Stat the most powerful Sith of all time

Stat the most powerful Sith of all time

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That'll be tricky OP, Final Fantasy is hard to translate into tabletop.

STR: He's too weak, so about 1.
DEX: At least 30
CON: Scarred and deformed, so about 5
INT: Can do magic and shit, so about 13.
WIS: Rused the entire jedi council with mind tricks 'n shit, so about 15.
CHA: Managed to convince the senate to dissolve democracy while looking like a shrivelled prune, 18.


My laser feeling bro.


What is this maneuver called?

Spinnin' out at the speed of sound

Sheev Spin bolstered by Sheev Scream

+10 attack bonus to traitors


Force Scream

holy shit he isn't even kidding



A good trick.

Obligatory -10 HP

I feel like Sheev may have been one of the most politically powerful Sith Lords in the franchise - if we count EU stuff, the Emperors of the actual Sith Empire surely rival him - but in terms of force power and fighting ability, even if we discount the EU, I'm pretty sure Vader is more powerful. If we count the EU, I'm pretty sure Revan, Marka Ragnos, Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, Starkiller, are all more powerful force sensitives and fighters. Vitiate, too, and again, he was also an Emperor of a pretty significant Empire, so even rivals and possibly edges out over Sidious in political power. Probably others, too, but they all come to mind fairly immediately.

Not this again. Sidious is canonically the most powerful Sith Lord in the EU.

Unless Snoke. We know next to nothing of him.

>Vader is more powerful
He had the potential. He lost it all.
>Marka Ragnos
He's up there
>Exar Kun
Same as above
>Freedon Nadd
Palpatine effortlessly dismantled him in the 'bad' ending
He's probably the only Sith who would reliably stand a chance

In terms of raw force ability? What's the source of this? Not saying you're BSing me, it's just not the impression I've got. At any rate, I'm definitely interested to see more of Snoke. I wonder if he can even really be called a Sith Lord, if both Sidious and Vader died without naming any new Rule-of-2ers to succeed them. I guess we shall see.

It's literally everywhere. Just type in "is sidious the most powerful" or something similar in Google and you will find dozens of citation-happy threads proclaiming his status as "Wankatine".

Why didnt he fix his face at his Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center?

because that's his real face

and what matters is on the inside
the feels

Yeah fair enough brehs, I was comparing movie Sheev to video game and comic book versions of other EU Sith. EU Palpatine is pretty nuts, with only Vitiate seemingly approaching his power, like said. Learn something new every day, even if it is about Star Wars lore!

Emperor Palpatine
Type: Sith Lord
Blaster 8D+1, brawling parry 8D, dodge 10D, lightsaber 13D, melee combat 9D+2, melee parry 9D+1, running 7D
Alien species 10D+2, bureaucracy: Empire 14D, cultures 9D, intimidation 14D, languages 9D, law enforcement: Empire 8D, military history 14D, planetary systems 7D+1, scholar: archaic library systems 10D, scholar: arcane technologies 12D+2, scholar: clone vat systems 7D+2, scholar: Dark Side lore 15D+1, scholar: Jedi lore 14D, scholar: lightsaber histories 14D, survival 7D, tactics: fleets 12D, tactics: ground assault 6D, value 10D+1, willpower 13D
Bargain 10D, command 11D, command: Imperial forces 13D, con 8D, hide 7D+1, investigation 8D+2, persuasion 13D, persuasion: oration 15D+2, search 8D
Brawling 8D, climbing/jumping 7D+1, lifting 7D, stamina 9D, swimming 5D
Computer programming/repair 5D, droid programming 4D, first aid 5D, lightsaber repair 10D, security 8D
Special abilities:
Force Skills: Control 15D+2, sense 17D, alter 15D+1
(Palpatine has spent decades studying the most arcane and esoteric Jedi disciplines. It is believed that he has mastered nearly all the known powers, previously unknown powers, and devises new ones at his pleasure)
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, concentration, control pain, detoxify poison, enhance attribute, hibernation trance, rage, short-term memory enhancement
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun, sense

Even if you're just counting Canon Palps, that still leaves this whole thing in:

Palps is literally toying with two of the bigger big-bads of this series without breaking a sweat. Maul is one of the few villains who actually managed to win when Obi-Wan encountered him, and Savage had a whole season devoted to bigging him up as Darth Mauls even more dangerous brother.
This whole fight is literally happening because he was bored and wanted a lightsaber fight. He could have ended it at any point he wanted, he just needed some exercise.

>What's the source of this?
Get ready

>""The Rebels were turning out to be more troublesome than many had expected. The Emperor had known it would be thus, of course; the resistance had not been a surprise to him. The Emperor was completely in concert with the dark side of the Force. He was the most powerful Sith to have ever existed."
-- Death Star, page 76.

