You can't just handwave all that shit in vietnam with bull shut counter culture
America won that shit and you know it
ITT: we talk abiut history like its a wargame
Man, the old Egypt sculpts had so much more character. Fucking Finecast
I liked the hittie sculpts better
Anyone else feel like the flavor just went out of the game after the rifling patch?
So mad they squatted cowboys. The high mobility and small unit size was great!
i hate these biased campaigns it's always us germany players and 1 or two factions against like 16 others
oh fuck of they where a niche bullshit mary sue faction at best
They were a cool and unique spin on cavalry, and the herding missions they brought to the table gave other factions great opportunities!
Man, all this Syria fluff is garbage.
>muh moral gray area
>muh war crimes
>muh gritty realism
Just awful.
Be lucky you don't like baltic factions
>we need another thing for the baltic factions to do!
>Shit ottomans are dead
>will a baltic nation step up to the world stage?
Don't get me wrong, baltic wars was fun as fuck
But it gets tiering when it happens again and again
GAME COMPANY puts you incharge of soutg america fluff instead of fucking smithy john
How do you fix the continents story line
I kinda want them to just nut up or shut up on the whole 'nuclear war' plotline but at the same time I really don't want some Age of Sigmar tier shit at the other end of it.
They also haven't updated my Congolese since 4th ed so I feel like they'll get Tomb Kang'd if they do anything.
>Falklands is part of the United Provinces
Not canon
Can anyone give me what list they run for their American armies? Should I be building a balanced list, focusing on delta specialist cheese, or seeing tanks all over the place? My "friend" keeps raping me with his Rebels, Guerrillas, and Terrorists list and I'm feeling super hard-countered. I'm so lost, /HWG/ ;_;
I'm still so fucking pissed about the Rhodesian tournament they put up. Native Rhodesians were winning every fucking battle. But no0o0o0o0, just because the majority of players were in support of the fucking rebels I end up having my army squatted for yet another shitty blood diamonds nobody country.
GAME COMPANY seems to has had a huge boner for moral ambiguity for the past, what 5 expansions? And it seems like it gets worse with each one. Where have you been?
I wish they'd stop wanking the United States in every edition.
>Somehow defeats the worlds most powerful empire in an rebellion
>Defeats the worlds 3rd most powerful empire not long after
>Fucking buys a whole content
>Most detailed and involved civil war act
>Handwaved into the Great War arc because muh civilians
>Handwaved into the WWII arc because muh Navy
>The strategic game gave them HALF the entire world's economy during said war
>Develops some ridiculous super weapon like something out of a Loony Toons gag
>Entire Cold War arc just pure masturbation
I could go on.
nukes, nukes for everything drop pie plates and laugh, all you have to do then is pr corp your way out of international ire and you are golden.
I'm more bothered by the fact that GAME COMPANY seems to love throwing what they think are clever throwbacks to their glory days. Like, I get that the Axis and Allies expansion was their most successful by far, but did we really need Nazis shoehorned into the fluff of the latest American armybook?
I run arty and armor heavy and just advance tanks behind a solid war of steel and fire. The insurgent/europoor players with throw a fit about 'muh Hague's' but would you rather win or get the sportsmanship award?
Yeah, fucking sick of Nazis. Would love to bring a Leopard II list to the table without the gas chamber jokes.
Arty and Armor is just overkill and a waste of points when air and infantry does the trick just fine in half the cost. pound the ever loving shit out of you enemies with missiles autocannons then run in with your infantry.
The trick to beating any of the Asymmetric army builds is to play to objectives and practice area denial.
Don't be tempted to just outshoot them - they often can bring more shots to the table and drown you in bodies (thankfully at a piss-poor Ballistic Skill, though) and most importantly they can manipulate reserves to bring up units exactly where you don't want them. This may seem broken, but remember that they're flimsy and, unless they're buffed by HQ's or certain Elites, usually have very low morale. Inflicting 25% casualties will often cause them to turn tail and flee.
The good and bad news is that they're a momentum-based army - Asymmetric armies gain additional stratagems (like free reserves, re-rolls, sabotage, etc.) for each of their objectives they accomplish. This means that when they're winning they're winning, but IF you manage to seize the advantage, they will start to fall apart fast. Their HQ's buff the Leadership of units heavily, but take them out and they're easily broken with any dedicated fire.
While it may seem counter-intuitive, taking support units like Translators and Medics and saturating them across objectives will go a long way to forcing the enemy to attack in the open, because they make it harder for your opponent to succeed their Reserves rolls and makes it harder for him to bring your guys down permanently. Also, their objectives often have turn limits - they have to accomplish Objective A by Turn X, or they gain fewer points for capturing it (and in some cases, such as a Cultural objective, can even LOSE pints for failing!). The momentum makes them steamroll very well, but they can steamroll backwards just as quickly.
