When the fuck is anyone gonna make a fucking Worm RPG so I can play with my friends?
Fuck I just want a good super hero rpg where you can roleplay as hero, villain, or policemen arresting powered people
When the fuck is anyone gonna make a fucking Worm RPG so I can play with my friends?
Fuck I just want a good super hero rpg where you can roleplay as hero, villain, or policemen arresting powered people
Ran a game inspired by the Worm universe hadn't finished the series using Hero System.
As a setting it's nothing really special. Just grittier than average Supes.
>inb4 Wormfag shows up and gets massively triggered someone is talking about the setting that killed his family or some shit.
OP play Wild Talents, or Weaverdice if you want the "official" Worm RPG
Wildbow wrote a ton of material for PRT quest. Check that out ASAP if you haven't already. You can also check out the Weaver Dice stuff he wrote.
Alternatively, just get a group together for a game of Mutants & Masterminds or something.
Weaver Dice has a fairly active IRC channel filled with games and players. The character creation system is also partially automated, which takes some of the confusion out that might otherwise be there.
We've also been working on a Pact Dice game for a little while now, and have some basic rules down. We're doing a character creation later tonight.
fucking SJW filth get out of this board. Worm is faggots' setting
The nigger died. Actually all men died.
>Worm 2 has been close for a year now
When will that boring shit he's writing now end
>forgetting the most heroic and manly moment in the story
>Wild Talents (while the core would do, absolutely get a copy of "Progenitor" as well if you're using it for Worm)
>Mutants and Masterminds
>Savage Worlds (with Necessary Evil or Superpowers Handbook)
>BESM/Tri-Stat/Silver Age Sentinels
>FATE (with such flavors as Core [which itself has a semi-Wormlike setting in Fate Worlds Volume 1], Wearing the Cape, ICONS, Strands of Fate/Strands of Power, Venture City Stories, Base Raiders, or Atomic Robo all serving as potential supers systems)
Maybe even
>the old Marvel Superheroes RPG (I have heard of someone using this for Worm, but from what I know it doesn't seem like it'd fit well)
>Villains and Vigilantes
>one of the Cortex+ systems, though I doubt those would fit as well
>Prowlers and Paragons
>Does BRP have supers?
Using Weaver Dice to generate the character concepts which you then build in the system, not worrying about point-balancing the powers. Hell, you could even just take a system that can handle modern world games and somewhat "freeform" the powers (you don't necessarily need specific rules to know that someone who phases through walls can go through a given wall, while a blast power could be modeled on existing guns, rocket launchers, or whatever), if you have one that you're comfortable with and all the rest of these are completely foreign to you. Or you know, just use Weaver Dice.
I kind of doubt some random-ass homebrew system with "Worm" on the cover would do a better job than ALL of the options that are already on the table.
There is Weaverdice you know that right?
You can also use Worm simply as a setting if you understand enough of the shard/entity/powers dinamic mechanics. If you don't, there's a Word of God Repository and a Worm Resources Thread that can probably link you to the vast multitude of expanded content the author himself has wrote.
Someone is surely triggered around here
Its pretty good. I hope Worm 2 is 200 years in the future or something dumb like that.
Opinions on this compared to mutants?
Undersiders in HERO, with Wildbow commenting:
Skitter in Mutants and Masterminds
Only the gay couples came out unscathed.
The only surviving ones were the loner autist dog girl. The scarred for life cute girl. And the straight black girl that loved the guy that sacrificed for her.
Aren't you forgetting best cyborg couple?
Best knight-dude came out maybe okay. For a while.
Oh, Worm?
In a month or two.
>policemen arresting powered people
literally mutant city blues
Champions is more Justice League then Worm. It's not made to be bloody and gritty, it's made to give players the tools to have batman and superman in the same game without having to handwave everything.
Champions is great, but it's not really built for this.
Worked on this for a couple weeks back when I was obsessed with Worm. Had a lot of fun having friends randomly roll characters for Weaverdice.
624 Options. Get ready to Roll.
Many of these need quirks and limits to be Worm-y.
The quirks and limits are determined in character creation with the advantages/disadvantages system, as well as GM/player discussion.
It's not intended to build things entirely from scratch, just a simple way to throw players in the game quickly or to speed up NPC creation.
