Unknown Armies

Share your ideas for new Schools, creepy rumors, plots and all the other good stuff

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I once came up with a dumb cringemancer who gains charges from humiliation.

How do you get a major charge?

Don't remember if I came up with one.

Your old forum posts are read aloud to everyone you respect.

What's the taboo?

Humiliating someone else?

Wow. That is embarrassingly dumb, ironically

The idea of an anorexia based school fascinates me. I once took a course on this and the whole culture, psychology and community that surrounds that subject is delightfully creepy and dripping with symbolic paradox. You show the world by killing yourself. You prove your power by becoming weak. You become repulsive to become beautiful. The most natural, basic instinct in life (eat) becomes your taboo and the most primal mark of failure as an organism (failing to eat) becomes your goal.

Charging and taboo are obvious enough. What powers do you get?

Depends on what's your interpretation of anorexia. How exactly is it "doing thinness wrong", or however Stolze put it. What's it about?

Would anyone be interested in a street level campaign set in Munich?
I am planning one and looking for players.

Pic related.


>That is embarrassingly dumb, ironically
Stop it, you're just making him stronger.

This game sadly misses the real point of Fedora cringe by mixing it with just assorted /r9k/ and internet autism in general.

Oh Jesus I'd never actually looked at the PDF before
>for a bad, pandering joke
Someday we'll look back on "cringe culture" the way cringe culture looks back on the mid-00's

Any interest?

It's a fairly faithful, if grossly (and intentionally) exaggerated depiction.

Was thinking more Chris chan.

Here's a school about bodybuilding that was brainstormed in one of these threads forever ago that I finally decided to actually work on.

I've got basically everything figured out except the spells. Let's get some shit done.

And here's a really good one from an old thread that I cleaned up and made into a pdf.

Isn't the taboo supposed to be something ironic that defeats the point of the activity for anything but magic?

Doing anything that makes you feel pride. In game terms you'd probably break taboo any time you act on your Noble stimulus.

Text or voice? I'd be down but I'm really only interested in text games if I'm not playing in person.

> I heard that Santa Claus is real. He travels to bars, taverns, and pubs across the world in his downtime. I heard that if you can drink him under the table he will give you that gift you never got as a kid. I haven't heard what happens if you don't outdrink him though.

> You know Superman and phone booths? Doctor Who and police call boxes? Go find one of those booths where you can get your picture taken and just wait. Trust me.

I haven't been around for awhile. Is third edition out yet?

Yes and it's ultimately pretty disappointing.

What went wrong?

As someone curious about UA which edition would you recommend and what went wrong with the new edition?

Yeah. Mechanically, it's got some good things to steal and an interesting but slightly off core mechanic. The fluff's details are pretty bad (this includes most of the new adept schools and archetypes), but the overall cosmology and themes are still there. It's still a pretty good game, but it doesn't measure up to 2e, especially once you steal the gridirons and coercion mechanics, which port over flawlessly.

Also, the arts really bad, but I unironically like Ironclaw so art's not a problem for me.

Like said, it's not "bad" there just isn't really anything in 3e that isn't done better or more interesting than in 2e. The new adepts and avatars are extremely hit or miss and only one or two things about the new lore is particularly memorable. It's definitely a "steal the good stuff, adapt it to 2e, and ignore the rest" kind of thing. And the art direction absolutely sucks.

100% start with 2e.

Guy you're pointing to, I actually liked 3e from a purely mechanical standpoint, even with some of the weird quirks of the Ability/Identity system. It's the metaplot that bridged the 2000s that I take issue with.

Fortunately, the best option is the one I always use: ignore the canon players excepting the most powerful ones and fill up your city with fresh creations to surprise your characters with. That way, the only thing that needs to be accounted for is 3/3/03, and I've got my explanation cooked up for it.

I'm still pretty on the fence about the system, the couple of times I've played 3e it ended up taking a whole lot longer to figure out how the game works than 2e did. I like how the stats are directly tied to your madness meters now but I still think it's something that works a lot better on paper. The fact that character creation is explained over two separate books doesn't help at all though, whoever made that decision should be fucking fired.

Fully in agreement about the fluff though. I get that most of the canon characters were well into their 70s by the time UA2e stopped being published but I wish they'd gotten a better send off, or any at all.

I had a stupid idea, and I'd like feedback from anyone interested or someone can steal it and actually do it, either-or.

