This is the best card in Ixalan, and it's not even close. Bravo, Wizards.
This is the best card in Ixalan, and it's not even close. Bravo, Wizards
Interesting. I guess they errataed it to work with things that trigger off of scrying.
Hasn't draw-go already been really good in standard? Now they get a real can trip and lightning strike, is anything rotating?
spell pierce would like to have a word with you
and you haven't even seen spell pierce yet
Blue is now better in Standard than in Modern. Feels good.
I'd agree with you for standard, but bringing opt into modern may be the biggest contribution among the spoiled cards so far.
This is a great alternative to Thought Scour
We finally have playable cantrip 5-8 in non-graveyard oriented, non-combo decks (all 0 of them).
forgive a dumb question
but can you bring the old printings to a game of modern if it got reprinted recently enough for it to fit?
Oh cool. I hope didn't actually throw out my Nemesis copies.
Yes you can.
They have the same oracle text, so do the exact same thing.
It's part of why people like reprints of good cards - they can bring in their older versions to mix in with newer cards.
Spell pierce in creatures the tappening standard meta. EL O EL
Protects you from Push!
I vaguely remember some one telling me I couldn't run my mirage pacifisms in my modern aura deck so I was wondering
Tell that someone to go fuck themselves.
They are 100% incorrect.
Tell them to eat shit
It could have been the older copies were damaged in a way that made them stick out from the rest of the deck.
naw man, deck is sleeved
I think he said something about pacifism begin errateraed but I dont see any changed oracle text
it was a while ago so I dont super remember
I guess maybe he was just super mad I pacfismed his blightsteel or whatever thing it was
>creatures: the tappening
>U/R control has literally been tier 1 for months.
>has everything it had before, literally everything.
>instant speed 1 mana cantrip
> lightning strike, magma spray, harnessed lightning, shock
>great splash colors in both white and black
Nigger, are you actually dumb?
>playing standard
No, it is you that is the retard
>post replying to comment about standard meta
>lol standard sucks
Such insightful commentary.
Them being errata'd doesn't matter.
Almost every card (if not EVERY card) from Alpha/Beta has been heavily errata'd and they're all legal in any format a card with that name is legal in.
You could use Alpha Giant Spiders in standard right now if you want.
Pacifism's wording has changed, yes, going from Enchant Creature to Enchantment - Aura with Enchant Creature. But that doesn't matter, because all that Magic cares about is that the card is named Pacifism, thus it is a Pacifism and thus legal in any format any Pacifism is legal in.
Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is trying to cheat you.
Every card in mtg works according to the rules on the Oracle, what is printed on the card doesn't matter.
thanks anons
man I should work on improving that deck it was really just shit I had on hand needs way more ethereal armors, sovereigns of lost alara, kor spirt dancer and eldrazi conscription
I might try a UR modern deck now with Miracles, Opt, and this card. Might be able to make it fly super easy now.
as much as i like the new format for the borders and such of the cards, i have to say the blue background was way better on the old cards. That marble look was great.
Seconding this
It'd be great if they used a similar marble dye texture for blue's border under the current template.
I'd like it even more if they'd also allow the texture to show just a little in the name and type lines. They're a bit too plain for my taste.
why not just replace opt in your deck with a good card? then you're getting the good card quicker, instead of paying a mana and hoping that one of the top two cards in your deck was worthwhile
Sounds terrible. Just build bogles.
>scry away a card you don't want
>storm count
>delve fuel
>instant/sorcery cast trigger
>instant speed, allowing drawgo strategy
There are probably some primers out there that explain why cantrips are so powerful. Instant speed ones are massively strong.
I'm excited to hopefully keep playing u/w tempo even with all my spirits gone.
I haven't even looked at the playable creatures left after rotation, I'm just gonna force it
UW Monuments is a hell of a deck.
no bishop, no militia captain, no abbey
the basic idea of the deck may survive but there's no telling what it will be like
I'm definitely feeling mono blue flying men in this standard. I was feeling it when Favorable Winds was spoiled and I'm really feeling it now that Opt and Spell Pierce are in
i just yelled 'HOLY SHIT' out loud
i've been clamoring for this reprint for AGES
>Spell Pierce
where i say where??
