Eldar did Cadia
Start a 40K conspiracy! ( in-universe)
Orks have secretly won already.
Tuska replaced khorne.
The greenskins have always been a faction of Chaos! Khorne is just the 3rd Ork God!
Mekboyz actually worship a minor Ork deity named Dork
You mis-spelled its name, that god is called Tork.
The patron of the Brewboyz is Kork.
In the very, very old lore Rick Priestly surmised that the truth of the Emperor was that he was just a regular powerful mutant/psyker that was hooked up to power the Astronomican and later became worshiped as a God as the years went by.
Necrons successfully eliminated all Inquisitorial research and records of the Pariah gene, leaving only the Assassin's knowledge of nulls. Their disappearance from lore is an in-universe idiosyncracy resulting from this loss of human knowledge
I like this.
Gork and Mork would win if they squared off with the chaos Gods. The reason they haven't done so yet is that they're too immense and powerful to get concerned over a measly system like the milky way.