Images that inspire you
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Specifically inspire things like game settings, NPCs, events, etc.
I'm imagining Buzz Aldrin yelling, "Who the hell do you think I am?"
> I always figured I'd end up dying in space somehow.
> I never thought it would be like this. Less than 10% of my O2 bottle, dropping towards the space station with 60km to go. A distance that is shrinking RAPIDLY. And even then if I stick the landing without breaking any bones, cutting my way inside and killing everyone... no... everyTHING inside before they have a chance to make it to Earth.
> I never thought it would be like this, but in hindsight I can't see how things could have turned out any other way...
Words cannot describe how much I want to play a game that involves a knight on a motorcycle. I don't even care if its a motorcycle out of place in a fantasy setting or a knight out of place in modern times.
So this is my new favorite image. Everything from the Jurassic Park cape to the terminator looking robot. A scene like this in the next season of West World would be sweet
>*Major Tom (Coming Home) starts playing*
I actually like the Shiny Toy Guns version as well, maybe even a little more, and its music and tone might work a little better, but the Peter Schilling version is the classic that I'd want for this trailer
Space, it's filled with terrific tentacle monsters. Don't go there.
There are more. Google "Things from the Flood"
Hayao Miyazaki's The Thing?
It reminds me that even dirty old men can get boipucci.
Someone tell hollywood that the movie America wants is a bunch of totally unprepared astronauts running into aliens, remembering that astronauts are military officers, and giving us dudes in Nasa spacesuits scrounging together ways to kick alien ass on the moon in increasingly over the top ways.
If it doesn't involve a fight ending with an astronaut throwing a flag-pole like a javelin and spearing an alien with it, the mission has failed.
>That comic
You fool! Nothing can save you from such insanity and lack of quality control!
Fuck, now the song's stuck in my head
Hell yeah
I bought Tales from the Loop + Things from the Flood, can confirm dank. Robots dinosaurs Volvo wagons Swedish countryside dystopian near-future biomechanical plague it pretty much checks every box
>looks at pic
I'm sure it was nothing personal.
>it pretty much checks every box
for an autism diagnosis?
>Liking neat but unrealistic things makes you autistic
Don't think about it too much. Veeky Forums thinks autism is a medical diagnosis for 'liking things I don't like'.
Nice one, user. That's going right into the Cancer folder
Your inability to see outside of your own perspective is also an indicator.
who is this Veeky Forums?
Fuck you I'll kill you
Stop liking things I don't like: the posts.
>Robots dinosaurs Volvo wagons Swedish countryside dystopian near-future biomechanical plague it pretty much checks every box
Oooh, this is gooooood.
>people who cannot take criticism.
Here's your future.
This scene gave me goosebumps, especially from 3:26-4:53
>low light is bad
>so when the light gets low enough this one light that was constant will blink, thus making things worse.
What a shitty setting that would be.
I can't believe you've done this
>can't understand why someone would like something so calls them autistic.
>follows it up with this
Pure pottery
>Robots dinosaurs Volvo wagons Swedish countryside dystopian near-future biomechanical plague
>victim status confirmed, free ride established.
Is this poster saying that there is no such thing as autism? Or is he saying that autists can only be differentiated by medical professionals?
He's saying nothing he likes is autistic because he can't be an autist.
Much like how a woman will dress like a whore and then take offense to having it pointed out.
I didn't know you were a Muslim, user.
You know, you're entitled to your opinions. You're even entitled to the freedom to act like a cunt.
But it would be at least polite if you actually contributed something on topic while you did it. At least post the things that inspire you, rather than just whine.
>I didn't know you were a Muslim, user.
I'm not, but that's a pretty racist thing to say.
You think you can tell which posts are mine? You missed quite a few. I have been contributing. What does your ant contribute? The giant ant setting? Wow.
Fucking Torumekians...
I just linked the few that were the most grating, at a glance. I'm not gonna try and search down every shitpost like an autist.
And if you read, it doesn't say "Setting" it says
>Specifically inspire things like game settings, NPCs, events, etc
So the ant is an npc or an event? what's a giant ant, like CR 1/3rd?
>most grating
>my posts
Wow you have thin skin.
>say thing
>people get offended
>offended people say "don't be offended by things you don't like"
I wish they would.
Simple image, but I love it.
If this doesn't inspire you, you might as well kill yourself now.
>still not contributing
low grade, 20% ethanol
Watch the movie Knightriders if you ever get a chance.
It's a cheesy 70s movie directed by George Romero that features Ed Harris and Tom Savini engaging in jousting on motorcycles.
I just really want to write a story based around this picture some day.
Just a wizard who breaks into people's houses, steals their beer and snacks before teleporting away.
Also if anyone has any context whatsoever on this, I'd love it.
I contributed 4 images since then. Why can't you get over a slight if you're not autistic? You do know that people insult each other in real life right?
How does this make you feel? Nothing, i assume?
>there was once a wizard who broke into people's houses to steal their food.
>he was shot dead by a responsible home owner.
>this thread
Hey guys it's the guy who got blasted with accusations of autism. Just want to say your all big fags
I love these two.
very inspiring