If you want quirks and limits, you're probably better off just making the characters in Weaver Dice the normal way.
Champions/Hero System is great for 4-color shenanigans and suplexing people through the floor and so on, but it's not as great for low level stuff where people die if they get shot in the head
I mean it's a generic system so you can use all the optional combat rules and limit defenses and so on in an attempt to make it gritty but I don't see why you'd ever want to when GURPS exists for your point-buy 3d6 gritty needs
that's a lot of work, nice
Rolled 293 (1d624)
options field, nigga. dice+1dX
...I'm just going to leave now.
Rolled 350 (1d624)
In my defense i'm extremely drunkk right now
One last try
>I'm a technopath
>you create EMP fields
fuck me, you literally have my counter power.
Rolled 307 (1d624)
Why not?
Worm's #1 gimmick is being a high-lethality gritty supers universe in which traditional "heroism" is really an illusion. Literally the primary problem with the overwhelming majority of supers games is that the mechanics naturally inform a much grittier and less heroic versions of the supers experience than what people who are read traditional superhero media are expecting. Seriously, the majority of superhero TTRPGs that DO NOT work for normal supers (seriously, there are very few good supers games) WOULD work for Worm.
>Hero System
>Mutants and Masterminds
to name a few
>Shoots sparks that grow larger and more powerful the farther they travel
Fug, was hoping for something with more utility. Guess it's time to join the Brockton Bay Protectorate. I could cackle manically as I shower the city in sparks from HQ, up in the sky.
So i'm EMP magnetman. I can live with this.
In Wormverse this would be a pretty effective anti-tinker power.
Far too easy to abuse if I went the bad guy route though. Welp, a life of petty crime and blackmail it is.
How big can it grow though? I'm starting to understand But remember, its not about the power but how you use it :^)
Uhihuh, there's tons of flaws and drawbacks in the official Weaverdice that could be appropriated. A quick and dirty limitation would be requiring a certain mental/emotional state or severally damaging one of the senses, be it while-using-power or permanently.
Are these the ones that don't work or the ones that do?
Yeah, could you beat Dragon and cyborgman on a 1 on 1? Makes you think
Actually ran a game based on Worm in spirit if not set in the same universe. It fell apart due to OOC problems but it was fun while it lasted.
Those are examples of games that DO NOT work for traditional supers games, but WOULD work for Worm.
Honestly, I chalk a lot of it up to late 80's, mid-90's, and early 00's game design being so simulationist, which naturally informs a grittier, more lethal, less PC-centric game, in which the PC's are just a part of a big scary larger world that doesn't care about them.... you know.... just like the Wormverse.
What happened?
Rolled 428 (1d624)
I reckon handling some thinker powers might be a hassle. Like Tattletale's super intuition. I imagine it'd be a pain for both the player and the GM to deal with something like that.
Now THIS is a useless power.
Those are the kinds of powers i'd veto, desu.
Maybe not great as a cape, but you'd be great working as a diplomat, detective/cop/PI etc.
Rolled 366 (1d624)
See what happens.
Shit for combat but pretty great in a lot of situations.
Probably end up in PRT HR or something checking the staff occasionally for signs of evil and sitting in on interviews for the same thing.
>366 Tinker(Teleportation) Tinker 4, Mover 3
Seems alright. Low-to-mid level tinker with an area of expertise that might afford a lot utility and opportunity.
Living the comfy life while other capes die on the streets.
And, actually, going by RAW there is no limit (except maybe curvature of the Earth or something). It would still mean that I'd have to somehow get a very good reading on where to jizz sparks, a quick confirmation from the ground, ability to see wherever, and then friendlies would have to wait for the transit time of destruction getting there. On top of whatever limiting drawback.
That'd also probably mean collateral damage (depending on how destructive the sparks were after so far), but it could be very amusing at any rate. Practice would make perfect, and the city is destroyed enough as is.
dice goes in options field
Plus the probability of ending up with a nice girl goes way up if you can automatically tell if people are nice.
no one kyskyskys
would the public love the PRT and think they do a good job stopping criminals?
Some of them would be bothersome, yeah. Accord's power comes to mind. Weird as it is, precog powers might actually be among the easiest to work with. They're unreliable enough that the GM can give you a heads-up about something and still have a good bit of leeway.
