What do you guys believe the strongest race in Tamriel is?
The Elder Scrolls Race discussion
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spamming /v/ and here, cool
The real question is, which race has the widest hips and most succulent asses that invites your spear?
Do you mean in terms of "strength" in-universe?
If so,
If you mean in terms of lore depth, that's a bit more difficult (and objective). Personally, my favorites are the Redguard, Orsimer, and Imperials.
It doesn't matter how strong they are, if they have knife ears they have to burn. Diggers and knife ears need to hang from trees.
Imperials, they did take over everything after all.
Innate tallent in magic, magic resistance and tallent in martial combat.
They stay true to their D&D Half Elf counterparts with being the most OP race choice.
Orcs had the highest weight stat in Morrowind.
I believe the aldmeri dominion is the strongest empire on tamriel.
Pick one
>couldn't even beat redguards
The only thing they had going for them was the element of surprise. The Empire would come out on top in the waiting game, thats why they agreed to the truce in the first place
The only correct answer.
Tsaesci, Kamal and/or Ka Po'Tun
Tsaesci took over the empire in a half-assed invasion before and could easily do it again.
Kamal sent one army to tamriel and fucked up so much shit it took the entire nations to stop them
Ka Po'Tun's emperor turned himself into a fucking dragon. Best Nords got was to talk like them
My bad technically not from tamriel. Still better tho
>I've only been on Veeky Forums for three days
All right. Cyrod then, faggot.
It's colovian or nibenese, ho
>The Virgin Nibenese
>The Chad Colovian
>oily-haired, sleazy Nibenese traders
>Nord-blooded, noble, Tamriel conquering Colovians
Like there's even a choice.
Bretons are the Master Race. Innate blanket magic resist is OP as fuck
Are Bosmer white, /poltg/?
Nords. That cold resistance can't be beat.
Nord cold resistance is better, because ice magic is more common than any other type. An those new things flying around? Dragons? The ones with ice breath are tougher than the ones with fire. Meaning cold resistance is more valuable. Cold also drains stamina, which everyone needs in order to fight or run if they have to.
>In any setting besides Skyrim
user, I hate to tell you this, but you're wrong.
Altmer of course, you fucking untermensch
I hate to tell you this, but Solstheim is part of Morrowind, and has dragons. The end of the main quest has dragons fucking off to whatever part of the world they want. They're not just in one province.
Here's why frost resistance is best. Shock damage hits health and magicka, but unless you're a mage you don't have to give a shit. It's also the most costly to cast. Fire damage hurts the most, but it's just damage. Frost however, has a slow effect as well. What does that mean? It mean the mage hitting you with it is gaining more time to kill you before you can cut his head off. He's also draining your stamina to weaken your ability to power attack and end the fight faster. Frost damage is unquestionably the most dangerous to an average person. A Breton's 35% resistance means less, because shock and fire mean less.
PS, frost is also the most common. Mages can use any type, but conjurers and necromancers favor frost. That's three mage type using frost, and only one each for shock and fire.
Khajiit is best race.
Many forms, many types. Craziest magic, all of them are crazy assholes that still manage to get away with it. Some of them are immortal time travelers, like M'aiq.
Best waifus.
Whichever one makes the best stealth archers.
No, but they're cannibals so it evens out
Dunmer and Khajiit, as they are the only ones that will survive the landfall
Daily reminder that racial talent strength depends on purity of blood and alignment of the stars when birthed. Largely invalidates any use of them in an argument. Not all talents are mutually exclusive.
came here to say this
Cyrodilics, Cyro-Nord, Nedic People, Colovians. They're a race that live in the heartland of Tamriel.
Also the only race willing to get everyone to stop bitching and get along....with them at the top.
There was a lore book where the Nordic fighter guild leader said an Orc was the strongest warrior he'd ever seen as he wielded a huge ass mace.
get a load of this Altmer akavirboo
Is that really true? I just thought the c0da story is primarily told from a Dunmer point of view, and there are other elven/beast races on the moon - the Altmer are the only ones truly 'wiped out' thanks to the Numidium's ancestro-scythe
Other races get to talk when they can live in black marsh OR rape draedric prince silly
The Altmer and all the man races were wiped out. There MIGHT be Redguards remaining after but I don't recall.
