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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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That's why I said 'the first few episodes'. They started off using him as one, and made him bland and ignorant as a result, but then changed their mind.
Reminder that Penny is the easiest RWBY to waifu.
Just be a machine in a previous jump, then the two of you will have a shared frame of reference held by no one else in the setting.
user, they're prepping J-man to go the way of his name origin. He'll end up leading, but not doing much on the field other than being a motivator, and then being consumed by fire Grim at the last minute martyrdom, likely his last words will be to the woman he's set on a pedestal, something akin to "I'm coming to ya, P...."
But then Ruby loses her lesbian robot lover.
She still has her ice queen lesbian waifu.
Steps to divert Pyrrha's love for Jaune to you without using any abilities.
Step 1: Get companion to distract Jaune/push him into a closet for a while.
Step 2: "Bump" into Weiss and Pyrrha in locker room. Introduce yourself and act clueless when they give their names.
Step 3: Say you don't follow fighting tournaments and steer conversation to something like what's Mistral like.
Step 4: Smile, say it was nice meeting her, and walk away.
This is a jumper, no one will go unwaifued.
She has Weiss. Or even Yang.
That's a good idea user. Now I just need to think of which jump to use...Nier Automata sounds like a good one.
Pyrrha was pretty perceptive, wouldn't she be able to tell you were lying?
Or maybe, she's gained a second lover?
That, or you could try using magic to bring Crescent Rose to life and give it human form. She'll forget all about Penny.
Do you have an accent, an idiom? Have the long years left your speech untouched? Or have your utterances grown as you have?
Jumpers: do you prose?
Point-She's a perceptive figher, but notably bad with people.
What We Do in the Shadows
Build really only consists of two perks and an import but here it is anyway.
>Old School
Makes me thousands of years old. I'm fluffing that I'm in surprisingly good nick though, maybe I got trapped in a glacier or Petyr is atypical of ancient vampires.
>Getting It 600
Makes me instantly get to grips with the powers and weaknesses of my new body which is useful and I'm not sure if I had a perk like this before in the current chain. Particularly given I'm really old in this so my upper limits are pretty powerful and I'll presumably be getting to grips with them quicker despite the previous bouts of madness. Should be able to do the pasghetti/worms and penis/snake tricks quickly as well.
>Best Friends Forever, Really
Is a really great perk to get for free. Mostly about smoothing over arguments and tiffs with the people you care about which is nice.
>Bat Sense 900
Is a pretty specific and strong danger sense, sensing vague threats an hour before and knowing what they'll be a minute before it happens.
>Period Outfit
I'm thousands of years old so I don't know what this'll be like. Probably furs.
>Import 950 - Ramona: Old School, Here's How It's Done 100, Best Friends Forever, Really, Keep the Sheets White 300, Bat Sense 600
50 CP overhang for anyone with an odd number of companions which is a pisser. Looks like we've been together for thousands of years in this setting taking it in turns to go mad so that's sort of nice. Gave her bat sense as well as she's got much less danger sensing than I have as well as a cleanliness perk which I don't think I've picked up before for her and a perk for explaining to out of touch people how stuff works. Mostly took Here How It's Done for jumps where my mental faculties ain't all there to make it easier on both of us.
My jumper, no matter what, will always scream profanities.
I speak the black speech of the wheel, I do it all the time just to annoy people.
They probably think I am insane.
yes but it's a jumper accent composed the influence of dozens of languages from hundreds of worlds so I it's a bit difficult to articulate it imagine a mix of Bronx, Kingston drawl,and mid-Atlantic.
What are some good "You are underestimated by people" perks? I want to lie low in a jump or two before going full ham.
As a Black Frost, I tend to interject hees and hos into my spheech.
Jumper tends to fall into whatever accent their origin uses.
Hey, everyone!
It's been a bit rough, but I've finally got a jumpable wip of Ian Flynn Archie Sonic up and going.
As the end page will show, this is not a true ending. I've still got some mechanics I want to write up and put in
but for now
I wanted to show that this is at least a complete jump!
Call it early access, I suppose...
Blazblue, be a Murakumo. You even get floating blades like her.
That sounds terrible, like illegible even. How are you understood?
If you are a bad lier (life is much harder when you are) just squint your eyes and say "You look familiar (truth), have I seen you on a cereal box somewhere (true)?"
Probably wouldn't be taking drawbacks anyway but the whole vampire weaknesses thing is a bit of a concern when combined with some of the drawbacks on offer. Really not sure whether the weaknesses are drawback mandated or can be sorted with other perks but I guess it doesn't really matter.
