>It's illegal to carry a sword, axe, or anything bigger than a dagger inside cities in most kingdoms in the setting.
What do you do?
>It's illegal to carry a sword, axe, or anything bigger than a dagger inside cities in most kingdoms in the setting.
What do you do?
Be a spellcaster
a proper dagger can still mess someone up bad
or get a weighted cane
One-scroll limit.
Whatever I want. I'm the GM.
Option 1:
I am a mage and laugh because martials suck
Option 2:
I carry about 25 daggers
Option 3:
Platearmor and a walking staff
Daggers are still great, and become proficient in unarmed combat and with weapons of opportunity
Carry a dagger.
Since the bar seems to be only set for melee weapons, I'll leave my sword at the checkstop gate and keep myself armed with a bow
Carry a large amount of guns.
You already know.
Be a wizard. Problem solved.
Who the hell needs scrolls?
>Platearmor and a walking staff
you would just walk around everywhere in full plate? really? even on a hot day?
let me guess, you carry a shield on your back too
Strangle cityguards with scarfs
Be like Sun Wukong and have shrinkable weapons.
Make sure you drink enough water and this isn't a problem.
Get a license for my sword.
Carry a few knives (as a nine fingered man once said, you can never have too many knives), a sturdy stick and seek lodgings outside the walls most of the time.
Honestly big knives are fine for most of the things you're likely to want to do in town, and if they're not then you're probably not obeying ANY laws so that's fine too.
Absolute worst, you may have to buy another sword or something, but unless it's a legendary relic or custom-made there's no reason to be particularly attached to your weapon, save for it it's a character quirk or whatever. And even then, that's a free sidequest
Carry a dagger. Generally speaking, the only people who would be carrying anything more would be the town guard, and if they're your enemy, you have much larger problems in the first place.
Don't go into the cities with these laws.
They can solve their own problems, no helping hands from adventurers.
>anything bigger than a dagger
Is is a fairy setting?
Or do people sit on the floor, drink from thimbles and build their houses from Popsicle sticks and tiny bricks?
Fuck em. My character has mastered literally every weapon, form of combat, and armor and has killed scores of maneating monsters. You think he really gives a single shit?
What? I know in games temperature doesn't really matter (and shouldn't really) unless we're talking the most extreme weather conditions and/or climate possible, but you can't just drink water in reality and suddenly the sun doesn't affect you. You're wearing metal. Hot metal isn't fun to wear. You're also almost certainly wearing a gambeson underneath and even more clothes under that. If you want armor that you can wear for most of a day then you are usually stuck with a breastplate or some kind of half-plate. Or you could just don your armor when you have a real reason to expect a fight like a normal person.
Carry weapon too big, too heavy and too long to be called a sword. Something more like a slab of iron
Start my own nation, where the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Carry a messer.
"No constable, this is a utility knife, note the handle."
>ever taking off your armor
Donning rules are shit and I'm not being penalized anyway
>Assuming Pathfinder
>Unchained rogue, dagger specialist
>Underhanded for max on first attack in a combat if we get the drop on them
>Spec towards shadow dancer, so stealth is god-tier anyways.
Play a caster, rogue, or guy so rich he can get around these rules like in every society.
If we're talking D&D the DM here obviously hates martials.
Fucking German trolls. Finding that out had me chuckling for weeks.
>sword? Nay, I am but a humble valet and this is merely my heavy-duty ironing board
Yeah, I'm not saying you should play like that or with those rules as standard. As I wrote, only the most extreme weather conditions and/or climate should really affect the PCs. Since, you know, they are the heroes of the story and heroes can tank shit like a snowstorm on willpower alone. Unless the players try to walk on top of snow that is twice as tall as they are then I'm going to need some dice rolling.
"Surely you wouldn't part an old man of his... giant metal walking stick?"
Probably invest in some charisma...
A dagger is more dangerous than an arming sword or pole-arm in a city.
