>Featuring Amaz, Gabby Sparkz, and Jimmy Wong. Sept 7th 1PM PT via Twitch!"
Anybody cautiously hyped? I imagine its going to be more like Hearthstone then Magic.
>Featuring Amaz, Gabby Sparkz, and Jimmy Wong. Sept 7th 1PM PT via Twitch!"
Anybody cautiously hyped? I imagine its going to be more like Hearthstone then Magic.
I thought its a digital service like Battle Net where you can play MTGO, the New MMO, and the replacement for duels?
I just want the mtg with pokemon tcg client that will be alive for more than a fuckin year or two
I'm not expecting anything and I'm still going to be let down.
No, it refers specifically to the new digital card game.
How will you feel if they remove lands from the game?
16 mins to go!
>4 players = commander or 2 headed giant
Commander is so fucking boring.
uh, you don't get to bring blue
Said Duels wouldn't go beyond Amonhket, so I guess it's going to be a replacement?
>Gaby Sparts
>One of the most recognizable personalities in the MTG community
Pick one.
Why did they pick the most generic name possible, that is already used by multiple other things?
>show pre-alpha footage
>tell fans to sign up for beta testing
Oh shit Jimmy Wong, love me some Command Zone.
LSV is a lucky guy.
inb4 nerdrage
I wanna lick Gabby's fermented ass after playing long sessions of Magic with her.
>wotc in charge of digital products
>expecting Wizards to do anything other than dropping the ball
god these fucking sound effects are obnoxious
This is awful to spectate.
so it's MTG with a hearthstone like client?
even the logo is pixelated
*laughs at you in counterspells*
it just looks like fucking hearthstone
seriously, couldve been that hard to make a good version of magic 2014?
wait wait wait
phases steps are GONE?
why would a MMO be reduced to PvP? The tumblr cucks that are their new fanbase would cry about discrimination because their PoC-Deck fails against burn
it doesn't even look very good compared to hearthstone. ugh
>The focus of MTG Arena will be on the newest cards and game modes. Because of this, Magic Online—which has a library of nearly every card ever printed from the game's entire history—will continue to offer unique experiences to players.
into the trash it goes
>playing magic with only the newest cards
jesus christ, talk about missing the point of magic
How do they keep fucking this up? How?
Well, I know I'll at least be able to fap to Liliana's VA in the next printing.
>not playing different formats
jesus christ, talk about missing the point of magic
But seriously, this game isn't meant to replace the tabletop, but supplement it
They're not going to create anything on the level of Magic online for quite a while, if at all.
Hey, fan-favorite Samut is in
guess they're gonna be stuck in the 90's
Nothing to see here.
Just duels. Whooo.
i just hope this is good enough that i can convince my friends to try it out, because nobody is going to dive into MTGO.
Standard is only as popular because it's cheap(expensive maintence though) and WotC keeps pushing it. People want to play Modern or Commander, Legacy and Pauper also have decent support campared to Standard. It's not smart to keep pushing such unpopular format.
cmon son
Functional reprint of Gaea's Cradle was spoiled on the stream. Nice.
There is the minor advantage of them revealing new cards in Ixalan this way.
They just showed off a Legendary Enchantment that, when it flips, it turns into a Gaea's Cradle-like land.
well atleast that's something
hope they add commander or 2hg but i doubt it
How to flip it?
They need a replacement for magic online so bad.
It's the only system available to many people who want to play at a competitive level, or in many cases, at all.
Honestly, if the game has full GRE - which based on what the lead developer said, it does - and they want to add more cards to it with every new Standard set, eventually people are just going to start asking for them to add in the older cards.
And then they're going to want to provide support for Modern, Commander, Legacy, Vintage, and Pauper.
It's not going to happen right away, but right now we're getting a very early look at what the new MTGO client is going to be.
wow, that's a lot of instants being used
Magic Online makes a massive amount of money each day.
If you control 4 or more creatures.
Control 5 critters. It's a 3 mana enchant.
If anything Modern elves are its chance. Or Frontier Elves but that's gay.
Control 4 or more creatures by the beginning of your end step.
>They're not going to create anything on the level of Magic online for quite a while, if at all.
