>character's name is a mythology reference
Character's name is a mythology reference
Go away, frogposter.
>Character's name is an anime of the week reference
If you love Jojo so fucking much, why don't you play a Jojo game
>characters name is Japanese, character is not
I would if I could. Until that day, Joseph Pillarman will ride on.
>Character's name is randomly generated
>Character's name is the player's online handle
>character's name is the player's name
>Character's name is a Homestuck/Undertale/etc. reference
>Character has a name
Good lord, that one really got me.
>Character's name is from Game of Thrones
>character is Urist
>character's name is just fine, but the character itself sucks
>Character's name is from an OC of Undertale/Homestuck/etc., and the player makes that abundantly clear.
>Assad bombs the last hospital in Aleppo for the 16th time this year
yeah no, fuck off moderate rebel shill
>"No his first name is 'Sir'"
I'm going to be guilty of this, an alien bounty hunter from outer space will be a minor foe in a 60's Luchadores pulp game he is there to kill an alien band which will be friendly npc.
Probably going to name him Stardust Crusader
>Character is literally just an OC of Undertale/Homestuck/etc. ported to whatever system is being played, and the player makes no attempt to hide it.
I do this. One of my characters is Forrester, and another one is called Florent.
Story time please.
I don't have any storytime yet user, I will soon have a group to play the game, I just have ideas for it. I Can tell you more about the game and system if you want
The system is called Luchadores, it takes place in an archipelago in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. The Pc are masked warrior with magic Mask, Luchadores, fighting against monsters trying to destroy the island, it's very inspired by Luchaxploitation movies, it's a really good game.
The picture I used is what I requested in the drawthread, the band is mentionned in the rulebook of the game, they are the Astro-Men aliens who crashed on earth and became a band to pay the bills to repair their wrecked spaceships, to the eyes of the public of course, they are just a radical band wearing Tv screens for the style.I liked the concept so I expanded on them. They were 4 aliens friends who went on a roadtrip, they did a few robery and after a rough pursuit they crashed on earth. The bounty hunter is after them for the money but Also because Starcrash(the guitarist with the star) fucked Stardust wife, so he have another reason to chase him.
I got ton of Idea for the game, I will run it in an episodic fashion , probably with recurent story element. The Idea I had for session are:
>Fighting against an Undead Syndicate with zombies,mummies and a vampire boss
>Destroying a robotic nazi brain
>Escaping the new fancy Dunwich hotel full of eldtrich Monster
I hope I'll get to run it though!
>character's name doesn't contain both lower- and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols
>character is a full on port of an e-celeb or an oc made by them
We had to play a Dark Heresy Game with "RAGE" who for those who dont know is just akuma as an angry black man, and then his player didnt even rip hom off right, playing him more like Draxx from guardians of the galaxy
user, your name is probably a mythology reference and you're just too dumb to know
>character name was mad with scrabble tiles
Why? What did the scrabble tiles do to his name?
Did the player have green and purple dreadlocks?
>Playing a modern game
>Literally names his character Napoleon
>character is Cameroonian
>Character name is a random generated one edited to better suit the character
And the opposite
>Character name is a combination of 2 characters from modern pop-culture
Why do GMs continue to allow this?
>having a character
>Existing at all.
The name my laptop has on networks is a mythology reference. Up your fuckin' game, user.
You can't make me stop naming special agents after the Freelancers.
You know, never did it or saw it done, but why the fuck not?
Unless the character's name is Jesus or Hercules.
>Not having a cleric named Unapishtim
Jesus is actually a decently common name in some places. IIRC, it shares etymology with Joshua, which is a pretty fucking common name.
>Characters have names
>your character name, user. is it a game of thrones reference?
>mfw I don't even care about GoT
I made a space fighter pilot once.
I realized later than her handle on radio (chosen from hebrew, means "dawn") was Shahar. Well, I realized the connection later, to be more precise.
Unfortunately she was NOT a blonde, wore masks only at a grand masquerade ball but I guess she did came to the party to laugh at them, in her own way.
>Not avoiding this by exclusively playing as Channing Tatum clones named Jeff
works every time
>character/ faction name is a David Bowie reference
>character is a thinly-veiled reference to a meme
What do you think the king of the Goblins looks like user? And I mean in EVERY setting.
>yes, even in Tolkien, search your feelings, you know it to be true
>Character's name is the DM's name
>Character's name is in English, England doesn't exist in this world.
>character is obsessed with the number four
>Has four names
>With four letters
>That start with the fourth letter of the alphabet
I can't even think of four four-letter names that begin with D.
>has four arms
DJon (Mustard)
That can't count that's short for Richard.
>that's short for Richard
You're oversimplifying things.
One of my players did this three times. First character, second character, animal companion. I mean, at that point, how many handles do you have left?
>even in Tolkien
>implying that the actual David Bowie of Arda isn't pre-Drowning Sauron
You got something against Dick Greyson?
To this day, I'm still trying to think of a good way to kludge in a reference to the son Width of a Circle on a character. I have been unsuccessful so far.
Really, I'd like to do anything with just about any song from Man Who Sold the World
>Name my character Tarkus, after the ELP album
>Everyone at the table thinks it was either a Jojo or Dark Souls reference.