So what would happen if the Hive from Destiny encroached upon the 40k galaxy...

So what would happen if the Hive from Destiny encroached upon the 40k galaxy, and started to further their "Crusade" against all life? How would the various factions react to this new threat?

For those of us not familiar with Destiny, what makes the Hive special? What are some of their accomplishments, and what defines them as a faction?

they're the bad guys

>the bad guys
>in a setting which literally all the factions are varying flavors of 'bad guy' (even Guilliman and his 'muh Imperium')

You're gonna have to be more specific then that mate.

they do vague bad things like the steal (which is bad) the light (which is good maybe)

I shall just post some stuff from the Wikipedia itself.
>The Hive are an "impossibly ancient" race born from a pact with the Worm Gods. Hive structures delve deep into wherever they lay claim to, unheeding of the damage done in the process, crafting linked caverns and gothicesque columns; these underground spaces resemble a dungeon recently pulled up after an extended period underwater. They are able to manipulate the physical world in ways humanity can only begin to imagine, and have witnessed the Darkness consume countless worlds in the past.

>The Hive are not an enemy military so much as rising force. They base their entire existence around the extermination of other forms of life, especially those that follow the way of Light and the Traveler, and approach their task with religious fervor. To the Hive, killing and conquest are not merely acts of war, but of worship.

Destiny races are shit and uninspired even by 40k standards. Also power wise Imperium would deal with them quite easily

Since there is just *so* much stuff about these guys, I shall only be posting the relevant parts.
>Crota's spawn will snuff out the worlds of Light, and Oryx's coming shall be unfettered."

>The Hive have a complex religious system based around profane rituals and the worship of a pantheon of dark gods. These gods exist on "a higher plane of misery" and are always hungry for the suffering of others. The Hive Gods live in the Ascendant realm, locked outside of physical reality, not unlike the Vex realms locked out of time. These realms house the god's Oversoul, which protects them from permanent death should their bodies be destroyed. The Hive have sacrificial altars, which Warlocks have attempted to study to no avail. Sacrifice plays an important part in the Hive religion, as after the weakening of Crota's army, the Hive attempted direct contact with Oryx by sacrificing two Forsaken Ogres. They also sacrifice lesser Hive souls in order to become Ascendant.

Aren't the Hive Tyranids + Necrons that use magic?

>The god-knight Crota is one of the youngest Hive deities. He and his broods proceed the coming of Oryx when they invade worlds. Oryx is Crota's father and the central figure of their religion as well as the God-King of the Hive; through his shrines he maintains contact with his force spread across the universe. Other deities include the greater Worm Gods Eir, Ur, Xol, and Yul. Like Crota and Oryx, they have disciples named after them.[62] A fifth god, named Akka, is recorded in the Books of Sorrow and it is from his remains that the Dreadnaught is built. Apart from a glyph-based writing system, the Hive hold a special holiday called Eversion Day, which celebrates the creation of the Taken King's Dreadnaught by turning things inside-out in the same way Oryx merged his Ascendant realm with his ship.

Huh. Honestly, they sound like they come from another galaxy and have their own Chaos God(s?) completely unrelated to the 4 we know. Clearly still operating on Chaos god logic, just a different pantheon.

I wonder how Khorne and the boys would react to finding out that a new band, presumably just as strong as they are, is starting to muscle in on their turf. 40ks Chaos gods fight each other as much as anyone else, a pantheon of Chaos Gods from another galaxy that are all on the same side could be a real problem for them.

Tau: Would talk nice and try to convert to blueberry communism.
Imperium: Exterminatus
Eldar: Divert them into human or Ork worlds cause they are dicks.
Dark Eldar: Kill, Rape, capture as slaves
Orks: Fightin and Crumpin
Necrons: Either wipe them out (or collect them if you are Trazyn)
Khorne: Drain their blood, collect their skulls
Tzeetch: Use them as pawns and enjoy dicking them around.
Nurgle: Show them the love of Papa Nurgle and kill them for rejecting it (unless it's The Purge who's goals of exterminating life is similar, in which they'd either kill them or seek to use them as Biological weapons)
Slaanesh: Same as Dark Eldar
Chaos Undivided: use to sacrifice to Gods, and fight for personal glory.
Tyranids: Eat them.

Pretty much how the 40K factions deal with all the other factions.

At their most basic, I suppose you couldon't call them that. But they are also rather metaphysical, and abstract when you start digging deeper however.
>The Hive have great hatred for the Light, and to them, the eternal struggle between light and dark is not only a war, it is a crusade; all Light must be devoured so Darkness can reclaim the universe. They have even attempted to attack the Traveler directly, through a ritual in which they drained its light through a fragment that they captured in the Chamber of Night.

