Does standard Dungeons and Dragons alignment apply to regions or peoples?
Does standard Dungeons and Dragons alignment apply to regions or peoples?
You know it doesn't.
It literally only applies to D&D.
If you are good enough and fast enough with the bullshit sure.
Florida has never been lawful.
I always suspected Hawaiins were demons
LAT. 39°50' LONG. -98°35'
NE 1/4 - SE 1/4 - S32 - T2S - R11W
Located by L.T. Hagadorn of Paulette & Wilson - Engineers and L.A. Beardslee - County Engineer. From data furnished by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Sponsored by Lebanon Hub Club. Lebanon, Kansas. April 25, 1940
But does it apply to larger constructs within D&D, or does it only apply to individual characters?
>Florida Man
(you) misread my post. I was saying that the picture's stupid for putting FL as LE. FL is if anything CN.
You have regions like Zhentil Keep which can be described as being "evil" because the people who run it are evil. To be sure good folk endure under the Zhentarim but it is the people willing to work with evil ideals that prosper.
Yes, interior South is LN class ruling over CN class.
it doesn't even apply to D&D.
It applies to creatures but also entire planes, cursed or enchanted items, hollowed or blessed locations, etc.
The alignments are fundamental forces.
>Lawful Lawful Neutral
>the entire northeast
>Lawful Good
There's so many things wrong with this chart.
In my experience NE class ruling over CN class. In flyover states the capital citizens don't give any money to law enforcement so you end up with a sherriff and his two buddies having absolute power over 400sqmi. This results in arms trafficking, embezzlement, and drug cartels only needing to bribe/intimidate three guys to do whatever they want.
Response time is 1.5hrs and you're likely to get your dog shot and yourself beaten if the deputy has been strung out on meth for too long and didn't like you interrupting him. Worse still if you're colored.
And people wonder why we want to keep our own guns.
Clearly, like most capital citizens, you've never been to this place and never intend to.
Tfw live in Oklahoma City as perfect neutral
My experience in Northern Alabama is a bit different.
>Get stopped going over a bridge
>Sir didn't you see the sign that says 30mph?
>Yessir, I did, but I was obeying the speed limit.
>Son, you were going 31mph.
>I'm sorry officer, I apologize.
>Here's your ticket, we expect you to show up in court on the date listed.
Small town law enforcement always took themselves and the law *very* seriously, probably too seriously, but I guess everyone knew each other well enough that it wasn't too abusable. You don't want to give somebody a hard time and get your wife disinvited from the reading club or somesuch.
You got trapped
Well yeah, that's pretty normal. I guess I don't really think much of it anymore.
It's not the geographic center of the united states.
It's the geometric center of that particular picture.
>Florida is a CN genius locus
Maybe its just a decay of standards. Once people have grown used to the corruption, and the attorney general has made it clear he doesn't give a shit about your shithole community, things just spiral for the worse.
When thinking about the center of the US would it be better to take the geographic center of the continental United States or do some kind of weighting to get a center of mass equivalent? How do we weight territories that have not earned and/or requested statehood?
Maybe. In really small places it helps that the policemen's kids go to the same school as everyone else, their wives sew or bake or are part of the DotC with our wives, and we all go to church together. It's hard to be predatory to your neighbors when you rely upon them for community and friendship.
>it literally only applies to DnD, poorly
I don't think you understand. Yeah, his kids go to the same school as everyone elses. And those kids know they can do whatever the fuck they want because he will literally beat the teeth out of your parents if you fuck with his kid.
And if push really came to shove, he has cartel backing. They'll take care of him unless someone proves they can serve their interests better.
You're worried he wont' be invited to the bake sale. This motherfucker just shows up and takes the pies.
Well I'm glad I don't live where you do, because things aren't that bad around here.
>New Jersey
>New York
>northwest "only white people live here"
Maybe the image is from the future.
I would just have the bigger bads rocking protection from good and evil but he's a neutral cleric so his spells have a neutral divinity behind them.
It's also been well established by now it's elemental cults. Whipping out non elemental spells would be weeeird.
Yep. Here's a breakdown; redder is evil, bluer is good.
What is this, murders per capita?
Thought that would be higher in Texas.
Reverse image search is giving me Mold Builder's Association. I am very confused.
THis is the wrong thread
It's a map from times long ago, when the south was blue and the coasts were red.
More specifically, 1976.
>New York, Washington State and Montana all on the good side.
Iiiii don't know about that.
>Alaska on the evil side
What!? Why?
>that map
>New York
>New Jersey
>Maine and New Hampshire
>Anything other than Chaotic Stupid
Its a matter of perspective really
Speed traps are basically legal robbery for cops.
NE is most lawful good part of America. We're the most American.
>How do we weight territories that have not earned and/or requested statehood?
we don't.
if american gods is to be believed, we made a giant cardboard cutout of the continental US, and balanced it on a pin.
Best be steppin'
Civil forfeiture is legal robbery for cops.