System was a heavily homebrewed version of mutants and masterminds. Players met when they were all in a gas station and a group of villains attacked. The leader of the villains was a guy named Catastrophe, who could warp space with his hands. The spatial warping didn't wear off and Cat had a well-publicised history of using it to irrevocably mutilate people. Unfortunately for him, the gas station's customers consisted of three people with powers who had yet to announce them to the world:
-A guy who could drain electricity from objects to form blue glowing orbs they could control telekinetically and detonate, causing a grenade-sized explosion of kinetic energy
-A guy who could create small portals 6 inches in diameter within arms reach, with the other "portal" leading anywhere within line of sight
-And a girl with a trump power who could control the powers of one other person within their line of sight - ie if you have the power to shoot lasers from your hands she can cause you to fire them or prevent you from firing them, although she can't control where you're pointing your hand
The heroes foiled Catastrophe's robbery attempt, and then were escorted to the Police Headquarters, which was next to the souped-up jail where they kept the worst criminals, including supervillains if they had any. The players stuck around long enough to be interviewed by a succession of DAs, police higher ups and members of the governor's office. Then as they were being offered jobs as permanent heroes, Catastrophe's backup rocked up and tried to jail-break their boss. They managed to defeat them too, and a week later were official heroes.
They got a base set up, which was promptly attacked and destroyed by a group of supervillains. One of the players (the portal guy) lost their arm in the fighting.
Aaaaaand then the game fell apart. Trump girl had said she didn't want to end up being the leader, doing all the rping and making all the decisions. Sadly the other two players suck at RPing and kept deferring to her. The player eventually got so frustrated they said they weren't interested in playing anymore and the game fell apart.
Rolled 364 (1d624)
You're inverse Clockblocker. Blockclocker?
At first I thought it was gonna be really lame, but it could be pretty strong if used right.
Sorta depends on how long it stays in effect and how absolute the effect is. I mean, if it's a power to make oneself inviolable and immovable in the way Clockblocker can do to other objects, the power might be sorta useful in certain situations, but then there's the question of duration. For example, just getting a second or two of stop-time might not be enough in some cases. And then there's stuff like momentum to consider. If you jump from a height and freeze in the air after falling for a couple seconds, when the effect ceases and the fall resumes, do you maintain the same momentum you had in the moment when you stopped yourself? This stuff can make a world of difference.
Sounds fresh. I would play with you.
My retard friends don't like Vampires, Superheroes or even slightly modern tech...
So I am pretty limited in my available Settings. And ofc the forever GM.
I would actually love to play in a modern day Cthulu Apocalypse game and a cool Worm like Superhero/Villain Sandbox. I would even GM FFS.
I'd play something like that too.
I was the GM for a Worm campaign once at a friend's house, but it didn't last because everyone sorta retreaded back to their different social circles.
>don't like Vampires, Superheroes or even slightly modern tech...
I might be the first one to say this but have you tried dnd?
Worm and its fans are the saddest fags on this site, because at least the MLP idiots aren't obsessed with fanfiction-tier shit written by an edgy retard.
>I have made assumptions based on other people's opinions instead of reading parts of the work that I criticize The Post
But I can't blame you, that is 50/50 of what you get on all boards here
>i genuinely think Worm isn't shit
You need to be at least 18 to post on this site, friendo.
So is Weaver Dice from the ground up bad or just unfinished?
I've heard mixed things and want to know if it is worth picking up besides the character generation part.
It's only as bad as Worm is, so take that however you feel about it.
Kind of both, Wildbow isn't a good game designer.
Rollan. I liked Worm a lot, although I felt it was a lot better at street and city level with Endbringers as cataclysmic "End Bosses" just to survive and the S9 were "you're fucking DEAD, run like hell" for most heroes rather than the megaspeed Godzilla Threshold it became.
I felt it would also make a good MMO, although that might be me just missing City of Heroes/Villains. Hell, BBay has raid bosses/random swarm "all players fucking bundle" events in the Endbringers, dungeons and four factions with their random mooks built in already if you want to use them.
Rolled 158 (1d624)
>Transmutation of inorganic matter/ Shaker 4
That's a good deal higher than four if you know yourself some chemistry.