And here is how their "Sword Logic" works.
>"Ah, Oryx, how do we explain it to them? The world is not built on the laws they love [...] but in the cold hard self-verifying truth of that one ultimate arbiter, the only judge, the power that is its own metric and its own source—existence, at any cost. Strip away the lies and truces and delaying tactics they call ‘civilization’ and this is what remains, this beautiful shape."
>—The Darkness

>The Hive religion is not based on any sort of conventional morality; in fact, they see morality and the "false hope of comfort" as an abomination of the living. Instead, Sword-Logic forms the basis of the Hive's belief system. In short, it can be described as a survival-of-the-fittest (or even a social Darwinist) ideology taken to an incredible extreme. It is not enough to merely defeat enemies, but to utterly annihilate them, and take what's left, feeding the victor. All power must be taken by force, not received as a gift. That is why the Hive's swords are so deadly to Guardians; they create a bridge in which the wielder saps the power of the victim.

>This also extends to sacrifice, as Hive become ascendant by consuming the souls of lesser Hive. The Hive's lust for power is a direct reflection of their Worm Gods' insatiable hunger for Light, and that the Hive must always be powerful, or else they themselves will be consumed. Even if they wanted to, the Hive can't stop killing or else they will perish. The Sword-Logic determines the right to rule, as anyone who can depose the current King is rightfully the new King of the Hive. Anyone who cannot defend themselves, whether it be a person, or a civilization, does not deserve to live and is fit to be obliterated. This is how the Hive intend to "liberate" the universe from its false hope, and the existence of the Hive themselves is proof enough in their belief.

>presumably just as strong as they are, is starting to muscle in on their turf
Presuming being the keyword here. I'd put them on the level of maybe the old Eldar Gods, and that's being generous.


Khorne, Gork n' Mork would each take turns using the lot of them as punching bags.

>Presuming being the keyword here. I'd put them on the level of maybe the old Eldar Gods, and that's being generous.
When you have the raw power that can turn a shy, introverted alien girl into a monster capable of turning into species into soulless husks bound to you will, and can grant one the ability to merely SPEAK, and make "two different numbers become equal", you are *far* stronger than the Eldar God's ever were.

>The Ascendant Realm is ruled in totality by the Sword-Logic; when Crota accidentally allowed the Vex into his father's realm, they learned the Sword-Logic from him and adapted it to their own functions, learning to worship and bootstrap themselves into divinity, striving to become the most powerful beings in the universe. At the time however, they were unable to fully comprehend the role that the worms and the acausal Darkness played. While the Sword-Logic helped the Guardians in defeating Crota when they stole his sword and used it against him, they broke the Sword-Logic when they recovered and uncorrupted the Light found in the Dreadnaught's cellar, and used it against Oryx, then refusing to take up the mantle as the new Taken King.

What is "Light" "Dark" and "Traveler"?
I assume they're proper nouns for a reason

>What is "Light" "Dark" and "Traveler"?
>I assume they're proper nouns for a reason
You assume correctly user. The 'Light' is the paracasual force that grants the Guardians, the sworn defenders of Humanity, the power to u make God's, and to even resist being unwoven from the very fabric of existence. The 'Dark', or rather the 'Darkness', is the cosmic force, and timeless evil that seeks to remake the entire universe into its "perfect, Final shape". It is the very embodiment of utter nihilism, and the raw struggle of all life to endure and survive. The Traveler is the godlike being that granted mankind the ability to use the Light in the first place, and is the sworn enemy of the Darkness and its forces, having been hounded by them across the stars for untold aeons.

>Hive Biology

>Several varieties or "morphs" of Hive exist, each representing different stages of growth. The Hive are an eusocial species; how reproduction exactly works is never explained but the proto-Hive consumed a substance called "mother jelly", similar to bees in order to reproduce, between the age of four and five Fundament years. Wizards are the only fertile females, and are capable of either self-fertilization or being with a mate.
A Hive Thrall.

>Each individual Hive starts out as pupae, much like colonial insects, birthed from cocoons, and swallow a worm whole in order to become symbiotic. These grow into Thrall, and Thrall that survive into maturity become Acolytes. Acolytes who have proven themselves can become Knights, who in turn may become Princes leading their own broods.

