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Judge Dredd
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Oh yeah! Bump this grox!
Continuing with the last sections of the Cursed Earth
the Day the Law Died is great as well but idk if Ill post it
good grudd how horrifying
no more tears Spike
>Legion Of The Damned
Only dreams now
Post it! It has fucking Judge Fish! People have to know about Judge Fish!
Honorary Judge in death
the highest award a Punk could hope for
>everything is 40k!
You realize that's been a nickname for the Foreign Legion for decades, right?
I think he was implying that GW stole it from 2000AD, which, in all honesty, they might have. I mean, look at Nemesis the Warlock.
the final leg
Damn, Dredd has shown some stamina in that arc.
crawling across the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!
>worse than Stalingrad
>only 100,000 died
John Wagner doesn't know his history at all.
Yeah that's what I meant. Mostly joking though, even if they did rip it from here the 40k LotD is such a completely different thing from the one here that I don't care. It's a cool name that got repurposed. Plus, if GW is going to steal shit, I'd prefer they steal good shit rather than WoW or wherever the fuck they got the retarded AoS design from.
yea but they were probably torn to shreds and exploded/burned
alls well that ends well
everything wrapped up perfectly with no big looming issues on the horizon
Ol' Stony Face isn't going to go gently into the good night.
Mojave, Mo' Problems... Am I right?
Damn but does Dredd in that centre panel remind me of Rogue Trooper. It's the bare arms, backpack and helmet look.
Kek, you are right, I never noticed.
Ehh, while he probably doesn't, I wouldn't be so quick with that estimation. Overall casualties for "The Battle of Stalingrad" had about 800,000 dead and missing across both sides (and a lot more wounded and captured, of course), and that's across a battlefield that's spread out over 60,000 square kilometers and lasted a bit over 5 months. The Battle of Armageddon took what? A week or two? 100,000 dead (on one side) in that space of time is way more intense than Stalingrad.
why did Booth launch the nukes again?
He was a cretin.
Cheers for the story, man.
Basically he thought every other nation in the world was out to get the USA, made an ultimatum that unless they backed off he would start nuking things. He was certain the US missile shield would protect the country from retaliation, but it didn't work that way.
Where would be a good place to start with getting into Judge Dredd?
I like the art and the stuff that gets posted about him
I loved the Dredd movie.
Wasn't the Booth that started the war actually a time-travelling impostor from the future who went back specifically to fuck things up?
I seem to remember that being a storyline...
But then saying that, I also remember a Hondo-cit judge/private investigator woman who went a bit Tetsuo at the end of Akira with flesh warping weirdness and damned if I can work out if that was actually a real character in 2000AD or not.
Get ready for
America is a great story that goes through the entire franchise and the Judge's system.
Thank you! Been wanting to find a picture of it, but never could.
He wanted to make America great again and he didn't think the retaliation would get through. A classic case of believing his own hype
America's a great story but it isn't super accessible to new readers. I'd suggest starting with a couple of casefiles to get a feel for Dredd first
I was going to say "read The Cursed Earth and The Day the Law Died", but I'm gonna take a different angle: get Complete Case Files 24 and 25. These two books contain The Pit, a condensed story about how a Sector House operates. Dredd is sent to command the worst Sector House in the worst Sector of MC1, and sets about to purge both in typical Dredd fashion.
I always thought it was just a food cart or something.
Am I alone in that Casefil 13, pt 1's "Leviathan's Farewell" is in my top 3 Judge Dredd stories? Once I get home from the bank, I'll storytime it if folks are unfamiliar.
How the fuck is the fire from the building in front of Dredd's right arm?
Entirely, so it would be great.
>implying lack of perspective in a Judge on a carnal activities board used by the living
He's a big judge
Storytime commencing, Citizen. Your mandatory participation is appreciated.
Maintaining excitement within legal limits, Judge.
Storytime complete, continue about your day, Citizen
Where do I start if I want to get into judge Dredd?
Oh shit, it was *this* one. Good God some of the Cass Anderson stories are equally beautiful and solid kicks in the balls at the same time.
Thank you Judge, I'll just check into the clinic for some mood stabilizers.
That was just asked jackass. Read the frekin thread
Case File 13's a good'un. And the Psi-Judges will always be my favorite part of the Dreddverse.
Under article 408-TG, Citizen, I am authorizing use of One(1) Cigarette within your abode. Alternatively, Two (2) cubes of sugar or the equivalent to be consumed in your beverage of choice.
For LAW!
Wait Judge, beverage of their choice?
Any beverage?
Even Caffeinated?
Just to make sure they don't commit a crime you know.
I believe in the citizenship's desire to obey the LAW!, Citizen. Surely they would not abuse a Judge's special dispensation in such a vile manner.
A tanker truck is a single beverage if I drink it all in one sitting, right judge?
... Fatties.
That brings a thought to mind.
Who was the fattest Judge?
There was a one panel joke of a 'heavy guard' in one prog.
That'll do. Block Mania, followed by Apocalypse War, is another fun one, Though personally, just start anywhere. The stories are relatively self-contained and if they're referencing something, they usually let you know where to find it.
One of my favourite fattie bits is the sequence where a gang of them is breaking out of a cube (I think, could have been a raid on a food storage) and they get stuck in the gate.
And is his belliwheel the front end of a Lawmaster?
>Judge Glandular, reporting in
>Not Judge Fudge
>Judge Huge
>Judge Pudgy
From the beginning if you don't mind 70's camp and early I instalment weirdness
Volume 5 on for the classic era of Dredd
Volume 24 and 25 for the Pit as mentioned above. The start of the modern era of Dredd
Good god that hit hard. I can see why you rate it so highly, it's an excellent little story.
The semperest of all semper fi.
All better names, I figured he'd be a morbidly obese psi with a glandular disorder and maybe a need for huge amounts of sugars to power his actually pretty damn useful abilities.
he's supposed to look like a giant
Wasn't Jura Edgar a bit chubby?
Thread theme.
Also, Dredd hates the idea behind robot judges, but what are his views on heavily augmented judges? Is it just the brain being replaced that makes him cranky?
He doesn't feel that robots should be able to make the decision to kill. That, to him, is a human's job.
So a human that's basically a brain in a jar is okay to be a judge in Dredd's eyes?
I don't recall him ever having problems with borged Judges or ones with heavy augmentations like cybernetic limbs, so I guess it's just that giving robots the power of exercising law enforcement rights over humans. Note that he has little problem with non-Judge robots, except maybe with Walter for being a wimp and Precious Leglock for wrestling him. He even praises the Cursed Earth war droids for being harder than Walter.
President Booth was really gunning for the coveted "top arsehole" spot.
He's pretty cyborged up himself.
I'm surprised no one has ever made a Dredd mod for SWAT 4. It would be the perfect game for it.
Sounds like ol' Kim-Jong Un
Wait, seriously? I thought he was all flesh and justice.
Judge Dredd mini game when
He's lost quite a lot over the years. But didn't he get most of that restored "recently"?