>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
Thread Question: How much money do you generally spend on a deck initially for its first play test. How much money do you usually dump into it after for upgrades?
If it's a deck concept I really like, anywhere from $50 to $100 plus the staples I already have for the deck.
Anthony Thomas
>How much money do you generally spend on a deck initially for its first play test. $30-$50. >How much money do you usually dump into it after for upgrades? $30-$50 more. This game is fun, but not worth spending huge amounts of money on.
Mason Hall
Dralnu, at least in my experiments, doesn't play that much creatures so someone trying to Act you wants you to sac a lot of lands and artifacts. If you switch with that person he is the one who'll need to sac a lot of lands and artifacts.
You can always just Pact the Blasphemous Act with flashback, it's easy to pay the 3UU most of the time anyway.
Christopher Nguyen
>How much money do you generally spend on a deck initially for its first play test. How much money do you usually dump into it after for upgrades? usually the first iteration of a deck is usually around $100-$150 and if i like the concept it can end up anywhere from $200-$300. that said the upgrading process usually lasts like 4-5 months and ill grab new card(s) every pay check to through into it so its not like im dropping all of that at once
Jaxon Bell
Where do you guys find people to play? At the LGS? Friends and friends of friends?
Andrew Wood
>How much money do you generally spend on a deck initially for its first play test.
I already have most of the cards in my collection, but upgrading a deck can be around $10-100 depending on how much i enjoy playtesting it
Robert Torres
usually at a friends place but sometimes i go to the LGS to play with randos cause im bored but its never really that fun cause the people at my LGS suck at deck building
Daniel Hughes
>tfw going to build an investor deck filled with gold generators and treasures
Jordan Anderson
I get that. I have a couple friends who play, and while I enjoy playing them, they literally have 2 commanders each that they stick to and never change from. One runs Zada Token Swarm and Wort Token Sworm, the other runs Horde of Notions Tribal Aggro featuring heavy ramp and The Ur-Dragon Tribal Aggro featuring heavy ramp. But there's pretty much no community for commander at the LGS, and every player there either has terrible decks or finely-tuned cEDH, with no in-between.
John Stewart
tell me about riku /edhg/ is this just a combo deck or is there an actually fun way to play him?
Ethan Sullivan
>how much do you spend About 100-200 for the nonlands. If I don't have the lands for that color combo then add 100.
i dont know if you have like a community board or anything at your LGS but you can always try putting something up there about edh or start a league. its weird no one plays edh there though, its a super popular format
Jacob Turner
Pubstomp in a low power meta Gets removed before you get to do anything in a high power meta Too slow to even cast in a competitive meta
Jose James
>How much money do you generally spend on a deck initially for its first play test. How much money do you usually dump into it after for upgrades?
Depends on what I'm needing to get. I'm a lot more open to spending money if I'm getting lands or something like Hero of Bladehold.
Jonathan Hall
Like said he's basically in the same tier as someone like Jhoira, Meren, Nekusar, or Animar. They're big time pubstomp that aren't fast enough to race competitive tables.
Ryder Cox
>wake up to a "thanks for your order" TCGPlayer email to the tune of $200
Welp, guess I'm building that Seton deck now
Daniel White
>community board Your LGS allows the community to contribute and advertise things? Wow. And there are people, but the community at the LGS is very small and very exclusive, with huge disparity in decks played. Modern is the most popular format here.
Levi Rodriguez
>Meren >Animar >not competitive What the fuck.
Adam Rogers
Animar's dropped from competitive play lately.
Jose Lopez
No, they aren't. They're pubstomp commanders that need setup to get rolling. Meren's ability is too slow to be relevant in cEDH and Animar isn't as good as he once was. He's a decent creature combo commander, but he takes too much setup compared to others. They're kings of casual, but low-tier in cEDH.
Grayson Miller
consider finding a new LGS then
Aiden Rodriguez
What made Animar drop in power?
