That guy thread
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Polimorph any one?
There are many reasons why my group has banned that spell. This is one of them.
SJWs don't want easy Polymorph or gender changing magic. That would mean trans people in the setting would have no problems since they can just magically swap.
They don't want to win. They want to complain about suffering and be praised as heroes.
The art is dope though, who's the artist?
Sounds like you're just grasping at straws to get mad here, pal.
This guy sounds like a tool.
In any case, wouldn't there be spells or magical items to change someone's sex like a polymorph or a Medallion of Sex Changing? I mean, if it's a low magic setting I could imagine having to transition the old fashion way; but Blue Rose seems pretty mid-high magic.
Sounds like you're projecting
I have actually talked about how among anyone with sufficient wealth in a magical setting (like most D&D derivatives) essentially have issues of race, sex, sexuality, gender, etc. dissolve. Even death is only an expensive condition that can be cured.
The plight of trans individuals would simply not exist among the wealthy since they can mold their bodies as they see fit. To the right those problems would essentially be meaningless. Also because stat boosting items are a thing the rich are stronger, smarter, tougher, wiser, more charismatic, and simply better than their poor peers. Death means nothing to them. They're as beautiful as they want to be with magic.
Basically rich people in D&D settings are nearly a different civilization due to their magical enhancements and would culturally diverge hugely from the poor.
Oh fuck, I found the named artists, they're more than 30, this is going to take a time
Buddy, I live in the fucking Bay Area, probably THE most SJW part of the entire country, and play tabletop regularly.
I have literally never met a single person who complains about Polymorph despite the fact that almost every single person I know would be considered an "SJW" by Veeky Forums standards.
Stop being such a faggot and searching for things to get triggered about and go do something productive with your miserable troglodyte life
People want wish fulfillment fantasies where their problems are trivially easy to fix, but they also don't want to see their problems treated as trivial. It's a no-win situation. Whether you portray problems as hard or easy to overcome, people will treat it as a personal attack. So a lot of things try to have it both ways, where the problem is solved but people who WOULD have the problem are still treated as heroes for overcoming their non-existent problems.
They keep injecting real life problems into games meant to ESCAPE real life problems where most stuff can be wished away by the wave of a wand or an injection of nanomachines.
This happens when people base their identity on a single arbitrary characteristic like race or gender instead of the whole of their knowledge and experiences. In settings where those characteristics are irrelevant THEY are irrelevant.
It's like some crazy deaf people refusing cochlear implants because they see them as ruining 'deaf culture' instead of curing a disease.
If tomorrow they invented a painless way to actually biologically turn into a different gender or alternatively to fix whatever hormonal imbalance makes them want to, they would refuse it.
That's kinda sad on your part.
Then the only safe thing to do is not to bring it up.
SJW ideology is built around victimhood and oppression. They can't function without being oppressed because it would mean that they are responsible for themselves and can't shift blame onto others.
Imagine if EVERYTHING SJWs wanted in an RPG was given to them. People switch sexes at will, everyone can be romantic with everyone else, and it's completely egalitarian. Would they be satisfied? Or would they say that the writers aren't diverse enough, the editors aren't diverse enough, the artists aren't diverse enough? It's impossible to satisfy these people because they care very little about the causes they advocate, but only out of self-aggrandizement and virtue signaling.
>everyone I know is an sjw
>live in the most sjw part of the country
You can't see the forest from the trees, faggot.
This guy gets it
They're not going to complain about it because that would require them to admit that they're just addicted to outrage.
You're missing the point that no-one in his RPG group thinks polymorph is bad because it allows for instant sex changes.
While transgender mentality is an illness, that doesn't mean they're all batshit insane sjw folks.
Hormones can seriously mess with your brain, though.
Anecdotally I remember one of my close friends who went through the whole transition thing, hormones and all, full surgery works, and came out the other side passing pretty much perfectly.
She went into hormone therapy with a well adjusted view, went to 13/10 crazy "kill all menfolk" attitude about 3/4 of the way through, then once everything was lopped off and her hormone balance had stabilised, she became much more peaceful, apologised for all the harmful things she said, and not long after cut off most of her previous contacts, presumably because she wanted to continue life without past reminders of what she was.
The only tranny gits ones who want there to be a struggle are the ones who don't have the funds, resources of willpower to do all the stuff that it'd take to actually appear like the other gender, so they try to drag everyone else down into thinking "oh you have to make a huge thing of it" because they won't be able to make it and they don't want to see other's make it.
The ones who do make it? Don't act like crazy bitches/bastards after. Of course you don't see them because they're over and through with it successfully enough that most people don't notice them.
