We often get "where would you choose to live in 40k" and I think that has been done to death

We often get "where would you choose to live in 40k" and I think that has been done to death.

But what would be the best place to live/best person to be in Warhammer Fantasy? Pre-Age of Sigmar of course. It seems that unlike with 40k there's really nowhere that's safe

Any kind of middle/gentry class Empire mook in a city it seems. One of the reasons Fantasy always stuck out to me when I first got into the hobby was how moderate the grimderp was in comparison to 40k. Life seems like it may have even been enjoyable if you were just some dude.

Being Bostonian nobility sounds comfy as fuck.


Lothern in the foreign district

If you're a middle class merchant in like Altdorf you're gonna have a pretty good time if you don't live all that long. Even centers like Altdorf have been attacked all the time. From memory:

>Nagash (back when it was called Reikdorf)
>Skaven (Skaven Wars)
>Greenskins (Gorbad Ironclaw)
>Vlad von Carstein
>Mannfred von Carstein

The Moot sounds pretty nice at least

>the moot
I.e. The place everyone stops on the way to attack the empire for some easy hunting

Roll d100:

1-9: You poor bastard! You born sickly/mutated and live at the edges of civilization, begging and stealing your food.
10-90: You're a peasant/wench and live most of your life growing turnips in a muddy field
91-93: You're a merchant, relatively wealthy, but low status
94-96: You're a minor noble, a squire or a member of some court, possibly a damsel.
97-100: Jackpot! Your dreams come true and you're born as a noble knight with high status and lots of peasants to boss around.

Ulthuan is supposed to be a paradise when it isn't being invaded by dark elves and daemons. It's the northern areas that get hit by that though. Lothern, Eataine, Saphery, Caledor, and Averlorn are all chill.

personally i would say maybe being a vampire wouldn't be so bad, unless your willing enough to train in the art of warfare and weapons to try and become a bad enough dude to join the blood dragons,


Nippon is relatively self contained.

I wouldn't mind serving in one of the legions.

Rolled 81 (1d100)


Rolled 41 (1d100)

Easy as fuck

Rolls Royce

Rolled 94 (1d100)

wow ok

I want to be a motherfucking skeleton because they are literally the coolest things ever and anyone who says otherwise is wrong

>all these peasants
Hello, your lordling.


Rolled 51 (1d100)

For the lady!

What if I want to be a damsel?

Slann, just kinda chilling out and pondering shit all day doesn't sound too bad.


Rolled 28 (1d100)

I got this.



Unironically Sylvania.

>incredibly stable society on account of immortal nobility
>basically no taxes
>don't have to worry about sunburn when the sun never shines
>no conscription, since the vampires use a skeleton army
>based gothic architecture and adorable little bats everywhere
Sounds like a great place to live.

Even though I'd rather just be a lizardman

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Meet your new overlord, you filthy peasants.

Empire: Heartland, medium-sized town.

Empire's cities are expies of those historically, meaning "Disease-ridden shitholes" for the average person regardless of how clean they try to keep 'em. Conversely its fringe villages are either peaceful but fringe villages (meaning your safety net is basically "How fast can the nearest doctor run to get back to you") and bandit-bait or they're on the edge of stuff like Darkwoods or Orc-held lands or the like and so "Be prepared to fight for your life at some point". Hitting the sweet spot in between nets you a few problems from each, but overall the benefits from both. Main risk is probably Chaos Cultists. Omitting being a noble / merchant lord as that's too easy.

Bretonnia: Being a noble somewhere in a time of peace. Yes, shit means you have to spend a few years as a Knight Errant (or if a woman, either pretending to be a man and spending a few years as a Knight Errant or effectively being expected to do nothing but look pretty and make babies) and answer calls to arms, but otherwise you're set. Peasants can vaguely establish a decent living but are mostly shat on (sometimes literally) and basically live season-to-season so while you get asstons of feasts enjoy your malnutrition in between.

Ancient Nehekhara: One of the Priestly cults, presuming you don't mind the likely carry-over of "Visiting a temple shortly after sex is likely to be mega-taboo" traditions of ancient cultures (which as a priest probably shouldn't be too big a concern for you anyways). Hell, Mortuary Cult members can arguably claim to have the lowest mortality rate of anyone in WHFB what with living in some cases ~4,000+ years.

Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolling for dat sweet lordship. Be ready to fucking worshp me, you damn dogs.

Rolling to please the lady of the grail

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Stand aside, your new Lord is coming through

>anything warhammer related
>not grimderp

have you even read any fantasy books?

