Hey user, want to play some Bunkers and Badasses with us?

Hey user, want to play some Bunkers and Badasses with us?

No, fuck off you annoying bitch.


... I cast Augury. Is this a good idea?

No, your series is shit. Tales of the Borderlands had no right to be as good as it was.

Where were you when you realized that Bunkers and Badasses was complete shit?

I actually enjoyed them, and I like the setting. Tales of the Borderlands is amazing and only made me like the setting more.

If they make another, get the people who wrote Tales of the Borderlands to do the writing.

Apparently, Telltale considers Tales of the Borderlands to be a failure and isn't really interested in working on another one.

Damn shame.

Yeah, turns out that while it was a huge success with the critics and fans, it sold like shit compared to Walking Dead, Minecraft and Game of Thrones - all pretty shitty games.
Brand power!

>You will never be able to undo Burch's abomination and remake it anew
>You will never get to see Burch's career ruined and his life in shambles



Borderlands was fucking great you contrarian cunt.

The first one was decent to good.

The second one was a step down in gameplay, and a faceplant in writing.

Never played the third, but considering the previews I've seen, I'm guessing I didn't miss shit.


The first Borderlands was good, but they took all the wrong lessons from it when they made the sequels.

>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch

I need to finish 1.
BL2 had its moments (read: Handsome Jack from the bunker onwards), but overall it was kinda meh. Managed to get some cheap laughs outta me, and I had fun, so I can't really say I disliked it that much. Pre-sequel was ehhh.

It was pretty much 2: IN SPACE WITH LASERS.

The third one was pretty much just the second one reskined. Had a nice ground pound ability though.

Yeah, the character design really sucked in 2.

the prequel had some fun characters though.

It is a great feel.

So, yeah, exactly what the previews made it look like.


>I'm Anthony Burch and I never will be

I mean if you liked Handsome Jack there's more of him, which is kinda redeeming in my eyes. Watching him get backstabbed into being the murderous asshole we know from 2 was neat, in a "jack no don't do that" kinda way.
As with EVERYTHING, it's Lilith's fault.

Geez, how far do you have to be up your own arse to make a post like that. May some cosmic power have mercy upon his soul.

I unironically think Assault on Dragon Keep was an excellent DLC and a good story.

I mean, I still quite liked BL2, and the DLCs were damn good for the most part, so I'm happy with the Pre-sequel because it was basically more decent game with a couple new toys, and I can get behind that.
Still, I want more Hammerlock in a less boring environment.

What is favourite PC, anons? Personally I really liked Anarchy just for the sheer madness of it all, but that and Krieg got kinda dull given you basically don't ever have to think or aim, just charge, hold down attack and scream bloody meat bicycles at anything nearby.

In the first game I always liked Lilith even if she later fucks up absolutely everything, and in the PSql it's either Wilhelm or Aurelia.

You fuck with zer0, you fuck with me.
Even if he was kinda weak, pre-sequel Wilhelm was fun as hell. Would dakka again.

I disagree completely. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a first person shooter less than borderlands 1. Every character was annoying, the guns unsatisfying, naked guys could collect your ammo with their bald heads for weeks.

I wanted to like it, because all my friends had a blast playing it, but I just felt like it was a steaming loaf of shit people somehow enjoyed. The only shooter I can think of that I enjoyed less was Duke Nukem Forever and, hey, shocker, guess who made that too.

1. Lilith is the most fun, no question.
2. Krieg
3. Handsome Jack's Clone

I do adore melee Zer0, especially in group runs where you can be right up in there amid a maelstrom of bullets and you can dodge around in stealth and feel badass taking out threats. Sniping is also fun, but I didn't much like his ultimate for that, "Never miss" is irritating to keep up and generally punishes you for quitting game or crashing like High Anarchy did even if you can stack it.

I felt like I would like Timothy, but the continual Holo Spawning lines started to get on my nerves. Give me drones bleeping occasionally over that any day.

Melee/sniper Zer0 was the most anime shit.
*teleports behind u*
nuthin' personnel, skagbait
God he was so fun

Why does Veeky Forums have better videogame discussion than /v/?

I feel like it could have worked if I had the skullmasher, but I never had the patience to farm it.

That's really the biggest thing I think they got wrong in 2. In the first game if there was something you wanted you knew you'd get it eventually if you just kept playing, but in the second you had to farm specific enemies which got boring very quickly.

Because /v/ is the bastard offspring of /b/,/pol/ and chris-chan. Anything is better than that.

That, and some of us actually play video games.

That was great, especially since you could slot that in as one of his lines and it'd be completely in character. Combine that with Scarlett's pistol and a slag rapier or other melee gun and you could just Equilibrium your way though an entire zone pretty seamlessly.
The only zone I really hated was the Circles of Slaughter. Oh, want an Ogre? Run the same difficult six waves for an hour for one shot at killing the boss who drops it. Even first time round in a party it was pretty dull since there's only so many skeletons I can hack apart with Krieg on a zone full of instant death pits before I just want it finished.

Yeah, the ability to just respan certain quest bosses whenever and a kind of stacking drop chance would have made it way less tedious. Admittedly once you had a Slagga and a Rapier as a melee you basically never needed another weapon, but it was still kind of a pain.

Fucking Gaige, holy shit anarchy is insane, also I loved the robot arm.

>Yfw tales from the borderlands zer0 sounded like fucking ocean dub frieza instead of a husky space ninja

Thanks fo /d/oing this, now I can't get it out of my head

Also the age-old "swing tiny hammer" thing that made massive monsters and men four times her size explode into giblets.

Aah Gaige, if you didn't scream so much when you got a little scorched you'd be the best of them. As is Zero and Gaige are tied for first, then Krieg, Maya, Axton and Sal.


