XLN Spoilers


This seems bad right? Most decks that run black, either run tokens, so sacrificing 1/1s doesn't do much in terms of getting health back, or they run aggro, and don't want to kill of their ammits or gifted aetherborns. But i guess black kinda is running out of card draws, with succumb to temptation and ob nixilis gone... But still... 2 mana and 2 life for one card, that late game gives you just more mana?

I would play this only for the first effect

How does the check for this work?
Could I cast Hatred at the very start of my turn and then have that transform?

It's cheap to get out but costs a little more than Greed does.

Bat God? I wonder if the next set will have Gods in them as well?

I thinks it triggers at the beginning of your upkeep to check life, and you might be able to respond to that trigger and decrease your life and have the trigger resolve and transform.

It is okay. Mostly a cheaper Greed. Good flavor and I love me some Diamond Valley, even if that shit won't ever flip.

Honestly, this is a card whose existence is justified for me by flavor alone. Vampires became a thing because of this one fuckup and being tricked by Bat God?




It's just a demon, you dork.

As long as they don't have the God creature type, whatever. Could use a giant Bat Horror or Bat Spirit or Bat Dinosaur Pirate Wizard that flips into a Swamp Vampire Beast.

Splashed it might be better, or with vampires keeping your life high. A mana sink that costs life and gives fuel to your deck is pretty cool, especially if you're just going to draw vampires that gain you life back.

Its flipped version is pretty uninteresting, unless your hombrew or EDH really needed copies 5-6 or Miren the Moaning Well.

Considering the ability says "At the beginning of your upkeep" yes it triggers at your upkeep.
But because it has an intervening if clause, you have to both have 5 or less life at that time for it to even trigger, and then also have 5 or less life when it resolves, for the ability to work and to transform it.
You can't have, say, 7 life at your upkeep because the ability won't trigger at all.

603.4. A triggered ability may read “When/Whenever/At [trigger event], if [condition], [effect].” When the trigger event occurs, the ability checks whether the stated condition is true. The ability triggers only if it is; otherwise it does nothing. If the ability triggers, it checks the stated condition again as it resolves. If the condition isn’t true at that time, the ability is removed from the stack and does nothing. Note that this mirrors the check for legal targets. This rule is referred to as the “intervening ‘if’ clause” rule.

Now we just need the "All dinos get +1/+1" and ping shaman cards.

Thx, good to know.

What's the best easy way to go infinite with this. Doesn't need to be standard.

Savage Stomp Hatching, then ping for 1 every turn.

Nice draft card

Akoum Hellkite + some kind of indestructibility or something. Maybe Darksteel Plate. Or 2x Retreat to Kazandu (2 only if you're retrieving Mountains).

Thoroughly playable

Mostly bad, but I'll still play it.

the flavor should have been "Behind every child, a parent's claws."

or Rush of vitality. You only need the indestructibility for 1 turn.

If you don't want to splash Black, just use Withstand Death.
But yea, you only really need it for that one turn.

you can't go infinite with it, but any earthquake/pyroclasm effect is gonna work fine.

seriously the flavor text is so shit, might as well hire neckbeards from Veeky Forums to write it.

Do note that Enrage says "Whenever ~ is dealt damage" meaning it only triggers once for each instance, no matter how much damage that instance dealt.
So dealing 5 damage to it will only give 1 trigger, not 5.


Not inifinite but with this guy, you can keep it going

If they really push this mechanic we might see a 1 mana Zap.

Like every other printing


Hope we get a Pyrohemia reprint, or is that card somehow too oppressive for current mtg?


just because it's an invocation doesn't mean it's not a common.

Sorry, I didn't know you were a retard

Considering we have a 7 mana "draw 7 cards" sorcery that does nothing else at Mythic rare, I have little hope for the future of MtG.

How do you fumble on a saying like that? It should be an idiom which only makes sense in a cultural context.
>"To strike a hatchling"
>Sun Empire saying meaning "To invite death"


I love the little "remade cards" you see veery set.

The set Pacifism, the set Lightning Strike, the 2g 3/2 set mechanic common is just a personal fav.

Mite b kool with Death's Shadow

Also a 4 mana 3/3 with trample that maybe sometimes occasionally will be a 5/5 trample for 4, at Mythic.

Apparently its
"vigilance, lifelink

pay 7 life: destroy target nonland permanent. Activate this ability only during your turn."

Straight into Edgar it goes.

Surprisingly cool mythic

ok, it seems we are finally getting the life outlet for all the lifelink cards.


Will this make midrange possible?

What about ?

If Rowdy Crew had just not done the Discard at Random it would have been worth being atleast Rare, maybe Mythic. But the Random Discard just kills it.

You missed the Tap part of the cost, but seems neat otherwise.

i meant like in general, as in, not just one card.

also, is the flavor in pic related a misprint?