>"...Yoda could not hope to defeat the most powerful Sith Lord in history."
-- The New Essential Chronology, page ??? (I don't own the book).

>"Beyond the vision of the Jedi Knights, somewhere within the darkness, the greatest master of evil ever to use Sith power bides his time. As his strength grows, his plans begin to shape the course of the galaxy, and his snares await the unsuspecting."
-- The Complete Visual Dictionary, page 72.

>"Palpatine has risen from the dead. The most powerful Sith Lord who ever lived had returned."
-- Dark Empire Sourcebook, page 109

>"He gave up everything to the Dark Side long ago. He has become the greatest who ever lived. He is the strongest who ever lived....I say we give what he wishes."
-- Empire's End

Star Wars Insider, Kevin J. Anderson, upon asked if he ever intended his Sith to be stronger than the OT Sith
>""No. Exar Kun, Naga Sadow and the others are on a firmly lower tier than Emperor Palpatine."

On, official response to the strongest Sith:
>"Palpatine at his peak."


>TFW read Exar Kun as, "Exar-kun"
That's it, lads. Tuck me in, let me die.

This is pretty good

I'll never cease to be impressed with how fucking awful Star Wars past the original trilogy can be. Not just the Emperor wielding a lightsaber at all, but flipping around like an idiot with two lightsabers? "Savage Opress"? This motherfucker pulling out an edgy black lightsaber? I've lived too long. I want to go back.

>If we count the EU

At least the black saber had a cool color scheme.

Remember when the emperor made a dwarf clone of himself?

The Emperor originally had his throne in a room full of lava, they even began to construct a set for Return of the Jedi before Lucas changed his mind and told them to stop.

That looks really fucking cool

I wish he wore white in the movie. Star Wars borrows heavily from eastern aesthetics, and white is the colour of death there.

Bane was wiser.

Well, I got exactly what I asked for. I like how on Veeky Forums, you can make a claim and someone can just show you why you're wrong without shitposting. Based Sheev, I guess!

Other than the name "Savage Opress", which I'll agree is fairly purely distilled cringe, I thought that was pretty cool to be honest. I don't see why Sidious shouldn't use a lightsaber if he's clearly capable of doing so. I mean, I think seeing more people get melted by force lightning or choked to death would be cool, but sword fighting has such cinematic value that we can't expect it not to feature wherever it can.

>I don't see why Sidious shouldn't use a lightsaber if he's clearly capable of doing so.
Having wizard-like characters grab a sword and stop being wizards kind of lessens their impact. Just like with Yoda, NOT using a lightsaber set him apart from other, lesser force users. "Lightsabers are the archetypical symbol of both sith and jedi. This guy? He's so good at being a sith that he doesn't NEED a lightsaber."


>I don't see why Sidious shouldn't use a lightsaber if he's clearly capable of doing so
This ten minute video answers all your questions.

>inb4 "RLM drone, who's not a TRUE fan"

>10 minutes of monotone droning and random clips to make a point
Jesus Christ, how does this guy have any followers?

>non-canon eu

Easily distracted by the pristine sheen that a woodoo hide brings to durasteel surfaces /10

I can dig a lot of those arguments, but Sidious isn't as small as Yoda is. We've seen that both Sidious and Yoda are capable of insane feats of athleticism. I'm a young, fit man, and I can't leap or run or take getting telekinetically thrown against a wall like they can. Clearly strength in the force grants people physical capability far beyond what is normal. I think the rest of the arguments in the vid, and in are better - there's no reason Sidious can't engage in lightsaber duels as well as he can, but it would arguably make him more interesting to not do so, and in general it would be cooler to actually see laser swords a little less. It's not something I'd considered, but having had it pointed out, it certainly does damage their mystique. It's like midichlorians - making the force explainable makes it less magical, less cool. I think this line of things is a lot of why I appreciate some of the EU stuff, I like the more mystical portrayal of the force, with 3spoopy5me Sith blood rituals, and ancient artefacts which combine the technological and the arcane.

> Clearly strength in the force grants people physical capability far beyond what is normal.

But mostly as a temporary, actively induced boost.

Juyo lightsaber form which is mostly used by practitioners of the dark side and is a sort of blitz.

As for the scream, maybe is right but it was probably just a normal evil battle cry of an old evil Sith.

Darth Lukas, who tore apart the galaxy and Time itself for the sake of narcissism and pottery. All while sitting like a bloated spider in his control room sipping Starbucks and gloating about what a genius he is.