Anthony Cooper
It's not that he dropped in power, just that cEDH is too fast for him now. Everything else is a step up.
Jaxon Gonzalez
There are two others in town, and neither have EDH. There's another one half an hour away, but it's complete cancer. Here's their EDH rulelist: >If you are caught running a banned card, aside from special exceptions (long-time players at the store), you will be kicked out >All cards on Sheldon's banlist are banned >All cards on WotC's banlist are banned >All cards whose TCGPlayer median value is greater than $7.99 USD at the moment you play them are banned (they're proud of kicking people out over this one) >If one of the long-time players doesn't like your commander, you're out >If one of the long-time players doesn't like the way your deck plays, you're out >If one of the long-time players doesn't immediately hit it off with you, you're out, because, and I quote, "If we don't like you, you're an asshole"
Aaron Stewart
I have spent anywhere from 0 dollars to 100 dollars on initial deck creation and upgrades.
Jaxon Hall
What would you consider top-tier commanders? I played against my friend's Animar deck with my Alesha stax deck and I got consistently thrashed
William Lewis
>banned card user
holy shit dude fuck off
Nathan Hall
Anything dinothemed to included in my upcoming memedeck? Things like Lurking Predators, it just needs to look or sound dinosaur/jurassic park related. I am a huge Vorthos, so powerlevel is not really important.
Kevin Garcia
Jesus Christ.
Oliver Sullivan
I think you have me confused for someone else
Isaiah James
>All cards whose TCGPlayer median value is greater than $7.99 USD at the moment you play them are banned (they're proud of kicking people out over this one)
Alright, time to set up some bots to post a bunch of ridiculously inflated listings.
Julian James
Ah, since they talked about dropping from competitive and not being as good as he used to be I thought it meant that something like a rule change had blocked its best combo Thanks
Also, any casual tip about him? I'm pretty interested in building it as my first not-precon-based deck
Hunter Campbell
Cards with the word Hunger or Stampede probably are your best bet.
Carter Wood
Camden Carter
Ancestral Statue = infinite +1/+1 counters
Alexander Evans
>That flavor text Kek
Ryan Kelly
It's less about the commander and more about the deck they lead in some cases. Jeleva Storm (now Kess, but Jeleva still works) Arcum, though he's lost some use Thrasios + whatever (usually Tymna) Derevi stax Teferi stax Yisan (but he's on the lower end of cEDH) Tazri Foodchain (and Prossh to a much lesser extent) Doomsday Zur (which pretty much just uses Zur for his colors)
There are probably a couple I'm forgetting, but the important thing is that most cEDH decks want to either never need the commander and use a strong deck archetype like Doomsday or Storm or only use their commander as a replaceable combo piece. Animar is strong, but he's not quite cEDH worthy on his own. They generally run a low number of creatures there.
Jack Martinez
Oh fuck this is up there with the Police State LGS, at least you're not trying to defend it
Liam King
Why would I try to defend cancer?
Bentley Davis
Were you here for Police State user? He was convinced that his fucked up LGS's rules were justified, including a rule where you couldn't use any cards in your deck that you didn't buy from the store.
Kayden Ramirez
Make sure to get some of the creatures likely to get errata'd early to avoid price spikes. Brooding Saurian is something that might get errata'd that is very cheap now but is scarce enough it could jump significantly, for example.
Benjamin Edwards
Samuel Barnes
Police State user had Stockholm syndrome and was defending his store's absolutely insane rules
Anthony Lopez
I think I vaguely recall something like that. That sounds so stupid.
Austin Miller
Logan Cruz
Does anyone have the screencaps to show this poor user who missed out?
Carson Phillips
Yeah, already ordered most of the creatures who are probably going to erratat, I really hope Regal Behemoth is going to be one of them.
Asher Adams
Christian Evans
This must be bait
Ethan Harris
>Regal Behemoth
Yeah, I was suspicious of that one too. It'd be good for them to errata it just for the sake of giving Dinos a fun big mana card.