>put in all cards into magic arena
>give mtgo players option to transfer their collection to arena
NuGaea's Cradle!
I'd be totally onboard if 4 player commander is possible.
I wonder what the limits are? Can it handle multistep infinites?
If people didn't want to play duels, what makes WotC think they'd play this?
It is just duels again. Why would it be anything else? They're just trying to remarket it.
It looks like duels, it plays like duels.
Yeah, by people who already know how to use it, draft practice, and GP/tournament practice.
The interface is fucking ghastly, not to mention it's buggy as fuck since they haven't changed core components since it first released. The amount of hacks keeping it together must be staggering.
They went the hard way and gave all non-land cards unique sounds or VAs. Imagine how hard it'd be to record thousands of lines for all the cards that exist.
>blue deck
>no instants
>standard magic
I'm not playing that shit
Man, that just sounds like you live in an echo chamber.
And like... don't understand how easy it is to solve eternal formats.
It's just a fucking Duels reskin. Fucking wow.
If you just record lines for the Planeswalkers alone that'd probably be enough, and just use generic lines for every other creature, even the legendary ones.
But why? Why not just call it duels 2017?
Everybody with an IQ above 20 will see that is another Duels (with Arena/Draft).
They didn't want to pay to the company that developed duels.
harder to make people excited if it was called that?
That's what remarketing means.
That shit is annoying. Just slows the game down.
Duels also had the problem where the games took fucking forever for no reason, yet your time to react to shit going on was almost nil.
WotC keeps pushing it because that's how they sell new product. It's worrying how few people understand WotC is a business and they aren't going to make any money if people aren't buying new packs.
A rotating format also ensures you have a meta that's constantly changing. Modern has a handful of tier decks that rotate around in some dumbass game of grab-ass. The meta is essentially the same now as it was a year ago, two years ago, and so on.
Legacy is even worse in that regard.
Pauper has like a 100 pool of viable cards.
Commander is a shitshow where you can technically have a lot of variety, but there's only a handful of really decent wincons, so all the decks aim for them.
They gave every dino a different roar.
So what was WOTC's falling out with stainless steel games? I actually had a lot of fun stomping the computer over and over in Duels.
They probably thought "Hey people play these games, but we're paying too much money for them to do an okay job. Now we can do a shitty job ourselves for even less!"
>we're paying too much money for them to do an okay job
Okay job is still too high a praise. The Stainless games didn't even have fucking layers.
""""FREE 2 PLAY""""
at least its free
This better at least have full sets instead of that Duels shit where you only got like 40% of a new set.
free2play, free2suffer
Also means you aren't going to be able to just build decks you want to play, no, you have to open packs. So, there goes all my interest.
According to press release they want to add in every new set to Arena and have Standard rotations occur at the same time as the real card game.
They also had retarded deck building restrictions
Wait, more digital products coming? Shandalar 2 confirmed?
>full control mode so i can go turboautist mode
>I'm gonna love going draw-go
So who is this video game for?
Its not the new player, cuz they like powering up their new deck a la the planeswalker intro decks
Its not for the enfranchised player because they already own more cards than they know what to do with.
Is this for the super casual player who flirts with paper magic? Seriously I dont get who this is marketed to...
Hopefully digital projects can go back to planes like Ulgrotha or Kamigawa that are unlikely to appear in expansions
what are the deck building restrictions in this one?
No trading confirmed.
>what are the deck building restrictions in this one?
there are none
I was just saying that Duels, at least the ones that I played, only let you use 2 of each rare
Of course. Trading would ruin the f2p model because you can just make dupe accounts and trade with yourself.
Hope people enjoy buying boxes and boxes worth of packs in order to build a typical constructed deck.
Antisocial players who don't enjoy the idea of playing in person but want to play Magic online.
Players who play Hearthstone but might want to migrate away from it to Magic.
Players who play Magic in person but are in a position where they can't currently play and don't have a MTGO account, so they play this instead.
I can't think of any others.
i actually wanted to learn RPGmaker so i could make my own shandalar sequel. i even autistically went through all the cards since 8th edition and put together a list of the cards i'd put in the game.