Is map presentation important for you?
Is map presentation important for you?
What do you mean by presentation exactly?
Having a map to present to the players in the first place?
Method of presentation and execution of the presentation? (beamer, printout, roll20, maptools, quick whiteboard drawing etc)
Representation choices on the map itself? (format, placement in format, font, medium, label size, symbols, color palette etc)
Actual worldbuilding choices about geography, demographics and magic that will show on the map?
Is this a proper use of the meme?
>virgin one is designed to be relatable, to attempt to make people feel self-concious and to feed off their insecurity
>chad one is a comical counterpoint, designed to be funny
>"listens to luca turilli"
>not "Still has never heard a song in his life"
>Chad plucking the continent from the virgin's setting
sides, come back
i need you
I take satalite images for maps in a jet pilot game I'm running, the players think it's really cool.
I'm solidly in the Virgin Worldbuilder category.
This one is my favourite
Cunt off tea is gud
For instance.
I my only problem with this, is that the blood of Chad's would be more worthy for a god, not a Virgin. Excluding attractive virgin females, of course
Wh-what's wrong with listening to cheesy fantasy power metal?
An important aspect I see everyone forget is that the Chad one is so weird and funny because it's literally the exact opposite of whatever the virgin does taken to a stupid degree.
Half the time they just make Chad do nonsense shit and forget he's not doing nonsense he's just a complete 180 on anything the virgin does.
Eh. I'd worldbuild for keeps, but I don't play important enough games to justify it.
I have a shitty handrawn map, but the most recent one I published was literally MSPaint for a rough sketch.
Not terribly, but I think I might just steal the idea of using crayons for my mapping.
for the record, i root for the virgin worldbuilder
By itself nothing, but its a contrast for the chad against the virgin who gets in the mood by listening to traditional stuff.
t. power metal sperg
There's a fine line between it looking like a unique style and looking like a child made it, but god speed
My favorite example
user, that's not a virgin.
That's a tranny
>wanting to spill what little Chad blood runs through Creation
Blasphemy. Also Chad wrote the holy book himself, and I doubt he'd want his own heart getting ripped out.
Kill Six Billion Demons.
Use MS paint it gets the job done well enough.
Online or in person game?
If online how big are your maps?
I've been having trouble making maps from google earth pro Satalite images. In terms of the maps ending up too big for roll20 and also getting maps that can be scaled and gridded. (Game is mostly on foot. So it's a modern setting but isn't a jet fighter game like yours)
I've wanted to read K6BD for awhile but if it's just more Orwellian socjus pandering fuck that shit infinitely.
Protag is powertripping barista, main sidekick is a tranny. The rest of the cast is tolerable, that is, if you like the kind of stuff that puts rule of cool above consistency.
Sorta. It's how I start worldbuilding.
user, I think you need to calm down and stop acting like the kinda folk you are trying to talk shit about.
What is so wrong with taking it on it's own measure and worth, rather than trying to bootstrap on some agenda you don't even know is there?
do or don't no one cares about your feels
Leave him alone, user.
Don't trigger the snowflake's precious feelings.
When I'm the GM? Yes, I'm self conscious about how all of my maps look, whether they're battle maps or overworld maps. When I'm a player? Couldn't care less as long as the important bits are there.
Chad category and besties with a Virgin
Tbh I should probably just take all his worlds since I'm the one that actually GMs our group. Except I know he'll scold me every time I make something even mildly historically inaccurate.
I'm just happy when the current area the group is in makes sense and seems relatively alive. All I need to know is the general "feel" of things (well kept, happy, dying, decrepit) and where important shit is.
My maps reflect this sentiment.
Except when it's the /comfy/ home base
I made this map.
I unno, something about it I just don't really like.
It's just a blob in the ocean, for one.
>rivers running from mountain to mountain
Those are actually places where rivers join aside from one
>The lads amity: the post.
>more Orwellian socjus pandering
Back in the old days before 2015, we called this "having a female protagonist".
Gamergate was a fucking mistake, honestly. I feel like the SJW boogeyman dreamed up by whoever kicked that whole thing off (IIRC it was /pol/ fucking with /v/, but I may be wrong.) spilled over to just about everything vaguely nerdy, and now you can't have any opinion left of centre in Vidya or tabletop without someone on the internet shrieking at you.
Currently working on this.
It's quite a large map, covering an unfeasibly large play area, so I think I'll just get a basic "nations made up of X here, local threats include a, b, c" and ask them what part of the world they'd like to play, then take a week to flesh out that area.
Still need to add rivers as well as generally developed areas.
nice not!europe
I try
I mean for the humans it's literally just High Medieval Europe and all its wars and power plays and pretenders. Sampling history is a lot easier than inventing it.
I see. Kinda hard to tell. Though it does look like some of them are splitting.
Just pick a real live location. It's easier and more realistic.