>"Take into your bodies our children, our newborn larvae. From them you shall obtain eternal life. From them you shall gain power over your own fragile flesh: the power to make of it as you will. And should you find an imperfection in the world, an injustice or an inconvenience — you will have the power to repair it. Let no mere law bind you."—Yul[1]

>The Worms are an ancient, parasitic worm-like species that dwelled deep under the oceans of the gas giant Fundament. They are disciples of the Darkness and draw their god-like power directly from it. It is through a pact with the Worms that the ancestors of the Hive became the Hive and launched their conquest of the whole universe. The Worms are worshipped and revered as the Hive's highest deities, beyond even Oryx, the Taken King and his sisters Savathûn and Xivu Arath. All Hive are infested with a larvae from one of the five Worm Gods, which drives them to feed off constant conquest and destruction lest the Worm grow unsatisfied and consume them instead.[1]

Fascinating. Reminds me a little of the DEldar.

Now to move onto the Pantheon in full.
>Gods like Oryx and Crota are capable of being killed in physical reality without truly dying. So long as their souls are preserved in the Ascendant Realm, they can reemerge in the physical realm at a later time. If they are killed in their respective Ascendant Realm, however, their death will be permanent. However, under certain circumstances, Hive gods can be reborn even if killed in the Ascendant plane.

>In descending order of importance, the Gods of the Hive are:

>The Formless One, the power behind the Hive Gods

>The Worm Gods, who give the Hive their immortality in exchange for a tithe of Light
>Akka, the Worm of Secrets
>Yul, the Honest Worm
>Oryx, the Taken King, God-King of the Hive
>Crota, Son of Oryx, crown prince to the Osmium Throne.
>Savathûn, Witch-Queen
>Xivu Arath, God of War
>Nokris; unknown Hive God.

So since we very that outta the way, let's move onto the big guy himself. The Taken King, the Shaper Of Shapes, and general all around eldritch bad ass, Oryx.
>"Where is my son? Where is Crota, your lord, your princely god, your godly prince? Tell me no lies! I feel his absence like a hole in my stomach. Where once his tender tribute whetted burrowed mouths, now only hunger remains. Hear me, O waning stars, O tattered rags of Sky — I will stopper up this tearing gulf with vengeance."

The Traveler is a big basketball on mars that does space jam magic.

The Light is good space jam magic that empowers the followers of Shaq O'Neil to fight the darkness.

The Dark is bad magic that's trying to steal the hoop to stop any more dunks happening.

>Oryx, the Taken King, born Aurash and formerly known as Auryx (meaning "Long Thought"), is the current sovereign of the Osmium Throne, the God-King of the Hive, and master of the Taken. Reborn from the Darkness itself through a wicked pact, Oryx is the founder of the Hive race and the source of their terrible power. Of all the Hive gods, he alone holds the power to bend other races to his will. Oryx is also the father of the dreaded Crota, a deadly Hive Prince who slew thousands of Guardians during the Great Disaster. Enraged at the death of his son, Oryx has traveled to the Solar System aboard his Dreadnaught seeking revenge but was slain twice, first in the material world and later in his Ascendant Realm, his second death permanent.

Time for some detail on his origins.
>"I am Aurash, first daughter of the dead king. I will chase my father’s last screamed warning. I will know what changed the motion of our moons. If the end of the world is coming, I will understand why. On my center eye I swear it. I will understand."

>Oryx, the Taken King traces his origins to a gas giant named Fundament, where the proto-Hive eked out a harsh existence on floating "continents" comprised of the shards of their shattered homeworld. Oryx was born as Aurash, a proto-Hive female and one of three surviving daughters of the Osmium King, ruler of the continent called the Osmium Court. Aurash's sisters were Xi Ro and Sathona, who together made up the final brood sired by the Osmium King.[1]

If there fanaticism doesn't accidentally a new Chaos God, its just a matter of time till they get planet cracked down to their deities, Said deities get eaten by Chaos used to killing those with loose definitions of existing.

The Hive is a problem like an infestation is a problem. Hard to get rid of just them, but a burnt down house isn't really infested anymore is it? Destiny heroes don't have the luxury to planet crack any Hive stronghold and rely on surgical strikes against any leadership presenting themselves to deadlock enemy actions.

How would Marbo deal with them?

You underestimate the scale in Destiny. Just because the Guardians and Earth can't do it doesn't mean fighting doesn't take place on a level where paracausal weapons are brought to bare and groups are literally throwing planets at each other.

As a matter of fact the Awoken have such a weapon that lets them do just that and they used it against the House of Wolves where they through a moon at the Fallen Fleets.

In a number of conflicts the Hive were involved in their opponents were able to "kill' Oryx and his sisters multiple times until he was able to create Taken.

The Tishibethi had a god being that could litterally claw moons apart until she was taken by Oryx.

