Warhammer 4Ok general /40kg/

Bully armies you don't like edition

>Death Guard faction focus: Strategems, Relics and Warlord Traits

>Top 5 Squig anime waifus

>Konor Campaign

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

Other urls found in this thread:


My army>Yours

First to need sweet DG leaks...more than have been made public

God damn it stop this crap

>warhammer 4Ok general
>4Ok general

Two fucked up Generals in a day, what the hell is wrong with us?

Who are the Paladins, archetype-wise, of the Traitor Legions

What's his fucking problem?

>two generals again
god dammit

If I'm ever going to get an Abby I will clip off that silly hipster top knot as soon as I open the box.
Nice job though.


Check tomorrow

No fucking wonder I couldn't find the last one

Worst Bearers?


>CTRL + F "40kg"
>they forgot to put that in the title
>CTRL + F "40,000"
>they put it as 40k
>CTRL + F "40k"

Fuck you guys. I've seen generals without even a fucking title.



two taurox's or one vulture?

You can come for me anytime you want with those hips.

It's REALLY annoying that people do this. At least it has 40kg, which should be the standard.

I want to play Alpha Legion fucking badly, but I the dread the thought of having to paint scale patterns on 40+ minis

>Those child-bearing hips

in an attempt to start this thread off well lets name what FW unit you'd like to be put into plastic with an appropriate price drop

Pic related

Can we put this thread down and pick up the one that anons will actually be able to find?

green stuff will work wonders
trust me im alpharius

I agree. OP is a fucking retard/troll

It's not mine.

Spartan, Cerberus, Typhon
Fire Raptor
Storm Eagle
Sicaran Battle Tank, Venator
Tarantula Sentry

New Typhus looks nice.

I have never greenstuffed before

The mighty duck

He's powerful on the table as well, but I won't be using him because special characters are for faggots.

>not wanting superior imperial jet fighter

so does anyone actually give a shit about konor anymore?
i played like one game 3 weeks ago

How does he even see anything through the cockpit?

Doubt I can use that with my TSons

That's not the BRRRRRRRT-of-prey.

>go to play 40k
>store closed today unexpectedly for repairs
>go to Veeky Forums
>40k general is a shitposting cesspit
>two threads up
How do I paint the basic plastic cadians in an interesting way that isn't just "cadia"?


I want a million thunderbolts, it's just such a sexy plane.

>not using your faith in the emperor over your eyes
you actually can
in 30k


It's the anti tank flyer equivilant pretty much
Plus the vulture is fucking ugly

Yeah, the pose is OOC.

Something like USMC desert, or Harakoni Warhawks with voxcaster/FW hazard masks and Elysian grav chutes.

I have one, fucking nice, especially for such an old model, considering getting a second when I get my marauder destroyer in a couple months

Like this?

White Dwarf has a nice grey/red colour scheme in it for Cadians, in the four warlords section. Started a few months ago, you might find it in the OP.

As opposed to the aircraft that out-bricks marine crafts?

do what the third edition codex tells you and draw inspiration from irl armed forces

yeah...they said special rules and psychich powers?

I have never waited so impatiently for army shit before. I saw the first trailer like 6 months ago and have been waiting to build my army since then. I had a Death Guard army back in 5th and sold it...because poorfag....bills and responsibility.

regretted it ever since.

I have had a budget to build my army on...and in the last 6 months it has dwindled because I started building another army to tide me over....now the army is about to drop and the release is like 3 times the size I thought it was gonna be. I only have like 300 bucks to put towards it now...and I am afraid that will only get me like 1/2 of the release (and that is with ebay prices) I am anxious


I like all the Plague Marine sculpts, and everything in DI minus the sorceror, but I think the Terminators and especially Typhus look overdesigned, round and a bit daft

Compare them to the Grave Wardens that FW do

Ordinatus Ulator or Warhound Titan
Honourable mention goes to the Marauder Destroyer.

>implying the vulture is even close to aerodynamic
>not wanting a plane that looks like a muscle car had sex with a german fighter jet and grew lasers
both great models with great rules all jokes aside which is why i have one of each

Malanthrope. Also, either make it bigger or less dense in detail, because it just looks weird next to other GW minis right now.

Thunderhawk too.

if a $200 kit for the marauder came out id buy that shit the first pay day

You know what? Leaving concerns about sales and popularity aside. 40k would truly be better if there was no such thing as Space Marines. The most elite troops humans could field would be Tempestus Scions, who fight back against the enemies of humanity with tactics, technology and superior firepower. Chaos would field Possessed as basic troops, probably upscaled a la Warriors of Chaos in WFB, along their dameons and daemon engines. The Emperor would still be an alien, unknowable and superior figure, and there would be no such thing as Primarchs.

Just imagine. No snowflake super soldiers, no relentless shilling and mary sues, no "battles over the soul of mankind" waged by mutated freaks while the actual humans are left in the background and ground into the dirt. AdMech, Assassins, SoB, Inquisition, all of them there, with no pauldrons to render them redundant. Chaos driven by the forces of an unknowable terror, not daddy issues.

