Who exactly writes this stuff?
Can't they hire some semi-competent fantasy author?
Who exactly writes this stuff?
Can't they hire some semi-competent fantasy author?
Personally I liked the part where Jace looked at himself from an outsider's perspective and thought "am I stupid?"
R&D in this instance. Speak, the teenage children of Doug and Allison
well it got me to pop a boner
why would they? look at how you went out of your way to discuss MTG on a website. you're going to the prerelease too, I bet. I'd say their extremely niggardly approach to marketing is working
They have actually tried to and got told to go fuck themselves, not because of the money, but because of the ammount of corporate intervention with the writing.
Useless Island
Legendary Basic Land - Island
T: Add {U} to your mana pool.
"Useless island!"
- Jace Beleren
Come on, make it happen, Mark.
Best flavor
Like who, user? Hit us with your best ideas
WotC has spent too much of their budget inserting new forms of multicultural diversity into their settings, to be able to afford editors for their storyline (they are probably cis scum and goyim anyway)
It's only going to get worse from here
What they gain with this ?
A smug self of moral superiority.
And a continued decrease in card quality, story quality, product quality, and sales apparently
what can they buy with that?
underage bestiality
I hope she has opened her fifth eye, and can see the giants her people were
>Can't they hire some semi-competent fantasy author?
No need to set their sights so high. a mili-competent hack from Veeky Forums would be better than this, and no more expensive.
The ONLY WAY to be sure that SJW and MSM doesn't connect you with literal nazis and gators is to make strides in introducing diversity in your product while you shout the 4 wind that you're doing it.
In other words, they are forced to do it if they want their customers to be accepted in universities.
>Useless Island
>Legendary Basic Land - Island
>"Useless island!"
>- Jace Beleren
An extra allowance of groid sperm
Or just ignore the kvetching kikes.
Why bother? Magic is for fags.
Found the salty YGO player
>plaster more of the people that would murder the jews at the first opportunity in the same way the rabbit would eat the cabbage were in not for the fox
>this is somehow something to blame the jews for