>Red has regressed to the point where 1R for 3 damage is worthy of an uncommon slot
Red has regressed to the point where 1R for 3 damage is worthy of an uncommon slot
wow that seems oppressive, better make it sorcery speed or rare or both
hurf durf muh boltz iss powr 9 worthy11!!
-Average Veeky Forumstard and standard """"pro""""
Be glad with what you have. Pic related, a legacy staple
Just play an eternal format.
Or a better game.
I play Modern but I fear for little Timmy of today thinking these are good.
Don't be mad, it's made for EDH. :^)
As an EDH player it makes me angry, it's that shit.
>made for EDH
>in a non-EDH set
Why do wizards do this
On another note, why are all "made-for-EDH" white generals shit. Literally all good ones are from main sets.
I saw Hazoret's Undying Fury do okay in a mono-red legacy storm deck. Not saying it's a good card, but it has its spot.
Lightning Strike was good in Theros, just like it's good in any format without Lightning Bolt. Just because Bolt is amazingly good doesn't mean the color "regresses" for having cards slightly less good than Bolt.
All the colors are losing their good one-drops
>Red doesn't get 1-mana bolt-equivalents anymore
>Blue doesn't get 1-mana good cantrips anymore
>Green doesn't get 1-mana dorks anymore
>Black doesn't get 1-mana discard anymore
>White doesn't get 1-mana removal with a downside anymore
It's fucking awful, it is. Fatal Push is gonna be the last card to shake up Eternal metas for years.
It's almost like eternal formats don't budge very much because of all the broken shit that's come out in nearly 25 years.
And if they keep going the way they're going, it'll be ANNOTHER 25 years, and the only changes will be because of bannings.
Like, I'm not asking for Lightning Bolt and Swords to Plowshares: I'm asking for Shard Volley and Condemn, and I know I'm not gonna get them.
The only way we get Eternal staples is when WotC tries to print a meh tier one-drop and makes a mistake; when they try to print Condemn and accidentally print Path to Exile. But, if they don't even TRY to make good one-drops, we won't get to benefit from their mistakes.
i think WotC said they don't design for legacy and vintage anymore.
and why would they? powercreep in those formats is a serious thing and designing cards for them runs in the risk of fucking up standard.
they are fine getting new stuff only by mistakes.
also new cards like paradoxical outcome see play.
We just had two major shakeups in the form of Fatal Push and Paradoxical Outcome. You're being pessimistic for no good reason, other than wanting to be angry.
>X is gonna be the last card to shake up Eternal metas for years, says angry man for the fifth year in a row
>reprints wanted card
>makes it uncommon for limited
>"wow WOTC thinks lighting strike is too OP for common"
"I guess the only solution to this problem is to complain about how every red card they printed for the past 5 years to be bad and not realize mono-red just won the pro tour and is probably going to still be a strong deck post-rotation"
Wizards just can't win.
>paradoxical outcome
really scraping the bottom of the barrel there, user. Seeing fringe legacy play doesn't make you an Eternal staple.
Eldrazi Winter was only two years ago, user.
>"See? Red is OP once you ban literally every powerful card in the format."
Lightning Bolt was a mistake
>All the colors are losing their good one-drops
Meanwhile, Duress and Opt are reprinted in Ixalan
Saffron deck teched a Mono Red Storm Legacy deck that uses it. It won a major Legacy Champ on MoL aparently.
White didn't get very much 1 mana removal. Swords, Path, Condemn, and maybe a couple of 'destroy target 2 power creature or less' instants, but compared to the number of shock equivalents, blue cantrips, and even green dorks that get printed in sets; that's basically nothing.
As a disclaimer, I'm not talking about unique 1 mana green dorks. The number of printings of llanowar elf is what matters.
Yes, and?
I know, but what other type of white one-drop sees play across all formats?
I seriously want to ask MaRo what the hell went wrong with this piece of shit.
Fuck off MaRo. Don't make me throw bags of flaming dog shit at your house again.
Yeah in a Standard meta that is pic related
>but user! There's a chance you could get 20 mana worth of spells out of it! It NEEDS to cost that much otherwise it would be overpowered. :^)
>people are angry because WotC won't print busted cards
>people would be angry if WotC printed stuff that was more poweful than their $50+ format staples because it would devalue their collection
>people would be angry if WotC printed a set full of busted stuff because people would buy all the stock they could find and sit on the unopened boxes to accrue value
>people would be angry if WotC printed better stuff in general because it would make the rest of the shit they've printed in the standard rotation garbage
You literally cannot win if you're wizards. I feel bad for them.
What offends me most is the art. Might as well have just reprinted searing spear instead, at least that could've looked cool with the aztec-inspired natives nailing a vampirquistador or something
>Legacy deck
>In Standard
Your reading comprehension needs to be checked by a professional
Better than having Commander only set cards that would be really cool to have in modern or standard.
oust, dispatch, gaze of justice, searing light, smite
Condemn is incredibly bad though, only hitting attacking creatures make it pointless.