>Destiny heroes don't have the luxury to planet crack any Hive stronghold and rely on surgical strikes against any leadership presenting themselves to deadlock enemy actions.
They don't *need* to planet-crack. Guardians are tailor-made to murder God's, and endure against reality warping. Guardians are basically their own superweapons.

>Oryx, the Taken King traces his origins to a gas giant named Fundament, where the proto-Hive eked out a harsh existence on floating "continents" comprised of the shards of their shattered homeworld. Oryx was born as Aurash, a proto-Hive female and one of three surviving daughters of the Osmium King, ruler of the continent called the Osmium Court. Aurash's sisters were Xi Ro and Sathona, who together made up the final brood sired by the Osmium King.[1]

>When the Osmium King was ten years old, a lifetime to the proto-Hive, he succumbed to senility madness, fearing an event called the Syzygy wherein Fundament's fifty-two moons would align and create a massive tidal wave that would destroy all of Fundament's civilizations. Taox, a sterile mother who served as the teacher to the King's daughters, feared the royal heirs were too weak to succeed the King and invited a rival kingdom, the Helium Drinkers of the Helium Court, to invade the Osmium Court, kill the royal family, and allow Taox to rule the Osmium Court as their regent. The Helium Drinkers invaded and slew the Osmium King, but Aurash and her sisters, two years old at the time, escaped on a ship and vowed to return one day for their revenge.[2]


okay so they're "The Bad Guys" driven by the metaphysical Badness that exists as a cosmic antithesis of Goodness, and being Guys, their existence is universally conditioned by the mystical principle of Badness, which in turn determines their actions in such a way as to make them the Bad Guys

>After a year of traveling the sea, the sisters salvaged an ancient, high-tech ship they called "the needle" from the Shvubi Maelstrom. Xi Ro wanted to sell it at the Kaharn Atoll, a gathering place of Fundament's many species, in order to raise enough money to hire a mercenary army, but Aurash wanted to take command of the ship. Sathona sided with Aurash, goaded on by a worm that their father had kept; the worm had washed up on the Osmium Court's shores and was seemingly dead, but Sathona could hear it speak. The sisters spent the next two years reactivating the ship, until Aurash decided to use it to fulfill its intended purpose: she wanted to dive to Fundament's core in the hopes of learning a secret that would prevent the Syzygy.[3]

>As they descended, the sisters encountered a vast creature called the Leviathan, a disciple of the Traveler. The Leviathan warned the sisters against proceeding further, telling them that they faced a choice between the Sky and the Deep, the Light and the Darkness, the way of life and the way of death. The sisters rejected the Leviathan, unable to accept that allowing their people to suffer was the better way, and instead decided to follow the worm Sathona had saved, which urged them to continue diving.[4]

>Deep within the Fundament Ocean, the sisters encountered the Worms, who drew their power from the Darkness itself: Yul, the Honest Worm, and Eir, Xol, Ur, and Akka, the Virtuous Worms. The Worm Gods claimed that they had lived and grown in Fundament's depths for millions of years, trapped by the Leviathan and the Traveler. They had called many species to Fundament, hoping one would be tenacious enough to find them. They offered Xi Ro, Sathona, and Aurash immortality if they would allow themselves to be hosts for the Worms' larvae, with the caveat that if the sisters ceased to obey their natures (Xi Ro's desire to test her strength, Sathona's cunning, Aurash's inquisitiveness), their Worms would consume them. Furthermore, the stronger the sisters became, the greater their Worms' appetites would be.[5]

>The sisters accepted the pact. Xi Ro took the knight morph and became Xivu Arath; Sathona took the mother morph and became Savathûn; and Aurash took the king morph, transforming into a male and becoming Auryx, the king of the Hive. Over the following years, the siblings returned to their people and spread the Worms among them, creating the first Hive and enabling them to first liberate the Osmium Court, then drive Taox and the other fearful species of Fundament to Kaharn Atoll, and finally to build spaceships and break free of Fundament entirely.[6]

Cegorach is pretty powerful desu senpai

They base their entire existence around the extermination of other forms of life, especially those that follow the way of Light and the Traveler

"Especially" when they're already dead set on killing all life regardless

I guess when they see a Light following society 40LY away and a few neutral/dark ones 10 away, they'll gun for the light one and turn around after?

Bybthe sounds of it they'll be able to establish a foothold. But if they start encroaching on major imperial worlds or a hivelfeet runs across their territory they'll get pushed back or eaten. But unlikely to get completely extermunated.
Theycan be beaten by Guardians, who are pretty good supersoldiers. But still only soldiers and 40k has its own supersoldiers.