Magic Greatsword of Growing and Shrinking
Also carry a weapon. ;D
Be a caster, laugh at stupid rules only good for making life hard for pack-mules and meat-shields.
>I'm not being penalized anyway
Like hell you're not - enjoy those CHA penalties and CON checks (admittedly the latter should mostly be a formality rather than a risk unless the going is really tough), the additional wear on your armour, the street urchins heralding the arrival of Lord Stink to all and sundry, and, of course, the detailed descriptions of just how sweaty and uncomfortable you're getting.
How come those are stupid, carrying smaller weapons will make them better pack mules and meat shields, if anything.
>You're wearing metal.
Most of which isn't in contact with the skin.
>Hot metal isn't fun to wear.
Fun isn't a necessity, for one.
>You're also almost certainly wearing a gambeson underneath and even more clothes under that.
A thin aketon, actually. A full suit of plate of any decent thickness should be worn with very little cloth, unlike mail that should be worn over an aketon and then under a thick gambeson.
>If you want armor that you can wear for most of a day then you are usually stuck with a breastplate or some kind of half-plate
>but you can't just drink water in reality and suddenly the sun doesn't affect you.
How do you think people wearing some of the heaviest armour in sweltering heat for extended periods survived? It's unpleasant, but you deal with it and make sure to drink more. And hope that you'll get to sleep and take your armour off instead of staying awake in the suddenly cold night as all the sweat accumulated freezes your testicles off.
Buy up all the land immediately surrounding the city limits, rent it by the hour as "wood-chopping zones". Sell pre-chopped wood to city dwellers who don't have time to ride into the country and do it themselves.
Then move to a different city because with this retarded law carpentry is now forbidden.
Wearing full plate all the time is retarded, but we allow it, because chainmail bikinis and suspension of disbelief.
Ironically isn't this a case where literally buying and selling faggots is a great plan?
>Most of which isn't in contact with the skin.
Still hot as shit.
>Fun isn't a necessity, for one.
A figure of speech
>A thin aketon, actually. A full suit of plate of any decent thickness should be worn with very little cloth, unlike mail that should be worn over an aketon and then under a thick gambeson.
If thin, enjoy your sores. If not, it's still a full body garment shut in a suit of metal
>How do you think people wearing some of the heaviest armour in sweltering heat for extended periods survived?
Protip; They didn't wear armour for any more time than they absolutely need to.
Great use of the word "faggot" user.
>Most of which isn't in contact with the skin.
>A thin aketon, actually. A full suit of plate of any decent thickness should be worn with very little cloth, unlike mail that should be worn over an aketon and then under a thick gambeson.
Doesn't have to be. The metal heats up and the heat transfers onto the aketon (isn't aketon just another word for a gambeson that you wear under plate?). You're still wearing layers and layers trap hot air between them warming you up. It might not be a winter coat, but it is still a bit much to be wearing while strolling around town.
>Fun isn't a necessity, for one.
Even if you are visiting the town's tavern for drinks or the merchant to drop off your loot? You're hanging around town, not a battlefield. Unless you expect a fight with some kind of underground cult or thieves guild.
>How do you think people wearing some of the heaviest armour in sweltering heat for extended periods survived?
Why do modern soldiers regularly leave behind critical parts of their own armor behind even when they expect a fight? Armor is bothersome to wear. Your standard Lvl 3 Fighter can wear his armor all day, but your average joe in-game and in real life isn't going to want to do the same. Even if they did, they might be putting themselves in more danger by exhausting themselves waling around town in full plate before they even know a fight is about to start.
Like pointed out, laws like this would impact certain laborers and craftsmen, meaning there must be some system for exceptions or licenses. Find out what the specifics of the law are and get a weapon that's just outside them if you truly need one.
Not only that the city has desperate shortage of faggots but OP can't help with it
Any city with that kind of rule would have exceptions. I would imagine the guards would hold your weapons and armor for you to retrieve once you left, up to the DM then to decide how trust worthy these strangers were with them. Could even have a minor plot where you kick in the guard barracks to get back your stolen magic weapon for a more aggressive route, or some subterfuge for the more pacifist option.