So what are vampires supposed to be? They aren't aggro since they don't have any 2/1 one drops, they aren't aristocrats because only two cards make tokens and both are pretty costly along with no huge sac outlet for powerful stuff, they aren't midrange or control because of expensive token generation, lack of ramp, and huge game winner cards

wizards could have very easily printed this at uncommon. ffs they have lightning strike at uncommon this set.

Love it, if only because these vampire conquistadors are the coolest design I've seen in MtG for a while

We should be mad that Lightning Strike is uncommon, not happy that Spell Pierce is common

We're not even halfway through the fucking set yet.

>I am a complete retard who doesn't understand what Limited is

>>waaaa I don't like it when control is acyually viable in limited and I have to actually think about my opponents hand instead of just slamming creatures on curve

I cant wait to make faggots like you have a terrible terrible time at FNM

I think you completely misread me.

I think he meant lightning strike should be common.

Care to explain?

I know, that's why I am calling him a fucking idiot

I want to suck Seb's dick


We should be mad about things being wrong (Strike at uncommon)
We should be neutral about things being right (Spell Pierce at common)
We should be happy about things being better than expected (Answers in Standard being good again)

I still don't get why raptor are represented as the "take a blow and grow stronger from it" type. Is that a trope from the last scene of Jurassic Park where the female go after the t-rex when he kills her mate?
Seems retarded enough to be the reason why they would do that.

Terrible idea dude. It would completely throw out the draft as everyone would try and force red so they can control the early board and effectively neuter any agro decks within the pod.

Uncommon is just the perfect amount of spice for limited but will permit plenty of play in constructed.

maybe because they are raging raptorS.
So if they take damage, is like you maybe killed or hit 1 of the pack, so the rest of the pack jumps on you.

it could maybe the same for a group of anything that works as a team...
I dont know, but at the same time, i dont see much of a problem on it.

Wasn't Strike common during Theros? Did it break Limited?

the hour of dusk ain't the only thing that comes

they benefit from pings, not from big dmg. I think the idea is you touch them and they get angry... or they just wanted to use a hearthstone mechanic.

Wait, I thought spoilers ended tomorrow though?

Set doesn't come out for another 2 weeks, they started spoilers early

Prerelease is in 16 days
Spoilers will end next Friday

You're actually retarded, do you think promos change the rarity of cards aswell?

Yes, Ixalan is a first set in a block with only 107 cards.

>Now spell pierce
Who /control/ here?

Looks like it, because the French card just has the literal translation of "twilight hour."

Flavor text is a reference to pic related

i want to pet that bear

oh thank you! i could not live without having a reference in Ixalan to a 1998 portal common that is a functional reprints of 3 other way more popular cards.

Deal with it, some of us have nostalgia for Bear Cub.

that might be a bit of an over reaction to a small cute reference that somebody probably felt really happy about when they wrote it

Careful with that edge.

Nostalgiafags are the reason why people think dinosaurs and pirates are ok, when it fuck interaction and recursiveness just for some shitty marketting. Go fuck yourself.

ha ha ha holy shit you are so fucking butthurt user, just accept that your opinion is shit and move on with your life.

You seem a bit angry.

He's not wrong tho. Yeah, cool, a reference. But that doesn't make it good just for the sake of referencing something.

yeah how dare they do a unique setting, we should just have more sets that are allegory to real earth civilizations

also as theres been no previous dinosaur and pirate set it really has nothing to do with nostalgia at all and you're retarded

I could kill for a Chief of the Edge that buffs Vampires. 3/2 for two and a plus?

Oh wow, there's someone with a soul left at WotC.


More like disappointed. And kinda ashamed that people keep falling for cheap thrills and drag me with them. Also not

>when it fuck interaction and recursiveness just for some shitty marketting. Go fuck yourself.
>I'm not mad!

yeah u mad bro

The setting is good (apart from the mayans armors wich looks like shit), but the creature types are retarded. They're a reason types were revamped, yet they're undoing all that shit by introducing (or re-introducing) irrelevant creature types one after the other, crippling deckbuilding possibilities.

I don't have a problem with the apparition of dinosaurs, we had some for ages. Neither i do with pirates. Nor nagas. But gameplaywise, it's shit. Beasts/Lizards, Rogues and Snakes.

And the nostalgia come from references outside of the game, dummy. Just like when they were namedropping Galaxus and desperately baiting with "Lovecraft vibes i promise" from the neoEldrazy.

Why is that man wearing a dress...?

Well, neat that we finally got some smaller dinos. I'm not sure my plans for a Weenie deck full of them will really work out, even with filling the space with the Warriors, but they're still cool nontheless.

It's clearly a part of the cultural marxist agenda that WotC is doing and has nothing to do with the fact that it's a poor resolution image and that the clergy of their era this block is copying were known to wear robes.

You sure showed me xDD

Let's face it, telling someone to go fuck themselves over something they say is usually a method of expressing anger at that particular person.

Or again, annoyment.