Since you'll be paying for more support units, it's usually better to have smaller, more elite units act as aggressive units, and use your Troops as objective-holders. Elites are also less likely to trigger the Collateral Damage! Asymmetric objective, which can be brutal in the wrong mment.
I heard the guided bomb rules in the current edition are OP as fuck, but I still remember the scatter rolls in the Vietnam pack caused me to hit my own dudes more often then not.
Haven't been playing the game for a while, I still have all mounted muslim force but why are Islamic Armies so fucking shit in the new edition? No combined warfare, no synergy, no real beatstick units instead all you can do is spam with cheap bullshit light infantry. I mean sure, some unimaginative WAAC cunts win tourneys with this but why has it become the least fun army to play and collect ever?
They used to have a lot of varied armies and effective units before and were a joy to paint and collect. They had a ton of variation and a lot of different builds were effective now its all LIGHT INFANTRY SPAM LOL. If you pick anything else for the force it gets obliterated like turn 1. Fuck this game.
To be fair, they had the help of France when it came to defeating the British
cry more amerifag
>one UAV is STILL capable of matching a ICBM in firepower despite being a fraction of the point cost
Hopefully the will end the drone wank in the next edition
Cry me a river and get fucking good noob. Not one IA player learnt how to properly play the game and always went for those mounted deathstars with a million undercosted special rules that fucking broke the game. Even a baby could play an early ottoman army or the mamelukes and win against a skilled players. None of the you fuckers complained back then. Reap what you sow.
Atleast drones are easy to build and paint. I don't mind them to be honest. It's a good counter to the light infantry spam talks about.
Anyone else getting tired of nothing but skirmish books being published lately? Last good playbook we got was Vietnam and even then it was gimmicky as fuck with the viet-cong special rules list.
I just want another World War set with proper battles and less of this stupid insurgency-rule stuff.
BULLSHIT, post industrial, refined rifle tech horseshit totally nerfing the fuck out of samurai units.
Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much, better than that.
I know it's a good counter, but they shouldn't be able to compete with something that is supposed to be the most powerful weapon ever built.
They could be ramping up to it. Some of the background fluff is looking decently promising with WMD tests and so on, even if this newest emergent-nuclear-power is a bit two-dimensional for an antagonist.
They said that about the Iraq expansion and starter sets too, that just turned out to be a horribly imbalanced mess because they underestimated how much the low Leadership of the Iraqis could be exploited.
They already played that card, man, just make another handwaved dictatorship like Nazi Germany. Say the kind-of new Russian faction is mad over the Baltics or something.
That's game balance for you. Didn't you wonder why the early gunpowder units had a range of like 4 and misfire rules? So the gay melee units could still be sold and used by grognards, because lord knows every grognard and their mother had like 100 knights, levy and longswordsmen. Thank god they realised they could make more by just making a brand new line of models for every nation.
Anyone else kinda disappointed with the Ukraine arc? It looked like it was a big thing when it started, maybe a ramp-up to the next World War, but it's gone nowhere.
And of course they shift the focus back to the Middle East because that's not played out by now.
I just wish Europe was actually relevant again. The Yugoslavia arc was promising, but they had to go all "muh war crimes".
>Say the kind-of new Russian faction is mad over the Baltics or something.
too much of a threat to GAME COMPANY's favorites "America".
Western European Factions are an absolute mess right now and their lists really suck. Even making a "European Union" list would be troublesome with their struggles on their homefronts.
I want a better scenario book, but not at the expensive of the lore and we both know GAME COMPANY will never allow America and Europe to fall in battle.
We're more likely to see Europe go Islamic than we are to see a large war right now.
UNLESS GAME COMPANY gave us another Crusade Storyline. Could be fun.
Israel was the first list to make use of more advanced units and had some really cool rules.
In the editions since they've really balanced out.
I think GAME COMPANY was testing new rules with Israel during this, at least it didn't move the plot along anywhere.
Just be glad we haven't reached the depths of wank that were the French Revolutionary Wars. It's good how hard France was nerfed after this.
the christian militia playbooks and campaigns are pretty fun, like one of the only books since the medieval set to use the crusader glory and deus vult special rules.
>making a "European Union" list
Glad Britain dropped out of that clusterfuck, but I still want the redcoats back. It's no fun when every side just dresses in green or brown or grey.
Yeah, I still remember frenchfaggots being so cocky before their campaign against Russia and then their tears after horrific rape by Russian winter attrition rules. They didn`t even manage to win at Borodino and then lost Paris. What a salty event it was.
Well, you can still kinda paint them this way, but you will lose all the camouflage bonuses and your enemies will actually receive accuracy and spotting bonuses on the top of that. It`s like they don`t want us to create cool armies anymore.
This edition is fucking trash and whole setting went downhill after they decided to just collapse USSR. For fucks sake, couldn`t they even give us a satisfying big war?