So, I can't be the only one sitting here reading these in game quotes and log entries and going, this is all very interesting but doesn't actually tell us anything about how much of a threat they would be in 40k. It's all coming across as fairly standard posturing.
Give us some actual facts rather than IC propaganda. What is their eye of terror equivalent? How do they operate? What sort of weapons do they wield? How numerous are they? Etc etc

Now I know this reply isn't supposed to be taken super seriously, but isn't the Traveler the big ass ball hovering over Earth that acts as the main hub in the first game? Or did I miss something from the expansions

What I have taken from this thread is that the Destiny writers are haaaaaacks. This is as derivative as 40k, with out any of the fun bits

Why? There's no reason to believe that one galaxy's Chaos gods should be that much stronger than another galaxy's Chaos gods, all other things being equal. The only reason to say that OUR local chaos phenomenon is somehow special is favoritism.

Oh look, it's this kind of thread again.

>What is their eye of terror equivalent?
They don't really have one. Not like they need it, the Darkness already seems to infest every nook and cranny of the the entire universe to some degree.

>How do they operate?
Slaughter any and every species that they come across, especially the forces of Light, in the name of the Deep, and their Sword-Logic. If they are ever defeated by any of the races they assault, then it just proves that they weren't worthy enough to become a part of the "Final Shape".

>What sort of weapons do they wield?
Ever hear of the 'Vex' from the same game? Those where *really* powerful, and positively ancient aliens who had built superstructures within practically every star, and had even started to develop weapons of pure ontology in order to rewrite reality to make themselves the Supreme rulers over every reality. And they do all this because, they wish to be more like the Hive and the Darkness they follow, whowever utterly curbstomped them, and proved to them the strength of the Sword-Logic through their powers of ontology and death manipulation.

Tyannids mixed with necrons


Does this shit look natural to you user? Does this look like the work of a bunch of basic construction drones? Be honest here.

Jesus Christ this writing sounds terrible.

Yeah bro, they're fuckin crystals. Not that hard.

>Single dude with one gun who has the power to hack multiple lives from life
>A montherfucking giant planet cracker that can take out every single enemy without wasting ammo or resources, or the lives of countless Innocent while we wait for them to carve their way to the BBEG.

But they're Bad Crystals of Badness, made by the Bad Guys using the Bad Force they were given by the Bad God to do the Bad Things.

>He thinks the Vex are extraterrestrials
>He doesn't know

Is it bad that this thread made me want to buy destiny 2 even though I have Destiny 1 and found it shit?

Look, I get it, you play your vidja gaems and you run across some reality warping villain faction that some writer wanted to be terrifying in an abstract cosmic sense. And that can be cool, I get it, I liked Evangelion for much the same reason. Now what you don't seem to be accounting for is that 40k is kind of retarded when you get into the meat of the lore. Between orks, chaos, and even goddam psychic tyrants reality warping is pretty frequent. And yet some how people manage, nobody's overrun the entire universe yet.

That is still not a solid answer user.

You have to understand you aren't giving us anything to work off of besides lore. This is like if a player asked their GM how much damage their enemy does and the GM just makes explosion noises.

>Darkness already seems to infest every nook and cranny of the the entire universe to some degree.

He wanted to know a solid range not
>They is the bestest and can see everything!

If they can see everything then how the fuck could the guardian rogue class even exist?

>How do they operate?
>Slaughter any and every species that they come across

So does more than half or everything in 40k.

But, one infests the planet like fungus to overwhelm, one eats everything to gain their power and use it against them, one sends waves of easily killed soldiers, and then a air strike to wipe the planet. Because the Emperor's currency is human lives.

Their special fluff are not tactics

>What sort of weapons do they wield?
Ever hear of the 'Vex'

Super star structures... That do what? It's neat, but what do you do with something placed in a Sun? Won't their Light hating worms they admire hate that the literal physical embodiment of light is their tool?

Rewrite reality
Chaos Gods do that every day.
Hell, a human planet that has too much corruption can end up with possessed people and demons running around.

If anything their super awesome machine would attract something unsavory the second they tried to turn that shit on in 40k

But they are not the Hive, the race in question.

I know nothing about the game. So far as I've seen and learned they are primitive rage filled exoskeleton zombies that are infested with worms and worship giant worms.

They seem to wield swords, blast magic, and use guns. Like everything else in that game giant ships are only used for travel. Because what is air support?

I did say it was a BIG basketball.

Praise be to Shaq, may his shots be hella' rad

He already did.

Basically tyranid necrons. They actually have some cool lore behind them (Their leaders basically sold them out to a parasitic worm-god in exchange for black magic, said leaders basically killed their own deaths, they originally hail from floating islands in a gas giant, etc) but none of it ever comes up in game.

