>be me >Playing a war-game strategy game where we have to use team work and communication and exact protocol >The "Overlord" Of this game basically runs the session as he sees fit. >One of the players is Overlords girlfriend >Whatever she's okay >Wants a larger game but won't even let our other semi-mutual friends play because he doesn't think they are good enough >Several encounters of her not being killed >Encounters where tactician god team-mates compared to us tacti-cool guys would just get railed and killed multiple times and frustrated >Second she suggest something wow It works out >Players in awe >Overlord asks her which way she wants to lead the squad >She doesn't even know her rights from her lefts >mfw
Glad that my dm is a turboautist and this will never happen in my group
Colton Harris
What system?
Aaron Murphy
It's Gurps, but with some house stuff as well.
Jonathan Morgan
>strategy war game >GURPS wat
Dominic Rodriguez
>GURPS >DM has a gf >>/reddit/
Thomas Ross
>GURPS n-nani
Ryan Turner
That's not even OP but okay It's a homebrew setting. It's played on ARMA 3, using the ZUES editing engine
Jacob Murphy
>Calling the GM 'Overlord' You seem to have taken a wrong turn, reddit is over there
Logan Howard
This is fucking cancer, go play 5e you fucking cuck
Josiah Davis
>ARMA 3 >
Ethan Perez
>GM's girlfriend The moment his girlfriend is at the table is when I walk. If she was there before me then I'll have to tolerate it, but if the DM tries to shoehorn his cocksleeve in then either she leaves or I do. No hard feelings to anyone, I just don't want to be within a 10km radius once the shitstorm starts.
Liam Phillips
When im Gmming im harsher on my partner more then the rest of the players. I let her get away with less shit. I put her throw through ringer. The badguys target her first > female barbarian with overlarge two hander that spins like she owns the Blendtec youtube channel. So they should.
all because I dont want people to think this shit. >mfw I get the best sex after the games.
Aaron Watson
I mean, I can understand the caution but that seems a little harsh. Do you not try for one session?
Bentley Walker
STILL too much meme-speak friendo
Zachary Fisher
Your hand is one of your players?
Josiah Walker
dam right it is.
Jackson Wood
>played multiple campaigns with group for years now >usually forever DM but one player said he wants to try out GMing >giddy as fuck since I never get to actually play and we've all wanted to do this setting for a long time >"Oh and my wife is going to play with us as well." >know most players irl, including new DM, and hate his wife (typical CN roflmao XDDDD harley quinn XL cosplay cunt) >Gut feeling that tells me campaign is ending after first session >session day has come >typical "you wake up in a cell with x amount of people" start >wife instantly starts to jovially taunt guards and attack fellow prisoners for not doing what she says (shit like rub my feet and "suck my clit, Bubba") >usually would get a negative penalty or reaction for dude-broing, being an idiot, treating the session like a video game, etc. through future rolls having negative modifiers till you get into the role or more than likely getting your ass kicked but nothing happens to her >rest of us are put off and start to do out-of-character things as well >get instantly attacked, break bones through failed rolls, etc. >high amounts of frustration are obvious from the rest of us as wife is getting nearly whatever she wants (low DC rolls, crit fails doing nothing when the rest of us are penalized for them, and enemies not attacking her though she is the closest, loudest, or in some cases the only one fucking visible) >we start to not care about penalties and do whatever we want as long as we have heartbeats >wife starts to tell us "you aren't playing your characters correctly" >final straw >during the prison escape we lock her in with the guards, tell them it was her idea, and wait for the DM to tell us what happens >he doesn't >he says that didn't happen and we say then this session is over >afterwards we told him his wife can never play with the group again and I'm back to DMing
I just wanted to play for fucking ONCE.
Ayden Powell
>Not having the balls to get up halfway though the game and say that your not having fun and will catch you later >Not having the balls to LIE about getting a text and leaving.
Its better to be a forever Gm then to waste your life in a shit game.
Grayson Torres
Nothing too interesting.
>GM's girlfriend has played with us since the beginning >never been a problem >GM's never showed blatant favoritism >neither ever showed jealousy
Only thing that's ever awkward is the fact that I often play flirtatious/womanizing characters, and I legitimately cannot bring myself to flirt with her characters. I have no reservations about other characters, even other PCs, so I'm sure it's noticeable that I've completely avoided it, but it feels awkward.
Jeremiah Scott
Players let other players get away with shit that they will kill npcs over Showing that you are not going to start flirting with gmgf shows your an adult.