As for the plan it's kind of tricky. I'd choose to start in the Wellington as the main cast are pretty fun but they do also kill quite a lot of people so I'm really not sure where I stand ethically. I mean I know that's a thing with vampire jumps in general but here it's pretty odd as it's all played for laughs so it'd seem a bit rude to just kill all the vampires. Guess I'll sleep on it. During the daytime. In a coffin.
My body is ready.
Oh, that is good, I hadn't thought of that. Good thinking, user!
I'd like to hook up blake and weiss just to see the fallout from a schnee dating a fauna.
Aaaaand saved under 'JRPG Final Boss'...
Say. KOTORanon is the Korra update final? Or are you gonna add more stuff?
I bring a civilization with me that gets retrcon'd into the world,so it's not like my accent doesn't exist in the jump, and if all else fails I have telepathy.
Just wait till the waifu cannons are armed and ready lads.
No drawback limit in the Kubo Jump? I just watched it - holy shit what a GORGEOUS film.
Just wait until I come out with Generic David Cage.
After Van Helsing, I have whatever accent I want to have. I'm partial to spanish, actually. Spanish is sexy.
But it depends on if that would be wildly inappropriate for the setting.
Also, I'm really bad about peppering my speech with curse words. In more kid friendly settings this makes me seem like I have a stutter, because I'll constantly halt my speech to think up different word.
She's on cereal boxes? That's awesome.
Just go drop in
You literally have no excuse to.
Yay, thanks Digger.
I'm still waiting for the Sandlerverse jump.
>Click stuff as the drop-in capstone
>Pixels as a 600 CP drawback
Please...please no.
It's a shitty, sugary cereal that's horrible for you and tastes like cardboard.
My voice is so magnetically attractive, that usually avoid using it simply to avoid causing people to fall to the ground and writhe in pleasure with my every word. I prefer telepathy for day-to-day communication. When I do speak, because of how quick I can think and how strong my memory is, every word I say is in a different language, and I'm pretty certain that I have a Perk that makes it so that people universally understand me, so that ends up not being an issue.
Oh that is just hilarious.
I see that's not to your taste. Luckily I've got like 10-12 ocs to write up so hopefully someone will strike your fancy, user
So...most children's breakfast cereals?
Is cereal the only area where reality is superior to fiction? I've never heard of any fictional world having great cereal that isn't also hyper disease for your teeth. Meanwhile, reality has all sorts of great cereals with vitamins and minerals and shit.
Any chance of one being similar to Amy? As in crazy in love like with Sonic? Would seem pretty funny to me.
>Is There Anyone That Can Even TOUCH Jumper Edition
Those with a hotness scale rating of +7 can touch me all they want.
I slip into a southern drawl whenever I get fired up in mock disbelief or have to deal with someone's stupidity.
"You don't know the difference between flat head and a phillips?! Damn son, what you been doing your whole life. My daddy'd smack me six ways to Sunday if I asked him that, I tell you what!"
Nah, that's not Fem Eggman, that's Eggman's daughteru. To explain, you see Eggman in pic related? It's pretty obvious he's hanging upside down, but if you look at it a certain way, the eyes stay eyes, but the mustache becomes hair and his suit becomes a little tiara or crown. This gave birth to Eggette, who is basically Eggman's little girl.
The internet is weird.
Any Euclid+ SCP, with contemptuous ease.
Oh god, I can actually see it. Return my innocence to me.
There is one that is basically the jumper's equivalent of Amy Rose.
with Rouge's figure.
Why no Import option for custom shoes?
Not /exactly/ an accent; I locked mine into standardised American a while ago, even if it got me some odd looks in Russia. But I have a habit of swearing in Correspondence when I'm angry enough. Which tends to set nearby furniture on fire and crack fragile things.
Also I used to respond to people saying "spirals" with a twitching eye, but I got over that after explosive physiotherapy.
All cereal is horrible. All mascots are liars sponsored by the demon king Mara Papima to disguise the fact that the revolting sludge that is oatmeal will always be healthier.
Are...are you saying Eggman gave birth to his daughter?
It's better the other way around.
Maybe she's laying down? She's supposed to be pretty small. going by the images.
you're not wrong but i can only pander so hard
Alright, I admit it, I laughed.
Sonic fandom is weird....commence purge.
Damn, she's actually pretty cute.