This is the best explaination for it that i've ever seen

Destiny is pretty vague, but the Hive are basically Warp Fucker combined with Tyranids, their king literally killed death. They're a bit like Rakghouls really. Definitely would be a Chaos Xeno race

As interesting as I think some of the ideas in Destiny are, you run into a problem trying to measure any antagonists races power, namely that everything is presented in vague yet menacing terms.
As a Guardian you massacre tons of target practice enemies leveling up until for whatever reason your Ghost needs to hack some space computer while you murder another wave of enemies. Ghost will then reveal that the enemies you've been fighting are just a landing force and the rest of the Fallen/Hive/Vex/Cabal/Taken have already killed/conquered/eaten/created the rest of the universe, so you better be careful.

>Why? There's no reason to believe that one galaxy's Chaos gods should be that much stronger than another galaxy's Chaos gods, all other things being equal
Because based on what I'm seeing here, the Hive's Pantheon is simply NOT Chaos God-tier. The closest equivalent to the gods in the Warp (Chaos Gods, Gork n' Mork, Emps by technicality) in the Destiny universe that I can see are the 'Light' and the 'Darkness', which don't exactly come off as sentient like the Hive Gods.

The Hive Gods themselves really do come off as the old Eldar Gods such as Khaine the Bloody-Handed, or if we're really going to be harsh here, they're a bunch of jumped up Daemon princes powered by 'the Darkness'.

Better question. If the Imperium were to discover a group of Guardians fighting xenos in all of their space wizard commando glory, how would they react? Would they consider them psykers? Would they integrate them in? Or us relying on the Traveler for immortality too much of a deal breaker?

Everything would get purged.


For a non meme answer, they fight almost exclusively with infantry, as far as we realize, and their space craft are severely limited as well compared to other Destiny and Warhammer races.

They utilize nearly endless waves of Thrall, which are basically runner zombies, supported by more disciplined infantry (Acolytes) that utilize light automatic weaponry and hand held mortars.

Compared to undead magic commandos that the Guardians are, Acolytes aren't very impressive by themselves, but would prove to be relatively superior man to man than your average guardsman.

Superior to Acolytes are Knights, which are safely Astartes level at the very least, Tyranid warrior tier at the most (for standard knights). They almost exclusively utilize the hand held mortars (Boomers) as well as giant power swords. They can generate a (mostly) impenetrable wall of "Darkness" behind which they can heal, but it prevents movement.

Above Knights are typically Wizards, softy magic types that provide extreme rapid fire power and area denial in the form of gaseous clouds of magic poison, an easy inbetween of a Zoanthrope and a Chaos Sorceror, depending on the rank of the Wizard in question.

Another enemy type is the Ogre, which is basically a Carnifex with a psychic machine gun jammed into it's head. Alone they're usually not too bad, but the Hive typically never fight alone, unless it's a Big Bad. And Shreikers which are floating balls of exploding AIDS.

Beyond that they have the Taken, which are other races infected by extradimensional bullshit and bound to the Hive. They're annoying as fuck to fight because they don't abide by the laws of physics or reality and they might not die when you kill them, simply escaping to the Hive shadow realm

'it's a super amazing amazing super op guys!'

Stop fanwanking

By and large, the Hive derive their power from magic bullshit and their persistence once they've lain groundwork. The Hive are almost worse than Tyranids because they can also fight defensively and have actual tactics to their name. The entirety of the Hive would be no match for the entirety of Chaos, unless they find their gods lacking and instead take up the banner of the Ruinous Powers. In which case ggez, ABD just came his pants.

The Necron may finally find an equal, the magical, rotting counterparts to their metallic mastery of super science.

Assuming the Darkness doesnt have the same effect on Biomass that Chaos does, the Tyranids would most likely have a fucking field day with the Hive, and the Hive's ability to persist on a planet nearly forever would give the Nids the biomass jackpot.

Tau are fucked, and Eldar as well probably. Most Guardsmen are going to get fucking creamed.

Astartes, especially Psykers, stand a fair chance, being a bit bellow Cabal warriors and Guardians in terms of man to man physical and fire power. The Imperium itself being essentially Post Golden Age, Post Collapse, would be able to stand it's ground, through sheer numbers and convince of other threats alone.

Orks would have a jolly time drowning in waves of Thrall and bashing Knights in their teeth, but they're always winning, no matter the cross over.

