So tell me Veeky Forums what redflags can tell you right away you are dealing with a shit player or GM?
So far I've noticed:
>Critical Role fan
>Numale looks
>Can I play this homebrew *insert snowflake race*
So tell me Veeky Forums what redflags can tell you right away you are dealing with a shit player or GM?
So far I've noticed:
>Critical Role fan
>Numale looks
>Can I play this homebrew *insert snowflake race*
Other urls found in this thread:
They have a questionnaire for you to answer.
>Questionnaires are bad
Found the red flag
Biggest redflag: being fat.
Seriously, 90%+ of fat players are shit people, if you cannot put down the fork how can you have the commitment to play weekly or biweekly for several months to a year?
In my gaming experience this is the biggest indicator that problems will arise, being fat.
I dunno, you can either shoot someone a Google whatever link and have people tell you what they want out of the campaign before hand, or you can spend a session 0 doing it, or you can wing it. With a new group, guess which is the easiest and is gonna make the game run the smoothest.
>Critical role fan
God yes, fuck those pricks. With their "but muh Matt Mercer" shit. I feel bad for the people doing it cause it was originally like a birthday present for one of the cast, I think, and then Geek and Sundry got their grubby mitts on it.
Bunch of voice actors getting together to play d&d? Awesome
Bullshit produced show with muh inclusivity and monetary investment? Fuck off and die.
I always have an initial test run of pc's. A first game to kind of see what the power level is and how people want to direct their character. Some things I have noticed as red flags:
>player uses the word broken alot, especially when acompanies with a slight chuckle and looking at their own character sheet
>they blow their entire load on combat. All spells and abilities and items for the biggest combined explosion of dice
>they solve problems as they would, not how the character would
*i.e, the illiterate half orc barbarian wants to take charge of dungeon puzzle because the player knows what to do
>there are no flaws. Characters have no detriment what so ever
>they ask about experience points
>100% against any fluff changes if dosnt benefit them, even if it would improve the story by leaps.
>if it's not their turn, they don't care
>butts in when two characters interact, always tries to listen into conversation regardless of plausibility
>finally, and most importantly, will ALWAYS argue about starting gold.
Last one is a big one. That is always the sign of clepto shit to come and is an omen of player vs. GM mentality.
why do people hate on critical role, shit's dank
Same. I play 40k and litterally every waac player at the store is fat as fuck.
>paying for a game
that's some pathetic shit
Pretty good list
Oh right, how could I forget?
Describing things as dank when not talking about a cave!
If you mean fat as in Obese, not just chubby, then it's not just for games. Fat people are trouble for any group activity.
Yea, Roll20 is also a red flag to me
>critical role
Because it's shit... everything in the half of one episode I could bear to watch was so fucking cringe inducing and just plain shit I couldn't even finish the episode.
Everything I've heard about it since has reinforced my view
>i.e, the illiterate half orc barbarian wants to take charge of dungeon puzzle because the player knows what to do
I would prefer this over "the player doesn't contribute to the puzzle at all because 'my character is an illiterate half orc!'"
Like, at least they're into the game enough to help out, this isn't a bad thing at all.
I agree with the others though.
Hair dyed some rainbow color.
Fatty here: I leave my fork at home when gaming.
Using anime art as a character reference is like the biggest red flag I've encountered over the years. I've never seen someone do it and not be a complete sperg.
Being an anime hater (or whatever other hater, for that matter) is also a red flag.
So... OP?
But I don't hate anime. I hate it when bad players try and force it into non-anime tabletop.
>Only plays paladins
Roll20 the site/tools or player base?
Exactly. If it's an anime RPG, fine. If it's a dark fantasy or cyberpunk and the player is trying to make an anime whatever, that's a big red flag.
Loli is like 3 red flags and you're out!
>player/gm hints at wanting to invite gf/wife for next session
>wants to play a monstrous race with a normal/semi-normal racial party
>zero effort into character backstory
Define "anime art". As in art from an anime (which I agree is a red flag), or art that is stylized after the Japanese character design aesthetic (like pic related, which is just a matter of taste)?
Don't forget "define anime art".
>browses Veeky Forums
>plays D&D instead of Pathfinder
>says the rules get in the way of the game
>mentions red flags, X-cards or suchlike.
A loli grimdark cyberpunk witch disagrees with you.
It's a good show, people are just contrarian fucks.
Also it's like politically left-wing which triggers a lot of peeps.
>weird hair colour
>"politically interested" but doesn't actually know anything about party policies
>problem glasses
>likes those weird sjw cartoons that are popping up now
>how dare people have fun
>literal strawman
Yeah these are just the worst.
You'd get booted so fast in my circle.