>muh realism
>no fun allowed
What a bunch of cunts.
christian militia's got nerfed so fucking hard, it's not even fair. At this point they're just fun to RP in the Fantasy Flight version.
You still do in the Detroit and Chicago Supplements.
Ukraine was just to tease the new ECM, Jamming and Cyber Warfare rules set they are rolling out for real in the new edition. Its going to be tons of fun.
French Nerfs have just kept on coming, At least during the Cold War editions you could still run a decent number of units with France, but now? Their shit costs like twice what any of its NATO counterparts do, and then its not any better. Worst of all, unlike literately every other NATO list, you cant run AMRAAMs on your jets, just the shittasitc MICA-EMs.
>I just wish Europe was actually relevant again.
Don`t we all? Hell, I am so tired of this ME bullshit I could go for South America. When was the last time we had a decent event there?
the fluff with Macron looks like France is going to be competitive again, so this new edition might be bretty gud.
>Britain has its own list again
>Including aircraft carriers
>Except none of the air units available in the UK lists can be based off of it
Look, it's a cool concept for allied games, but who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Man, the True Criminal ttrpg has so much range. With the right say books, you can run everything from weeb corporate bullshit with "honor" and katanas to setting up your own government in your personal narco state. Hell, I know some guys who turned their Mexico calorie back into straight tabletop wargaming
Yeah right, I`ll believe it when I see it.
Seriously? Is this GAME COMPANY`S way to nudge players towards alliances?
>Here, Brits, have an air-carrier, but you can`t use it!
>Yugoslavia arc was promising
WTF are you smoking?
The whole story was basically: one big looting, pillaging, plundering and raping bunch of pussies do their thing 'till the minors they were bullying get their hands on some proper weapons & run them off the turf.
Fuck, that's not even original - if you want that kind if stuff just go watch 'Revenge of the Nerds'.
Worth my time? Hell no.
>I just wish Europe was actually relevant again.
Don't worry: they're brewing something with that whole 'Islam in trouble' shit.
Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in deep shit - revolutions everywhere (getting better at it all the time) - 'rapefugees' fleeing into Europe - Neo-Nazis getting butthurt & about to blow.
'The End Times' edition in the works, man - no doubt about it.
They said the same shit about Cuban Crisis my man.
Game has been shitty and unbalanced since the nuclear age expansions, evidenced by shit like and And the like. Just play the old editions.
If you're playing a political style campaign sure. France has never been top tier, but they've never really lost there (except in the axis & allies expansion, which was never intended for political campaigns) but none of the new macron buffs do anything for combat, and units are still going to be way too expensive comparatively.
the skirmish rules in the rpg are good enough on their own, I know not everybody likes the "warband" style, but it's surprisingly balanced.
For starters, police are super powerful and get access to military grade hardware, but their RoE special rules neuters them.
IDK, man.
For me, it's just getting interesting like in the old editions.
I mean, you get a lot more of the rock-paper-scissors decision making than that whole 'Horse & Musket' edition.
(And let's not even mention the he-who-brings-the-most-artillery-wins 'Victorian era' snoozefest edition.)
Who fucking let Matt Ward write 2016 & 2017?
>about to blow
It's not happening.
Enjoy your incoming errata you slanty eyed fuck
I'm not certain the Macron buffs are really in effect yet. What we got from White Dwarf isn't the finished project, no matter what Ward writes about it.
World War book II was so awesome though. Straight up moustache-twirling evildoers works perfectly a lot of the time but I guess GAME COMPANY didn't learn from all the money they made?
Am I retarded? What do you guys mean by Macron buffs? Isn't he just yet another mediocre european president?
he claimed to be Jupiter and talked like about Empire a few times.
that's because the good guys lost.
>Hitler did nothing wrong
Harris didn't go far enough. The Burning of Pro--I mean, the Burning of Dresden wasn't enough.
I never said Hitler was a good guy.
I just pointed out Emperor Hirohito didn't deserve what he got.
The Japanese were the funnest army in the world war sequel.
Fucking "Agricultural Revolution"
I still don't know how anyone believed that bullshit about "hunting will still be supported as a viable option". Agriculture was obviously broken since day 1.
fucking this
This is gold.
Maybe this is just because I play a ROK list, but recent developments in the lore for North Korea make me very hopeful for a Far East Asia campaign. Maybe we'll get some new units. I hope we do. I'm kind of sick of all the middle east and terrorist/counter terrorist releases and focus in the game right now. I just want to go back to traditional open conflict between nations, i don't want to be forced to play a terrorist/ counter terrorist list. It wouldn't be so bad if all the scenarios that involve them didn't include the provisions that prevented direct action against the civilian population for armies affiliated with the U.N, if I could just use the Russian playstyle and bomb the shit out of everything and wipe the board then it would be fine, but I have all these bullshit rules that cripple the effectiveness of my army and make it impossible for me to effectively fight those lists. Feels bad man.