Anthony Jenkins
>Players let other players get away with shit that they will kill npcs over
Says who?
Angel Morales
I am also like this with my gf. No problems so far, and she gets more respect from players.
Also spankings
David Nelson
Man, that's pretty extreme dude. The group I play with is all married couples, switching off who DMs every couple months or whenever a plot arc is done, and we have never had any issues of bullshit favorism. You just need to get better friends. Of course, you sound like a piece of shit, so you're probably stuck with what you have.
Sebastian Gonzalez
My girlfriend plays and I DM but she only rarely plays so its sad
Joshua Davis
>be DM >play with friends, two of which are together >girls character is a highly social character, i let her seduce her way ingame sometimes >I find it incredibly awkward and weird to roleplay those characters because she of her boyfriend
Chase Cox
>She of her boyfriend
Grayson Kelly
Forgot to delete "she"
Josiah Brooks
You let your players gangspank your girlfriend?
What the hell, man.
Charles Morales
>there's a couple at my table >chick plays a highly sociable character that tries to use their charisma to solve issues >every time I just wish I had high charisma to seduce the player
Jaxon Bennett
>not having your GF force a Futa into your game >not having to deal with her crazy magical reem >not having her have a prinny army that she sadistically abuses and discards at the drop of the hat. >not having her force the slightly femme male player's pc into a brothel >Not seeing her tease said player for asking for a muscle lady >Not having that femme player start crying because he is in his mid twetnys and still a virgin >not having her pushing for a saliormoon game and being worried that she might make it black-dog >not her using your games as forplay >not just wanting to run a hero campaign and not dealing with this shit bro you dont know how lucky you are. im so tired [/spolier]
Julian Sanchez
No, I have my own punishment system for her.
Nathan Nguyen
Its called being in his campaign
Robert Hall
You're a good man
Connor Brown
>pathfinder game >DM is pretty cool, his girlfriend's a sweetie who only picked up rpgs to play with him >poor girl can't role play her way out of a paper bag >DM assigns his best friend to be a lizard folk barbarian to protect her >literally, it's in his backstory that he's her bodyguard >one player gets kinda pissed about it (he was our resident /thatguy/ >starts making his rogue put the moves on her cleric >DM's gf gets all flustered irl >lizardbro bites his head off in game >DM turns the blind eye and makes /thatguy/ roll another character
Sure, he was asking for it, but I thought it was bullshit
Blake Evans
Do you not? The group that plays together stays together.
Lincoln Davis
What part was ballshit? more details of the hand biteing and everything leading up to it.
Robert Peterson
I feel like you can say "Wow its just a game" as an argument for that guy. but If that were me, I'd probably do the same thing. Especially If the lizard bro just did it because hes not an autist and can read the situation. It depends also on how serious the characters where, If this was like some 20-session thing but It sounds like something new.
Hunter Murphy
Lizardbro is a good bro. When people use playing their character they normally just mean to shit on the party. Lizard bro stopped the game from falling apart.
Lets wonderful life this shit >Lizardbro not there that week > Rouge puts moves on cleric >You wanna be my heal slut >Girl leaves the group because she is upset >GM pissed >kicks that guy >two people down >Lizard bro still not around >Gm loses motivation >still no lizardbro >Gm tells group to skip this week >Lizardbro dosn't answer phone > goodbye bro bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-25509422
Sebastian Howard
>Lizardbro >from NEWTon nice try. I'm sorry for your loss
Semi-related? >our GM buys a big box strategy game, the kind with a four foot square board and two hundred tiny plastic men. >I end up with territory near the GM, but a tiny salient of his gf's territory divides us >she fortifies that territory, to keep me off his back >one hour in I've amassed an army on the northern border of my territory, in theory it's there to keep my border secure from her army >after a bad battle, GM moves his capital to the territory on the other side of his gf's salient >over the next three turns she quietly moves a sizeable portion of her border force to other parts of her territory >start of the next turn >my phone starts a buzzing >it's her: "set your army to move north, I'll go east." >I do it >movement cards revealed >her border army withdraws from the territory >my entire army moves north into her now unoccupied territory >her other army crashes into GM's soft underbelly, obliterating his only nearby forces >next turn I move up and lay siege to his capital, while she proceeds to cut a swathe out of his territory >GM calls a break, and they go outside for a long, semi-heated discussion
And to this day, if I'm playing a board game with a girlfriend and we're past the honeymoon stage, I treat them with as much suspicion and cold-blooded ruthlessness as I would treat any bro. Because there's nothing a long term gf likes more than undermining her partner.