I never understood why it's an issue in most fantasy settings. "Sure, you would rather be a woman, stop making a big deal about it and save your pay so you can go down the local alchemist shop to just buy a potion. I know a rich couple who do it on the regular to spice things up in the bedroom."
>chapter on transitioning
>many snowflakes were triggered by it
Does this guy not know what "snowflake" and/or "triggered" means? Or am I missing something?
The other side thinks we're snowflakes for DEUS VULT, calling people faggots and being 'edgy'. Sue-ism is relative.
Then you get accused of not having any representation
In my experience, permanent shape-changing magic is pretty hard to get in most settings. Also often involves dealing with dangerous, unnatural creatures.
Tumblr is a bunch of sensitive special snowflakes that want their identity politics to be catered to, bitch about the representation of ethnic minorities, women and the LGBT community in nerdy interests and are easily upset by anything that stands against their beliefs.
/pol/ is a bunch of sensitive special snowflakes that want their identity politics to be catered to, bitch about the representation of ethnic minorities, women and the LGBT community in nerdy interests and are easily upset by anything that stands against their beliefs.
'Snowflake' and 'triggered' are applicable to both.
Artist is Marie Magny
Well this thread is off to an auspicious start.
Oh boy another thread decrying how the sockjuice boogermen are invading my hobby that I only participate in by complaining about on a Tibetan dhole-wrestling forum
>goes out of his way to make the game about sexuality/ID politics
>looks like a total fuckin mong
Color me surprised.
From a trans friend:
>I don't need to transition in rpgs, I can be a woman from the start.
Which is exactly the kind of situation where a party of adventurers would get involved to help someone in need or make a quick buck.
Fair enough. I was mostly looking at D&D-esque spell level logic, where Alter Self effect is a 2nd level spell. So "Alter Self Exclusively to Female/Male" seems like it would be roughly the equivalent of a 1st-2nd level potion.
Throw in the fact that in 5e the "what happens when you mix potions?" table in the DMG has "One of the two effects become permanent" as the 100. Since NPC classes aren't a thing anymore it doesn't seem weird to just say that a trained alchemist can manipulate that table depending on their skill level and on method/ingredients.
I don't think it's absurd to say a well known Alchemist in a large city in a high magic setting could put one together in a week/month reliably after the order comes in unless they run out of ingredients. But that's also something exclusive to someone who spends their life mixing potions and remedies.
Of all the reasons to ban polymorph it's kind of strange to pick that one instead of it just being OP as fuck most of the time. I mean if you want to get into things that make people uncomfortable that magic glosses over I would think burn and acid injuries would be top of the list
Look at the Starfinder forums and you'll see this verbatim, there was a thread about how queer the races were and the trans person in the thread complained that the sex change potion took away the struggle that trans people face, they even said that it seemed to be written by from a "white cis male" perspective.
I think the forum was called Queering up Starfinder.
Why play as a man who gets turned into a woman (save for fetish reasons) when you could just play as a woman?
Buddy, I live in San Diego among cucks and degenerates and I can assure you, most are appaled when I suggest that they use Polymorph because that would be "too easy" and "cheating". These people want to suffer and be ostracized, it's what they need to attract attention to themselves because most have an utterly abominable character
If your group has no problem, fine, good for you. But other groups have faced this problem regularly and your subjective biased view does not invalidate their experiences
This. /pol/ is as much about victimhood as SJWs, both are a problem but when you confront one about their shittiness they either bring up Stormfront/Deport All Mexicans or Antifa/BLM to deflect. Normal people care more about the other sides extremists than about the extremists on their side of the political spectrum because they are closer to their views, so both sides fail to dump their baggage and get dragged down in the mud. People need to be able to call out their own side for their shittiness and not be made to feel like traitors.
I could be the biggest rainbow prancing homo-man in the goddamn universe and it still wouldn't change the fact that nobody I know complains about Polymorph, which is the express point I was making, you drooling scumfuck retarded flaming shitpile of a human being.
So you're telling me that the SJWs aren't complaining is proof that they like to complain too much, and that you aren't an easily-triggered diaper-wearing tendie-munching pissbaby even though you literally have to make up imaginary instances of racism SJWism to justify being in a perpetual state of screeching temper tantrum on a Mongolian fingerpainting website?
For what it's worth, I do philosophy for a living and I think that part of the problem with modern identity politics is that amateurs and activists do not follow the philosophy so they are either operating on a misunderstanding of the theories, or are operating on philosophy that's hopelessly out of date. It gives a bad name to some concepts with some decent interpretations.
Don't bring the good folk of SD into this, they dindu nuffin.