Carry a large, long hafted blade and several large spikes with holes in one end, when confronted by the guards I explain that I am a surgeon for giants and dragons and this is my scalpel and suture kit.
>Well th' smith told me it was a knife when 'e sold it tah me.
>Is got one edge n' everythin'. Not like a proppa sword.
What if the guards are competent and non-retarded, for a change? Or is a trope that is almost never subverted?
The joke is that the Messer doesn't meet the legal definition of a sword. If you wanted to outlaw the Messer you'd screw over every other tradesman who needed a blade to do work in your city.
Detatch a spear's head and put it on the messy end of a mop or broom, carry a couple of pic related, and have a work hammer on the inside of a coat.
Perfectly legal, sir. Don't mind me.
Carry a kriegmesser
I mean you could just ban blades longer than the largest blade needed for trades work.
OP's post said anything bigger than a dagger, and a Messer is evidently bigger. The Messer took advantage of certain legal loopholes, which are not necessarily present. Look at the modern definitions, for examle.
This is simple. Be a pugalist.
I have this obsesiĆ³n in every game that allows me to do it, be capable of unarmed combat, and not only capable but actually decent at it. So yeah, I always invest in unarmed combat or similar in D&D and in other games I buy martial arts, etc
No problem, officer
>He can't summon his weapon as a free action or swift action as long as said weapon is at least in the same plane
Already had that problem, it wasn't a problem
You cannot separate a samurai's sword from his person, unless you think removing his soul is also an option.
He has right given by the daimyo and shogun to carry his blade, no matter the place nor the company he is to keep.
If he draws the blade, it is because he must, and he will only do so if his life or his honor is at stake.
If these matters cannot be attended to, he will not enter the city, he will wait outside until the business within is concluded, but he will also never take up his arms to help the city or kingdom that would not let him bear them, as they have no respect for his weapon, he shall not respect their need for it.
By RAW none of those things happen. You can write your houserules to make martials even shittier than they already are, but don't be surprised when no-one will play on in your games.
A tragedy, truly
Oh look, a weeb who doesn't even know how Feudal Japan worked, color me impressed.
If you outlaw swords then only outlaws will have swords.
Your character seems like one I'd make sure my hostiles worked just that little bit harder to knock off.
>>It's illegal to carry a sword, axe, or anything bigger than a dagger inside cities in most kingdoms in the setting.
>What do you do?
>Laugh and hand them even that rusty dagger i carry arround for show.
>Laugh and enter as lightning sparks on my fingertips.
>Sing in laughter because most of my spells only require me to talk.
>Bless them for doing their work and enter while carying my divine amulet arround my neck.
>''You dare stop a knight of the crown lowly peasant?''
>... Don't even talk to the guard and just teleport inside like normally.
>Laughing housecats.png
>... Continue to snicker and chat with my patron on which people i should sacrifice to it.
>In case of Dex barbarian just shrug and enter with my dagger.
>In case of Str barbarian... just hope i got Tavern brawler i guess?
>Start carving hobo siginals into the wooden constructs across the city.
>Prepare to contact the local thieves guild to start smuglling weaponry in my bag of holding.
>Dex based... Well at least i'm not completely useless.
>Str based... ''Can i carry my buckler as well?''
>>Laugh and hand them even that rusty dagger i carry arround for show.
then dive in the the deep depression that is to be a monk and realize that even with this advantage, you will still fail at everything
Parrying dagger with combination of knucklebow guard and sword catcher tines for off hand.
Multistrand chain belt with large ornate quick release buckle.
Bows probably need to be unstrung aswell
Get out
I am Japanese though. Dad's from Fukuoka.
They can't take my fists, so they can't stop me
>then dive in the the deep depression that is to be a monk and realize that even with this advantage, you will still fail at everything
Only failures don't know how to utilize monk features.
>Highspeed chases across the city.
>Don't give shit about walls and falling from the highest towers in town.