Leo Bell
>Rogue is established from the start as being a ladies man >basically tries to seduce any NPC that is female and humanoid enough, the whole shtick >Never really hit on the cleric (I suppose out of respect for GM), but made a big show about how he didn't like the lizard folk guy >flash forward to session of the incident >guess he just said fuck it and started hitting on the cleric >lizard folk barbarian was off hunting (he only ate what he killed, didn't eat rations) >my hobgoblin monk is with him just in case GM springs an encounter on him >starts off with flirty comments (pretty eyes, nice hair, etc) >basically devolves to "I want to get you out of your platemail and fuck you" >GM's gf is all flustered, can't RP her way out of this >GM's heard enough, looks at his bro, who nods >lizardman is suddenly back from hunting, essentially teleporting right behind rogue >nothinpersonnel.gif >GM doesn't even make him roll damage, just says that the rogue is dead >argues that rogue was flat footed and thus the bite attack was instantly lethal >/thatguy/ is pretty pissed, almost walks out of it weren't for GM's gf begging him to stay >Guess the GM felt some remorse, because he let /thatguy/'s next rogue have a ring of minor teleportation starting out The parts I thought were bullshit was the fact that a) the GM was essentially punishing a player for being in character, and b) not making the lizard folk barbarian roll for damage. Imo, having the rogue take a reasonable amount of damage as a warning is preferable to just outright killing him
Jacob Stewart
>ZUES yes, the almighty greek god zues
Wyatt Cox
You get the only sex after the game, user, of course it's the best.
Evan Miller
Im not adult enough to handle someone hitting on my girlfriend in or out of game. I wouldn't want him back in my game, if he is going to disrespect me like that. I don't care if its in character or not. " I was acting In character" is mostly used as an excuses to be an arse anyway. The fact that lizardbro was set up for this shows that he knew that /thatguy/ was going to to it..
My advice is always. TPK early on makes them understand they 'can' lose and feel better when they win the campaign. I shut things down I dont like. Im running superheros, you start killing people then your the new badguy of the week. Im running a rouge game and your kicking in the door, you get filled full of lead. Military game and you fuck around. court-martialed and out of the game. Hit on my girl and I want you out of my house. (disagree with in or out of game I dont care. Shoot PvP or any other stuff I dont really mind)
Wyatt Murphy
>High-school group GMGF was about three years older than all of us and was very willing to in argue OoC about IC things. I think she still does it, though i don't see them often nowadays. Problem probably isn't her GMGF-ism, but her personality. GM didn't show favorism to her and i even think he was more mean to her than others.
>College group GM's GF was Only Sane Man of the group and overall awesome person. GM might have been slightly more permissive to her than to others, but it was never an issue., because she would use her resources in way that benefited the game.
Zachary Cox
>I thought it was bullshit Which part? Because it doesn't sound like the GM or his girlfriend did anything wrong. You could argue that the lizard guy was being a dick, but you'd kind of have to have been there and know the people to really say how much of an overreaction it was.
Brayden Taylor
>I can't handle people, so I get angry on them rather than work on myself: The Post kys
Robert Stewart
>First group We took turns in GMing and since we were 14 back then, only one of us had "girlfriend" (female friend would be more accurate, but whatever). Aside the fact she was fucking fantastic in role-playing, there was nothing special about her and not only the guy with her shown zero favourism, but it sticked. Shit, she was basically a tomboy character-wise, so we treated her as if she was a dude with tits and long hair. And I think the fact we had a girl in the group from the get-go helped to solve a fuckload of problems in my future groups.
>Second group Random collection of people from high school that took over a year to finally crystalyse into a solid group, going from fucking 13 (!) people to pack of 5. The first GM we had had a girlfriend and they were more busy kissing each other any given chance than running/playing the game. We booted them both, since it was simply annoying and wasting our time. The second GM is probably still a virgin, 12 years later, so can't tell anything about GM GF of his. The third GM had a boyfriend, since we had female GM. There was a bit of favourism, but nothing special or spectacular. He simply grinded a bit less and we eventually caugh up pretty soon with his character. I really don't mind, since he was the only person in our group who know his shit and how to make proper GURPS character, so those few extra points here and there for absolutely nothing, but spread over almost two years weren't really an issue.