This fucking threadful of crying, buttravaged bitches.
>My personal experience is this. Other people might have anecdotal evidence that coincides with mine
>Anyway your subjective biased view does not invalidate their experience
wew lad
Horseshoe theory is retarded and you're retarded for believing it.
There is no middle ground between truth and lies. Either something is true or it's a lie.
Stormfront and TDS are basically banned from the internet.
BLM/Antifa are protected by the government and media.
There is no comparison.
You have a containment board for a reason, please stay there.
Could you guys post some examples (verifiable evidence, not personal anecdotes) about trannies refusing to use polymorph, etc. in D&D?
Because it kind of sounds like this doesn't actually happen.
>I think the forum was called Queering up Starfinder.
>I do think there's an additional caveat to the serum of sex shift being as cheap and readily available as it is. With the future being what it is, and the, to quote Terry Pratchett, "black and white being too busy to beat up on green to hate one another," it's possible that issues of gender identity and sexuality have actually evolved in really interesting ways. Like, changing sex in most places might be like changing a haircut. Like, I fully anticipate infuriated blog posts on the infosphere akin to "my stupid sibling shifted and took my top without asking, which is soooo like them, grumble grumble" and all sorts of things. I wonder if, now that such technology is nearly trivial to obtain and use, if that itself is symptomatic of society treating the idea of gender fluidity as a given. The simple possibility of it is amazing for examining the inherent oddity of how restrictive we are with it now, as well as setting up many an interesting NPC and story-arc. Like, there's so much there. I'm super glad they put it in.
>Could you guys post some examples (verifiable evidence, not personal anecdotes) about trannies refusing to use polymorph, etc. in D&D?
The thread listed here pretty casually mentions the "problematic" expectation that Trans* people should use the Serum of Sex Change to transition into their mental sex, because "they shouldn't have to change if they don't want to" and "you're the asshole if you think they should."
The thing you posted and what you say you posted don't seem to be the same thing at all.
What kind of dumbass comment is this? Anecdotes are a problem when you're trying to prove a trend "X has a correlation to Y", not when you're trying to prove something in the form of "X occurs".
Are you looking for a video and just completely incapable of articulating this?
>Are you looking for a video and just completely incapable of articulating this?
More of a "can you actually show that ebil skeletons constantly complain about polymorph spells and you're not just inventing strawmen to rage about", really.
A video would be nice, or a blogpost more than 30 minutes old, or just anything besides "trust me it happens all the time". After all, I'm in your group and I know that nobody in it ever complains about this.
I like you.
>There is no middle ground between truth and lies. Either something is true or it's a lie.
"You're a contemptible faggot" is both true and a lie. It's true in that you absolutely cannot stop sucking dicks, but a lie in that you've never actually gotten laid. Hence, your assertion is shit and you're a contemptible faggot.
Is that pooping problem getting any better? Hang in there mate, hopefully you can move away soon.
I don't think you understand what snowflake means. It doesn't mean someone is sensitive it means they try too hard to be unique
>blm/antifa are protected by gov't and media
that is... literally the exact opposite of the truth. like it's remarkable just how fucking wrong you are. have you seen the number of centrists and liberals condemning both groups lately, especially as antifa (which isn't actually a group with a hierarchical leadership structure) has become more active in the face of an increase in neo-nazi and white supremacist demonstrations in recent months? you're an absolute delusional moron if you think the government (and perhaps more importantly, the police) are taking the leftists' side right now.
do you think that by accusing him of being delusional first, nobody can call you out on your skewed view?
It's well documented that the police have been told to stand down during black block civil disturbances and that several mayors of major cities are tacitly or even openly in support of it
Antifa is designated domestic terrorist violence by the FBI and BLM is being considered for the same status how is that protected?
Also Stormfront was only recently taken down because some of it's members were implicated in a murder that the site seemed to encourage.
Hey, I call 'em as I see 'em; the dude seems to have conveniently ignored the fact that the FBI is close to classifying antifa as domestic terrorists. Forgive me my skepticism here, but I do not for one minute believe, nor have I seen evidence to suggest that, anyone in a position with a modicum of official power is either tacitly or openly sympathetic towards black bloc; do be so would unequivocally go against the interests of power (and themselves in their capacity as agents of power). I don't count the mayor of Baltimore being in favor of removing confederate statues as being supportive of black bloc, by the way, since I'm sure someone's gonna raise that point eventually.
It can mean both buddy.
Snow flakes are unique AND fragile.
Right-winger ideology is built around victimhood and oppression. They can't function without being oppressed because it would mean that they are responsible for themselves and can't shift blame onto others.