For sure the Altmer, Bretons, Imperials, and Nords are all vamoose.
What happened to all the men?
There was a skirmish between Thalmor and Imperial agents beneath the (was it Aldmeri or Imperial city?), after the Heart of Lorkhan had been found. The Numidium had already been broken free, so the elves having nothing to lose, began to perform the ritual that would destroy reality. The ritual was interfered with, and instead both man and Altmer were REMOVED. From what I remember at least.
Been a while since I read that C0DA, but it was a pretty cool read. It's worth checking out for yourself.
Bosmer deserve more love, they always seem so forgotten
Oh, right. I just don't see why men are such a big deal - aren't they of the same heritage as elves and things, but just favoured by Lorkhan/his various aspects? Is it because they continue to worship the likes of Talos? Is it because they always end up in conflict with elves/try to conquer them?
>Other races get to talk when they can live in black marsh OR rape draedric prince silly
Other races get to not be slaves
It's a shame they don't get more attention. Hopefully in the future they get some time in the spotlight with the Great Hunt
Altmer, maybe even physically, because they live for hundreds of years and there's Altmer patisseries older than the ninth divine. Now imagine their smithing and their arts and sciences and all. They really are the superior race, that's kind of the point.
>They really are the superior race
Yet look like talking bananas
They went a bit overkill on the whole eugenics thing
>tfw valenwood fucking never since bethesdas shitty engine can't handle it
>What do you mean moving trees, chosen one? That's jsut imperial superstition, fact is our trees have never ever moved! Oh, we don't actually build our cities in trees, that's just a transliteration error. What we do we always build them --around-- a big tree, like that one there!
>You've been reading too many poems, He-Who-Was-Promised. You can't build cities out of poetry!
Don't recall. Someone more knowledgeable than me could field that question.
So what happened to the Nerevarine?
Mer and Men come from different progenitor gods. Men come from the god/symbol of change, and Mer from the god/symbol of the opposite of change.
Excuse my shitty phrasing.
He went to akavir to prevent another invasion
Anu and Padomay? But how, if they both come from the various aedric spirits that populated and gave power to the nascent Nirn
That's just a rumor. What REALLY happened to him?
he boarded his huge yacht to live a life in luxury and fuck bitches of every race
As insufferable as they are, it's probably the Altmer, simply because they produce more S-rank mages than anyone else. Mages are the demographic most likely to achieve Chim or the state beyond Chim, and they do crazy shit like tonal architecture and create devices that let you transcribe Elder Scrolls to read them without going fucking blind or insane or cease existing. The Zabuza principle is extremely accurate well in ES.
>[Aldmeri] produce more S-rank mages than anyone else
Not necessarily. Depends on how many children Aldmer have per generation and what the chances are those children are high class mages.
Currently running a game where an Alfiq is the advisor to the Archmage and the party found an abandoned Senche-Raht cub in Alabaster. Loves me some subtypes.
Bretons are manlets.
Take a walk outside Skyrim sometime and you'll find frost is a lot less common than you think.
Do the Hist count?
He found dwemers
Can Khajit cross breed with other races?
Man, as a collective. It's all because of Lorkh*explodes into moths.
Maybe bosmer, since those are sort of beastfolkish elves too, even if the games seem to forget about that.
Good luck trying to get a bosmer and khajiit to get along, though.
He sailed east to fuck snake bitches.
bosmer are absolutely disgusting
>all women gorgeous
ahhhh yisss, confirmed best mer
>best mer
Look at this n'wah here.
Let him figure out his mistake on his own.
Just imagine the look on his face when his "gorgeous" bosmer waifu drops the glamour.
God damn I hate elves
So are Bosmer women naturally gorgeous, or are they always casting a charm?
Just what is Power of Glamour?