>Third group First year of university. We were taking turns at GMing and during second semester two of the players hooked up. A lot of blatant favourism happend, along with allowing really stupid shit going and characters being generated (we were playing one-shots back then) and it was really fucking annoying to everyone. The worst situation came when she was GMing and allowed him to do whatever he pleased, and since Pete was a fucking power gamer, it went downhill from there.
Wyatt Flores
She knew her responsibilities when she signed up.
Jose Lopez
Continuing >Fourth group Second year of university. For different reasons, the previous group disintegrated and only few members of it remained as the core. In new configuration we had a perma GM (since new people weren't exactly keen on taking turns in GMing) and her girlfriend. She made only one exception for her and that was allowing her character to have huge set of antlers for no apparent reason, while playing human. Other than that, no favourism ever happend. Hell, she was pretty strict toward her GF and more lenient toward our mistakes, so go figure. This was probably the best group I ever had with the most competent and stable GM. We miss you and your scenarios, Nicole.
>Fifth group Random allotment of different local people when I finished uni. GM had a GF, then a fiance and then a wife. Things were... weird. Not because of their ongoing relationship, but because she treated us as if we were 10 years old and she was our mom. Both IC and OoC. It had a lot of bright sides and her pastries were really great, but it was still weird. Once 7th month of her pregnancy started, the GM informed us they need to take a break. We still didn't played any TTRPG (just board games) and their girl is now 3 years old.
>Sixth group (current) I'm a survey geologist and this can get really boring in case of being on the field in the middle of nowhere, with heavy rain going for few days and nothing to do. So I get other people in my work team into the hobby. Helps to kill time. There are no wifes, husbands or significant others on site, so there are no GM GF issues
Leo Barnes
Not that guy, but how do you fail to do so? The seducer does his thing, but instead of having the priestess character just decline the advances of the rogue character, the gm proxy-kills the rogue. This is terribly immature and uncalled for.
Joseph Gonzalez
Okay, now with more light this just seems that to insta-kill him and not teach him a lesson by just kicking his shit, that's pretty over-kill. Lets be real, the situation sounds like literal bullshit the rogue didn't even see the lizardman coming as he storms into the bar to kill him for what he would see as talking to her.
Landon Sanchez
Oh that's fuckin cool
Liam Bell
How do you handle playing with somebody like that? I see this response constantly to garbage players, but if you cant kick them what are you supposed to do? Clearly she's not the kind of person who can be talked out of playing lolsorandum shit.
Dylan Hernandez
>Clearly she's not the kind of person who can be talked out of playing lolsorandum shit. Did you even try?
Colton Torres
>if it weren't for GM's gf begging him to stay
She liked it
Connor Edwards
I mean, the dude's sitting at the table talking about how he wants to fuck your girlfriend. You shouldn't concern yourself with the rules of the game at that point.
Aaron Flores
Or she felt like it we her fault and was trying to make everyone happy.
Isaac Morris
The other day:
>Gathered a group of four players and a DM. >Total four guys, a chick, and a trans >Trans is F2M but is mostly cool, everyone agrees he'd never make it through life as a woman >Chick is pretty hot though is married to DM >Playing DnD 5e for some low-level adventures. Party balances accordingly with two Fighters, a Rogue, a lesser Cleric of Pelor and a Warlock, all human. >Last session, had to get into a tomb outside the city >"This is my jam," says chick who plays Rogue and goes inside alone. >We don't hear from her again. She gets mad at DM but he tells us nothing. >A few minutes pass. Warlock dissapears too. >Only trans fighter, cleric and dude fighter remain. >They go looking for Warlock. Girl gets angry we look for Warlock instead of her. >We tell her, they assume she died instantly but the Warlock may still be alive. >DM is concerned. Something isn't right. >Girlfriend leaves to the bathroom to snort some coke. >DM leans forward and says: "Warlock is back, but his skin is gone." >Wtf? >"Yeah it's just jelly now." >Wtf why dude? >Warlock player doesn't know, DM didn't tell him. >Cleric casts heal. >DM declares the gods aren't real. >Warlock shrugs. "Could be worse." >DM declares the old gods aren't real. >Now they mad. Trans and I look at each other. >I try to get a boner, but fail. >DM leans even further forward. Says: "When she comes back, pretend she's not here." >Shake my head. >DM gives puppy eyes. >Shake my head again. >DM sighs, GF comes back. >Shrieks loudly why he killed her Rogue. >DM declares Rogue is back. We explain Warlock lost skin, and gods are dead. >She cocks her head. "What's going on, my love? Tell me." >Her voice is weird. >Like gaseous and base. >He looks at her. >Then cries. >Game session ends on this cliffhanger.
