Dragons Thread

Mods are asleep. Post dragons.

Other urls found in this thread:



So what is the deal with the collossally huge lower jaw? I'm seeing this more and more in dragon art and it looks asinine to me but everybody seems to be jumping on board.




It makes them look more different from other lizards, plus it looks really cool.


>Post dragons.




is that some elf I should recognize?

gobs are rad, bruh


Anyone got big menacing green dragons?

Or gator/croc looking dragons in general? I can always do some photoshop magic.





Ok wheres the rest?







what about dragons with feathers?





i meant feather over most of its body.


>tfw dragons are shit unless you're arco

Here ya go.

is it even a dragon anymore
>nope it's a fucking chicken



where dis from


>I forgot the link

thanks user, have a dragon and kobold for your trouble


this thread tho






Possibly my favorite dragon.








For Deathwing I thought it was his body was becoming lava and his "scales" as armor holding him together



now that's cool

what a fucking tiny crown lol, stupid silly dragon


>tfw too timmy for multiplayer

So, how do we make dragons great again?

Get a better GM.


Use only red dragons.

Is he giving it the bird?


"u wot m8 it's fukken on now"


Someone please post the miniature pet dragon acting like a cat



Booty dragon good dragon, but she needs wings


Hips and chest aren't as good


Remind people what real dragons have four (4) legs and two (2) wings.

Modern media has forgotten this. The Hobbit, GoT are examples of not!dragons



just be a nation with healers so you can throw your big dragons around and be huge

Arcoscephale, EA Ermor, Hinnom, Gath.

Ashdod, Vanarus, Bogarus, Caelum, and Ragha with high-level summons included




Gotcha user

Hey guys, I asked if anyone had seen this image anywhere on the internet about two and a half years ago, and I finally found it. The thing I needed it for has long passed, but I'm going to post it here so that I'll be able to find it again in case my archive dies again.

>Get in me you saucy bastard

It's like how Chad has a big jaw, don't you want Chad dragons user?

the art style is incredibly familiar for some reason

what comic is this from.

is this from that really retarded death metal comic thing?



Wondered how long it'd take for that sorta thing to show up

>Wanna write something for this again
>Have no ideas

he looks like he just realized he left the oven on at home.

This thread needs more Dunk'

Jesus fuck. It's like these people dont even know That it's literally a jawpiece of adamantium bolted to his face.

Moot point though, 99% of all cata DW art looks fucking retarded. Like a dragon with downs, his neck is three inches long and his head is way too stubby.