Imagine if EVERYTHING right-wingers wanted in an RPG was given to them. People are locked into their assigned gender, no one can be romantic with the same sex, and it's completely patriarchal. Would they be satisfied? Or would they say that the writers aren't white enough, the editors aren't white enough, the artists aren't white enough? It's impossible to satisfy these people because they care very little about the causes they advocate, but only out of self-aggrandizement and virtue signaling.
I know you're trolling, but you should actually read what you just wrote. You do realize that none of the things you listed are things that right-wingers actually advocate, right?
lol antifa is cool because beating the shit out of Nazis is awesome and because liberals whine and scold them constantly which makes people like them more since everyone hates Democrat douchebags these days.
lol you want that shit and you know it
I think he means pol-fags not right wingers.
But clarity in laguage would be nice in this political climate.
Oh, /pol/. Yeah, that would make a little more sense. I'm not sure "virtue signaling" applies to them, since it seems like the point is to be seen acting against social norms- but then I guess acting against the social norm IS the social norm for /pol/?
jesus you're a fag, and I'm ostensibly on the same side as you, what with being a liberal and all.
>lol antifa is cool because beating the shit out of Nazis is awesome and because liberals whine and scold them constantly which makes people like them more since everyone hates Democrat douchebags these days.
I'm literally not sure what you're trying to say or whether it's sarcastic or serious. Have you tried using commas?
I think they virtue signal pretty hard, it's just their values (white purity, eugenics and such) don't align with those who normally virtue signal so it looks like something different.
Ding ding, we have a winner
>conflating liberals and leftists
>current year
I seriously hope, &c.
stopped reading there
In common usage within the U.S. the terms are largely interchangeable, it's not factually correct but it's clear enough for the purposes of most communication.
I know, I'm mostly just taking the piss. The distinction only really becomes relevant once you move leftwards out of the Overton window.
I like how triggered is a universal pejorative now. 'Member when triggers were a deadly serious issues that the left was going to force everyone to kowtow to? I 'member.
Every side has its virtue signalers. The term is just meaningless now because it's used for both people who genuinely state their principles and for insincere performers grubbing for social points (of their particular in-group).
Why is this bull shut infecting our hobby? Oh that's right western women.
The thing is, triggers are still something that needs to be taken seriously in the context of mental health and for those with PTSD. Their popular image has been tainted via mis- and overuse, but the idea behind them is still very relevant and an important consideration to make for those affected by trauma.
>Every side has its virtue signalers.The term is just meaningless now.
I doubt it's women, it's probably more that fact that everything is becoming political and people are being forced to choose sides everywhere.
Besides nearly all of my groups have been majority women and politis and gender never fucking came up, they were to busy trying to kill bandits.
I recently was running a game where I had a transgender guy that wanted his character to be a transgender guy. I asked him why not make him a woman instead because it seemed to me like that was undue suffering and difficulty. So he went ahead and changed him into a lady.
Just an anecdote but it happened.
>transgender guy
Come on, at least say "transwoman."
Most people don't know the right pronouns don't give them flak just help them out, otherwise you're making interactions between trans people and others more difficult.
I don't deny PTSD and triggers are real problems, hell I don't even have a problem with the concept of trigger warnings (but that specific term is ruined). As you said though, the mis- and overuse of the term dumped several truckloads of poison into that well. Just seeing the sensitive, empathic left spit the term out in the same fashion as their hated frogposting nemesis makes for a cheap laugh.
Remember when triggers were for veterans with ptsd?
Peperidge Farms remembers.
I wish I had polymorph. an easy fix would be awesome.
>anyone in a position with a modicum of official power is either tacitly or openly sympathetic towards black bloc
If they're influential enough to be considered a bloc, they have open support.
>I like how triggered is a universal pejorative now. 'Member when triggers were a deadly serious issues that the left was going to force everyone to kowtow to? I 'member.
Still are, the mocking usage just has way more breadth than the "I'm so un-racist I can't watch racist movies" usage which has way more breadth than the "I uncontrollably shake and hyperventillate in the presence of repeated loud noises because my PTSD is a rare and particular flavor of hell" usage.
Point is, I still see people applying and suggesting trigger warnings for fanfiction and the like.
>Every side has its virtue signalers. The term is just meaningless now
It's pejorative, so it was always a codeword for "people I don't like." That doesn't mean the actual meaning behind it doesn't have some utility.
>The thing is, triggers are still something that needs to be taken seriously in the context of...
>...an important consideration to make for those affected...
So is insulin, but since the number of people affected is stupidly small and the ways in which a given person can fuck that up is stupidly smaller, it's pretty safe to ignore unless you happen to be dating or counseling one, at which point they'll presumably explain it to you.