>those weird sjw cartoons that are popping up now
Which ones are those?
>plays and insists upon Pathfinder
You'd not even enter mine.
> Red flags
When the person casually makes racist jokes.
Being a retard isn't fun. If you don't want to even attempt to follow the rules, go freeform ERP on the internet.
Define "racist jokes". Do you mean jokes that are intended to offend the target of the jokes (which I agree with), or do you mean casually dropping the word 'nigger' or 'jew' into a sentence (which is a matter of taste)?
That's anime
The one with the fat kid about crystals
new powerpuff girls
and that other one which I can't remember anymore but somebody here will probably mention
>red flag thread
>mention red flags
>"Y u strawman dumbo?!"
>When the person casually makes racist jokes.
People who seek things to get offended by are definitely a red flag
>you'd get booted from my group for being a weeb
>W-well, you wouldn't even be allowed in my group, b-baka!
I'm sure this sounded more impressive in your head.
Both are red flags.
I'll agree that it's a red flag when a person uses offensive jokes without knowing the group very well. Not necessarily because of his or her opinons, but because it gives off a lack of tact.
If you dislike anime in cyberpunk, I would never play with you. That's honestly the biggest red flag I've ever seen in the form of an opinion.
No self respecting adult should be dropping the word nigger into a casual sentence. There are a couple of very close friends where it might happen, or who I'll tell a racist joke to, but if anyone else did that I'd be seriously concerned.
You're either socially braindead or a clear sperg if that happens.
>Critical Role
I watched half of what I thought was the first episode, but I think they were continuing a Pathfinder game in 5th Ed or something. In 90 minutes they were basically getting their bearings of some dwarf city and trying to learn about some rich asshole they needed to get to.
The voice-acting from the players was really, really nice. The players seemed to test what they could get away with a bit in the city without doing anything batshit stupid. Mercer punished the druid for forgetting about her bear wandering the city and frightening the locals. It all seemed pretty reasonable to me.
Without using memes, could someone explain the problem with Critical Role?
>Critical Role fan
Now that i think about, that shitty railroady GM i was stuck with because of mutual friends and small town nogames was a fan of that show. He would constantly reference it and apparently though of it as mandatory viewing for every RPG player. Even though it was pretty clear that he is the only one who every watched it, and most he ever gained from bringing it up was half-assed pity chuckles. Like, even our probably legit autistic player wasn't that sperg about anything.
Where did you grow up for casual racism not to be normal? 99% of the world can laugh about it and see that there's truth in stereotypes, why would you deny that?
I'd probably have a lot less fun in dota if I couldn't call the black guy I play with a nigger all the time.
how does that even work?
I couldn't agree more
>Loli is like 3 red flags and you're out!
It's pedoshit, I don't give a fuck what those degenerates say to avoid that truth, I find it repugnant, and so do any other non pedo adults
>inb4 sick pedo replies
you should all neck yourselves
Define "casual sentence." Do you mean a sentence like "I just wanna shit into nigger assholes" (which I agree with), or a sentence in casual dialogue (like "what's up my niggas" upon entering a room, which is a matter of taste)?
> A child character means the player is a pedo and must be killed.
> BADWRONGFUN intensifies.
Veeky Forums doesn't like to see people a) playing DnD 5e, b) having fun while doing it, and c) seeing thousands of other people spectating them also having a good time.
It's seen as causing a normie invasion of tabletop games, being too "casual" and having "too much storytelling." That's the actual problem people have with it. It's popular and makes DnD look fun so it pisses people off.
There are actual criticisms with how the game is run and stuff like that, but it's completely secondary to autistic screeching about normies.
AKIRA is a major inspiration in many cyberpunk works, Western or not. (Not that user)
>"I just wanna shit into nigger assholes" (which I agree with)
>shit into nigger assholes
>which I agree with
>when your first post in the thread nets some all-caps
Today I will have GOOD LUCK.
what do you want to play insofar as race/class/occupation/background?
>I don't know can't you just roll it up for me?
No, if you want to roll up a character and build a character from it then fine, but you clearly just don't give enough of a fuck to even do that seeing as you're asking for me to essentially build the character for you.
>that post
You can move the goalposts and strawman all you want you fucking degenerate child fucker, doesn't change the fact that you should fucking neck yourself
Having inspiration from cyberpunk anime such as ghost in the shell does not make your campeign anime, anime is just a visual styling.
Asian middle class office worker directly descended from emperor hirohito plx
>Playing a child in anything except a shota animu game
Dude you have to admit, it is sort of creepy.
Bait, take your (you)
Well, unlucky in trolling - lucky in something else. Here, have a kawaii elf.
