Cards that reward you for being an experienced player with knowledge of the card base, meta and all of the tiered decks in a format are the best and most skill-intensive cards.
Cards that reward you for being an experienced player with knowledge of the card base...
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Level of skill: STAX > Drawgo > Other Control > Midrange > Combo > Creatures: The Tappening
I would put combo above midrange.
Depends on the combo and the midrange, really.
I love playing these after tricking my opponent into showing me their deck.
Combo decks.
Combo is harder than drawgo if its like storm/ad nauseam in modern.
This is the most fun you can have for $100 in Modern.
Add another layer and bring tokens to set aside, completely visible.
>Opponent reads into it and searches your deck for the meta card that makes those tokens.
>You're not even running it.
Real level of skill: Spellbased Combo > Creature Based Combo > Prison Decks > Midrange > Ramp Decks > Creatures: The Tappening > Control
Control is vastly overrated in terms of skill required.
I found combo a lot easier and more intuitive than drawgo.
depends on the deck,depends on the format
You must be proud having an advantage you shouldn't
The only right answer.
I wouldn't
Or just having a consistent EDH playgroup and knowing their decks' most important cards...
...or some poor bastard shows up with Relentless Rats.
Creatures: The Tappening requires by far the highest level of skill simply because barring extreme circumstances or a massive differential in luck there's no way to win with it.
Cabal Therapy > everything else
Isn't Lantern control more skill intensive than drawgo?
aka, Creatures: The Tappening
Or just name their commander
Of the modern control decks at least yes. I just move to Latern after playing shades of U/W/X control, Skred, FWR, and Ponza. There have been plenty of games lost due to poor sequencing, poor decisions, or not knowing my opponents deck enough. I really haven't felt like any loss I've had was a fault of the deck (really bad draws and mulls don't count, happens to everyone) but more the fault of my plays. Defintely harder than holding up counter spells and wrathing T4.
>Draw go
>Skill intensive
>Skill intensive
Modernfagots don't even understand mtg.
Legacy is so much fun, wish it was cheaper.
Dredge and dark depths decks arent expensive
If it isnt a 4c delver/stoneblade list its around 1500-2000 and much cheaper with beat up (HP, damaged is a crapshoot) duals off tcgplayer. Plenty of tier 1.5-2 decks are in the modern price range, its just lopsided to one or two playsets so it feels expensive.
>Dredge is ~$600-700
>$500-600 is the LEDs
I know what you're thinking and you can fgorget it.
I loved tossing out a Gitaxian probe before dropping that bitch. People just hated it.