She's actually kind of cute. You know what, hell with it, I'll make her a companion. I could use a mad science assistant/daughteru. We could plan global conquest together!
Come get me bitch i'm behind 7 chaos emeralds
Why no Import option for custom shoes?
Is that pic legit?
Because it's a jumpable wip and i swore to christ i put that in when i wrote it. I'll give it a pass over if I need to but I thought I did?
I picked up saying "By the Nine!" as an exclamation of surprise during my time in Oblivion. Which a lot of people still seem to understand for some reason. Meanwhile, Katia picked up a lot of swear words in Shadowrun. She's even linked a few of her more destructive spells to some of them.
It looks great man! I really need to read this series. My backlog just keeps getting bigger. I can't wait to see the OC Companions. Those are always fun and you do a great job giving them character.
.45 cal > emerald
Yes. In addition to being gorgeous, Jean Grey is a fucking monster.
>not being a faunus and dating Weiss yourself
Bonus points for rescuing her from her family and watching the media spin it into the Remnant version of Patty Hearst.
Bumblebee master race
Teen!Jean. Adult Jean has her moments but Teen Jean is fucking awful.
Why is it I always see sonic and tails made into things like toilets with their mouths being the urinals, or like deformed saiamese twin sonics, or robot brain torture with cybernetics and such.
The fuck is wrong with sonic fans?
Just out of curiosity, what are the blueprints The Files are lacking? The Metal Series? Omega?
>The fuck is wrong with sonic fans?
Same thing that happened to pokemon fans. Got heavily involved in the fandom at an early age, puberty hitting, associating that "tingly" feeling when playing game or watching show, social awkwardness around girls prevents release of feelings, and fall deeper into fandom.
The truck from City Escape.
It's way too powerful to offer in the jump, powercreep hasn't gone THAT far yet.
I've seen stuff like that for the Metroid series. Samus Arin the Urinal. It's not unique.
The Metal Series and the Gammas/gamma variants
Cool, thanks Digger.
Yeah, but there's something about Sonic that's a special kind of awful.
At least Harry Potter fans mostly stick to rape and mpreg.
Think Game of Thrones show and ASOIAF novels are different enough to warrant separate jumps?
Yo, Brahmastra, if you're out there. What the fuck is a "Jindan"?
I started out in Kalos so my Jumper has a "natural" slight French accent, though I'll usually conceal it in favor of what will sound more trustworthy and familiar to whoever I'm speaking to.
I do have a tic where I'll usually speak in questions, suppositions, and roundabout suggestions when arguing with someone, to emphasize their own free will. Whenever I give a direct order, people know I'm done fucking around.
No dumb dumb. It's an obvious edit. Marvel just didn't understand the implications of a sociopathic super telepath 'outing' her until then heterosexual friend as gay.
Let's talk about SB.
>At least Harry Potter fans mostly stick to rape and mpreg.
mpreg is pretty common in fandoms, girls for some reason find it hot for a guy to knock up a guy. Rape pops up a fair bit in fanfics focused around female OCs as well, pretty much to make them edgy and give guy they like someone to beat up. Frankly it's lazy writing to make someone more interesting like having an abusive parent.
They're very different. The show doesn't go into a lot of detail that the books do. However I think it more likely warrants a +0 Drawback. They're similar enough that they don't really have much differences to warrant another jump.
Let's not, say we didn't, and leave it at that.
I'm in a pickle guys. I've picked up way too many female companions and i'm in danger of getting swamped. I need a pair of bros to round out the ratios. Heroic bros who want to travel the multiverse and kick the crap out of evil without getting all preachy about it. I'd prefer if they were in lower or mid powered settings.
Where can we get elemental powers to out do the avatar? Not be the Avatar with the updated version of Korra but to completely stomp them with stronger OOC elemental control?
You can't keep avoiding this, user. We need to talk about it eventually. Better sooner than later.
Maybe you just don't like furries that are also part of a franchise? I could probably find some weirdass Bugs Bunny porn, if you want.
Easy fix, use a clone power, spell, or technology to copies of yourself!
Most of the time I stick to my "Whatpart of the Sounth are you from?" accent. But when I get riled up, I dissolve into a complete mishmash of various European accents, languages and hand gestures (that I unashamedly find sexy)
>Xianxia settings.
>Marvel Magic.
>Saint Seiya.
>Percy Jackson.
Really any setting with strong magic or spiritual abilities.
I've got those bases covered already but i would really like a bro that isn't me to hang out with.
There we talked about SB.