>First time DMing
>Start with 5e
>Going over details with friend in his apartment
>His room mate overhears, says he's wanted to play for months but hasn't been able to find a group and asks if he can join
>Guy regularly browses reddit/tumblr and likes nat20 meme pages on facebook but figure I'll give him a shot
>First session
>Guy plays speshul snowflake drow paladin
>Rules lawyers despite misinterpreting the rules, keeps trying to split off from the party or convince them to drop the quest and overall has a real player vs DM attitude
>Party returns kidnapped noble daughter to her family
>That guy asks the noble if he can have his title and asks to roll persuasion
>Decide to humor him and let him
>He rolls a natural 20
>Guy starts cheering, whooping and laughing before looking at me smugly
>Noble responds that he's performed him a great service and that if he continues he may adopt him into his family
>Guy gets confused amd starts yelling saying that he rolled a 20 and so should get the lord's title
>I try to explain why he's wrong but he just screams louder and louder
>Grabs his jacket and turns to leave
>So mad he trips in the hallway
>Other player calls out 'looks like you rolled a natural 1'
And not allowing characters with that kind of visual style is absolutely retarded.
I think the second one is universally in poor taste. All I can picture are the groups of college-age white kids who call each other nigga all the time don't see anything wrong with it.
It's not malicious but it's a definite sign someone is determined to be ignorant. Especially if they start getting heated while defending their "the blatant double standard where white people aren't allowed to say nigga." It's not the right hill to die on in my opinion, anyone who disagrees is immature and intentionally wants to be edgy.
+3 to Intelligence
-1 to Athletics
-1 to Perception
+5 to Spirit
not him but
>I don't like you or your opinion therefore you must be trolling
I've been seeing that pop up more and more here and the internet in general, who started that meme?
Seems like a new form of
>I think that's racist and therefore not an argument!
Not that you two were having a real argument, but still, what the fuck?
> BADWRONGFUN intensifies.
Also, I'll have to ruin your cliche. I'm not a pedo. At least not as much as you.
Dude, I'm the one he replied to and I just ignored him because he's an upset weeb and those are less than a penny each on Veeky Forums.
What else is creepy? Playing anything but yourself?
>+5 to Spirit
>-1 to Perception
I laughed
Rip Van Winkle, is that you?
a 2d anime character would look out of place in a 3D world
It wasn't about his retardation in this thread in particular but about that shitty tactic in general.
Both are fine honestly. Well the playerbase is fine if you are not playing d&d pathfinder or any of the "edgy" games. Though you do need to account for about 40% dropout rate.
There are certain anime which are allowed a pass depending on genre. GitS art in a cyberpunk game is fine.
Moeblob shit should absolutely never be tolerated though.
Stay mad, pedoweeb
> I don't like you or your opinion therefore you must be a weeb
I could spin that into a fucking badass tale of some lonely business man, so into his work he has no family or love life or even confidence, is visited by his ancestors and must ascend to the throne. Mind Game levels of Japanese weirdness getting this hairless, scrawny, in competent man, guided by his immortal heratige, taking down yakuza bosses trying to gather his birthright items. Hilariously lucky shit happends and he starts to get a name as a new badass in tokyo. Women want him, thugs wanna join him.
I'm going to run this game someday. Thank you for the inspiration.
That I can agree with.
>There are certain anime which are allowed a pass depending on genre. GitS art in a cyberpunk game is fine.
>Moeblob shit should absolutely never be tolerated though.
I am not a big anime fan but I think this is a pretty solid post.
Good thing roleplaying goes beyond 2D and 3D since you have to picture things in your mind anyway? And pictures are inherently two-dimensional anyways. What the fuck dude.
Like obviously don't bring a gothic loli idol reaper with two giant scythes character into a low fantasy game where it doesn't fit; that's not a complaint against anime art, that's a complaint at anime fans being unable to read tone. I mean, come on, I have to assume SOME manner of logic is needed before making such wild sweeping statements as "if you use anime art, you have a mental illness".
I see that you're projecting, you didn't have to post the pic.
Welp, that's it guys argument over. through tough and extensive deliberation we have arrived at the final answer. No need to continue the argument.
Are you honestly so autistic you can't switch a character design between mediums when imagining what they look like in their head?
> Weebs
> Fat people
> Stereotypical Millenials
> "I like rules-lite games, rules get in the way of fun"
> Bad hygiene
> Mentions Critical Role as inspiration
I never said that anime art implied mental illness
> "I like rules-lite games, rules get in the way of fun"
You must be a lot of fun to play with - so many tables, charts, graphs and dice rolling...
The second paragraph wasn't really targeted towards you, but at the source of the argument.
no idea what you're getting at, but I'm not the other guy and weeb is as weeb does
>Thank you for the inspiration.
You're welcome, internet man