A man can only dream.

So basically WFB in SPEHS.

Yeah, I'm sure transplanting the game no one played and had to be replaced into space would be an """improvement""""

it'd be dead

The game/setting would be worse for it if marines were removed entirely.

However it could 100% do with toning down the ridiculous amount of focus it puts on every fucking variant color/flavor of Marine at the expense of other factions.

From what book is this?

What went so right?

>not wanting a plane that looks like a muscle car had sex with a german fighter jet

Yes, how big is it? Its Thunderhawk Big, Played against one on the 2nd in an Apoc match for Loebos.

Chaos Victory!!

Blades of Damocles.

Terrible taste if legit, but probably just bait

this is all true, unfortunately marines are a parasite that have been in 40k since day one, 40k has absolutely outgrown them but theres really no good way to get rid of them, even BL writers say they are boring, maybe primarus is the beginning of turning marines into an elite imperial unit and eventually be phased out

Blades of Damocles

>maybe primarus
>can't even spell Primaris
>doesn't even know that Primaris are even worse than marines

You don't even have to read Dark Imperium to know this, you just have to have been on this board for longer than 2 months and not be a fucking idiot.


Will never happen, but I'd love to see a more updated generic guard kit since Cadia's fallen.

Hnnngh... dire to buy resin increasing

>not wanting a plane that looks like a muscle car had sex with a german fighter jet and grew lasers

Top kek

GW said fuck you and made a bunch of marine boxes like BaC and BoP, then said fuck you to the marine players and made a bunch of Primaris boxes

Admech warrior orders and their Malagra and Myrmidax magi would probably be the most elite, given that Myrmidons can take down two or three Astartes at once at least. A "whole squad" of Emperor's Children, anyway.
Still, I do agree that it would be much better. but the writers would never even consider toning back the Marines. Also, they're ABSURDLY boring. They don't do anything besides fight by writing thirty renditions of "and then he shot him with the bolter and/or punched him", and as they always win by writer wank there's no excitement in that either.

Not every opinion you disagree with is bait, user.

That priest.


Jesus Christ I didn't realise how big Thunderhawks were

That kid is tired of this shit.

He's a big plane

Hey, /40kg/

So I've decided to "bootleg" Battlefleet Gothic. I say bootleg because I've realized I'd cost me way more to buy these antique miniatures off of ebayso my solution to this is to just make the ships out of paper.

No, we aren't talking dedicated pape mache Imperial Retribution Class Battleship, but just plain old 2D blank paper with a drawing of a Imperial Retribution Class Battleship. I'm shit at drawing, especially detailed space cathedrals.

Anyone got any tips for drawing the ships, astroids, debris and obstacles from a birds eye view? I'm thinking the ships will be something around 12 cm long and 5-8 cms wide, fighters will land around 3-4 cms long and 1-2 cms wide.

Anyone see any problems that might arise from this?


No survivors.

>not wanting a plane built from the wreckage of a plane that looks like a muscle car had sex with a german fighter jet


Absolute beginner question: DO you need a codex and rulebook to play at a GW store?

My problem with the Thunderhawk is that it's so flat and boxy. It looks like shit for how expensive it is.

The Manta at least has a ton of charm and various features on it. The Thunderhawk as a couple of doors and not much else.

Excellent bait. To keep the charade going, I'll play it straight and point out that 40k wouldn't exist without space marines- it'd be dead in a ditch just like boring ass Warhammer fantasy

I've always wondered why guardfags don't fix off to Flames of War and Infinity

If it helps you anything, Paperhammer exists, and with some google-fu I'm sure you can find something for BFG too.


Can get the epubs on your phone and say you got the digital version.

He was kind of a little distracted douche

>thinks WHF die due to its setting
user die due to GW incompetence

You need that to play anywhere. Unless you have the rules on your tablet or you're using an index while you wait for the release of your codex.

Still no news on Fires of Cyraxis?

>Still no news on Vaporware: The book

Krieg, Elysian, Vostroyan and Armageddon Steel legion

Did FW remove the Arvus Lighter? It's not listed on the website. D:

At least its better than the proto-WAAC fag we have at my club.

Kid is 12 and if you outsmart or list build to counter his broken bullshit lists his face starts twitching like a ferret with Parkinsons.

I want to say its just his age, but its not. He's a little cunt; growing up to be a bigger cunt.

>boring ass Warhammer fantasy
Counter-bait, a literal riposte
Veeky Forums shitposters are in great shape today.

So i heard that a bunch of death guard rules had been leaked? typhus's stats and that, does anyone have it?

>painted original 20 poxwalkers in 2 days
>on 4th day on my second batch of 20 and still have lots to do


You don't pose, say, Kharn and Ahriman in the same way because you know they are not the same character wise.
Same with Typhus.
Also cut your throat with something blunt user. I want you to suffer.

It was really just him being a kid kinda. Big Booyah's when his Tacticals finally killed my Deathmarks after 2 turns and constantly having to look for him so he can roll dice in a fight phase or to roll saves from me shooting him.

Eh, most children don't understand the game, much less the fluff.