But you get sooo many penalties for that. It's ridiculous. You would lose whatever points you managed to win, and even though you wiped the other guys army completely and the board is now clear he'd still probably win the match from points.
>argentina fags
Fuck you man, have you even read the Campaign books for the Japanese occupation of Korea, or the Rape of Nanking? Sure they had some nice units, but their lore was fucked up and in my opinion anyone who likes them has mental issues.
>France has never been top tier
Sounds like someone's forgetting the sheer bullshit that was the Sun King supplement.
How does your FLGS feel about drone lists?
>They didn`t even manage to win at Borodino
They did win at Borodino but all it did was increasing their momentum for Moscow
STFU you retard.
That guy won that tournament because he knew the rules had changed and the so called Warsaw Pact strat everyone else in the meta was raving about was actually complete shit.
All those turbo autists who have gotten their shit wrecked in anywhere else as well, Israel didn't even have to use a full CapWest list.
>Most detailed and involved civil war act
Newfag detected. France has had civil wars that make the American one look like an episode of Family Feud. Not to mention China and Rome!
Look at the Syria Civil War Campaign book. The lists are very balanced on their own. You have tanks, rockets, artillery, infantry spam or elite. A lot of fun to play.
Also they are gold tier for modelers too! As one of the countless rebel factions you can take a old German 10,5 cm LFH! When was the last edition you could field those? Or the rebel make shift "armoured" transports.
Special characters like Issam Zahreddine are also pretty rad
Scenarios are also very fun and diverse. Urban fighting rules, fast attacks on supply lines, sieges, everything.
I think to be fair to them hunting clearly.didn't work with the direction the game was supposed to go, but you still got 2 thousand years to enjoy it before everyone was forced to farm.
This. Whoever wrote that was probably killing puppies in his childhood or something.
Oh yeah.
>didn`t manage to destroy Russian army
>taking muh strategic point that wasn`t even enemy`s capital at that point
>get cucked out of southern routes, forced to retreat by the same destroyed road they came in
It was a tactical victory at best and only due to them having access to army rosters of whole continental Europe. Strategically they got outfoxed.
Serious question. Do you think allowing Syrian players to outright ally with Russia was a good idea? I understand that the arc was dragging on, but it became too one-sided after that. How ISIS-players are even supposed to compete with this bullshit? I am so tired of those evil NPC factions pre-determined to lose.
If you're willing to go full WAAC, drone-spam is pretty unbeatable.
Yeah, but who wants to be That Guy?
They did this because the Mongol army list was totally OP before that.
>God Tier light cavalry
>Had access to the artillery units from the China army list
>Heavy cavalry almost as good as Knights and they can field more of them
>Best mobility
>insane moral damage
Well yeah ok their infantry sucked but they had the "nomad" rule which allowed them to make full cavalry armies.
If you aren't That Guy why are you playing America?
>Serbs in charge of geography
He said baltic, not balkans. Also lol at Serbs ever being heroes. They are a minor faction at best with rules that haven't been updated for two editions.
Did... did you just mistake Baltic for Balkan?
I don't. I have armies of Germany, Russia, South Korea and Israel (inb4 jokes about mary sue nation, I just like the fluff).
The ultimate that guy plays china, ISIS,isreal, or that dumb as fuck US nazi or anti-fa variant army
>>Most detailed and involved civil war act
Hey now that's not the revolutionary wars.
Any aeronautica players in this thread? I really liked the Iran-Iraq rulebook.
>The Japanese were the funnest army in the world war sequel.
They were the edgiest fuckers. They were clearly written for 14 year olds.
>Muh honour
>Muh bloodsports
>Muh death cult
Where can I get some of the old CSA models? Their old flags are all over the place but nobody has any clue what happened to the minis.
With the latest errata how do I even hit Islamic units with infiltrate when they have sjw/lib units in formation giving them cover bonuses that fucking stack.
>defending constantinople against venice in my game last weekend
>pretty confident, nothing can scale my towers from the sea
>opponent puts their models on table
>some "flying bridge" bullshit attached to the top of the mast, turns the ship into a siege tower
>means they can just land troops right onto the top of my towers
>lose battle
What the hell are they drinking at GAME COMPANY, ships with siege bridges on the tops of the masts is utterly idiotic, there's no way that would work. Hell, I'd have been fine even with that, but on not one but TWO FUCKING OCCASIONS a big group of my men ran from a SINGLE venetian attacker. Like, what the fuck are these morale rules.
I've been playing Aeronautica since it was introduced with the World War supplement. The more recent editions have made huge improvements in gameplay.
The plane swarms and dog fighting in WWI and WWII were fun and all, but they were also a clusterfuck. Players only really knew what was going on about half the time.