And what he did to the gungans is far worse than anything the Emperor ever did. Ditto for ruining Anakin. Sad!

It's the WEG D6 statblock for him. I couldn't find the D20 version that I know exists, although it's pretty much as close to Cthulhu's D4 Investigators per Turn or Cain's statblock as D20 games ever get.

Palpatine, just like Yoda and Qui-Gon, used Ataru, which is the form that includes lots of jumping around.

that's not Kylo Ren...

The fuck.
>―Darth Vader, upon learning of Padmé Amidala's death
Star Wars has gone too far.

I thought Sheevs master was more powerful, which is why he poisoned him?

I think he mixed Ataru with Juyo

The full review is over an hour long, user, and it's a cult classic. Universally known among the fandom memes like "What's wrong with your face" are spawned from this guy.

Thing is, most of the times Palpatine is using a Lightsaber he's literally just doing it to fuck about.

We are talking about a man who has literally learnt how to hate his problems to death. This is factually how Force Lightning works. He could finish almost every encounter he ever has by electrocuting a bitch with zero problems.
It's just that sometimes he wan't to prove he can do needless bullshit laser wuxia as well as anyone.
Hell, I'm almost certain things like him spinning about like that was him making a point over how fucking silly the rest of them looked doing those ridiculous backflips and what-not.

Hell, he get's bored halfway through the Yoda fight and just starts throwing the Senate at him. Clearly having the time of his fucking life throughout and in no way pressured or troubled.

The only possible time he was in any danger was when he misidentified Samuel L Jackson for a Bitch. And even then he may have been faking it for Anakins benefit. Not that Anakin ever really NEEDED the full Sheev Palpatine Acting School treatment. If there was ever a man who managed to make two planks of wood look smart by comparison it was Anakin.

Is the OG d6 statline? Don't have my books here.

OK, nice.

It's his statline from the Dark Empire sourcebook, so if you wanted to get technical that's the recloned Emperor. You could probably lose a dice of strength for original flavour Palps. But honestly? Look at those skills and force abilities. Do you really think 1 dice is going to make an appreciable difference?

>He could have ended it at any point he wanted, he just needed some exercise.

He probably knew he'd be fighting Mace Windu at some point and figured he could use the practice. But then I like to take Episode III at face value and accept that Windu *was* winning the fight with Palpatine, and it was only because Anakin showed up and betrayed the Jedi that Palpatine lived.

It doesn't really detract from his character, since it means that he was able to, despite being in full Sith mode, manipulate a situation where he should have lost (facing down the Chosen One and arguably the most skilled lightsaber user in the Order at the same time) and turned it into an overwhelming victory.

(Mostly I just disagree with the idea that he can be a master Force user AND a brilliant strategist AND an unequaled politician AND a peerless lightsaber combatant a some point you have to wonder when the man sleeps).

That's all cool, but can Palpatine freeze a blaster bolt in mid-air?


And risk getting killed by your apprentice?

Sam Jack was the closest thing to an actual grey jedi in canon and pretty much the only one to master his style for a thousand years, I don't think it's too much to assume he caught Palpy by surprise

>(Mostly I just disagree with the idea that he can be a master Force user AND a brilliant strategist AND an unequaled politician AND a peerless lightsaber combatant a some point you have to wonder when the man sleeps).

He probably didn't. Sith Alchemy is a hell of a drug.

Funny enough, Sheevs master literally stopped sleeping to try and avoid being killed by Sheev so you probably aren't wrong

Most likely, but not being a sniffling teenager he feels no reason to when he can piss lightning

In the last scene of Rogue One, Vader can be seen to one-up Kylo by *reversing* blaster bolts back at the Rebel troops. Vader is still far more powerful than that little bitch.

It's either sleep, or go insane. And not in the semi-functional "UNLIMITED POWAH!" kind of way, in the completely nonfunctional "pink fluffy unicorns dance on rainbows in front of me, which is nice because they keep the spiders at the edge of my vision away" kind of way.

What part of "walking corpse literally propelled by his own hatred' do you not get, Palpatine is basically a fucking Lich

In fact he's a case study in how to do a Lich villain

Well, if we're getting into extreme Doc Smith Style Power Creep Palpatine we can just bring the dice bucket because the guy seems basically unquantifiable.

The main point is that there's only so many hours in a day, and a lot of Palpatine's time would be taken up by any one of his pursuits, let alone all of them. Do you have any idea how much paperwork is involved in merely running a single country on a single planet, nevermind a galaxy-spanning Republic or Empire? Especially as Palpatine centralized power in himself, he would have increased that workload.

And yet he died by, of all things, falling.

Shoulda' looked into Force Flight.

what does it matter when you can Force Lightning both spiders and unicorns?