All in all, the Hive would be a serious threat and not easily confined to the category of Minor Xenos

So in other words
1)Inf only army would get stomped by the Guard (Taaaanks)/Marines (Dreads)
2)Shitty limited space craft that the Imperial navy/Eldar/Chaos ships would rape
3)Got some op land troops, which is kinda negated by the lack of any way to move 'em when their navy gets raped
4)Wizards? That's asking for rape via daemons
5)Ogres is another name for 'Balisk pls shoot me'
6)'Don't abide by the laws of reality' so daemonic creatures with Necron tier 'but did I really die?' Sounds like a job for Deathwatch

> derive their power from magic bullshit and their persistence once they've lain groundwork.


All that being said, the major weakness of the Hive is their perverse sense of honor.

If you're a bad enough dude to Doomguy your way to the Hive Ascendant Realm (the place where their gods live, and would essentially just be either a pocket realm in warpspace or a comparatively tiny slice of land in the warp, nestled between Khorne's fields of skulls and blood and Tzeentch's labyrinth), then you get to face the Hive Gods one on one, as the very act of reaching the Ascendant Realm is a ritualistic gauntlet to not only prove your worthiness by Jack yourself up on juju.

The Gods are no joke, and fighting them is a ritual onto itself, but if you kill them you essentially get to BECOME that God. So if you're a bad enough dude, you can beat the Hive.

Yeah, pretty much. Unless the Hive get to pull out their Deus Ex Machina bullshit god powers, they're fleshy Necron with shittier guns and no vehicles.

That being said, with what I've said in this here post, this really is a job for the Deathwatch/Inquisition/dubiously heretical Rogue Trader team. Or Sly Marbo. I'm dead serious.

Destiny the setting is built on the concept of Heroes succeeding where armies failed. I'm every example of the lore, the only great successes of the Good Guys were either by extremely morally grey uses of overwhelming force and super weapons leading to pyrhic victories at best, or a gaggle of lads 'avin' a go at an eldritch space god/alien god king/extradimensional extratemporal machine god. And the Hive exemplify that , their only compitent fighters being exceptional individuals and can only be beaten by the same.

So as a table top army they would be made redundant by the Nids and Crons, but as an RPG/vidya/lore enemy they would be pretty cool and satisfying to beat.

Essentially, either you take out their leadership with Traveler sized balls or trash the planet they're on and call it a day. Most societies in Destiny aren't despotic super dystopias willing to trash planets Willy nilly though, and those that are get trashed by the trillions by bored guardians farming for loot.

Humanity at their collapse couldn't afford to blow up their world's like that, since it wasn't a fraction as expansive as the Imperium and was objectively utopian (one of the reasons the Hive fucked them), and the current humanity can't really Exterminatus planets because they don't have the means, and Destiny is Noblebright High Science Fantasy at very best, so Duh Good Guys won't be glassing planets any time soon

...that looks like Xel'Naga planet-thing from the end of Starcraft 2's campaigns. I' m pretty sure there's a scene where Kerrigan and Artanis are standing in front of a big triangular gate just like that.

Sounds like the Empire of Man, desu

>which don't exactly come off as sentient like the Hive Gods.
Oh how wrong you are my friend. The Traveler and the Sky are most certainly sentient and aware, they just need other beings in order to convey what they wish to express. And as for the Darkness itself? Well, I'll just let this conversation it had with Oryx do the talking.
>Oryx, my King, my friend. Kick back. Relax. Shrug off that armor, set down that blade. Roll your burdened shoulders and let down your guard. This is a place of life, a place of peace.

>Out in the world we ask a simple, true question. A question like, can I kill you, can I rip your world apart? Tell me the truth. For if I don’t ask, someone will ask it of me.

>And they call us evil. Evil! Evil means ‘socially maladaptive.’ We are adaptiveness itself.

>Ah, Oryx, how do we explain it to them? The world is not built on the laws they love. Not on friendship, but on mutual interest. Not on peace, but on victory by any means. The universe is run by extinction, by extermination, by gamma-ray bursts burning up a thousand garden worlds, by howling singularities eating up infant suns. And if life is to live, if anything is to survive through the end of all things, it will live not by the smile but by the sword, not in a soft place but in a hard hell, not in the rotting bog of artificial paradise but in the cold hard self-verifying truth of that one ultimate arbiter, the only judge, the power that is its own metric and its own source—existence, at any cost. Strip away the lies and truces and delaying tactics they call ‘civilization’ and this is what remains, this beautiful shape

>The fate of everything is made like this, in the collision, the test of one praxis against another. This is how the world changes: one way meets a second way, and they discharge their weapons, they exchange their words and markets, they contest and in doing so they petition each other for the right to go on being something, instead of nothing. This is the universe figuring out what it should be in the end.

