What are some of the worst character backstories you have encountered

What are some of the worst character backstories you have encountered.

Other urls found in this thread:


>high heels
>facing ass towards you
>red eyeshadow
>long locks of hair
>yaoi hands

He's just asking to be bent over a table.


the fuck are yaoi hands?


Videogame character enters a portal and conveniently ends up in the game we are playing.

I once had a player come to me with a homebrew slayer class which focused around small knives and fighting naked. He wanted to be from a hidden school of assassins not even the gods knew of, not even Ao as it was forgotten realms. With blades made from the souls of his dead parents, killed by gods. He wanted to have a mandate to kill all the gods and replace them with primal beast spirits.

As he tells me this, another player who is dead serious says he wants to play someone the other character raped in combat training and dedicated her life to see that he never rapes again.

I do not miss that group.

I've encountered this too fucking many times, but that's because I used to hang out with creatively bankrupt freeform players on IRC. I was an idiot for expecting anything resembling imagination out of them. It's like inviting a retard to a game and getting mad when he drools on everything, shits himself, and breaks the hardwood gaming table with his retard strength.

Anything with rape in it.

Weebshit is probably the single biggest red flag in a player.

>the entire thing you wrote there