Jordan Perez
I've seen stuff like this before.
Oliver Sanchez
I started doing this but your best bet is probably magiccards.info and a thesaurus. Too many cards. Stuff like Tremor, Fang, claw, hunger, savage, wild, crush, trample, shred, bite, etc.
Jeremiah Phillips
Jesus that's cancer
Levi Peterson
I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking of that one.
Julian Williams
>Guy who's been playing since Kaldesh starts playing EDH >gets assmad when I play a Birds of Paradise Turn 1 and a Cultivate Turn 2 >"It's not fair that user has five mana on turn 3!"
I've noticed lately that a lot of nu-players hate ramp. What's up with that?
Justin Flores
Will try it, thanks!
Landon Long
They haven't printed lots of crazy ramp and ramp is incredibly powerful in this format.
I sure as shit hate people ramping out Omniscience.
John Morris
New sets have very little ramp, and it's mostly 2-drop mana dorks.
Dylan Wilson
>How much money do you generally spend on a deck initially for its first play test. How much money do you usually dump into it after for upgrades? 0 I only use cards I have laying around unless I'm building a precon I play a deck for 2 or 3 weeks before deciding to put some money into it and if I do its probably 10 or so dollars including unifying the basic lands, making sure I have decent ramp and draw etc.
Xavier Butler
not particularly good at combo he is particularly fun but not particularly easy to keep on the field
Oliver Torres
The real Fast ramp is also from an era with more prevalent removal, including land destruction. The more sacred they've made lands, the more they've had to limit access to them.
You're doing things that the tools to stop aren't being printed anymore, so of course it looks unfair from their perspective.
Adrian Sanchez
>i have no idea what the fuck im talking about: the post
Dominic Harris
Does Soul Conduit and Tainted Remedy work like I think it would and kill people if I have at least double someones life and I swap life totals?
Charles Hill
>not particularly easy to keep on the field you mean like every commander? my play group doesnt usually let commanders sit on the fields for more than a turn
Leo Ward
Any interesting new planeswalker tech based on the new legendary erratta?
Luke Cooper
>including a rule where you couldn't use any cards in your deck that you didn't buy from the store.
holy shit i remember this, those rules were beyond retarded
Christian Martin
6/1/2011: When the life totals are exchanged, each player gains or loses the amount of life necessary to equal the other player’s previous life total. For example, if Player A has 5 life and Player B has 3 life before the exchange, Player A will lose 2 life and Player B will gain 2 life. Replacement effects may modify these gains and losses, and triggered abilities may trigger on them.
Ian Reyes
Here is the original thread, it's something special
That's good news, I've got a janky deck I want to throw together and Tainted Remedy is looking really good in it, especially with things like Beacon of Immortality and life total swapping
Chase White
Were they in Auschwitz?
Luke Turner
>Yawgmoth's Will is around $60 now >TrollAndToad had a lightly played one for $25 >Take a risk on it >It's in great shape with very little border wear
Sure is nice saving $35
Asher Martin
Sounds like you're the one who has no idea. All of those commanders are ones who function well at casual tables and are generally called unfair by those who don't know any better. Animar is making fatties cost lost, Nekusar tricks people with bad threat perception by offering car advantage, Jhoira generally suspends Eldrazi and MLD, and Meren is just goodstuff and value that is easily disrupted. None of those commanders perfrom well in cEDH and there's a reason for that.
Christian Gomez
Dylan Wright
You missed out. Everything that has new interactions with Legendary Planeswalkers now costs four or five times as much because we've "known" about the errata for like a month. Check the price spikes on Sisay, Reki, Untaidake, and even humble Honor-Worn Shaku.
Jayden Parker
>All cards whose TCGPlayer median value is greater than $7.99 USD at the moment you play them are banned (they're proud of kicking people out over this one) Report them to wotc.
