butchered version our native "French" Canadians speak frequently, and this is way nicer to listen to.
>those final scenes of nox.
Good shit. The french really know how to make a franchise.
Lore is great, art style/direction is solid, and the entire thing strikes a nice balance between whimsicality and seriousness. Surprisingly fantastic characterisation for what is essentially a cartoon for teens. Great villains - All of them are extremely good and for mostly different reasons without there being any overlap or repeated themes.
More to the point, it maintains a certain level of quality across every almost every single product in the franchise, which is nice to see. It's all good. Treasures of Kerub, Wakfu, the OVAs, there's never any noticeable drop-off in creativity or execution, as far as I'm concerned.
Season 3 is shaping up to be really good.
One of the best Antagonists in tv.
Initial just a well characterized "mad villian" but has believable evem logical otivations that you can sympathize with revealed towards the end.
>I'm even Canadian
of course you like your own language duh
I got mad props for the french for not treating children like they're retards who need to be insulated from anything violent or lewd
microtransactions up the ass. Take this shit to or to the general for dead mmo's
I liked Qilby as much as I liked Nox. I think he was just as tragic, even if he was a lot less sympathetic. In fact, I feel like that was the point. His inability to relate or be related to is the primary factor of his particular brand of villainy.
Naw. Canadians speak english. Its only that weird whiny, inbred area that doesn't
Also he commits suicide at the end of the season.
Yeah no one knows the feeling of living forever and ever and getting bored while anyone want to turn back time
He was a great villain in a mediocre season.
Wait, there's a season 3?!?!
Eyep, three episodes have been subbed, with five (?) out total.
what are his believable and logical motivations. Go ahead and explain them to me. I bet they aren't even believable.
Nah, the point was that tedium had completely dehumanised him. He perceived himself as the centre of the universe because that was the only way that his unique memory would allow him to retain any level of function. Even then, he was trying his best to relate to others, he was just really bad at it.
Better yet, there is no solution to him that doesn't involve just torturing him more. Mercy is literally not an option which exists, the only actual choice is whether the dangerous lunatic is free or not, since his suffering is assured either way.
He indirectly killed his family
Basically destroy all life to fuel a spell to turn back time far enough to save his family, thus restoring to life everybody killed in the process? Logical? Hell no. Believable? Ehh, hard for anyone to sit by and let genocide occur, but it does carry the technicality that once it's all said and done, it's undone anyways, so nobody dies. Victimless crime that just requires a shitton of victims first.
Why does he have a family? He is clearly a robot.
Also, did it work?
He got so caught up in studying an ancient artifact he found that his wife left with his kids, and they ended up dying in a flood or some such.
Given the artifact's ability to manipulate time, he set about trying to feed it enough life force that it could turn back time to before he fucked up his life and lost his family.
After a lifetime of harvesting lifeforce under the justification that when he succeeds, all his evil will never have happened, culminating in the genocide of a people that are tied to their mystical life tree thing, he goes for the moneyshot.
The world only goes back 20 minutes.
He's not a robot, he's a mummy
It worked but he went back 20 minutes instead of 20 years
don't believe this user's lies
He's human. But a race of human that slowly turn to dust the more they use their time based powers. Hence the bandages
He's not a robot. He's dust in a set of armour, kept alive by willpower and stolen life-force.
It did not work. In his delusion, he miscalculated how much power would be necessary. He went back 20 minutes. Impressive enough, given the fact that in-lore, not even Xelor, the God of Time, is able to turn back the clock, but it wasn't what he wanted, and when he realised that he'd committed all the atrocities for a goal which was never attainable anyway, it broke him.
It might have been attainable, had yugo and adamai not blown huge holes in the time machine
they also used power from the cube
I would like to point out he is literally crazy. Schizophrenic. Literally hearing a voice that isn't there telling him what to do and how to fix it.
It worked though. Kinda. And he didn't hear voices until he found the cube
The voice he heard existed. He wasn't crazy. He shouldn't have believed it, but something or someone in the cube did indeed talk to him.
Fair enough. That link was comprised entirely of dolphin porn.
Nox is no doubt a far better villain than Quilby but jesus christ his villain death is way more horrific.
Nice plothole.
Guess it wasn't believable afterall :^)
It's not a plothole. They explain it in the next season.
Rewatch the last two episodes.
The voice is literally his own voice,
and no one - including the cube's true owner -
heard the voice of the cube. There is a reason Adamai and Yugo were utterly confused when he was talking to the cube while they were in the room.
What was the voice?
Qilby Tempting Nox, trying to find some way out of the cube..
Is Quilby, a good villain then? He manipulated Nox.
The guy trapped in the cube for crimes against literally everyone ever
I never said it was a *good* plan. He's a bad dude, no question. But it's not an impossible stretch to see how he got where he got, and to see his reasoning behind it all. Like, look at Frieza from DBZ. Just evil. Blows shit up just because. No goal beyond rule the Galaxy through fear. Fuck that guy. Nox at least you can see the reasoning behind his craziness.
quilby is a rapist clown who got his ass beat by a bunch of underages
I want to like Wakfu, but it feels like a sandbox game run by a DM who wants it to be a story, gets pissed off at his players, and then throws the story at them regardless of the fact that they've been faffing about for months. And then they get their asses handed to them, because they didn't level enough, and they have to get saved by the DMPC.
shit villain then
or would it be better to say shit writing?
It's hard not to feel at least a little sorry for him in this scene.
Hell, it's hard not to feel sorry for Yugo, because he has to do this to him. He can't be killed, he can't be neutralised as a threat, he can't be fixed. There is no prison which can hold him save the Cube, which is the worst torture possible for him.
that's a thing called a plot user, obviously it sounds contrived in the frame of an RPG because it's a show and not an RPG.