As the topic says: I'm rather new to Veeky Forums, and am not too experienced with Non-D&D rp's, and am kind of tired of a lot of the more serious ones and especially loathe grimdark. What are good tabletop games geared more towards lightheartedness/silliness? (bonus if it can hit the sweet spot of being able to be silly without jumping into lolrandom territory)
Pic maybe related? I've seen/heard of it and it sounds kind of fun, even if weebish. I'm open to other ideas though.
Another one to consider which is, as I understand it, the quintessential comedy RPG is "Teenagers from Outer Space".
"Paranoia" is also considered a good comedy game.
If you can get your hands on it, "Stuperpowers" is another good one.
And finally, while not strictly comedy, "Hellcats and Hockeysticks", where you play rebellious British schoolgirls.
There are a few more, like "Monsters and Other Childish Things", which can be played either serious but is at it's best when it's comedy.
These aren't the only ones, but they are all I can think off atm
good hunting, OP!
Jeremiah Williams
Paranoia is a comedy game? I had heard of that one but thought it was a horror game. Maybe I'm confusing it with some other game. I thought that's the one where you have to keep rolling to keep your sanity, right?
Eli Green
Ah, no, that's "Call of Cthulhu", which is considered the quintessential horror game.
Elijah Bennett
Paranoia and Monsters are some of my favorites, I like how both books give you a lot of reasons to do either a serious character-driven story or a rapid-fire black comedy. They both have these dark but over-the-top settings that work well for either.
Jack Sullivan
Tales from the Loop is supposed to be about recreating 80s kods adventures like The Goonies, Monster Squad, or even Stranger Things. Can't get my friends on board with it yet though.
John Green
There are also games such as Toon, Goblin Quest, Golden Sky Stories, Gratuitous Anime Gimmick, High School Harem Comedy, Hughesville High, Invaderz, King Of Slimes, Kobolds Ate My Baby, Lasers And Feelings, Ninja High School, No Country For Old Kobolds, Pokethulhu, Project Ninja Panda Taco, Ryuutama, School Daze, Spookybeans, The Extraordinary Adventures Of Baron Munchausen, Toonzy, Umlaut, and Wandering Monsters High School.
Mason Edwards
Thanks man, that's a lot of suggestions to look into. Toon sounds intriguing - I'm a huge animation fan - is that system primarily based on like, Golden Age 1920's-40's toons like Looney Tunes, or is it more open-ended in terms of styles and such?
Luke Hall
So how does this diceless thing actually works? On a game mechanics level i mean. I guess you actively give each other goodies and then GM present you with important situation where you can spend them on a tests, that he knows you will fail otherwise, or you can decide to keep them for later. So then players would bust their ass to get more RP points from others. That's about it?
Jacob Roberts
Joseph Baker
Jackson Gutierrez
>Listen to Veeky Forums and find Ryuutama group >Get comfy and ready to feel >So, today a black dragon going to watch over you
Ethan Myers
The Paper Mario ttrpg (look it up on 1d4chan) is pretty good fun, and easy as fuck to both run and play. Things can turn into the lolrandom mill, but that's a danger anytime.
Mason Gutierrez
Why did this thread appear just after I ripped my system a new one? Well, the old one still works fine, I just have personal bias against it.
I'll release it next month maybe, but here's the artless version of the one with more traditional combat system. The game is beta, but that only means it doesn't have the art and might have some grammar mistakes.
It's a game that encourages players to shoot themselves in the foot and explaining their own failings in great detail. But the game doesn't force it on you on situations where it's not appropriate.
Just a little note: The game works in an unfamiliar headspace where the character sheet is only a reflection of the character. That meek wizard in the corner? He might be rocking a rapier under that robe and have extensive training for it, but it's not written on the character sheet. It's only hinted at until the he draws the sword for the first time.
Ian Davis
a weird combination of not giving a fuck and XCOM
Jayden Sanders
Basically yes. I DMed it three times now and it really is something different.
The first like 30minutes were pretty akward because non of us played this style of game before. But it worked out very good.
It IS more of a storytellign RPG that is true. But it really is cute how the players do things once they get comfortable with the setting and the limited scope. With scope I mean that helping an old man to get his booth for the local festival ready can actually be a huge adventure with a lot of creativity and fun, cute, warm and even scary moments (talk to the lokal mountain god that is a huge bear as a small animal and you know what I mean). But you need the right kind of persons to play with.
If you want a rather open RPG with actual dice rolling I recommand OVA.
Also one of the most awesome fun one shots I ever had the honour to DM was actually with Maid RPG. It was a hilarous clusterfuck of a evening and helped me to get out of a very depressive phase. Also we all were drunk.
Nicholas Gonzalez
Oh hey, I'm one of your player.
All hail Lord Kevin the first, Eater of Succ, son of grandad, king of the leopard pattern. That maid RPG session was such a fun clusterfuck.
Aiden Johnson
Blake Reed
Lite rpg for fans of Monty Python and the Holy Grail... hack of L&F