>Laugh at the city guard and their shitty archers while you fling their arrows back at them.
>Run up to their spellcaster as you pass every single save of their spells and then anally rape them.
>Assassinations by touching someone as an Open hand monk, don't forget to knock people of roofs as well.
>Teleport and troll people with illusions if you are a Shadow monk.
>Be a pretty much unbeatable tank in while you sap the lifeforce of others as a Long death monk.
>Blast everything as a Sun-soul monk.
The only official 5e Monk archetype that sucks is the 4 elements one.
>If he draws the blade, it is because he must, and he will only do so if his life or his honor is at stake.
>He has right given by the daimyo and shogun to carry his blade, no matter the place nor the company he is to keep.
You know, change this around into the context of a warrior class who's above all the other people, and you get a situation where you have all these maniacs running around with the legal power to murder and openly wielding weapons while nobody else can. Like gangs or samurai mafia or something.
I'd take a coustille dagger. Failing that, a trained fighter would know unarmed combat as well.
Nah, 5e monks and PF Unchained Monks are pretty good.
That's basically what they were.
Right, I'll let the other members of the party go into to town to rendevous with the contact, I'll watch the the camp. If I'm signalled I'll climb over the walls come night.
Same goes for the police. The state gives them the right to use weapons/force that normal people aren't allowed to use (in most cases) but may only use it in certain circumstances.
Some cops abuse this power, good thing we have videocameras to hold them accountable
Is the restriction on length or weight? A functional dagger is reasonably long but a jeweled rapier is usually ok. Between a decent rapier, a dagger with some engraving, and a knife in your boot for security that's a bit tighter you can usually handle a light scratch up with some street brawlers or some local thugs anyway. Keep some metal bracers under your shirt sleeves and a thick vest with some metal sewn into it and you're good to walk into town looking like a gentleman, if a scruffy one.
If security is that tight though, a cane with a good lump of iron on the end(in the shape of an eagle or a wolf or whatever is in style) will have a similar effect in a pinch. Just make sure it has a nice patina and polish it up and nobody will care overmuch.
If you need to walk into a city heavily armed like that, you're not going to be checking with the guards anyway. You're either above them or charging into them.
A titled warror's chief duty out of wartime is to ensure peace. Which is a fancy way of saying pull out a sword if someone has funny ideas about tax exemptions.
If they have a one foot dagger and you have a three foot sword the fight is going to go your way before you even get into who's the one wearing a curiass and has two guys with the same backing you up.
That is 100% what went down. They would cut people up for fuck all reason. Like literally because someone looked at them funny.
I take my grandfather's dagger in.
Grandfather was a storm giant. This is his dagger. Any questions?
Maybe if you play bad systems
the human rectum is nightmarishly elastic
Did you reply to me by accident?
Well, you have no fucking idea of your own culture, which is sad, unless you're playing a "meme" samurai and not a realistic one.
It's a big dagger.
>Give up my ornamental longsword
>I can still slash things just as well with my bare hands
If I think about it a little, my hexblade warlock sounds like the kind of cheesy character a 14 year old would make.
>while you fling their arrows back at them.
Actually Umonk is slightly worse than archetyped PHB monk, that shows you how good are archetypes and the fack that Umonk couldn't archetype for almost a year (and the ones he can now are meh as fuck) is a detriment
You're right that Umonk>>>>PHB Monk, but Archetyped PHB monk > Umonk
I play a lot of monks, is my fav class
the guards confiscate it none the less and tell you, you may present your argument to the arbiter at the next available appointment in 4-6 months.
Enjoy your stay
>all the good archetypes are already folded into UMonk
Uh huh.
How dishonarbu that you don't know your history then
Maybe hes not playing 3.x, and is instead playing something GOOD?
>Mentions high levels
Why are you forced to give up your weapons then? who could do that to a high level group?
Magic Sword transforms into person and we go into the city normally.
no, they aren't the fuck are you talking about, Umonk can't archetype the old archetypes, only the 4 new ones which are pretty meh