Instead of it being the current setup, chargen is done in the form of a survey. You fill it out as your character, then based on how you answer it you get instructions on how to fill out the character sheet, with a little wiggle room for customization. I came up with it during a discussion of Traveller's chargen, and it seemed like a good compromise between perfect customization and the fun of death in space, with the added benefit that you no longer need 2 books to make a character.

Could work. What kind of questions would be on the questionnaire?

It wouldn't be anything too fancy, things like
>>if you were walking alone at night, and someone pulled a knife on you, you would
>a. offer them your wallet, it's better than losing your life
>b. attempt to defuse the situation, but avoid violence
>c. try to take him down without getting hit, you know how
>d. kill him, he shouldn't have tried to bother you
or something like that determining Violence Hardened notches. The hard part is just coming up with a decent set of questions, plus how to do Identity scores. Maybe do one of those "rate the following from 1 to 5, 1 being the most important to you and 5 being the least" deals?

>A designer at Chevrolet made the first flying car in the late 1950s, all of those "retro futurist" posters from the same time were commissioned by jealous executives at Ford to convince everyone that the idea lies purely in the realm of science fiction. The original car is buried somewhere in an old factory in Detroit and hasn't left the ground since the designer died in 1976.

That would be a fun way to do it as long as the option of creating a character the normal way was still on the table, of course.

So it's this?

If I used it, people would still be able to adjust numbers or specific details, but the idea is to give you an outline that fits well with your vision, which gets around the main problem my group had with the chargen (other than the 2 books thing).

Pretty much, although more psych eval than aptitude test.

I don't know about most of the magic powers but the Blasts would be terrifying.

This seems like a pretty awesome idea, but why do the formula spells have nothing but names?

As someone who's currently cooking up some new magick schools, is it worth it to try and match Stolze's prose?


If it were up to me I'd probably base Charging on losing weight, but then it occurred to me that the mathematics behind that are complex even in real life and completely essential to the anorexia experience (how many calories in what? How many calories do you lose doing what? How many calories do you need to exist? How many calories per kilogram of fat, bone and/or muscle? etc.) that translating it into UA would be difficult.

Well the good news is half of Stolze's prose makes you cringe and half makes you think it's really cool so as long as you take out the cringe you'll be as easy to read even without the "really cool" bit.

>Rumors go that there is a office in a former government building in Karsruhe, where you can learn the art of trapping people inside any kind of waiting room. But people stopped going there because no one who entered the building has ever been heard from again.

That's what I haven't figured out yet. I was hoping to put it out to the thread for some ideas because the only thing I've thought of so far is a spell that lets you substitute your Magick skill for Body rolls.

Timezone? And like the other user said, text or voice?

Cannibalism is the highest form of flattery. Papua New Guinea tribes know this. Vampires know this. After all, you are what you eat.
The cannibal adept imbibes the very essence and being of those he's eaten. The more experienced he is, the more he is able to channel. After consuming a jiujitsu black belt (that he shot to death with a gun), he execute those martial arts with equivalent skill. After hunting down and devouring an Oxford professor, deciphering ancient languages doesn't seem that hard anymore.
The catch, of course, is that eating the meat of a non-human is quite literally a degenerative act. Every time the cannibal adept eats a non-human, he loses a little of his own humanity. As a result, a strict vegan diet is mandatory, but the cannibal adept must partake of his own kind on a regular basis or risk losing everything he's acquired.

I think this is a decent antagonist adept type, I wouldn't let my players touch it.

Voice, time zone GMT+2 at 19:00 on Sunday evenings

Would eating another cannibal adept be the major charge requirement?

What even is the blockchain?

Hey everyone... Guess what's back?

You know how everyone thinks Steve Jobs died? bullshit, I have it on good authority that he actually ascended, some say as the innovator, others as the con-man, a few die hard techmages down in the valley even say he tore down the true king and took his place since corporation have supplanted nations.

I do know one thing for sure though, Mark zuckerburg is the godwalker and the oculus rift is his play to get a seat in the clergy.

What kind of spells would an Iconamancer who modeled themselves after Eminem have?



Fuck I love you and this.

No problem. It turned out that Tynes pretty much left being involved in Unknown Armies in its entirety quite a few years ago, and so when someone converted his site from pMachine to Wordpress, Tynes never replied back, forcing whoever did the conversion to have to hold off on a fully reformated site until they could get the okay to post it.

About two weeks ago I looked into trying to contact Tynes as well, and had someone bug him on twitter at a specific time which ended up actually working. The site's creator had it back up with in the hour Tynes finally replied back.