Turn someone's weapon into a neat handful of FOOF or some of those fancy azides that explode if you attempt to work out what they are and BANG.
Want to get through a door? Turn it into a solid that then sublimes, or something like sheet carbon I can just kick though if it doesn't come in nanotube form.
Hell, at minimum the tinkers on my team will fucking LOVE me for making all those rare reagents. Even if you take "inorganic" literally, that just stops me using multiple Carbons in one molecule. I can basically set up my own synthesis with a little fine-tuning, too, and get around that slowly.
I guess I'm restricted to doing it slowly with my rating, but still really handy.
Hero is my go to start for everything. From fantasy to zombie survival to super heroes.
I ran a street level hero have recently, and it was great. The first session involved the party shitting thier pants and trying to rush a teammate to a doctor who didn't ask too many questions, after he tried to take on a gun man without having any body armor.
Rolled 255 (1d624)
Fuck it. I can't resist anymore.
>Becomes stronger/tougher the more damage they are dealt
>Brute 3-6
I guess that makes me Whipping Boy. Damn, this one isn't pleasant. Hope I at least get some regen or a mate to patch me up. Routinely getting the snot beaten out of me on purpose does not sound like fun.
>losers try to advertise their pathetic fandom here
It's genuinely sad. Not just how transparent your awkward shilling is and how empty your praise is for such a mediocre work, but how you can't even stick to spamming this in /co/.
> 420
> Can take the mind of one person and place it in the body of another, rendering the former catatonic and the latter unconscious and ruled by the mind of the former. The user may carry one mind with them at a time
A part of me was hoping it'd be something weed related. I'd have to know the limits of the power, but it could be either great or awful.
Well, guess I'll see where the dice may fall.
> traditional games
> not on Veeky Forums
Is it just worm you hate or all supers systems, I can't tell
Jesus. Worm is not that great. A lot of teenage drama and the higher power levels are meh but Worm is neither shilled that hard nor uninteresting for a tabletop.
You have to modify it but if you mesh together Steelheart and Worm you actually have a great world for a supers sandbox.
I actually had an interesting thread here but whining about Worm destroyed it.
It happens every worm thread, you just gotta ignore them
>Worm is neither shilled that hard nor uninteresting for a tabletop.
It's all relative. The Worm fandom gets shilled here about ten time more than it should be, which is at all.
It's almost on the level of homestuck in terms of the fans not really appreciating how low quality the base material is.
>347 Copying powers from one person onto another temporarily
>Trump 4
Wut? This lets you temporarily create a 2nd Eidolon/Contessa/Alexandria/etc, making you ridiculously valuable to the powers that be.
This particular OP is particularly cringe-inducing.
Rolled 32 (1d624)
Hoping for something good.
Weak-point detection. Guess I should take some martial arts, practice at the gun range, and bring plenty of dynamite.
Yeah, the actual classifications seem to be a little janky. I got an instant kill switch and the ability to lock up enemy armour or melt though pretty much anything, as well as the ability to make pretty much anything elemental or non-hydrocarbon for the Tinkers to screw with. Instantly poison someone's coffee with cyanide by tapping or pointing at it, etcetera.
That was a power rank four. Some of the twelves seem a little underwhelming, too. Control over paper, Shaker 12?
>I went to a thread about [thing I don't like] and got mad. How could this happen?
Problem with Worm is the type(s) of people it attracts. They're naturally not the best choice for a cooperative, collaborative activity and long periods of concentration.
Powers aren't given high scores because of their versatility, it's based on how threatening they are.
The trick with "Transmute inorganics" is that it's really handy, but unless you're really on your game, a group of PRT operatives should be able to take you down.
Again, power ratings are not how powerful your powers are. It's how dangerous you are, and what protocols can be put against you. Yes, this is a really good power, but you will always be squishy; it's your friend that is empowered, and only temporarily. Very, very useful, but not terribly hard to deal with.
Back to Control of Paper was originally much, much lower, but a player rolled that one and ended up becoming the scourge of Not!Brockton Bay. The substance is common enough and versatile enough that it's really, really deadly in the right hands.
>I spammed something of low quality
>people are expressing how low quality it is!
Must be a surprise for you, considering it's your first time off of Reddit.