>And it is majestic. Majestic. It is the only thing that can be true in and of itself.

>And it is what I am.

Wait, is Oryx a boy or a girl?

Xie/Xir is genderfluid.

Trans male.

Her sisters took into themselves worms that made them into gods, but their roles were agender. Aurash took the King Worm, which is gender dependant

It's 2deep4u Kirkbride lore, not SJW Propoganda, I swear

The Hive have the following badassery;

>Leaders can revive themselves if killed, need to invade their fucking PRIVATE UNIVERSES where they are literal gods and beat them there to kill them permanently
>Weird ass magic, that can also eat your magic... somehow. They get it from symbiotic worm-god larvae that live in them, and will fucking EAT THEIR HOSTS if they have second thoughts about what they're doing.
>Fought a millions, if not billions of years long crusade against all other sentient life in the universe. So far, they've exterminated every race they've encountered (except the Vex, but that's because of time travel shennanigans).
>One of them killed one of their gods, then built his flagship out of the corpse. A flagship so large other factions drive their largest capital ships into it and fight wars of attrition instead of conventional boarding actions.
>Oh, and their fleets are (in the lore, not in the game) composed primarily of BATTLE MOONS, which are literal moons they basically hollow out, fill with technology and Hivers, and fling at their enemies.

But since their most badass character gets fucking solo'd by the Destiny PC, they suck.

? user, we're on about what would happen if they got into 40k.

The point was that the 'they settle in on planets' was rended moot by the Imperium's ability to just decide to unplanet things

>'BATTLE MOONS, which are literal moons they basically hollow out, fill with technology and Hivers, and fling at their enemies. '

Literally ork tier

Also, how did this go from 'Guys how would my far far far far weaker sci fi villians do in 40k' to 'let me shill destiny's lore'

They all easily gunned down by what? 100 low level magic people and dudes with normal guns.

>Guys how would my far far far far weaker
Absolutely *none* of the factions in the 40k setting possess ontological weaponry, except for *mayyybe* Tzeentch, and even that's a stretch.

>The Necrons finally find an equal.

No user... they don't... at all. You SERIOUSLY underestimate how fucking broken newcrons are.


Or you don't realize how broken the Hive are.

Im not wanting, but their Gods and magic are some serious bullshit


Wanking, fucking mobile

>But since their most badass character gets fucking solo'd by the Destiny PC, they suck.
Oryx could still revive at that point.
It took a fireteam of six very strong guardians invading his private universe just to kill him off for good.
AFAIK the only things that have the luxury of reviving whenever they like in 40k are perpetuals and Daemon Princes.

Honestly these guys seem like they'd just become part of the lore rather than overrunning everything or being stamped out immediately.

Much like the EI, the Tohaa, the Hiigarans, any early-game Endless factions, and the Tenno, these Hive blokes are one of the sci-fi factions that could successfully cement themselves into the eternal stalemate that is 40K lore. They'd have a blotchy empire carved out somewhere on the edge of Segmentum Obscurus and be constantly expanding/deflating in regular intervals like every other 40K faction. They'd never take over the galaxy, but they'd never lose everything either.

There'd be an event centered around their release that would be about them kicking ass, then their codex wouldn't be updated in roughly a decade while the Marine codices take turns smacking them up in fluff. When they finally get a new codex they'll be hyped for a little while, making 'great gains' against other factions, then will fade into the position of Marine boot polish again for seven or eight years.

And...I'm agreeing with you???

But that's not the core of their tactics. It's just what we've seen so far with their interactions with Earth, since the humans are dug in and shielded by Plot, so the Hive dug in as well.

And then they'd get squatted

No, you don't understand how fucking broken the Necrons are.

The Necrons in 40k are basically a bunch of geriatric old men playing bridge.

At their Height, they killed Old Ones and Star Gods, and hid away from the Eldar, who AT THEIR HEIGHT were able to fuck the universe so hard it birthed a chaos god.

Necrons WISH they were on the absolutely broken level of the Vex and their timeline fuckery. And the Vex still failed to understand the ontological bullshit of the Hive, and even straight up *broke* trying to fathom Oryx.

Both Eldar and Necrons do, actually. DoAT humanity is heavily implied to as well.

Eldar only use them in a tight spot because they consider them intrinsically wrong, and Necrons... it's never really explained how Necrons haven't won yet.

>40k faggots arguing with Destiny faggots over whose special snowflakes would win

>*Predicts your downfall*

Actually time manipulation has been recorded tons of times, it just seems to be a very very bad thing to do in 40k and usually results in things getting deleted from reality.

aside from all the ones that do