They don't test for legacy or vintage
They'll occasionally make random cards that could maybe work there, and if they make it that's cool, if not then so be it.
And force spike
Is that why so many cards were banned in multiple formats since Khans?
Yes, they test for standard and limited.
Didn't say they were good at the job. They do it, though.
Now imagine how things would've gone if they spent some of that time figuring out how various cards would work in legacy/vintage/modern (which, of course, eats into the time spent testing for the other things)
I lament more that red have regressed into a bunch of whiny bitches.
>test for Standard/Limited
>when they let Hostage Taker slip through the cracks
Hostage Taker and Felidar Guardian and a whole bunch of other shit slipped through the cracks even with them testing for standard and limited exclusively.
Now imagine what would've happened if they spent half the time they did testing standard/limited because they were too busy trying to see how all these cards would ALSO affect other formats.
Just because they aren't good at their job doesn't mean they don't try to do it.
Wait, what's wrong with Hostage Taker?
They had to errata it so it can't target itself before it was even released. Otherwise it would be a one card infinite loop.
Lightning Strike at common warps limited formats
Open Fire got a lot of shit, but it was first pick premium removal for HOU limited.
People splashing white because it has the best creature kill means you fucked the color pie in the ass.
Path was a mistake. Swords should gave been black with you losing the life instead of them gaining it.
red was IN most of the decks hit.
Just do it. blogatog takes critical questions all the time.
But user, removal in a game about creatures is feel-bad.
While you're at it see if you can find out what the original effect of Archangel's Light was
>really scraping the bottom of the barrel there, user. Seeing fringe legacy play doesn't make you an Eternal staple.
Paradoxal Outcome is fucking awesome in Vintage.
Black almost never gets exile, it only destroys.
>Opt and Duress are in the set
>no 1 mana Cantrip or Discard anymore
Does that mean we get Not!Swords/Path soon too?
Like 90% of cards that are defended with "it's for commander" are completely shit for commander.
>oh no they made strike uncommon
meanwhile green hasnt had a good dork since m15 and good ramp is dead since then.
Fuck this midrange crap I wanna smash my 8 power green guys again qq
This is the most correct response.
Blacks been getting lots of exile now and I hate it, what is the point of making indestructible and recursion tech more useless?
Like what? Most good black stuff is destroy or discard, at best they exile from graveyard but that's not a big deal when relic of progenitus already does the trick.
Green ramp into 10 mana ulamog is one of the top standard decks currently
I'm not talking about "good" black stuff, I'm talking about black stuff. Final reward, vraska's contempt, doomfall, gild, hour of glory
Black already has plenty of ways to deal with indestructible and they just keep making that keyword more and more useless
Not that guy, but it sucks that the only good ramp targets nowadays are Eldrazi. Just want a decently good large green creature.
1R for 3 seems pretty reasonable (love me a bolt but I long ago gave up any notion they'd just let shit like that be the norm) but UC is kinda silly yeah
This is the best you'll get.
This card is quite good
> hi I'm here for the interview, my name is craw wur-
>Value means Mythic
Fuck this gay earth
Black's always been able to exile. Exile is just 'really fucking kill', after all.
And everything has to have SOME way of dealing with it. They've been printing more indestructible lately, if you haven't noticed, and not just things like gods, but random creatures are either conditionally/activated indestructible as a replacement for regeneration, or are just outright indestructible, and sometimes just throwing -X/-X around doesn't cut it.
It's still not to the point where Regeneration was being hosed in earlier sets, either - one Kill That Thing Extra Dead card every other set or so when most the other killspells still are defeated by Indestructible don't exactly make it useless, especially since red and green still can't do shit there.
Letting the color that's supposed to be #1 at killing creatures actually BE #1 at killing creatures is a good idea, instead of letting White get that title.
If you're going to ramp, you might as well hit the biggest payoff.
Idk how much impact a 7/6 timmy card will have on the board turn 6. If you can just drop this without playing any interaction you've probably already won the game or at the least broken your opponents board.
It's the best you'll get for ramp targets.
It is?
How does throwing -X/-X around not cut it? -X/-X is more interactive and fun, black should be use the opponents gy as a resource, not be exiling shit straight up, it's fucking dumb
Most exile cards tend to be just send that guy really far away and lock him there as opposed to send them away for a short time with bounces or kill with kill cards.
Not counting Eldrazi exile which is actually really fucking kill.
Because sometimes the creature you're dealing with has too much toughness to deal with via -X/-X, and you'll either need to spend multiple cards trying to deal with that one creature, spend 6+ mana on a literal -X/-X, or you know, just use the overcosted killspells whose upside is 'hoses indestructible' and for that benefit costs 4 mana or more
That's only White's cards. I'm pretty sure things like Eradicate and Sever the Bloodline and Cannibalize and Ashes to Ashes and Silence the Believers are totally just sending things far away and not just murdering them.
And Dark Imposter, the vampire assassin, totally just locks people in a closet in their house.
Final Reward is just a nice vacation, after all. Look at that swanky travelling suit!