What is a well written proxy war like?
What is a well written proxy war like?
It should constantly remind the parties involved of the threat of a major conflict should things get worse too fast or too hard. It goes for both major and minor players, and of course you'll get people trying to exploit this. Depending on how well they do it, it might give them some leverage or bite them in the ass.
Anyway, the codeword is pressure. From the conflict, the population, the government, the diplomatic situation, maybe even third parties coming in to see if you're doing stuff like you're supposed to.
Depends on the perspective.
>outsider perspective:
Its pretty obvious that the super or great powers take advantage of existing conflicts to open up a new pressure valve for their tensions. Aiming to gain a political advantage in the grand scale of things.
>inside perspective
Every native side is convinced to fight for the greater good and slowly has to make more and more devils bargains with their backing powers.
What is a well-fought proxy war like?
Korea for china. More than once.
It barely looks like you were there at all, but you save face and look good
>It should constantly remind the parties involved of the threat of a major conflict should things get worse too fast or too hard.
Not necessarily, having the conflict become a quagmire where the greater powers fuel the war for a minor gain that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things might be more poignant.
Of course the stakes for the smaller, more self contained conflict should always be high to remind everyone of the cost of the war.
>conveniently leaving Korea out
While I admit the modern US has a screwed up view on wartime strategy, come on. But I guess you can't really expect all sides from a political cartoon.
Also Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada.
Idk ask this guy
I've been thinking about running a short adventure set in a proxy war. Party is a deep hit squad so I can run more episodic missions
My first idea has been *generic kingdom hegemon* has declared war onyhe Summer Court and allied with the Winter Court to gain territory in the Far forest, but beyond that I haven't developed the setting at all and idk if I need to aside from names and motivations?
I love the image of dragon riders scrying into hidden Elven enclaves, burning through the forest like Apocalypse Now. Maybe a mix of ambient exploration and short bursts of high tension violence.
Have any of you run proxy war campaigns? How did you do it and what did the players respond to?
Korea was a massive US military defeat. We don't like to talk about it, but the Chinese pushed everyone back right up to the South Vietnamese border.
Very obvious war with very subtle trace of proxy.
>South Vietnamese
I meant Korean, obviously.
But hey, it's all the same dumb shit.
Like a stealth /pol/ thread on Veeky Forums.
Forget the medieval shit and set it into renaissance-enlightenment times. Seven Years War, Thirty Years Wa,r War of the Austrian Succession etc.
Perfect setup to involve a minor duchy getting caught up in the big, disintegrating,colonial empires slugging it out. Maybe even walk out with some more land/influence like the swiss did several times.
The Russian invasion of Georgia.
>not just the yanks invading glorious British territory for absolutely no reason just to remind the world that they're not to be trusted
>The definition of insanity is...
USA aren't expecting a different result, though.
We do proxy wars, because government thinks that we have to test the new weapon toys we've got, to show to the global community that USA is always prepared to defend itself, and to instill a feeling of patriotism and impending threat so that the people will agree to more and more government intrusion into their lives without complaining.
Don't get me wrong, personally, I think that military dick-wagging contest (and thus, proxy wars) is essential when considering international politics.
>I'm gonna reduce vastly different conflicts set in different periods and times in the world to some simple and meaningless elements in order to make a cheap laugh.
I'm /k/-triggered as fuck right now.
back to the topic, check toyota wars and merc 2000.
That never happened. Besides wouldn't taking Florida first make more sense strategically?
The other Georgia, you nitwit.
Florida's all swamp and disgusting and hot, it'd be a horrible place for Russia to start from. Better to go for Georgia while striking any major Floridian targets at range, if they're starting from the southeast for whatever reason.
>Florida Man halts Russian invasion while high on bath salts and masturbating
There's that, too - any invasion of Florida has to deal with fucking Florida Man. Georgia's by far the safer bet.
Vietnam was a French war, the US entered it because of the French. Why do you fuckers always forget that. Even the Vietnamese have no hard feelings toward American but rather hate the French for it.
During a Star Wars EotE game awhile back the players were a mixed band of rebel extremists and self-employed criminals on the planet Ques in Hutt Space, where the Empire was trying to help a local warlord exterminate the Hutt gangsters so they could use the planet as a tariff-less point in the spice shipping route from Kessel, working to try to kidnap the Imperial General sent as an adviser. The key was escalation: The Empire started off by shipping in mothballed CIS weapons and the Hutts were content to merely pay off local forces to keep the insurgents down, but as the conflict went on longer more and more Imperial tech started showing up (I think they had 1 AT-AT by the end) and the Hutts were bringing in expensive mercs and launching bombing runs to root them out, having stopped worrying about the price of collateral damage. It really made the players want to do the job and get out before things get too bad to escape from.
Fucking hell are there really countrymen of mine who are this fucking stupid? Shit, maybe the eurofags have a point...
Pfft there are Eurofags who don't know where things are. Geographical ignorance is a common issue, even with learned people. Does a nuclear physicist need to know where fucking Botswana is?
Unless the invading force buys Florida Man's favor with offerings of pirozhki, samogonka,and krokodil to get free passage through his realm.
Shit's not hard enough for Florida Man.
Because Eisenhower was forbidden from using nukes. Otherwise there would only be one Korea, the southern one. Now we have to deal with a dynasty of fucked up North Koreans who want to nuke the US and reunite the Koreas using juche. Fuck th commie shitheads.
And dozen of teenage pioneer girls.
In skimpy version of the uniform.
Hand-picked for having history of inappropriate fraternizing.