Blood moon, thoughtscour, opt, snapcaster mage, thing in the ice, then what, entreat the angels? The 5 damage burn?
Alternately, URSkred could be pretty janky
Because consistency is very important in magic, and cantrips are one of the ways to get it.
Aggro decks are extremely consistent via redundancy. Everything does the same job.
Control decks are consistent by cantrips and card draw. They have several kinds of cards and need to constantly get the correct one to be viable.
Combo decks have a specific group of cards they need to win, so they tend to use tutor effects.
>Pauper got spell pierce
U/R control isn't even played that much, UW control is played more and UB control is better against midrange decks. They're also better against RDW
Wasn't it already common in MM17?
>Duress, Spell Pierce, Opt, and Lightning Strike in standard
I don't know if I should feel happy or afraid.
you they that as I swing with a venerable monk alone and then sovereigns lets me tudor for an aura and put in on the monk so boom eldrazi conscription turn five for free now its twelve damage.
Its not competitive by any means but there isnt a casual magic general so im here
I've been meaning to start weekend casual generals. Maybe this weekend or next
They update cards to use keywords as long as those keywords are evergreen.
So now that this obscure draw card has been reprinted for Standard/Modern, can this card get the same treatment?
Would need morph to return because of face-down creatures.
I'd settle for a version without it.
Every format has a very small number of good cards. The broader the format, the better a card has to be to be good. Since a deck can only have four of each card (one in EDH and Vintage,) you run out of good cards before you run out of space in your deck. Cards like Opt can make your deck effectively smaller and therefore increase the percentage of good cards..
That's not card draw at all. People barely played that even in Limited.
The scry also lets you dig deeper for the answers you need. It's not Preordain, but the instant speed helps Opt a lot.
That's not even a cantrip
Definitely think Spy Network is underrated but I doubt it would be as good in modern. In legacy and such being able to set up your next 4 draws and gain information on your opponent is pretty dam good, the power level of those 4 draws is likely to be much higher than in modern. Information is worth more I think in Legacy and Vintage too.
so where does this go in modern? i assume you just put it everywhere probe went?
No. Death's Shadow wouldn't want it.
Infect probably doesn't want it either.
>why not just replace opt in your deck with a good card?
"a good card" is different every single game. Sometimes you need a land, sometimes you need a gearhulk. Opt helps you dig for a good card for any situation. Cantrips are powerful in a similar way to tutors in that they're never a dead draw.
It's not worth a card. It doesn't even let you control your draws like real scrying does, because those four cards are all going back on top. They will be your next four draws no matter what. Spy Network is much worse than Gitaxian Probe and even Peek.
amazing reprint and healthy anatomy aside, I never realized how unusually busty hanna is in this one! It's no Moriok scavenger, but that is silver medal material at the very least. I truly miss old art...
Uh, I guess it was.
why wouldn't death's shadow want it? I think in that shell, opt is more powerful than sleight of hand, and sometimes lists play some number of those. It allows you to keep your stubborn denial/fatal push/whatever up while still having something to do with the mana if you didn't need it.
i was thinking bonfire of the damned and thunderous wrath (depending on whos turn it is). As well as Essence Flux, maybe turn to mist if i need more, then a few looters like dangerous wager, izzet charm, or cathartic reunion.
Just need some burn and crap to keep things going in the early turns, and should be good.
But it's not even a Dinosaur.
Reality is sad, ain't it?
Fuck reality.
You should be fucking amped my nigga
>Still no Pirate Ship Cargo Rats card
give me more for my rat tribal.
any list of the viable creatures?
>not hyped for ixalan
>laugh at the death of the big-set-little-set model
>remember all the faggots that defended WotC for what was clearly a shitty idea
at least garfield will be in on dominaria.
With all the goodies blue and red are getting, do you think a U/R spells list with stuff like Riddleform and Enigma Drakes might actually be viable?
So monoU flying aggro, UB flying aggro or UW flying aggro?
I'm leaning towards U/R. Enigma Drake and Bloodwater Entity are looking pretty good right now.
UR spells is already a mostly rotation-proof deck, so yeah, it'll be viable. Maybe it'll put up some real results now that it has Opt, Spell Pierce, and Lightning Strike.
>Enigma Drake
very good, and it's going to be even better with the loss of Grasp of Darkness.