Dwemer, they were capable of some ludicrous horseshit.
the bullet points in the pic states that
>they have black eyes
>their women are gorgeous
>all males has lost the power of glamour
the buttom text also seems to imply that they are a "forest fey" stand-in, which I wouldn't really say is 100% correct.
The question then is if the points are separate or connected.
One could either see it as they are hiding their true appearance with a spell only women has, or that the women look hot and the men hideous naturally, and the women on top of that has whatever power of glamour is.
>So are Bosmer women naturally gorgeous, or are they always casting a charm?
The pic isn't very clear on which is the case.
If the women were naturally beautiful however, would they need the power of glamour?
Though it could indeed be they're already pretty and just use the glamour to make sure they look like "your type" for maximum attractiveness.
>Just what is Power of Glamour?
Going by most other fantasy stuff a bit, a glamour is a magical/psychic means of altering how others perceive you. So yeah, like a charm spell.
I don't get it.
Wouldn't this be before the Green Pact?
Bosmer are supposed to have a consistent form, as long s the don't fuck with the Valenwood flora.
There's barely any difference between these guys and straight up Nords. It's the Nibenese who might represent a different human lineage.
I think this is Morrowind concept art
my thoughts are that the Bosmer in that picture do have a 'consistent form' - i.e, they really look like imps and what not, without changing back and forth between their 'humanoid' form and the monstrous wild hunt forms/plant forms/whatever forms that were happening during the Dawn Age
That said, their forms are fairly ugly, so to better mesh with other races (e.g the highly racist aesthete Altmer) they would have benefited from using glamours (which they would have lost)
The picture/caption is unclear, whether it means the women are also ugly but can maintain their glamour to make themselves look gorgeous, or are gorgeous (and can use glamours to amplify this)
deffintely the best mer to be at least. A Bosmer's whole life consists of
>eating nothing but steak
>getting high af by smoking poisonous bugs
>fucking gauranteed 10/10 babes
>chilling in a fucking jungle where the animals naturally don't want to kill you
>riding fucking trees because fuck logic
Worst case scenario, you eat a salad one day and become a literal chaos spawn
Not canon.
Men and Mer are from the same progenitors. Ehlnofey is merely a term for Aedra reduced so much by the creation of the world that they became mortal. Their ancestors split along two lines. There were those that stayed in Tamriel, and those that wandered around Nirn. This division also came with an ideological one. The ones that stayed decided that Mundus was a nightmare prison that must be destroyed, while those who wandered decided that Mundus was an opportunity to improve themselves and achieve something greater (a position even many Mer would switch to by the end, like the Khajiit and Dunmer.) The first conflict occurred between these groups when wandering Ehlnofey came back to Tamriel, and expected to be treated like brothers by those who stayed. Yet instead they were treated like underclass scum, and eventually attacked, and so the division between Men and Mer was set in stone.
The story tells us the Khajiit did work to help evacuate members of other races, except the Dunmer and Altmer (and the Dunmer evacuated themselves.)
Vampire asian snake bitches. Nerevar knew where to get the best weird pussy in all of Nirn.
This is abandoned concept art. It's not canon to how they are now.
The only way you'd get Bosmer that look like this now would be those that survived a Wild Hunt and didn't end up completely mindless. They could look like this.
>1 million kinds of elves
>No dwarves, and the dwarves that did exist were elves
Orcs are kind of the dwarves of ES too. They are angry smiths who build a lot of stuff from stone.
>w-where's my manly alcoholic midgets?
>Hating on based magitech steampunk Assyrians because they happened to have no deformities aside from pointy ears.
>hurr durr existance hurts so much
Imagine beeing this much of a pussy
Hist are still around aswell
c0da is overrated.
its just a bunch of popculture shit.
The only cool bit was Talos beeing overcompensating for the fact that hes a breton.
finally someone actually understands the green pact.
So many people do net ge tthat the main deal of the green pact is that the bosmer are forbidden from changing shapes and THATS why the wild hunt is a big deal
God tier
High Tier
>Redgaurds with Hoonding
>Wild hunt Bosmer
Mid Tier
Shit Tier
>Bosmer no wild hunt
>Redgaurd no hoonding
Too high to care tier