Also >a STORE bans people from SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY Examples like this make me feel good about the fact that something like 90% of hobby stores close within 2 years of opening. They're just like restraunts.
Anthony Thompson
Any advice for my Chandra.dec? It is jank, so I'd prefer ideas for individual cards and additions instead of just "scrap the deck". I've actually won games with it in my meta, so it isn't too far off from the end goal.
I'm thinking of cutting Spawn of Thraxes since I added the desert package for Scavenger grounds.
Dominic Jackson
>>All cards whose TCGPlayer median value is greater than $7.99 USD at the moment you play them are banned (they're proud of kicking people out over this one)
Holy fucking shit what babies
Lucas Fisher
Grats, man. I should look for more played staples. Honestly, anything that is sleeve playable is fine for me.
Dylan Moore
>Jhoira generally suspends Eldrazi and MLD
>Not playing Jhoira as drawgo, and suspending your low-costing value sorceries/creatures/mana rocks on turns where you don't have to spend all your mana on disruption/restocking your hand
Jaxon Robinson
It's never the same amount, but I'm sure the deck will exist after I buy the matching shields.
It's Commandeer worth running in budget Inalla Combo? How often free "counterspells" save your ass?
William Thompson
How would I report them, and for what? Also, they've been open for 3 years.
Xavier Morales
I play her as artifact funstuff and strip out most of my deck for a big Purphoros + Myr Incubator win.
Brandon Taylor
How could you prove it? The owner tracks what everyone opens in packs?
Christian Evans
That sounds good too. I'm just a sucker for some good-old fashioned "Untap, upkeep, draw, land for turn, pass" control.
Colton King
Thanks. Yeah even a Moderately Played one on TCGPlayer is like $38. Does no one use TrollandToad anymore? I thought it was odd a slightly played Yawgmoth's Will was sitting at $25 so that's why I was worried.
Joshua Adams
What I'm curious about is what's the $7 card someone loved too much or the $8 card that got someone so salty that got them to set that price. I mean there has to be a reason it's not like $5 or $10.
Aiden Perry
Yeah, I actually think that's what they did. They would keep a list of what everyone owns from that store. You basically had to register an account with them.
Asher Smith
Yeah, play a planeswalker as your general.
Jordan Robinson
>>All cards whose TCGPlayer median value is greater than $7.99 USD at the moment you play them are banned (they're proud of kicking people out over this one)
So people who buy the Vampire Precon can't use it cause of Teferi's Protection. The store owner needs to get fucked.
>thank you for buying my products >oh yeah if you use it you get kicked out
Julian Morgan
I don't get why Purph was so fucking pushed. Multiplayer MTG is clearly a concern, but Purph feels like a fucking Planeswalker ult in terms of the inevitability of losing.
I get there is removal for him, but you must admit, it is tough when he's an indestructible enchantment. Perilous Vault sucks. And most colors don't have much better.
Leo Robinson
Same with Wizard Precon (Kess) and Dragon Precon (Ramos). But given what little I saw of the community before I left that place, they'd call running an unmodified precon "too uncreative to play" or something.
Parker Lee
I get the feeling this is just shitposting at this point, but just to clarify in case it isn't: No. You still can't play any Planeswalkers other than the C14 quintet as commanders.
Justin Harris
>you mean like every commander? no i mean in a specific way only a 2/2 for 5 with no inherent protection can be
Kevin Williams
meren and animar are still easily competitive, saying otherwise is just being ignorant of the meta
Jonathan Parker
Someone must have done a buyout on it. The card is only played in EDH and Vintage but it nearly doubled in price over the summer. The reserved list cards are in a serious situation this year.
But Intuition if you'll ever use it, anons. That card is totally underpriced.
Dylan Moore
Meren is an easily disreputable value machine. Animar isn't fast enough for cEDH.
Landon Lee
While I figure that's happening at some point, it hasn't yet.