Athel Loren. Live forever, fuck elven maidens, shoot arrows at peasants taking dead branches, beardlings and goatpeople all day long.

Rolling to claim my rightful place.

Rolled 3 (1d100)

King coming through.

Well fuck.

The first fantasy book I read was The Gotrek and Felix ominbus, proceeding this was my first 40k book, Fifteen Hours.

In all honesty the Tomb Kings have a... fairly passable set of living conditions? Either those of Ancient Nehekhara (at least prior to 7th Edition's book deciding that its society could be broken down into "Noble ≥ Priestly > Military > Slave" with nothing between the last two) or even the modern Undead Tomb Kings are not the worst off.

Ancient Nehekhara, as an expy of Ancient Egypt, would have had one of the better standards of livings for the ancient world until you got to the era of Classical Antiquity. It would have this while also benefitting from all the "Fantastical Pantheon that's explicitly real and involves itself in day-to-day affairs" stuff, with Nehekhara lucky enough to have a predominantly-benevolent set of patrons. You're going to spend much of your life either farming or doing public works and your leisure activities aren't exactly going to be modern marvels, but you'll have food in your belly, good (presumably African-style versus European) beer, knowledge that the gods favor you and your kin, and maybe even a promise of eternal life after death. And things only get better as you move up, barring perhaps for soldiers (who swap out the farming for fucking up enemies of your city-state) and break roughly even.

Meanwhile 'modern' Tomb Kings... are untouched by disease or age. Their memories - even for many of the skeletons - are intact, they are autonomous, and better yet during the lulls they get to enjoy prolonged periods of inactivity / hibernation. The Mortuary Cult probably has a lot of boring minutia and mummy-overseeing to keep the temples and cities intact, let alone the bureaucratic mess of cities like Numas, but as far as things go "Undead priest-bureaucrat with time on your side" isn't the worst fate in a fantasy setting.

Rolled 83 (1d100)

I iz knizts 'n shit

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Back to your field, peasant!

my dream is not to be a noble knight

What is your dream then?

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

to be a noble ladyknight of course

I'd prefer and Empire/Kislevite one, but I dont enjoy chivalry

Rolled 28 (1d100)

Alas, you are but a peasant. Watch and learn!

Rolled 41 (1d100)

If I say that I want to be a peasant then the reverse psychology should trick the random number generator into making me a knight.

Well I tried

Lets go


Everyone thinks they come from nobility but we are all just dirt farmers.

>he fucked the dice up

See this guy gets it. Serve your masters well and you may even get the blood kiss.

Ulthuan would be a neat place to live, too bad most of it is closed to humans

Bretonnia would be good too, though life as a serf would be pretty dreary. And better hope you aren't a male magic user...

>basically no taxes

your taxes are blood donations

The part that didn't blow up

Chad roll.

Rolled 32 (1d100)

peasant life for me


Rolled 33 (1d100)

Estalia. Probably one of the safest human lands.

So, we have onedamsel, one merchant and dozen peasants. Veeky Forums, more like /peasant/


How the dice even work? There is no enail field.

Use Options field

yah sai

Rolled 65 (1d100)

easy peasy

Rolled 25 (1d100)


But seriously, Ulthuan/Karaz a Karak pre War of Vengeance would be pretty amazing. You get all the benefits of 1000+ years of piece along with all the dwarf goodies and elven bitches.

If you have to be human though, I'd choose Barak Varr. It's more cosmopolitan than other dwarven cities, but way more technologically adept than human ones (i.e. cleaner) plus it's not part of the endless shit fighting with greenskins/skaven that other holds deal with and is home to an incredibly powerful navy. Perfection.

Rolled 80 (1d100)

Forgot the peasant roll....

Actually, no, the vampires do levy the humans to use in their armies as well as the skellies sometimes.

Rolled 92 (1d100)


This. Ulthuan's pretty easy living when the dark elves aren't fucking about.

Eastern Ulthuan and deep Athel Loren are both pretty safe and idyllic most of the time, as long as you're an elf.

Most merchant and noble class citizens of an Imperial city will never see warfare.

Grail Damsels have a higher effective rank than most knights.


WHFB is way, way less grimderp than 40K.

Well, hello fellow merchant! Would you like to establish a (((guild)))?

Not every damsel is a grail damsel.


Reikdorf, probably. Biggest city, best technology, best standard of living as long as you stay away from the slums.
Either that, or Marienburg.

Rolled 22 (1d100)


Rolled 90 (1d100)


Rolled 43 (1d100)

Leuon Leoncour here I come.


Vivre la Bretonnia

Rolled 39 (1d100)

I'm a mutant