I don't care how badass you are, when the physics engine comes calling you will be its bitch.

falling into a reactor after electrocuting himself

And in the books his ghost came back anyway

Honestly I side with the idea that Palps did not realise he was dealing with a Rock to his Scissors with Mace and the wheels very nearly did come off there.
Palps DOES sometimes make mistakes, but it's very very rarely.
It's literally here and when he gambled on Darth NOT choosing his own son over him even though that was LITERALLY the crux of how he turned Anakin to the darkside in the first place.

I mean he suffers the occaisonal minor wibble in his plans now and then. The Trade Federation getting rolled by a checkmate maneouver by Padme and losing their Control Ships as well as the death of Maul for instance. Although the primary goal of becoming Supreme Chancellor was achieved he still needed to move more quickly on making sure the Trade Federation didn't tell anyone about Darth Sideous than he probably planned.

Heck in Clones they practically roll up his entire plan by learning that the guy who all the Clones are based off was in fact working for the Seperatists the whole time. But then that whole Obi-Wan Detective story falls into a plothole and never get's mentioned again.

we don't know if its a one-up

anyone can bat a baseball back. making it however in the air would be quite a trick though.

Especially since, being a Sith, Palpatine would have used intimidation surprise and fear to overpower the Jedi.

It was probably surprising as fuck when none of these worked on Mace Fucking Windu who was basically so angry he transcended anger. Fucker was Saint Moses the Black or one of those Wisdom King Buddhas

You have to wonder what Palpatine thought of that.

>Shit, they know about Jango. Gonna have to talk to Dooku about using him.
>How the Hell am I gonna explain this?
>[One month later]
>Yes, a brilliant story! Truly a masterstroke, it explains everything perfectly! Now to play the waiting game.
>[one year later]
>Why has no one asked about the clone army?
>They literally just accepted them out of nowhere.
>No one even asked me about Jango Fett.
>I put so much work into the story to make it all make sense...
>These people are idiots.

Vader was statted as "insta-kill if you are within range" in the FFG RPG, so I assume something like that would apply to Palpatine as well.


I see you are a man of culture too.

>Unless Snoke. We know next to nothing of him.
Is Snoke even a sith ?

Or is he from some other dark side sect ?

>Thing is, most of the times Palpatine is using a Lightsaber he's literally just doing it to fuck about.

For a good example of this, watch him fight Maul and Savage in Clone Wars. He waltzes in, uses the Force to TK and hold them in place effortlessly, then just laughs and pulls out two lightsabers. Why? For shits and giggles. The whole fight, he's just humouring them, even when they manage to boot him out a window he laughs some more and yanks them out with him. They crash, he lands easily. And then he trolls by lightning again, kills Savage, then electrocutes Maul even harder.

At no point was he ever in danger, at no point was he ever really fighting seriously against the two of them, he just fucked about until he got bored. The only time we ever see him fighting for real is against Yoda.

Maul never had a chance against Sidious, as Palpy would never fight him fair, lightsaber skill vs lightsaber skill, and Maul's training was visibly lacking in many aspects of Force using.

Well, I mean, Sidious did train Maul just to be his weapon so... not surprising

How would he fair against Nihilus?

He probably wouldn't. Exile was the only one capable of doing that, as she were a Wound in the Force herself, though she never were in need of consuming Force users for survival.

What would be truly interesting is who would win between Vitiate and Nihilus.

>Tim Curry cackling
10/10 Palpatine performance

It'd been a sweet contrast since Luke wore all black

I believe "Palpatine is the strongest Sith" started with George Lucas saying it.

Him being the most powerful in the EU is irrelevant.

Nihilus is under Sidious.


Next to Revan, Nihilus is the most overrated Sith Lord I've come across.

Vitiate wins


>Next to Revan, Nihilus is the most overrated Sith Lord I've come across.
How does it feel to have taste this shit

Regardless of whether or not Mace truly bested Palpatine in that encounter, the question remains as to why Sidious didn't just overpower him with sheer usage of the Force instead of ye old lightsaber.

It's one of the defining reasons why people constantly and consistently claim he bullshitted Mace, and it's believable.


Could he create life via the force? If not, Plagus is stronger.


Vaapad. Mace is just as strong as the dark sider he's fighting. The more Sidius tapped intothe dark side, the stronger Mace would become.

Vaapad is the ultimate hard counter to the dark side.

Was waiting for this. It's a common thing to say, except Vaapad is more of an indirect performance. It does nothing to defend against more direct assaults.

It's a leech-like effect which literally siphons off the Dark Side like a pseudo arua. It doesn't defend against Sith Lightning or Force Push.