Look, I hate the soc jus as much as anyone; let me tell you that this thing is absolutely fine.
>30K Imperial Truth Virgin/Chad Word Barer
This is some Azzie meme propoganda.
Best one
also Veeky Forums relevant
You can't have any opinion, period.
If you move slightly left the grognards whine, if you move slightly right the nu-males whine, if you stay in the centre everyone whines.
The only solution is bitchslapping everyone whenever they open their maw to whine about politics until they learn to shut up or leave.
user when he says "tranny", in this case it means "angel who has a gender at all." The rest of them don't bother with the concept, what with being sexless spirits and all.
An excellent point. I've never actually seen a 'nu-male', nor do I know what one is, but I do certainly agree that having any opinion will get you jumped by someone.
Twitter is filled with the worst members of the two sides
Another meme that misses the point of Chad. He's just supposed to be better than the virgin, he must be taken to absurd extremes.
To be fair Chad is the most Chad of the West African nations. Btfo Libyans with a bunch of toyotas and recently fucked up some virgin Islamists in Mali (the Islamist leader was literally a Danny Devito sized manlet with rickets)
Enjoy this one from the Lego General on /toy/
To be fair angels are males in KSBD and have a good reason for it as male = order and female = chaos in their cosmology. A dude created the 'ordered' servants and angels while a divine dumbass lady created the devils and humanity.
Post it on /pol/. Get a ton of hate (you)s.
My personal Favorite.
Not biased at all I swear...
>Gamergate was about politics
This is why we aren't allowed to have nice things.
Don't read it. The art pulls you in, and then you end up let down by the garbage-tier basic bitch power fantasy sjw plotline
>Luca Turilli and Rhapsody of Fire
Chad has good taste.
>listens to Luca Turilli and Rhapsody of Fire
This so much
>Rhapsody of Fire
Dragonforce should be there too
>that pic
dammit user, I needed those sides
>Luca Turilli
The GGers had a valid point, for about five minutes. And then /pol/ saw a vector and took over, and it went to shit.
Why the fuck is this meme so popular?
Seems familiar
Never seen that before actually. Just a coincidence I suppose.
I'd say it's more to the developers moving the goalposts, If you're loosing an argument you change it to one that you can win.
I guess it's just a case of creative convergence. You do you booboo
Yeah, precisely. Everyone made fun of the virgin walk, the chad walk is meant to prove how the opposite would be even more ridiculous. Some of the virgin's actions make sense.
Maybe his mountains float. and and the whole world has a slight tilt.
Don't feel bad, bud. I once wrote a story where there was a badass, kind of cruel dude with half of his face burnt off.
Then I saw GoT
And I was fucking pissed.
Originality is a Herculean Feat these days.
>Don't feel bad, bud. I once wrote a story where there was a badass, kind of cruel dude with half of his face burnt off.
I should make it clear: he wasn't the main character. He was, however, a favorite of my readers.
>not sacrificing the best for your god
And this is why the gods hate us user.
i drew this in ms paint like 3 years ago and this has been the map for one of my main forged worlds
Reminds me of this one a little.
then again i have a pretty virgin map for another world
>this is something that someone unironically believes
Yes user, SJWs are just a boogeyman, but /pol/ is so deceptive and inciduous, it was able to mastermind the world's biggest shitstorm and split the entire internet in two for close to a year and a half.
I'm certain you recall things correctly, and that bias has distorted none of your memories.
GG is about politics insofar as being apolitical is about politics. It was about the rejection of politics from places it didn't belong.
Now, did the people who were part of GG become more politicized because of it? That's a matter up for debate.
I think you are giving /pol/ more credit than they deserve
I whip out my dick and jerk it onto a piece of paper.
The outlines of the cumstains are the outlines of my setting's continents. Booyah, there you go, quick and dirty worldbuilding start.
>welcomes all kinds of brands
please tell me this is the majority of /toy/
Forgotten Realms map looks horribly lazy in design.
Donald Trump is President, user. Stop denying your new reality, because /pol/ is way ahead of you.
Trump was just elected because the Dems choose literally the worst candidate for the job and did nothing but give Trump free press while sitting on their asses.
>It was about the rejection of politics from places it didn't belong.
>thinks ethics and journalism as it relates to truth isn't political
Reread his post. I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic in that first bit.
Oh I guess you are right
Looks like the world from SoIaF
Just take away that north pole and get rid of the water splitting up the continents on the right and you'll see it.
Set aside your feelings. Use the report, user. The power of hate is nothing in the face of the mods.
Someone post that Pompei graffiti about the bros.
Ethics/morality isn't politics. Just because 51% of people believe murder is okay doesn't mean that murder is suddenly okay, because what is right and what is necessary for society are two different things.
"If I know one thing, it is that I know nothing."
I did a little fistbump to my monitor because MS Paint is top tier shit.
>skub is bad
>no, skub is good
>hey man there's no need to bring political opinions into this