Connor Bailey
What the hell
Jackson Bailey
Is this English?
Asher Kelly
i think she cucked him
Jackson Hernandez
>The group I play with is all married couples And yet even homosexuals give women special treatment. Some social constructs here or there can't overturn evolution, no matter what your gender studies professor might say.
If your group functions, then you've got incredibly luck, but don't pretend that this is the norm. It remains entirely rational to jump ship once the DM suddenly invites over his cocksleeve. And if I'm wrong, well, good luck to that group without me!
Adam Ward
>good luck to that group without me!
Jordan Ward
>even homosexuals give women special treatment Nah, bro, gay dudes are fucking misogenistic as hell. They just have the tact and charisma to hide their power levels
Luis Young
>gay dudes are fucking misogenistic as hell Which is why straight women are allowed in gay bars but men get beaten up/arrested/accused of rape when entering a dyke bar, right?
Luis Thompson
Technically the second part of that sentence does explain your question.
Ayden Rivera
>suck my clit Bubba
my friendo, it was at that point that negotiations were off the table. I cant imagine a scenario where im playing a game with ladies at the table and I tell one of them to suck my dick
Grayson Phillips
>I cant imagine a scenario where im playing a game with ladies at the table and I tell one of them to suck my dick >Not turning your gaming group into your personal LARP harem
Christopher Gutierrez
Logan Jones
>but if you cant kick them Original user here and what the fuck? You can kick anyone you want any time you want.
Owen Harris
I'd let your friend's GF command my armies.
Isaiah Lewis
It makes you seem like a better man if you can fuck the guy upwithout turning the situation uncivilized.
Jacob Flores
I'd be flattered. If he was charming enough, maybe I'd even let her give him a pity handy.
Christian Cruz
This is really how a cuck thinks. Honestly man I see this thrown around all the time and people using it wrong. if you do not stand up for your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, trap, or body-pillow you will lose their respect even if they dont know it themselfs. If they look at you and think well, he dosn't care if im safe or not then your failing.
Be a person that they can rely on.
Juan Scott
>rather than work on myself >when the other person is clearly the one ruining the session
No, kys pls.
Ryan Walker
You SHOULD stand up, and doing it badly is better than not at all, but the better way to do it is to make it impossible to look like you were the asshole, so, like some other user said, following the rules of the game instead of going full retard would of been way better, good rolls are always given to good causes.
Christopher Taylor
In my old group myself and another guy mostly shared DM duties. Both of our girlfriend's were also in the group.
I always kind of found the opposite, like I'd sometimes wonder if I was coming down too hard on her either because I was trying to avoid the opposite or because you're generally less polite with people you know. I think it really did just come down to the fact she was more prone to doing stupid things in the end.
When said other guy was DMing, his girlfriend was pretty good to play with all around anyway, but when she did something annoying or antagonistic they'd exchange a look and she would tone it down.
Tyler Stewart
This dude sounds a bit extreme but his words are words of truth, deep down you know it too.
Andrew Nguyen
I'm not saying punch him in the mouth immediately, I'm saying disregard the game rules and tell him straight up the shit's not allowed. Killing his character is secondary.
Fuck kind of strange aristocratic hedonism are you on my dude
Chase Wright
What game is this? Sounds sweet
Landon Lopez
He is right, though. If you can humiliate someone with words its more damaging to them psychologically than a frat boy shoving and yelling contest, especially if you can do it in front of a lot of people, because then they are not only personally humiliated, but also publicly shamed.
Jordan James
Is someone testing out their bot?
William Watson
gay folks turn into catty bitches when woman go into gay bars. Straight woman are not exactly accepted with open arms.
Sebastian Turner
No hes not. Being sneaky and passive aggressive makes you a worse man. Its the same as some dude playing on their phone during the game. Or wanting to do child rape in game. Or putting their sticking dirty hand on my game books. All of these things can fuck right off
Carson Foster
>be gm for small group of friends >let gf play >she makes monks that do next to nothing but follow the party and hit bad guys >doesn't want to roleplay >other players tell me she's getting annoying >I tell her to stop playing >no problem >weeks later friend from group wants to gm >he invites us all, including my gf What the fuck happened?
Isaiah Murphy
He's either thirsty for female interaction, wants to drill her into being a half-assed roleplayer, or he's completely oblivious.