For normal people, it's safe to classify as internet slang and/or someone being a jackoff.
The Overton window essentially refers to the portion of the ideological spectrum that's accepted as legitimate within a certain political discourse. So for example, the US' Overton window has broadened in recent years; Sanders' candidacy would have been far less impactful in the mid-2000s than it was in 2016, simply because his democratic socialist platform has become, for a variety of reasons, more accepted within mainstream discourses since 2010 or so. The same, funnily enough, goes for someone like Trump; his right-leaning populism would have been derided as extremist rantings if he had been running in, say, 2004, before the 2008 financial crisis refueled middle America's fears about immigration-related job loss.
>if they're influential enough to be considered a bloc, they have open support
It's worth noting that "black bloc" doesn't refer to a "bloc" as one might think of it in an electoral sense. Black bloc is most accurately described as a tactic, most commonly used by anti-fascist or far-left protesters in order to make identification of individual members by police more difficult. I was at fault there for referring to "black bloc" in the conventional sense; my bad.
>I still see people applying and suggesting trigger warnings for fanfiction and the like.
That's out of sensitivity for rape victims who can and do develop ptsd from the event, and suffer flashbacks from depictions of rape, which are shockingly common in Fan-fiction.
Add to that the fact that most fan-fiction readers are women who are disproportionately affected by rape and that measure seems at least semi-valid right?
>The Overton window essentially refers to the portion of the ideological spectrum that's accepted.
Thank for explaining!
>the US' Overton window has broadened in recent years.
I'd argue it hasn't so much widened, as separated into two diverging windows of political acceptability, one on the relatively extreme right and a mirror on the left due to partisanship.
What do you think?
trans in "trans woman" is an addictive, not a pronoun.
I've gamed with groups made entirely of transgender people before, we all just made the characters we wanted to play. I've only had one person play a transgender character, and he had been cursed by a goddess and was seeking a permanent solution to the problem, but that was a low-level game and a low magic setting so polymorph never came up.
why would snowflakes be mad, now they can play their trans character like they always wanted
Yeah that's a weird reason. Imagine if one of your "friends" is non binary or whatever, you just make things awkward to force them to play to your personal social views. Now on the other hand imagine you all hate LGBT stuff then it's more like a weird circle jerk of edginess. All round a very weird reason to ban a spell.
>trans in "trans woman" is an adjective, not a pronoun.
fixed that.
>That's out of sensitivity for rape victims who can and do develop ptsd from the event, and suffer flashbacks from depictions of rape, which are shockingly common in Fan-fiction.
>Add to that the fact that most fan-fiction readers are women who are disproportionately affected by rape and that measure seems at least semi-valid right?
Imagine if video games had trigger warnings for violence, out of sensitivity for vets who can and do develop PTSD from the event and suffer flashbacks from-
You know just typing this is feeling tedious, you take my point: No. It's absurdly rare. Insisting everything contain a trigger warning just in case is like insisting every meal comes with an insulin injector. People insisting as such are either retardedly ill-informed about the topic or virtue signaling, and if it's important enough to mention but they've never actually checked the line is probably pretty blurry.
It sounds like you're fantasizing about a group of people that don't exist so you can talk about problems that don't exist.
Wouldn't actual trans people feel the most comfortable playing as the sex they wish they were born as?
I'd wrestle a dhole.
That's an interesting perspective on it, actually! I think what you're noting is absolutely true in terms of the behavior we see in Congress and the general ideological bent of the two major parties. I'd argue, however, that acceptability and representation of various ideological positions are separate considerations and should be treated as such.
I actually did a research project that incorporated this topic in my last year of undergrad: a detailed study of congressional roll-call voting conducted in 2010 (if I remember correctly) showed a statistically significant increase in partisanship within the Senate; put simply, the aisle was crossed less frequently, which points to a divergence of the positions of the two major parties.
However, I'd argue that in terms of sheer acceptability regardless of representation, the window has decidedly broadened; it's not as though to broadcast a centrist viewpoint is unacceptable for pundits or mainstream political writers. Rather, it's simply the case that the two major parties have such a stranglehold on the country's political process that the bounds of what constitutes an acceptable viewpoint for someone to hold in their capacity as a member of either party have absolutely split down the middle.
In some sense you could argue that the distinction is meaningless, but I think that there's something to be said for separating discourse as such from party politics.
(long response, sorry, I could talk abt this shit all day)
that's what I meant, trans women played female characters and trans men, barring the one mentioned, played male characters.
So what you are saying is that the altright are the true victims here.
It looks cute