She's probably legal under Pandora's law, right?

>Pandora's """law"""

"Hell is reserved for pedophiles and people who buy Jakobs munitions"
Gonna go with no.

Well, since I'm here I suppose a game wouldn't hurt.

On an unrelated note I have an ......Acquaintance I suppose is the right word whom wishes to do Fabulous things with the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve.......Very fabulous things.

Agreed. It was comfy as fuck.

Would it be able to do something Borderlands-ish with, say, Deadlands: Hell on Earth?

>Yfw Tina asks where Roland is

if borderlands 3 has more than like 2 feminism based quests ill probably commit sudoku

I guess I'll join in too, since I'm waiting on the cloning vats from Aegreus anyway. I suppose you want Siren, Prodigal Son?

I never understood why people consider BL 2's writing so bad. The dark humor is great, Jack is amazing - I've never wanted to kill a game's villain more, it has a few legitimately strong moments, and is pretty self-conscious about a joke being bad when it's bad

if Lilith doesn't fucking die I'll make Randy do a 0- OP8 dual bane Salvador run

I don't know, I wanted Fontaine pretty fucking dead for playing me all game. I do agree with you for the rest, I preferred 2 to 1 even though the DLCs for 1 were just as good as #2 apart from the endles driving down highways in Knoxx. Yey for Admiral Mikey.

As fantastic as I think it is, it did make me add another bullet point on my "Why I Hate Lillith" list. Her little backstory about being a bullied "real nerd" and hating on Torgue, while it is an interesting reflective on how various nerds see themselves and "normies", probably should have been done through another character. It makes her into even more of an entitled bitch. Oh, and the whole ending of the pre-sequel pisses me off to no end.

We have to be meant to hate Lilith, right? There's no way she's supposed to be likeable.



I actually dont' mind the screaming, and I really like her reaction to getting slagged.

I'm not sure, but i like to think so. I'm not even sure if she has any redeeming qualities. I even like Tannis more.

>I have literal God-tier universe ending superpowers and can wrap up the plot of 2 in five seconds.
>Better let some schmucks we just met do everything instead.

>The ridiculously smart 'AI' that keeps saying 'phase' tells the siren to stay away
I don't mind Tannis. She's certainly amoral (in 2 at least, I haven't played enough of 1 to see how she was characterised there), but she's not maliciously incompetent like Lilith.

>then she shows up when she was told not to
>gets roland killed
>then gets captured so you got rid of Jack's siren all for nothing.

Great job.

Reminder that Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington is beautiful.

>Tales of the Borderlands
What are you talking about? It's called KEEP on the Borderlands, dude.

But we're actually having a reasonable discussion, we can't go to /v/.

Lillith makes sense once you realise that she's basically doing glowing purple coke the entirety of the game.

Basically Mordecai is alchoholic, Lillith is a coke fiend, Brick wants to be the little siren and Roland has a small turret.

If you made a TTRPG of borderlands, making a vault hunter would consist of picking a special move, a thing you love AND a "personality trait" that is a negative trait like alchoholism, iridium addiction or having a small turret.

> people who buy Jakobs munitions
I will never own a revolver rifle. Why won't you let me enjoy this?

Because Handsome Jack said so. Loaders have been dispatched to your location.
And Axton has that... thing with Gaige.

Didn't Axton tell her to watch her mouth when she said something provacative though? I just read that as Axton being a pretty boy and Gaige being a teenage dirtbag.

Depends if your using Reloaded or not.

I mean, my read of it is that they're best buds, but Gaige can and will flirt with literally anyone.
Also adding new narration to explain TVHM/UVHM being Athena retelling the story but cooler for Tina and Brick was hilarious, and the holodome being Borderlands Z Abridged for Gaige and Axton.

That French Savage Worlds adaption is translated so you could mix it freely with Deadlands Reloaded and Savage Rifts.

talk shit all you want, but he and Gaige saved that game from mediocrity. If they were ported to the PS it would raise that game from 5/10 to a 9/10.

>Basically Mordecai is alchoholic
To be fair, he is the only gay in the vill-er planet

hammerlock is gay and has a husband, mordecai was married to moxxi

All of Hammerlock's husbands got eaten by something including his fap hand

Mordecai was canonically cucked by Handsome Jack, very hard to be cucked if you're gay - some might even say it's the most heterosexual state to be, but at a terrible cost.

Just a little tip: Other boards talk about other board subjects better than the intended board because it's a more casual level of discourse and group polarization doesn't get a chance to go off. You're literally as bad as /v/

That's a bit of a stretch. Every other time I (for some unknown reason) look at /v/ it's literally just shitposting, console wars and porn. I like to think we're slightly better in that we're united in bashing on 3.PF and D&D.

Have you ever been in an mtg or 40k general?

not really my cuppa tea, so I don't tend to hang out in related threads
>40k general
Carnac and cheetahfag aren't QUITE that bad.

When I say porn, I mean literal, "oh hey that's a dick", in the catalog.

He teleports behind you

Nuthin' Personnel

Good God He was so much fun


Mordecai also canonically has a small penis. Although Moxxi's got a vagoo that makes anyone getting with her like throwing a pin down the Grand Canyon.

Well, she did pass that hambeast

Very nice.

>mfw I'll never be Anthony Burch
Thank you based God.


Except the porn boards, which discuss porn just as well (albeit slower) than any other board, except /d/, which can casually and meaningfully discuss shitting dicknipples and their greater reflection of society.

The soldier and other girl were boring, Gunzerker was funny for about an hour then got annoying, Zer0 was boring, but had his moments.
Kreig and Gaige were legitimately funny, and I think felt way better to play than the other 4.